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양이 존나많아서 이제 사담은 없는데스

Mutation. It is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into  the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow and normally taking thousands and thousands  of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

Well, no, not really. But that's apparently how things work here, and it had furthermore given birth to  people with superpowers. Recently, mutants have been put more and more in the spotlight. And, as  always, humanity has struck out against those different from them, with many calling for them to be  hunted down and rounded up, and many mutants retaliating in kind.

There are, however, many - both human and mutant - who wish for a peaceful coexistence. One such  group is the X-Men, lead by Charles Xavier, who also founded Xavier's Institute For Gifted Youngsters - a  boarding school where young mutants are taken in to be among others like themselves and learn to  control their abilities.

You'll start one week before Rogue's powers manifest and she accidentally puts her boyfriend in the  hospital. Godspeed to you.

Start with 1000 CP.

Roll 16 + 2d8 for your age and keep your current gender, or pay 50 to change either. Roll 1d6 for location.

1. New York City

2. Xavier's Institute For Gifted Youngsters

3. Hong Kong

4. Ontario

5. England

6. Free Pick

Now choose your history from this world:

Drop-In (0 CP): Tabula Rasa, a clean slate. You have no history here, which means no enemies - but also  no friends.

Espionage (0 CP): You're like a ninja. Maybe you were trained as a spy because of your mutant abilities,  or maybe you were already trained when they did, either way, espionage, assassination, and infiltration  are all things you're well versed in.

Student/Professor (0 CP): Depending on your age, you're either a student or professor at a college.  Perhaps even Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Experiment (0 CP): Either you willingly joined or were forced into it, you've undergone experimentation to enhance your mutant abilities and intensive training to hone them. Their goal was to turn you into a  living weapon, and boy did they succeed.

You're free now, but horrible memories will likely haunt you for the rest of your life.  (Experiments get an extra 200 CP to spend on powers only.)


Wolverine Mode (50 CP): You can grow a beard and grow it good. You can have a glorious full beard in a  fraction of the time in would take a normal man.  

If you're a woman - or a man who doesn't understand the glories of facial hair -, you can grow  knee-length hair easily, and it won't hinder you nearly as much as it rightfully should.  

Either way, both your hair and facial hair can easily be styled in nearly any way you want and will remain  that way with very little effort on your part. As well, once your beard and or hair reaches its ideal length,  its growth will slow to a crawl.

Do I Owe You Money? (100 CP, Free for Drop-In): You have a way of weaseling your way out of debts.  Doesn't mean you'll be able to walk away and never pay them back, but it does mean you can probably  just convince them you owe them a favor or to take less than the agreed-on amount.

Go Fuck Yourself (200 CP, Discount for Drop-Ins): You're may be an abrasive asshole, but there's still  some charm somewhere. With this, people tend to look past your faults and judge you for who you are  more than how you act. Just make sure you actually have redeeming qualities.

Don't You Know Who I Am? (400 CP, Discount Drop-Ins): Rumours about you spread like wildfire and  tend to get blown way out of proportion. Kill a single man and people will believe you're a veritable  one-man army before long. Save one person and you're the next Messiah. You have some amount of  control over this, being able to prevent this from happening at all or picking and choosing which ones  spread.

We Stand Together (600 CP, Discount for Drop-Ins): You're inspiring. You can convince a ragtag band of  misfits and cowards to stand together and fight for all they're worth. And what's more, people under  your command will always work as a well-oiled machine as long as they've worked together even a little.

The Brotherhood (600 CP, Discount for Drop-Ins): The weary, the downtrodden, the outcasts and dregs  of society: with a little effort, you can nearly always find them, struggling to get by. Really, what they  need in life is a purpose, a cause. And you can give them that.

Get together an audience of a dozen, give a rousing speech or two, and that dozen will spread the word,  and before you know it, you’ll have a hundred. Each of those hundred will spread the word and before  long, you’ll have a thousand people willing to give their lives for whatever ideals you’ve inspired them with.  

