3월에  뽑아둔건데 다시 키워드가 떳구만?

{A captivating digital artwork featuring Batman atop a Gotham skyscraper, silhouetted against the city lights. His cape billows in the wind as he gazes out over the urban sprawl, a symbol of vigilance and determination against the backdrop of the night sky. | An evocative oil painting depicting Batman amidst the chaos of Gotham's streets, surrounded by shadows and danger. His fists clenched in readiness, he stands tall against a backdrop of towering buildings and swirling mist, a solitary figure fighting against the tide of crime that threatens to engulf the city. | A mesmerizing digital artwork showcasing the Joker amidst chaos, holding a blood-stained playing card with a twisted grin. His eyes gleam with madness as he stands amidst a scene of destruction, the Joker's trademark laughter echoing through the chaos as he revels in the mayhem he has created. | A hauntingly beautiful watercolor painting capturing the Joker reveling in destruction, clutching playing cards tightly in his hand. His expression is one of manic glee as he stands amidst the wreckage of his latest scheme, the vibrant colors of the cards contrasting sharply with the dark, brooding atmosphere of Gotham City.}

챗gpt돌린건데 영 마음에 안듬 ㅋㅋㅋ

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