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Into the Spiderverse Jumpchain

By u/guyinthecap


Welcome to New York; the hustling, bustling city of opportunity! You’ve landed on Earth-1610, Jumper, and man are you just in time. The year is 2018, and for a long time, Peter Parker has been the one and only Spiderman. He’s made allies and enemies, saved the day countless times, and always seemed to bounce back. Unfortunately, that won’t always be the case. Tonight, the Peter Parker of this world will lose his life interfering with the mobster Kingpin’s plot to bridge parallel universes with his particle collider. Fortunately, the intervention of young Miles Morales will set in motion events that will bring heroes from across the multiverse to this city. And in the middle of it all, there’s you, Jumper. Your presence could change events dramatically, for better or worse. The multiverse is filled with possibilities, Jumper. What will your adventure look like?

Age & Gender: 

You may choose your gender, as well as any age between 14 and 74. Alternatively, you can roll for your age and gender to gain +50cp each.

For age, roll 4d10+8. For gender, roll 1d4; 1-2 is male, 3-4 is female.


Drop-In (Free): Anyone can wear the mask. You start your jump in an abandoned alley a few blocks from Times Square. This city, and all its possibilities, are open to you. Welcome to New York.

New York Native (Free): Most heroes don’t wear capes. They don’t fly around or lift cars. Sometimes, saving someone just means giving them a hot meal, or a safe home to come back to. Sometimes the most spectacular people in our lives are just unpowered, compassionate people.

Movers & Shakers (Free): You’re not just a random citizen; you’re a real somebody! Whereas others react to the world, this world reacts to you! Whether you choose to be a brilliant scientist, a skilled rogue, or a plotting mastermind, this city will dance to your song.

Webslinger (100cp): Alright, let's run through this one more time. Your name is Jumper, and for the last few years, you've been the one and only spider-themed hero of your own chosen dimension. Then one day, the strangest thing happened. You've been pulled into a dimensional rift. Now you're stuck on Earth-1610 until you can find a way home. Luckily, you don’t have to deal with the molecular decay that plagues the other spider heroes visiting this dimension. Time to suit up, the world's not going to save itself.


Each background gets their 100cp perks for free and the rest discounted at 50%. You can buy perks from other backgrounds, but you’re going to pay full price.

General Perks: 

A Life That’s Animated (Free/50cp): One of the most eye-catching things around here is the mix of art styles. This world is a beautiful blend of traditional animation and computer-rendered genius. Everyone has their own style, and looks that might otherwise clash get along better than noire films and anime. Now you have your own aesthetic that not only seamlessly merge with the world, but also show off your own unique style. In addition, you can choose to apply “comic book effects” like sound effects and onamonapias to your aesthetic, making your life look like something right off the written page.

But style doesn’t mean much without sound. This perk also gives you a kicking soundtrack that underscores all of life’s moments. Somber melodies, speeding raps, and everything in-between will give your adventures an award-winning score. You can choose to turn this music off, keep it as an internal beat, or play it out-loud for everyone to hear.

You can toggle this aesthetics package on and off, and get it for free for the duration of the jump. You can pay 50cp to carry this forward to future jumps, where you can choose to appear in your style, even in a live-action world. Can be purchased multiple times to give you a ‘wardrobe’ of art styles to wear.

I Was Perfect...And Blonde (50cp): Spider heroes usually look spectacular and you are no exception. Whether you choose to have rippling muscles, generous curves, or something else entirely, this perk grants you the superhuman good looks that makes heroes and villains alike stand out. Whatever company you find yourself in, you’re quite the looker. This perk also grants a number of smaller benefits, like the physical grace of a ballerina and a silky smooth voice. Even when you get knocked around, you’ll wear battle damage like a champ, and can even make an improvised haircut look good. Whatever your look, you wear it well, Jumper.

Hide Your Face (50cp): I’m not sure how you’re so emotive under a mask, but you manage to make it work. Pull off quirky expressions, longing stares, and full-emotional spectrum while keeping your identity safe. This applies to non-webslingers too, allowing you to be expressive no matter what obscures your features.

Multiversal Cameo (50cp): Some stars are too bright to ever truly fade. Wherever you go as a jumper, you can expect a Stan Lee cameo. He may pop in to tell a joke, or offer some pivotal wisdom, but he never stays for long. He doesn’t need to. He may not always be around, but he’ll never leave you either.

Great Expectations (300cp): This perk is a capstone booster, enhancing all 600cp-level perks purchased. As a standalone effect, you’ll find you easily grow to meet the expectations of others. If people expect you to be the smartest in the room, you’ll get a small boost in intelligence. If your superhero team is certain you’re their heavy hitter, your physical prowess will receive a noticeable bump. The benefits of this effect increases with the number of people expecting things of you, capping out at a maximum power increase of 50%. Rise to your new roles.

Drop-In Perks: 

Creative Outlet (100cp): You’re a talented creator. Choose one form of art or expression. Whether it’s drawing, drumming, cooking, or something else entirely, you’re proficient.

That Was Really Just A Guess? (100cp): You won’t always have the luxury of context or background information. Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of something big for no reason other than circumstance. This perk ensures that whatever scheme you stumble into, you’ll have a general idea of what’s going on. This won’t tell you how to beat the bad guys, or give you any specific information on it’s own, but you will be quick to connect the dots and figure out, say, that the superhero look-alike you met is actually from a neighboring universe. In future jumps, this perk will help you pick out the differences between the worlds you’ve come from and the world you’re living in.

Make You Feel Guilty (200cp): Come on, don’t give me that face! Okay, fine, I’ll help you. You’re great at convincing powerful allies to join your cause. Whether you appeal to their sense of morality or just give a convincing argument, you’ll be able to win them over. Just be sure that your targets actually have the power to help you.

You Never Taught Me That (200cp): When you’ve got a city to save, you kind of have to learn on your feet. This perk grants a baseline level of competency when your life is on the line. You quickly learn new skills that are immediately relevant to your situation. You’re no master, but if you’re thrown into the middle of a fight you’ll be quick enough on your feet to at least keep yourself alive.

Yo, Miles! (400cp): You’re quite the charmer. You make friends fast, and can carry yourself through most conversations on wit and smiles alone. You’re also quick to adapt to new environments. Starting at a new school? You’ll be fitting in after only a few days. Does the next jump drop you in a foreign land with an unknown culture? You’ll hit the ground running and be passing as a local within the week. Wherever you find yourself in life, you’ll find a way to socially excel.

Fast Friends (400cp): Sometimes a new setting or a big change in your life can take you by surprise and leave you all alone in a tough situation. At least with this perk, you won’t be alone for long. Whenever you start a jump, or go through a large upset in your life, you will quickly develop a network of useful and/or powerful connections. This perk doesn’t guarantee their loyalties, but it does give you a few acquaintances and several open lines of communication. Should you need them, you’ll have the first impressions necessary to reach out and petition for their help. This pairs especially nicely with Make You Feel Guilty.