Stealthy (100 CP, Free for Espionage): In your line of work, it pays to be sneaky, and you've never had  any trouble earning pay.

Never Trust a Beautiful Woman (200 CP, Discount for Espionage): You sexy. And very good at seducing  people. After all, it's so much easier to do your job when the people who are supposed to be stopping  you from doing it have the hots for you. Just be careful, sometimes there won't be enough showers to  wash away the shame.

Master of the Trade (400 CP, Discount for Espionage): You'd not only fit in with but thrive in a spy movie.  You're a master of alll the skills necessary to accomplish your goals, from hacking, to lockpicking and  safecracking, to just being able to wear a perfect mask, allowing you go seamlessly infiltrate even  paranoid groups.

Chessmaster (600 CP, Discount for Espionage): Everywhere you go, there are always powerful people  playing a dangerous game in the shadows. And few people are better players than you. You seem to  have a preternatural sense of what needs to be done to accomplish your related goals, of whose arm needs to be twisted and whose needs to be broken, of how much money needs to find its way into  whose hands, and of which person will cause the collapse of your enemies when they wake up to a  dagger in their throat.

Magnetically Apologetic (600 CP, Discount for Espionage): You’re a backstabbing bastard. However,  everyone around you is something much worse: merciful. Well, to you, at least.

No matter how many times you stab a group in the back (sometimes literally), they’ll always be willing  to forgive and, well, not quite forget, but one’s better than none, no? Hell, many times they'll even be  the ones to attempt to get you to come back.

This doesn't mean they'll trust you again, or that everyone in the group will be happy, but the majority  will always be willing to accept you. It also doesn't mean the public will immediately be willing to forget  something like terrorism or mass-murder, but the public memory is short and - given time - even they  may be swayed to forgive all but the most heinous of deeds.

Clear Memory (100 CP, Free for Student/Professor): Your memory retention has skyrocketed, essentially  giving you photographic memory and perfect recall.

Mutant and Proud (200 CP, discount for Student/Professor): Even normally bigoted people won't judge  you for petty things like race, sexuality, or being a mutant. You're also adept at getting people to leave  their prejudices behind.

A Thick Veneer (400 CP, Discount for Student/Professor): You can set up organizations or businesses for  anything, and as long as you maintain at least somewhat of a front, convince everyone that it's  something else. Everyone will believe your boarding school for mutants is just a regular school, and no  one will suspect that your charity organization is actually a front for a group of assassins.

A Brilliant Mind (600 CP, Discount for Student/Professor): You're a certifiable genius. Creating most any  tech in available in the modern world, machines that amplify or dampen mutant abilities, robots, or a  danger room with hardlight holograms is child's play for you.

Gene-ius (600 CP, Discount for Student/Professor): You're a genius in the field of genetics and a near  untouchable prodigy. Your true expertise, however, lies in the study of the X-Gene itself, where the only  person comparable to you is Charles Xavier himself.

Your research has revealed to you things that many would kill (quite literally) to know. The most  valuable of which is the knowledge of how to awaken dormant powers in people who would otherwise  never exhibit powers.  

There are, however, a few problems with this. Not everyone has the potential, and even those that do  don’t have a high success rate. in addition, the most effective method involves exposing the subject to  near-fatal levels of stress. But I'm sure you could figure something out with enough time and effort.  

Every Time (100 CP, Free for Experiment): Your pain tolerance is at the peak of what a human can  achieve. Extreme amounts of pain can be overcome, allowing you to continue doing what needs to be  done. Just be careful you don't accidentally ignore a mortal wound.

We'll Show You Ours (200 CP, Discount for Experiment): You're naturally skilled at using any powers you  have into melee combat, to the point where you can seamlessly integrate them into martial arts, or  create a new martial art altogether that's based on powers.

The Best I Am At What I Do (400 CP, Discount Experiment): You know the most efficient way to kill  things. You could kill a man with your little finger - even if it isn't super strong or razor sharp. This  doesn't mean you'll automatically know how to kill something you've never seen before, but if you fight  it for a few minutes, you're sure to find a dozen chinks it its armor.

