Kazusa (Band)


EX Skill : Historic Measurement 

Increases ASPD for 35.9% of all allies within a circular area

Additionally, gives herself 2 "Sugar Rush", lasts for 40s, max up to 2

Normal Skill :  Bass Tuning

Every 35s, increases own ATK Power by 37.2%, lasts for 26s

Passive Skill : A Familiar Stage

Increases this unit's own ASPD by (X)%

Sub Skill : Sweet Vocal

Every possessing "Sugar Rush" increases this unit's ATK Power by 10.6%

Max to 2 Sugar Rush stack can be applied

Yoshimi (Band) 


EX Skill : Happy Melody 

Increases this unit's ATK Power and ASPD by 112%, lasts for 50s

Additionally, gives herself "Sugar Rush" (Up to 5)

Each stack of "Sugar Rush" will expire one by one after 10s

Normal Skill : Visual Maker

Every 10 normal attacks, attacks an enemy using 966% of ATK Power as damage

5% damage increase for each "SugarRush" status all allies have, up to a maximum of 8.

Passive Skill : Rock'n Roll

Increases this unit's own ATK Power

Sub Skill :  Sweet Harmonies

Every 3 NS Activations, NS attacks deals extra damage porpotional to 119% of own ATK Power

Airi (Band)


EX Skill : Happy Melody" 

Applies for herself Explosion Effectiveness Buff of 118% for 30s

Additionally, gives herself "Sugar Rush", lasts for 30s

Normal Skill : Chocolate Mint's Entrance"

Every 12 normal attacks, attacks an enemy using 1349% of ATK Power as damage

Passive Skill : Bigger, Further

Enhances this unit's Normal Attacks and ASPD by 21%, increasing their Range 100 

Sub Skill : Prevading Emotions

While possessing "Sugar Rush", this unit's  attacks have 10% to inflict 24.4% of CDMG RES to enemies for 16s (5s cooldown)