I Think You’re Gonna Be A Bad Teacher (600cp): You can be a fast learner, and be as quick-witted as they come, but at the end of the day there’s a lot of things you can only learn from a teacher. In this jump, and every one that follows, your path will cross with a mentor. This person will have a similar skillset or goals to you, though they don’t have to be identical. They will be to you what Peter B. Parker was to Miles; a sound teacher with insightful advice and an eye for what’s important. That doesn’t mean you’ll always get along, and the wisdom they share might sound mundane to a novice like yourself, but the more you listen, the more you’ll realize that they are very, very good at their job and are dedicated to preparing you for future challenges.

When Will I Know I’m Ready? (600cp): We almost never get to choose our time. When you take that leap of faith, you’ll be ready. This is the power to become Spiderman in two days. Diving into challenges head first is scary, and nothing is going to save you if you walk into stupid decisions, but this perk will go a long way to helping a more earnest soul. You’ll pick up skills with just a little training, mastering powers in short order so long as you’re working hard at it. When you buckle down and fully commit to facing a problem, you’ll find a solution. Depending on the scope of the problem, that solution might require years of training or finding new ways to add to your power, but your progress towards your goals will be blinding fast compared to folks with less commitment and potential.

New York Native Perks: 

In A Minute (100cp): There are a lot of things that go into maintaining a household. Cooking, cleaning, and other mundane chores can use up most of your free time. Or at least they would, if you didn’t have this perk. Now, a day’s worth of housekeeping can be done in five minutes, leaving you with plenty of time in between jobs and other work to relax. This perk also speeds up your ability to prepare, letting you get clean, dressed, and ready for your day in less than a minute. With this perk, it’ll take a delay of superhero proportions to make you late for your day.

Some Do, But Not This Guy (100cp): Some people abuse their power. Some people ain’t you! You have the integrity and conviction to hold true to your standards, whether they be written laws or personal beliefs. It won’t always be easy, but you can manage. What’s more, other people will recognize your commitment. Even random onlookers and new acquaintances will know just by looking at you that you are a Jumper of principle.

You’re Trying To Quit, And I’m Not Gonna Let You (200cp): This perk turns you into a top-notch teacher. Whatever age group you’re instructing, whatever the subject matter, you have the training and strategies to effectively communicate knowledge and ideas to your pupils. You also have incredible insight into your students, letting you see when personal issues are affecting their performance. You know when students need to be consoled, and when they need to be pushed.

Great Ability (200cp): Everyone has skills that can contribute to society. Pick a profession, like doctor, teacher, police officer, or the like. You now have 20 years of training and experience in that field. With this, you have the know how to be a prime example of your profession.

Great Accountability (400cp): When you hold yourself to high standards, so does everyone else. A police officer dedicated to their job would cause their colleagues to take their own jobs seriously. This extra effort will make the entire organization more capable and effective. Pretty soon, the entire police force would be a dedicated, corruption-less institution with unrivaled influence and integrity. A school teacher’s selfless attitude would spread, creating the most committed and successful school in the tri-state area.

Get Up! Come On! (400cp): Your encouragement and support will drive your friends and allies beyond their normal capabilities. This won’t do anything crazy, but it’ll help them go the distance. The punch that was supposed to finish them will just leave them on death’s door. They’ll still have the strength for that knock-out blow. With you by their side, they can go just far enough past their limits to save the day.

I See This Spark In You (600cp): You push people, but only because you see what they could become. Your proximity will cause those around you to grow in leaps and bounds. Emotional troubles and growing pains will quickly be resolved. Your allies will master skills in a fraction of the time if you’re there to encourage them. Whatever they choose to do, they’ll be great at it.

I Said Take It Outside! (600cp): Even normies have to fight against superhumans sometimes. This perk gives you the power to fight above your weight class when you need it the most. Take Aunt May, for instance. Even a smart, albeit mundane, aunt can go toe-to-toe with Tombstone if it means protecting your family’s home. Enemies underestimate you at their own peril.)

Movers & Shakers Perks: 

Thief’s Toolkit (100cp): You’re a good enough athlete and acrobat to get where you shouldn’t, and the skills to hack, pick, and smash your way through whatever security stands between you and your prize. You aren’t a master thief, like certain Black Cats around here, and truly exceptional security systems are beyond your abilities, but this skill-set puts you a league above common criminals.

Troubled Past (100cp): Not all of us can operate in the open like certain annoying spider-heroes. Hide your past, your criminal identity, even recent crimes from the people closest to you. They’d need to catch you unmasked and in the act to know it was you.

Art Teacher (200cp): You encourage misbehavior. With a smooth voice and a sly smile, you tempt people towards less-than-socially-acceptable activities. Impressionable youth will see you as a role model, best make use of that.

Business Partners (200cp): Even in a world with superpowers, there is a limit to what one person can accomplish. You can be the smartest in the city and still not have the funds to capitalize on that vision. This perk gives you enough charm and persuasive skills to win over skeptical supporters and get backers for your projects. Get a rich crime lord to finance your groundbreaking science, or convince him that you’re an indispensable specialist like Prowler.

Wiz Kid (400cp): You’re a pretty smart cookie. Pick a field of specific study. Whether it’s from a lifetime of training or a 9th grade education from the 32nd century, you have a working knowledge of a particular field or doctrine. You might be a skilled programmer like Peni Parker, or a valuable engineering consultant like Aaron Davis. With your creativity and intelligence, you have a strong foundation to grow from. With additional time and training, you could reach the cutting edge of your specialization.

You Have 24 Hours (400cp): Sometimes your boss gives you an impossible deadline. Sometimes you need your henchmen to pick up the pace. Wherever you fall on the villainous ladder, there’s always a time-crunch. Unlike You Never Taught Me, this perk won’t help you learn new skills. Instead, this perk will let you accomplish a little more than should be physically possible when time is of the essence. That engineering project needs to be completed by tomorrow? It’ll be ready. Need to search through hundreds of pages of experimental data to find the critical breakthrough? You’ll have it by morning if you work through the night. This won’t let you single handedly build a skyscraper overnight (unless you have some other extraordinary skills to bring to bear), but when a plan has to come together in the next 24 hours, you and your underlings can move mountains to make it happen.

Egghead (600cp): Well you’re no two-bit scientist, are you? You’ve got the acumen to lead your company into a new scientific age. Granted it’s not really your company, but as Head Scientist, everyone knows it’s you making the breakthroughs. Your knowledge encompasses widely different fields of science, giving you an unparalleled understanding of the natural world. You could use this knowledge to make incredible strides in applied science. Combine your knowledge of computer science, genetics, and bioengineering to make the first DNA-based computer processor, or perhaps leverage your theoretical physics and material science knowledge to create futuristic meta-materials. Your prowess would make you one of the greatest scientists of the present day, and you could even start edging into comic-book tech if you had the time and resources backing up some proper research.

Empire (600cp): This is a king’s power, plain and simple. You have the management skills and criminal brilliance to run a criminal empire powerful enough to subsume a city. You can recruit and cultivate informants and agents on every level of government, have the people skills to bribe, blackmail, or persuade allies and rivals alike, and inspire an unswerving loyalty from those within your organization. Yours is a tight ship, and however big your organization becomes, you’ll be able to rule it with an iron fist. You’re gonna run this town.)