And What I Do Isn't Very Nice (600 CP, Discount for Experiment): You're a certified badass. A one-man  army. You can clear a room of armed men with your bare hands and outfight world-class martial artists.  Your skills with ranged and melee weapons are likewise increased to near-superhuman levels. With or  without powers, you're one of the most dangerous people alive.


You get 400 CP free to be spent on powers only. Experiments get another 200 CP. Some powers can be  purchased as a higher-tier for increased power (see notes). If you purchase more than one Omega Level  power, you must also take either Rogue Powers or Making Waves for 0 CP.


Phasing (200): You can become intangible at-will, and stay that way as long as you can go without  breathing. You can bring other people or items with you while phasing, but doing so is tiring. If you  solidify while in inorganic material, the material in the space you're inhabiting will be displaced into another dimension or something, but if you do so while inside another living creature you'll create a  horrible fusion of flesh - do not reccomend.

Precognition (200) You've got a built-in danger sense. You'll feel a tingly sensation whenever something  bad is about to happen to you, and while you won't consciously know what's about to happen, this  power is tuned into your reflexes - meaning that, unless you consciously prevent it from doing so, it'll  automatically make you move to dodge or counter whatever's about to happen, even if you don't have  time to process it.

Venom Claws (200): You can extend your nails into three inch long claws capable of shredding stone. In  addition, they're coated in a potent venom capable of paralyzing a man in seconds.

Wall-Crawling (200): Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what only a...what's that? Sorry. I've been informed  I'm not allowed to mention that there, due to copyright infringement. In any case, you gain the ability to  reorient your personal gravity to treat any surface the way you'd normally treat the ground. You'll never  be disoriented by hanging upside down, and you can run sideways on a wall as easily as you normally could on a floor. In addition, you can double-up on the effects of this to root yourself in place - stay on a  car speeding down the interstate or even a plane in flight.

Bone Spikes (200): You can fire bones the size of railway spikes from your wrist at just under the speed  of sound. Holes painlessly open and close in your skin for this, meaning you don't have to worry about  tearing wounds into your hand every time you use your power.

Super Vision (200): You have the ability to see the entirety of the EM Spectrum, telescopic vision, and  the ability to see through objects and people. You can switch between any of these and normal eyesight  at-will, and can also adjust the specifics of them.


Healing Factor (400): You heal real fast. In addition to normal healing being sped up, this also means  you'll be in the prime of your life for centuries and you'll never need to worry about mundane diseases  or - to a lesser extent - poisons. Pretty much the only way to completely kill you is to destroy nearly all of your body, destroy your whole brain, or decapitate you and move your head away from your body.

Energy Blasts (400): You can now fire energy blasts from one part of your body. Can either be extreme  heat or concussive blasts. Heat beams can easily cut through solid steel and concussive blasts can punch  through the same. Order now and you can choose any color for your energy to be!

Teleportation (400): You can teleport and you can do it fast. Your max range is around 5 miles, but you  can quickly chain them together to move farther. You'll never be thrown off by teleporting, but other  people will often puke the first few times they take a ride with you.

Animal Morphing (400): You can take the form of any earth animal, living or extinct. Eventually, you may  be able to learn to take the form of alien animals, but only things on par with earth animals - you can't  transform into a dragon or something with superpowers.

Inorganic Form (400) You can shift into an inorganic form. Maybe it's steel, maybe it's diamond, maybe  it's rock, who knows? Whatever the case, it's much more durable than the material would normally be.  While in this form, you have strength in the 25 ton range, durability enough to ignore being hit with an  RPG, and essentially limitless stamina. However, it's all or nothing - you can't just transform parts of your body.

Technopathy (400): You can sense and control technology. Your range is around a mile, but your powers  work through wifi and over the Internet. No technology is truly safe from you, but more advanced  systems can stall or even stop you.

Essentially, a VI or extremely advanced security program can slow you down, an actual, full AI could stop  you, and something extremly advanced could melt your brain.


