
(photorealistic, masterpiece, best quality, levelled out image, extremely detailed, absurdres, 8k uhd, beautiful detailed girl, beautiful detailed eyes, ultra detailed, real skin texture, ultra high res, extremely intricate:1.4), (golden-ratio face, perfect proportioned face, perfectly beautiful), (laughing out loud, funny, very happy:1.3), glossy and red lips, (brown eyes), senior high school student, (k-pop idol, miss korea, korean beauty), (moles on skin), (short torso, long legs, huge hips, huge naturally sagging breasts:1.3), (1girl, solo girl, cowboy shot:1.3), (wearing lingerie, wearing stockings, wearing garter belt:1.2), (wearing lingerie, wearing stockings, wearing garter belt:1.2), (Paris, Banks of the Seine, eiffel tower, roof top garden:1.2)
Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality, normal quality, low resolution, worst resolution, normal resoultion:1.4), korean traditional building, tattoo, watermark, (Dutch angle, Dutch tilt, canted angle, vortex angle, oblique angle:1.3), second navel, extra navel, tiara, nude, naked, nsfw
Steps: 100, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 20, Seed: 1688397261, Size: 640x832, Model hash: 12a2597c80, Model: K_main, Denoising strength: 0.4, Clip skip: 2, Version: v1.2.1, Hires upscale: 2.5, Hires steps: 30, Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, Mimic scale: 7, Threshold percentile: 95, Mimic mode: Half Cosine Up, Mimic scale minimum: 4, CFG mode: Half Cosine Up, CFG scale minimum: 4