Webslinger Perks: 

It's Kind of a Long Story (100cp): Well, sometimes it isn’t, but you still need to bring everyone up to speed. With this perk, you’re an expert in conveying your backstory and origins to people in a concise and understandable way. People you share your origin with will be more understanding of a Jumper’s odd circumstances. You may also choose to keep parts of your backstory vague if there’s something you don’t want to talk about. Only the most inquisitive acquaintances will press you for information.

Webslinging Wit (100cp): No matter how busy or banged up Spiderman is, he always seems to have a one-liner primed and ready. Now you match his quick wit and talent for comebacks. You have great comedic timing, an impenetrable straight face, and are genuinely quite funny when you want to be. You also find it easier to taunt and goad your enemies.

You got a problem with Cartoons? (200cp): You may look all soft and cuddly, but that doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. Even still, your enemies will judge you on sight. They might laugh at you, or ignore you completely, but they’re definitely not going to consider you a threat right away. They’ll catch on quick if you prove yourself competent, so make that opening shot count!

We Just Need Bowties (200cp): You find it easy to sneak into anywhere with minimal preparation. Your disguise skills let you coast by most security, and appropriate attire (such as a lab coat or bowtie) will get you anywhere you can physically infiltrate. Unless you’re thoroughly questioned, no one will recognize you.

I Always Get Up (400cp): As amazing as Spiderman is, he’s not all that powerful. Sure, he can dance with some serious characters, his real power isn’t his strength or his speed, or even his smarts. Spiderman doesn’t quit, and now neither do you. Your willpower is boosted to superhuman levels, letting you fight through pain, injury, and anything else that might keep you from accomplishing your mission. This doesn’t grant you any healing, so you’ll still have to deal with those injuries in your own way, but enemies will have to put you down for good if they want to stop you.

When I Do My Best Work (400cp): There’s always a little bit of time before everybody dies, and you know how to make the most of it! Unlike You Never Taught Me, which applies to personal learning, this perk amplifies your ability to help others. The greater the time-crunch, the closer the villain’s plans are to completion, the more effective you are. This won’t triple your strength or make you ten times as fast, but it will put you in the zone, making every punch a knockout blow and every movement a graceful dodge.You won’t gain new power, but what power you do have will harmonize with your need to get the job done. When so much is at risk, you can’t afford mistakes.

Do I Want Kids? (600cp): The superhero gig isn’t for everyone. Peter B. Parker dedicated so much time to crime-fighting that his marriage fell apart, and most of the other spider heroes have similar problems with their personal life. With this perk, you can sidestep all the conflicts between your personal life and your job as a hero. You gain a strong balance between your hero work and your private life when you purchase this perk. Your time management skills become superhuman, and you’re inherently aware of potential conflicts between your hero work and the rest of your life. Those who know your secret identity will be supportive and understanding of your vigilantism, and will accept your commitment to justice, and the public’s opinion of your hero work will never interfere with your day once you hang up the mask. Post-jump, this also applies to other jobs, allowing you to balance work with other commitments. With a perk like this, you can be a hero and still enjoy your life. Don’t waste it, Jumper.

Old Guard (600cp): Normally as a webslinger you’d start with a few years of experience. Now, you’re starting with a decade. With so much time under your belt, you’ve picked up on lots of tricks and skills to make you a much better hero. Your aim with your webshooter is so precise you could pick a flash-drive out of an open mouth or hit a doorbell from 30ft away. Constant crime-fighting has honed your deductive reasoning and investigative skills, letting you quickly pick up new leads and shutdown villains mid-plot. You also excel at planning; after all you’ve seen it all before. Whether you’re the type to have a dozen contingencies for every outcome or prefer to improvise in the moment, you can reliably work around changing events to get the outcome you want. Together, these skills make you a vigilant, hypercompetent hero. Break into that secret lab, instantly memorize that random password by seeing a reflection of it, and then fight your way out when the whole plan goes awry. If there was such a thing as an expert hero, you’re it, Jumper.

Powers & Suits: 

Webslingers and Movers & Shakers get an extra 400cp to spend on this section only Powers:

Hardcase (200cp): Like Tombstone himself, you’re a tough nut to crack. This power package slightly boosts strength, but mainly focuses on durability. Your skin becomes incredibly hard, making you impervious to small-arms fire and highly resistant to impact damage from even superhuman threats. You become immune to toxins and poisons and resistant to extreme temperatures. Comes with your choice of chrome or dull-steel colored skin.

Hobgoblin (150cp): Norman Osborn’s Super Soldier-Lite serum. This formula enhances your own strength and speed to be on par with Olympic athletes, slightly improves your durability, and gives you a slow but powerful healing factor. You also gain a resistance to falling damage, as well as peak-human reflexes.

+Greenskin (150cp): For an additional 150cp, you can upgrade your goblin formula, becoming a 30 feet tall winged monster. You now have the strength to toss shipping containers, armored scales durable enough to withstand explosions, and the constitution to survive a 100ft fall. Your powerful wings also grant you a limited form of flight. Warning; not immune to head trauma.

Monarch (400cp): A king should sit above their subjects. A combination of intense physical conditioning and genetic therapies have pushed your capabilities to the physical limits of human body. At 8 feet tall, you’re an absolute mountain of muscle. As the ultimate human specimen, you have incredible stamina, and maintain an unrivaled level of health through illnesses, injuries, and chronic conditions. As a side benefit, you’re in the top percentile for neuroplasticity. While this doesn’t grant intelligence outright, your mind is equipped to quickly learn new skills and adapt from past experiences. A year of intense training and study would make you equals with someone who had spent a decade pursuing the same goals.

This combination of brains and brawn synergize with each other to make you a complete and utter powerhouse. The shockwaves from your blows could shatter windows, and the punches themselves could tear through steel or kill even an enhanced spider hero. Plot your revenge, throw a taxi cab, walk off a multi-story fall, and still get up to smash your enemies. Yours is the power to rule this world. Be king of the jungle, Jumper.

Spider Package (200cp): It takes a versatile, well-rounded package to become a city’s hero. With this package, you gain the proportional strength of a spider, letting you lift cars or throw people through a wall. You also get a sizable boost to your durability. After all, spider heroes regularly crack concrete with their impacts and seem to walk away fine. Still, you’re no brute. Your agility and sense of balance would let you weave through traffic or leap across rooftops as easily as walking down the street. With a running start, you could clear a 40ft gap with no trouble. You also get a few fringe benefits, like the ability to stick to walls and healing factor that will fix up most injuries in a day or two. Finally, you receive the all-powerful Spidersense. This danger-detector alerts you to incoming threats, and boosts your reflexes to help you avoid attacks and projectiles. Between this and your boosted agility, you could even dodge bullets after they’re fired. This Spidersense will rebound off similar precognitive abilities, letting you identify other spider heroes as you encounter them.

Additional Powers:

Buying the Spider Package also lets you select one additional power costing 150cp or less. Other additional powers can be added on or purchased completely separate for the marked price.

Improved Spider Sense (100cp): Like Gwen Stacy, your Spidersense doesn’t just alert to immediate danger. You find yourself guided to plot-relevant locations or places where you’re needed.

Psychic Link (100cp): Like Peni Parker, you have manifested a unique psychic ability. You are able to link your mind to one person or creature, allowing you to communicate wordlessly across any distance. If you also purchase the Sp//dr item, you may control it with your thoughts as well.

Brute Form (150cp): Sometimes you need a scalpel, and sometimes you need a hammer. By surrendering a bit of your fine control, you can become a hulking, muscular form of your current self. This form has ten times the strength of your normal form, but lacks some of your fine motor skills. Make sure to wear stretchy clothes, Jumper.

Venom Blast (150cp): That’s quite a lightshow, Jumper. Your body can now generate and channel bioelectricity, letting you release it in devastating attacks. To start, you can create enough of a charge to stun an average human. With time and training, your lightning could fry even powerful superhumans.

Camouflage (150cp): Where’d you go, Jumper? You body now emits a light-bending field, allowing you to appear invisible. The field is large enough to cover clothing, so no need to fight crime in the buff. Training and practice will increase your fine control, allowing you to mask larger objects and potentially even another person.

Noir Magic (200cp): Now we’re starting to get weird, Jumper. You didn’t get your powers from a scientific marvel; you were granted them from an eldritch spider-god. The magical source of your powers means you produce your own organic webbing, and don’t have to rely on tech-based webshooters. Additionally, your healing factor has been kicked into overdrive. Where a normal spider-hero might heal from a gunshot wound over a day or two, you heal in hours, and can’t be stopped by a petty thing like pain. Suffer through severe harm and trauma and keep on fighting. A gritty world requires a hero made of grit, and just because you don’t understand your where your powers come from doesn’t mean you can’t use them to fight for justice.

Toon Physics (600cp): Your enemies better not have a problem with cartoons. Your powers now let you bend or outright break most laws of reality. You can pull useful equipment from the smallest of pockets as long as it’s smaller than a refrigerator. You could distort your body into odd shapes to look around corners or squeeze through crowds. You could hang in midair without falling, or even swap places with someone between camera cuts. If you’ve seen it in a Saturday Morning cartoon, chances are you can do it. You’re also crazy durable, and are more likely to bounce and stretch than be broken by heavy impacts. Taking an anvil to the face is still going to hurt a lot, but now you’ll just be comically flattened instead of horribly squashed. You decide what rules you want to play by.

Super Suits:

Goblin Belt (50cp): For Jumpers on a budget. This option comes with a belt’s worth of Pumpkin Bombs, some leather bracers, and not much else.

Prowler Suit (100cp): Add a touch of Dubstep to your extralegal activities. This costume’s electrostatic boots enhance your mobility and while allowing you to wall-run for a few seconds at a time. The steel-tipped hydraulic claws built into this costume’s gauntlets let you tear through thin walls and even metal car frames. To top it all off, you have a highly advanced heads-up display capable of thermal and low-light vision, computer networking, and secure communication. Just be careful, this costume is definitely not bulletproof.

Mechanical Octopus Suit (100cp): The vanilla option of eight-limbed enhancement, this support frame connects to eight highly durable mechanical arms. Each of the metal limbs is strong enough to punch through a brick wall. With a few working in concert, you could throw a car across half a city block. Unlike the original design, these arms are removable.

Alkemax Oc-Suit (200cp): An Earth-1610 upgrade of the original Octo-arms, this system comes with a form fitting bodysuit and a minimal HUD built into a pair of goggles. Instead of metal arms, the suit’s appendages are formed by a milky hydraulic gel suspended in a translucent sleeve. This lets you extrude and retract the arms at will, as well as allowing them to stretch much farther than the original arms. The ends of these tentacles are claws, but they can be modified to carry sawblades and other specialized tools. Be aware that this suit offers very little in the way of head or impact protection, but with so many arms intercepting threats, you shouldn’t need it, right?

Anthro Armor (300cp): Now we’re getting into the options that truly earn the name “armor”. This animal-themed purchase comes in one of two forms. First, you could choose to gain a cyborg body like the Scorpion. Your new form wouldn’t necessarily have to be humanoid, and you may choose to add extra appendages and weapons, like a scorpion stinger. Your second option is an armored suit similar to the Rhino. This combat exoskeleton incorporates advanced tactical sensors, biosynthetic muscles, and armor plating so thick your enemies will need anti-tank weapons to stop you. Either way, you’ll be tough; as in tough enough to smash through houses or no-sell a falling anvil. You won’t be treading lightly with this suit. But then again, when you’re a walking wrecking ball, that doesn’t really matter.

Spider Suits:

(Suit functions may be combined if purchased together. If you’d like to import a similar existing suit, you may do so. If damaged, a new suit is delivered to your warehouse in 1 week.)

Classic Suit (100cp, Free Webslinger): Here’s your baseline option. A form-fitting suit made of durable but otherwise ordinary fabric, customized to your colors and aesthetics. Sometimes you can’t touch a classic.

+Integrated Clothing (0cp): Hoodies, jackets, backpacks, and shoes. This option combines your baseline suit with some stylized clothing, letting you customize your look even more. Note that while clothing may offer some marginal benefits, like rain protection or extra pockets, clothing added in this way offers no protective benefits.)

Caped Costume (100cp): Not your typical upgrade, this fashionable costume boosts your charisma and public speaking skills. As a bonus, your cape is guaranteed not to get caught on anything or impede your hero duties.

Secret Wars Suit (100cp): When you fight from the shadows, it helps to bring your enemies into the dark. This dark-colored suit is hardened against EMPs, and can generate its own electromagnetic pulse to disrupt and destroy any electronics your enemies are carrying.

Stealth Suit (100cp): When your really don’t want to be seen, you wear this. Specially designed to bend light and muffle sound, this suit will turn you into a ghost.

Bulletproof (100cp/200cp): If you can’t avoid a hit, you need to be tough enough to take it. The Mark 1 up-armored variant adds metal plates over critical areas of the body, letting you withstand bullets up to rifle-calibers. For an additional 100cp, you can instead choose the Mark 2, gaining stronger armor and greater coverage over your body. This gold-trimmed variant shields up to heavy machine gun calibers while still leaving enough mobility to pursue your usual roof-climbing antics.

Electro-suit (200cp): Designed for Spiderman’s fight against Electro, this suit offers better insulation against energy attacks, electric shocks, and thermally extreme environments.

Advanced Costume (300cp): With its bright white spider, this suit looks like it belongs in a video game. Upgraded webshooters offer an arsenal of web attacks while ballistic weave and kinetic gel enhance your already impressive durability. Still more spectacular is this suit’s integrated computer suite, giving you secure radio communications alongside automated navigation and environment mapping. This is the pinnacle of Parker-tech.

Iron Spider (500cp): But maybe you don’t want Parker-tech. Maybe you have friends in high places. A gold-titanium alloy shell offers high durability without the weight that would hinder your agility. Cutting edge nanotechnology allows the suit to be self-repairing and mind-bogglingly adaptable. With enough programming and engineering skills, individual modes and modules can be designed to counter any situation. This suit also features four extendable spider arms for extra strength, mobility, and offensive power. There is a stark difference between this suit and all the others. The advanced suit may have been the best Peter Parker could make, but this suit is the best. Period.


Import (50cp/200cp): Maybe you’ve already got a crew, and you just want to let them buy into this spider-themed adventure. For every 50cp you spend, you may import up to two previous companions. You may purchase this multiple times, up to a maximum of 8 companions for 200cp. They each receive a background, all the attached freebies, and 600cp to spend. They can also take drawbacks to increase this amount though be wary; their problems will certainly become your problems.

Custom Companion (50cp/200cp): Perhaps you’re looking to make friends with the locals, or maybe there were more than five webslingers pulled to Earth-1610. By spending 50cp, you may create up to two new companions using this jump. Just like before, you can purchase this multiple times, up to a maximum of 8 companions for 200cp. They also receive a background, the attached freebies, and 600cp

Canon Companion (200cp): You have your eye on someone specific, do you? By paying 200cp, you can bring one of the heroes, villains, or side characters with you on your own adventure. You’ll still have to convince them to join you, but there are more than a few people here that would jump at the chance to change their fate.

Alternate Universe Jumper (600cp): Your new companion comes from a parallel universe very close to your own. Like Peter B. Parker, your doppelganger might be slightly older or younger, or look a tad different, but will otherwise have all your perks and almost all your experiences. Be responsible, Jumper. Your single presence will change this universe forever; just imagine what two of you will do!


Drop-Ins and New York Natives get an extra 300cp to spend on this section only. Origins get both their 100cp items free and discounts on all items matching their backgrounds.

General Items: 

Little Bald Man (50cp): This golden statuette is a legitimate Oscar for the award-winner in all of us. Wherever your jumper goes, people will recognize your accomplishments when they see this Academy Award.

Breakfast Bagel (50cp): This wholesome and fulfilling breakfast bagel is perfect for your needs. You don’t carry it so much as find it, but you’ll always be able to spot one when you need it. Doubles as a decent thrown weapon.

Infinite Gumballs (50cp): Exactly what it says on the tin. This clear plastic jar can contain gumballs, hard candies, or another kind of small snack food. The snacks quickly refill, but any food removed from the jar quickly disappears if not eaten.

Hammerspace Hammer (50cp): Never underestimate the power of properly applied blunt force! This sizeable wooden mallet has a fair amount of heft to it, and must be wielded with both hands for maximum effectiveness. And yet, it will always fit in your pocket, no matter how small. Good for fitting a real wallop into a small package!

Greyscale Getup (100cp): A stylish getup for any glitzy soiree. This outfit may be from another time period or might completely clash with local styles, but you’ll still look snazzy! The Black-&-White color effect is optional, and while it can be toggled off, expect people to notice your lack of color if it’s on.

Drop-In Items: 

Here’s My Story (100cp): It appears Jumpchan is quite the artist, and has been paying very close attention to your journey. This series of comic books portrays all of your Jumper’s adventures and exploits. It is drawn and colored in a style that represents your identity, whether that be a classic golden-age look, a gritty noir drama, a Saturday morning cartoon, a stylized anime, or something even more unique. These comics are great for reminiscing or for introducing new people to your story. You can purchase this multiple times for different styles.

Art Supplies (100cp): Every artist needs their tools. Whether it be an entire rainbow’s worth of spray paint cans, a top-of-the-line musical instrument, or a professional drawing table, each purchase of this item gives you the supplies for one type of art-based hobby.

Read The Manual (200cp): Your problems and powers don’t usually come with instruction manuals, but these comics are the next best thing. You’ll receive regular shipments of comic books relevant to your challenges. If you’re struggling to master your new spider-powers, your monthly order may include an issue about the original Spiderman coming to terms with his abilities. If you’re having a tough time processing the death of a close friend, perhaps you’ll find an issue of Spider-Gwen in your mailbox. These won’t always translate directly, and won’t always be spider-themed, but they will show you how another protagonist coped with a similar problem. Maybe you just need a little inspiration to get you through this rough patch?

It’s a Life Choice (200cp): If you want to stand out wherever you go, then this is the outfit for you. Whether you choose to express yourself with untied shoes, pants that are too short, or an outrageous and zany costume, you’ll never be judged for wearing this fully customizable outfit.

People accept your style wherever you go, even if your cape and mask would usually raise some eyebrows at the bank. As a bonus, this outfit will fit in everywhere, even in less-than-hospitable environments. Wear that trenchcoat and fedora in the arctic tundra, or the vacuum of space. Jumper doesn’t have time for physics, you’ve got a look to rock!

Stalwart Family (400cp): Your family doesn’t run from problems. They support you, teach you, and prepare you to face life’s challenges in their own way. This purchase grants you a small bit of control when choosing how you enter each jump. Whether you choose to distance yourself from the local setting’s plot or dive in headfirst, this lets you select the kind of family you’ll be connected with. You may choose to be born into a family with heroic or villainous ties, or to be the child of a famous scientist. Whatever you choose, your family will be supportive, nurturing, instructive, and most of all loving. Family, whether by blood or bond, is always there for you. For additional notes, see the end of this document.

Won the Lottery (400cp): Not a cash lottery, the school lottery. This ticket grants the holder admittance to one high performance school or prestigious academy. Tests, lottery, paperwork, all of the admissions work is taken care of. Just be sure to keep your grades up. You wouldn’t want to squander this opportunity. In future jumps, the selected schools may differ, but each will offer a top of the line education and the huge potential for jobs and connections post-graduation.

It’s a Metaphor (600cp): Most heroes don’t wear their own merch. Don’t you want people to take you seriously? Perhaps not. This mask looks painfully mediocre, like something you’d get from a cheap costume shop. And yet, whenever you wear it, you seem to go unnoticed. This mask grants you full anonymity so long as you’re wearing it, guaranteeing your identity remains secret through all of your crime-fighting activities. This won’t let you shoot someone in Times Square with no consequences, but at least people will be looking for the mask and not you. You may choose the appearance of this mask, though it defaults to a budget Spiderman look. If you own another mask, you may import it and transfer this mask’s benefit to it.

You Got A Minute? (600cp): The life of a jumper is a lonely one. We’re constantly moving, leaving friends and places behind for new adventures. At least with this purchase, you’ll never have to worry about staying in touch. Brought to you by C-mobile, this slim smartphone is always charged and always has great reception. It automatically integrates into local telecom networks for free, and can access the local internet at blazing speeds. The real marvel, however, is in the contact list. You’ll always be able to reach those you add to the contact list, regardless of if you’ve moved on from the jump or not. Reach out to all your friends from past and present jumps with texts, calls, and even video chats.

As a final benefit, this phone lets you summon help for problems in the present. Choose five people from your contact list and pull them into your current jump for a maximum of two days. At the end of that time, your friends return to their native universes. What are friends for, Jumper?

You must be friends with the people you add to your contact list. You can’t just add Superman or Galactus to your friends list and expect them to come without cultivating a meaningful relationship. If damaged, this phone returns to your warehouse in one day.

New York Native Items: 

Slow Cooker (100cp): Never underestimate the power of a hot, hearty meal. In a world with long nights and longer shifts, it’s nice not to have to worry about dinner. This slow-cooker will prepare a delicious, nutritious meal in the hours your away, and will do so in quantities that ensure you can feed a modest family. This pot is self-cleaning, doesn’t require electricity, and offers a variety of recipes for you to choose from.

Badge and Blues (100cp): This may not be a police uniform, but it is your uniform. You receive several copies of a work uniform relevant to your current job. These clothes are self-cleaning, self-repairing, and will always feel comfortable, even after a long day’s work. As long as you wear these uniforms, others will treat you as a professional of your chosen career. Sometimes you have to dress for the job you want, Jumper.

Ride to School (200cp): Even if you want to websling everywhere, it’s often just not practical. With this purchase, you’ll have the freedom to go wherever you want, so long as you obey the traffic laws. You may choose one civilian vehicle normal to this setting to own, whether that be a car, truck, or even a bus. Perfect for getting to school, going to work, or taking a drive to the country.

Owning a car is expensive, however, so Jumpchan has set you up with some little gifts to make this purchase go the extra mile. First is a gas card, accepted at any gas station, that will let you refuel this car at no expense to you. Second is the business card of a nearby mechanic. Jumpchan has a standing arrangement with him, so you can always get your vehicle fixed up at his shop. Finally, (and most generously), she gives you a parking pass that will work anywhere in the world. This won’t give you access to secure facilities or let you break the law, but you can otherwise choose any parking spot you’d like and never worry about fees or tickets. Drive safe, Jumper.

Tools of the Trade (200cp): For a cop, this means a radio, some handcuffs, and a pistol. For a doctor, this might mean a stethoscope. Whatever your chosen profession, this purchase grants you the standard tools you need to do your job. “But many jobs provide their own equipment,” you might say. Well, let's just say this item works over time. Every time you switch jobs, you’ll retain a copy of your equipment from your previous job. Jumpers wear many hats on their long journeys, and now you’ll always be able to jump back into an old role.

Home (400cp): Home is a place you can always come back to, where you can just lay down and collect your thoughts, away from life’s worries and dangers. You have your choice of a small apartment or suburban house, but either way your dwelling will be on the modest size. Still, there’s a comfort to smaller homes, and your selection will always feel cozy and reassuring.

As an added bonus, trouble seems to stay away from this home. This protection won’t hold up if you invite your foes over for lunch, but you can otherwise find solace in the shelter this home offers. Post-jump this home will follow you, appearing in a setting-appropriate form wherever your jumping takes you.

Costume Shop (400cp/600cp): Okay, well it doesn’t have to be an actual costume shop. This purchase grants you ownership of a small business, the skills to run it, and a month’s worth of merchandise. Whether it be Old Man Lee’s costume shop, a bustling diner, or some other venture, you have the know-how and inventory to get started. Where you go from here is up to you. For 600cp, you can forget about that “humble beginnings” stuff. You are now the proud owner of a chain of businesses. This isn’t anything like Kingpin’s crime empire, and you won’t be making millions right away, but that family-owned pizzeria is now a series of stores all over New York City. As a bonus, the products and service at all new locations will be of equal quality to your original store.

The Big Chair (600cp): This is it; you’re the boss. Maybe you’re the Police Commissioner of the PDNY. Maybe you own and operate the Daily Beagle Newspaper. Whichever organization or business you own, you are a deeply influential member of the community. Unlike the Kingdom item, this organization won’t have near-endless financial and capital resources or shady business dealings. Instead, your organization will have a large network of legitimate business contacts as well as a considerable influence on the public well being of this setting’s citizens. Whether you’re bringing justice to the streets, spreading truth and information to the masses, or working towards the greater good in some other way, this organization gives you the power to enact some real change. In future Jumps, you can choose an appropriate position of responsibility to assume, within reason. This purchase could make you the mayor of a major city, like New York, but not President.

Movers & Shakers Items: 

(100cp) Energy Blaster: This futuristic weapon fires colorful bolts of superheated plasma. The gun isn’t powerful enough to blast through walls, but you can scorch steel, and the rifle folds up into a concealable suitcase.

(100cp/200cp) Highlife: You’ll never be wanting for accomodations ever again, Jumper. This purchase nets you ownership of a luxurious highrise apartment in the wealthy section of town. Just like the Kingpin, you’ll have the top few floors of a skyscraper set aside for your own living arrangements. This mini-estate comes with private areas, like kitchens, studies, and luxury bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as a few larger spaces for entertaining guests, such as a ballroom, restaurant, or large pool. The building also has a parking complex for your vehicles, and is completely staffed by expertly trained cooks, cleaners, and servants, if you wish. In future jumps, you will be provided similar accommodations appropriate to the setting, whether that be an aristocratic suite at a high-end tavern or a private estate on an orbiting ringworld.

For an additional 100cp, you gain the wealth to back up your fancy new duds. You become the benefactor of a mysterious trust fund and receive a stipend of 500,000 dollars a year. You could spend it quickly in a marvelous display of decadence, or you could let it grow to finance some truly large-scale plans. In future jumps, you receive an equal amount of legal, inflation-proof currency appropriate to the setting, whether that be galactic credits or bottle caps.

(200cp) Personal Lab: Well, you won’t be relying on caves and boxes of scrap with this purchase. You now have a personal lab attached to either your warehouse or a jumper-owned property. Inside you’ll find all the science-themed goodies you’d need to get some serious research done. You have equipment for bio-engineering, chemistry, and even some of the more exotic comic-book science fields, as well as a supply of materials to fuel your studies. That said, you will still need to provide exceedingly rare or unique materials yourself. Your lab also comes with a vast physical library of literature and a powerful personal computer to help run experiments and analyze data. It’s not even close to the futuristic capabilities of a true AI, but it does pack some serious processing speed. Finally, this lab comes with a state-of-the-art 3D fabricator, for constructing all of your personal designs.

As an aside, note that this lab is strictly small-scale and is more suited for personal research. If you’d like a fully-staffed R&D department, consider the Kingdom purchase. In future jumps, you can choose to have this lab attached to the warehouse or another owned property.

Collider (400cp): Alright, so this one’s a mixed bag. On the one hand, you’ve got a particle collider capable of tearing through dimensional barriers and bridging the multiverse. On the other hand, it’s not done. Not by a long-shot. It will take a genius level intellect millions of dollars and hundreds of man-hours to complete this project, and that’s not even considering the city-draining levels of power it takes to actually run this thing, but should you complete it, you’ll have a stable portal generator capable of reaching different realities.

Of course, you could always run it in its unfinished state, but then you’ll have to account for earthquakes, dimensional bleedthrough of objects and people, and potentially the disruption of reality itself. But hey, I’m not one to judge; roll those dice.

You may choose to attach this device to your warehouse, or to an owned property.

Alchemax 42 (600cp): This jar contains a living clone of the radioactive spider that bit Miles Morales. As is, this spider can bite one person before it dies, granting them Miles’ full suite of powers. Alternatively, someone with a little know-how (well, actually a LOT of know-how) could isolate these properties and give them to a whole host of people. It would take a supergenius of incredible prowess, but this might be the way to mass-produce spider heroes.

Kingdom (600cp): This here is the kind of power that makes rulers out of mortals. You’ve got a legacy, Jumper. Maybe you own a legitimate business, like OsCorp or Alchemax, and have legions of scientists pushing the bleeding edge of research and technology. Or perhaps your mark on the world is much darker, and is rooted in a criminal syndicate so powerful and prolific that you have agents on every street. Whatever you choose, you now helm an organization with considerable resources and influence. How will you reshape the world, Jumper?

Webslinger Items: 

Webshooter (100cp): What kind of spider-hero would you be without your webshooters? This basic model affixes to your wrists and emits a stream of synthetic spider silk on command. This webbing is so versatile that its uses are only limited by your own imagination, however each gauntlet will need to be refilled after a few hours of use. Comes with the formula for producing more webfluid.

Merchandise (100cp): You’re not just an effective crimefighter, you’re a marketable one! You’ve made brand deals that spawned toys, clothing lines, a breakfast cereal, a christmas album, even a so-so popsicle. Your merchandise ranges from high-quality to gimmicky and every point in-between, and is popular enough across the multiverse to net you a tidy profit. These monthly checks are not quite enough to live on, but they are a nice source of extra income. Best of all, you’ll continue to receive royalties in future jumps in a setting-appropriate form of currency.

Goober (200cp): Access keys, failsafe keys, override keys, they all do pretty much the same thing. This small techno-gizmo features a USB adapter that will plug into pretty much any system. As long as you can physically insert the drive into your opponent’s network, the Goober will create a backdoor that gives you control over their entire system. Perfect for gathering intel or shutting down a doomsday machine.

Backup Bag (200cp): The fight against crime shouldn’t grind to a halt just because you’re in an unfamiliar city or you’re missing a little thing like shoes. Now, in every city you visit, you’ll find a backpack just like this one. Inside you’ll find a change of clothes, a spare costume, backup webshooters and fluid, and a little bit of local currency. Wherever this bag is hidden, it is guaranteed to be undisturbed when you go to retrieve it. At the start of each Jump, you may choose new contents for these backpacks, however if you want anything more exotic than basic supplies, you’ll have to supply it yourself. I bet Peter B. Parker wish he had one of these!

Sp//dr (400cp): With this purchase, the future is now. You are now the proud owner of a Sp//dr class exoskeleton packed to the gills with 32nd century technology. The spherical main body of the Sp//dr droid is made of a durable titanium armor, and is large enough to seat one pilot. Each of the mech’s four limbs are controlled with a magnetic energy field instead of conventional hydraulics, offering unprecedented strength and flexibility, as well as the ability to reconfigure into different shapes. Each limb is also equipped with an industrial strength webshooter, allowing the robot to employ the spider hero’s favorite form of locomotion. Aside from it’s brute strength, the Sp//dr comes equipped with a powerful sensor suite that can penetrate hundreds of feet of steel and concrete, as well as a rudimentary virtual intelligence to assist the pilot during operations. If you also purchased the Psychic Link power, you can designate the bio-core of the Sp//dr mech as your target, allowing you to control the droid with thought alone.

Spider Cave (400cp/600cp): Every superhero needs a hideout, whatever form that may come in. For 400cp, you receive a small hideout accessible through a locked toolshed. Inside you’ll find a basic workshop to maintain and rebuild your crime-fighting equipment, as well as a futon and some spartan living arrangements, perfect for staying off the grid. If you spend a total of 600cp, you’re cave will be upgraded to include a larger, more comfortable living space, as well as a fully equipped laboratory for research and forensics, a highly-advanced “Spider-computer”, and enough gym equipment to stay in top superhero shape. Finally, this upgraded lair comes with a pair of appropriately-themed vehicles for your own personal use. By default you receive the Spider-plane and Spider-buggy, but you may select any two vehicle types (such as boats or trucks) to replace them. Each vehicle has a recharging fuel supply, durable armor, and enough hero-themed gadgets to fit into any comic book. Your cave’s aesthetics default to spider-themed, but can be personalized at purchase. Post-jump, your lair may be attached to the Warehouse or imported into an existing property.

Web Watch (600cp): Where in the verse did you get this, Jumper?! This discreet silver watch is far more powerful than it appears to be. Originally from the year 2099, this technology allows the user to purposefully travel between dimensions. A watch like this would make visiting all your new spider-friends easy, once they’ve returned home. Alternatively, you may wish to explore other nearby dimensions, though they will have to be manually mapped. Post-jump, you may use this device to travel to alternate variations of the setting, as well as any parallel dimensions already present in the current setting’s universe. This watch features a holographic display interface, and comes with an AI assistant to help you on your travels. The AI’s personality and appearance may be customized upon purchase.


Everyone’s road is unique, and we each face different struggles along the way. Take as many drawbacks as you’d like, so long as they don’t conflict with each-other.

+100 Shoddy Costume: Your fancy getups don’t seem to stay fancy. Your professional-looking costumes will get damaged or lost or otherwise be made unwearable. You can make do, after all you can still stop crime in sweatpants or corny shirts, just don’t expect to garner the same image as a properly dressed hero.

+100 Dimensional DeSync: Your atoms aren’t too jazzed about being in the wrong universe. Stay in this dimension for a few days, and your cells are going to start dying, despite your impressive spider healing factor. Stay for longer, and you’re looking at a painful, debilitating death. You’ve got to get home to your own dimension fast, unless you’ve got a way to counter the cellular decay. Until you do, you can expect sudden, random flashes of intense pain to interrupt your day-to-day life. See the Notes for additional details.

+100/200 I Don’t Do Friends Anymore: Whether you’ve been burned before, or are just socially reclusive, you have a hard time connecting with people. For another 100cp, this attitude is reciprocated. You’ll be deemed “untrustworthy” by people who don’t know you, and “difficult” by people who do. People don’t like you, and you don’t give them much to like.

+200 Learning Curve: No instruction manual here. Your powers are brand new, and there's a bit of a learning curve. Sure, you can probably find a mentor or five for the basic spider powers, but you've also got something unique that doesn't translate well to their teachings. You're going to have to figure a lot of it out on your own.

+200 You Good With That, Spiderman?: Some people think it’s easy to help those in need. You know better. You have to help people. You can’t walk away from a conflict that threatens innocents. You’re a hero, for better or worse.

+200 Dimensional Warping: Yeah, that's totally why you're not as trim as I expected. Your out of shape. Your bones creak, your joints ache, and you’ve got a bit of a gut. Physically your about half as capable as you usually are, including super powers. Still, just because you’re half as strong and half as fast doesn’t mean you’re half as smart. Better start outthinking your foes.)

+300 Hardcore Origin Story: You're going to lose someone important to you. Uncle Aaron, Uncle Ben, Peter-65, your dad's robot; it could be anyone. No matter what you do, no matter which origin you choose, you won’t be able to save them. It's going to stick with you, too, with the trauma making it hard to connect with others. If you're lucky, you can use this loss to drive you, but you’re going to have to work through your issues first. This is when it helps to have friends, Jumper.

+400 What’s Up Danger: In truth, the events of this movie don’t last long. Now, that’s going to change. Instead of things calming down after the Collider crisis, you’re going to see an uptick in plots, schemes, and catastrophes. Whether you stay on Earth-1610 or return to your home dimension, expect your 10 years here to be spent doing lots of Hero work

+600 There’s Only One Spiderman, And That’s Me: We have a big problem, here. Looks like none of the other spider heroes got pulled through to Miles’ universe. In addition, your arrival has changed the timeline, meaning that Miles will never get bitten or receive the Goober from Peter. This means Kingpin’s attention is wholly on you when you come through the collider and make your frantic escape. You’ll get away, but in a few days, Kingpin is going to turn the Collider back on and try to bring his family back. The resulting singularity won’t just destroy New York, but the entire planet. You have to stop Kingpin before then, and to do it you’ll have to go through Green Goblin, Doc Oc, The Scorpion, Tombstone, an army of goons, etc. Maybe even some new faces, like Electro or the Rhino.


-The “Perfect and Blonde” perk is not meant to imply that blondes are more attractive. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and the name is merely a reference to the movie.

-The Stalwart Family perk may contradict the Background purchases of future jumps. For example, the Harry Potter Jump lets you choose to be born into a magic or non-magic family, and how wealthy your family is. In cases of overlap, default to the current jump, with this perk adding some specificity, such as choosing a specific family or relationship to an existing character. If a future perk or background lets you buy into the local nobility, this perk would let you choose exactly who you are related to. This perk is meant to grant some control where none exists, and fine control where some already exists. Still, at the end of the day, Jumpchain is a single-player experience. Fanwank responsibly.

-Egghead vs Wiz Kid: Wiz Kid is designed to give you a powerful (but not dominating) boost to a specialization of your choice. You could become an accomplished hacker, programmer, or geneticist, and have a strong foundation in your field, but you wouldn’t know everything about it. It would take time and dedicated effort to expand your knowledge to the point where you were the world’s top expert in your field, but you’d have a serious head start compared to starting from the basics. Egghead, on the other hand, makes you knowledgeable in almost every scientific field. Without the capstone booster, Egghead would let you synthesize separate scientific discoveries into practical applications that are in the near future of the real world, such as DNA computing, light-bending metamaterials, and even early genetic enhancement. With the capstone booster, Egghead now pushes firmly into comic-book technology with things like dimensional gateways, teleporters, space-travel, and other science-fiction technologies farther from our own reality. Please be reasonable and use your best judgement when determining the limitations of the pre-boosted perk.

-If you purchase the Monarch power, you can choose to be a more realistic height of around 6’8” instead of the statuesque 8 feet tall. Alternatively, you could choose to be even taller, anywhere between 10ft and 12ft, but expect to have real trouble with buildings and structures not accommodating you. You select this height once upon purchase, and cannot alternate between more intimidating and convenient forms. Still, you could be a street-tier Space Marine if you want, Jumper.

-The Dimensional Desync drawback means you come from a dimension other than Earth-1610. You have complete control over which dimension you come from, and can make it as different or similar to the dimensions showcased in the movie to better suit your Jumper’s theme. The only thing that cannot be changed is the cellular decay occurring because you are on Earth-1610 .The drawback can be countered with creative solutions and upper-tier scientific countermeasures, but time constraints mean you’ll most likely have to return to your native dimension and work them out there. However, once you’ve discovered a solution or enlisted a local scientist to do so for you, you’ll be able to return to Earth-1610 or visit the different dimensions of the Spiderverse at will, so long as you have a means of traveling.

Great Expectations Capestone Booster

When Will I know I’m Ready? - Limit Uncapper. Physical strength, intelligence, even your powers can be trained up infinitely. It won’t be fast or easy, but now the only thing holding you back is yourself.

I Think You’re Gonna Be A Bad Teacher - Before, this perk would simply arrange for you to meet a suitable teacher. Now, you’ll get to choose your mentor. Want to learn robotics from Tony Stark, or learn martial arts from Black Widow? This capstone booster twists fate enough to insert you into your teacher’s life. Maybe you’re family, or maybe they just took a shine to you after a chance meeting. Whatever the case, they’re fully on board with showing you the ropes. In addition, this capstone booster enhances their teaching abilities. Where the unboosted perk just gave them the desire to pass their knowledge on to you, the boosted perk makes them an insightful and masterful teacher of their field of study. No longer will their own life problems and character development hamper your education.

I See This Spark In You - Effectively grant others the effect of the boosted “When Will I Know I’m Ready”. Your proximity helps people reach their full potential. Your training and direct involvement will help people reach beyond that.

Take It Outside - You might not be a heavyweight, but you sure fight like one. With this perk boosted, you can now reliably fight opponents that are an order of magnitude more powerful than you. How, you ask? Through planning, determination, and Jumpchan-backed bullshit, that’s how. Sure, that supervillain can take a bus to the face, but for some reason your punches leave him reeling. It’s still going to be an uphill battle, and your attacks might not do much, but you don’t have to worry about immunities any more. You’re never out of the fight, Jumper!

Egghead - You’re not just a genius, you’re a generation-defining prodigy. You could be the next Einstein or Octavius. Comic-book technology is now easily within reach, given you have the funds and facilities to support you. Find a mourning mogul and build that dimensional gateway. Defraud a megacorporation to perfect your superhuman formula. Your technology will undoubtedly change the world; be responsible, Jumper.

Empire - Forget cities, your influence could cover a nation, maybe even spread internationally with enough time. Your connections grow to reflect your expanded reach; city officials become senators and bureaucrats. Maybe you have blackmail on a king, or a president in your pocket. Whether you choose to reign over your subjects publicly or rule from the shadows, you are the king.

Do I Want Kids? - Fate seems to bend to help you balance your hero responsibilities and your home life. That hostage situation will happen miles from your kid’s elementary school, if it’s even in the same city at all. Those bank robbers will go out of their way to make sure their heist doesn’t stop you from going to your kid’s baseball game or an anniversary dinner with your wife. As a bonus, your hero work has a much more lasting effect.

Old Guard - Forget a decade. Like the amazing spider-ham, you’ve been doing this 30 f*&#ing years! You have a mastery of hand-to-hand combat that synergizes with your powers and abilities. Your agility is unrivaled, your powers have been trained to their peak, and you have perfect control over them all. This also applies to powers and abilities acquired post-jump.


V0.7- First public version. Prioritize finishing perks and items. Next focus on updating language. V0.8- All Perks/Items established. Next update language, then finish drawbacks. V0.9- Perks finished, now just the drawbacks and intro blurb.

V1.0- Release version. Will update based on feedback, balancing, and hopefully Spiderverse sequels.

V1.1-First Balancing Pass. Dimensional Desync drawback made non-mandatory and description was expanded on. ‘Toon Physics’ was increased in price from 400cp to 600cp and slightly nerfed to make other choices competitive. The “freebie” power offered by ‘Spider Package’ was also limited to cheaper powers for the same reason.

V1.2-Clarified the ‘Wiz Kid’,’Egghead’, ‘Great Accountability’, ‘You Never Taught Me That’, and ‘When Will I Know I’m Ready’ perks to make their effects more clear. Fixed formatting and spelling errors.