Elemental Power (600): Choose Fire, Ice, or Eectricity. You can now generate and manipulate the one  you chose. You'll start out being able to throw around house-sized fireballs, freeze a small pond, or  generate bolts of lightning powerful enough to instantly char a man to ash, and you'll only improve from  there. Eventually you'll be able to transform into your element, becoming a mobile ice sculpture, a  human torch knockoff, or a living lightningbolt.

Weather Manipulation (600): You can manipulate weather over a dozen square miles. Summoning  localized blizzards, thunderstorms, and small tornadoes is easy for you. You can also direct lightning to  strike a certain area and and simulate limited flight by carrying yourself on wind currents. If you focus on  a certain effect for a while, you can spread it over much larger areas - a couple of days of concerted  effort could cover a large city in a hurricane or a record-breaking blizzard/heatwave.

Adaptive Evolution (600): Your body can rapidly adapt to nearly any situation to keep you safe. Someone  trying to drown you? Grow gills. Thrown in lava? Look who has heatproof skin. Dropped out of the sky  from 10,000 feet? Maybe your weight will drop and you'll just float to the ground. However, this isn't a  perfect defense - it can be overcome by enough damage. And you also have no control over the  adaptions; they just pop up when you need them and fade away when you're safe.

Super Speed (600): Gotta go fast. You can move at Mach 4 and have proportionate reflexes. Your  durability isn't increased, but you always keep proportionate durability to what it would be in normal  speed; punching a wall at Mach 4 may break your hand the same as it would if a normal person did it,  but it wouldn't turn your hand to paste, meanwhile the wall would explode.

But that’s not all. See, how fun would it be if you had to always perceive the world hundreds of times  slower than everyone else? You’d go insane right quick. So instead, you can not only alter your own  perception of time from that of a normal human up to you max speed, but you can also extend your  powers to other objects to some degree or another. You can have your iPod playing music fast enough  to let you listen to it normally even as your perceive bullets slowing to a crawl and outrun sound itself.  When applied to people, this doesn’t allow them to perceive time as you do, but it does allow you to interact with them without causing them to explode into fine red mist.

Spatial Warping (600): You can bend space. Stretch a room into a city block, move a mile in a single step,  or shrink someone down to the size of an ant. You need to consciously keep the effects going, but they  don't require much concentration to maintain. You can't warp the inside of a living being. You could  shrink someone, but you couldn't make their heart explode from their chest.

Self-Molecular Manipulation (600): You have complete control over your own molecular structure. This  grants a very large degree of shapeshifting and the ability to regenerate from practically anything as  long as your brain survives. The shapeshifting is extensive enough to allow you to grow and shrink,  transform your limbs into weapons, grow new ones, stretch your body extreme lengths, and  hyperdensify your body to become nigh-impervious to harm. Really, the sky is the limit on what you can  do.


Telekinesis (800): Look Mom, no hands! You have the power to manipulate psionic energy to move  things. You'll start out able to clumsily throw around a couple of people, but it'll grow in strength and  precision until you're able to throw around dozens of cars, disentigrate people with a glance, and create  psionic shields that can stand up to explosives and sustained gunfire within a few years. At the peak of  your power, after a lifetime of training, you'll be able to suspend an entire neighborhood in the air, fly at  supersonic speed, and channel your telekinesis through yourself to simulate superhuman strength and  speed.

Telepathy (800): Mind reading, mind control, and everything vaguely related. You start out able to read  the mind of a single person, passively scan the emotions of a crowd, have a telepathic conversation with  a few people, with effort, completely control a single person and your range is a few miles. You'll grow  over time until you're able to control dozens of people at once, flip through a mind like an open book in  moments, and create an astral projection. Your range will also grow to hundreds of miles. Essentially,  anything Xavier does in the movies is fair game.

Magnetism Manipulation (800) Guess. You have incredible control over magnetic fields, allowing you to  control ferrous metals a slew of other things. You'll start out able to throw a car, and grow until  eventually you're able to lift and move the Golden Gate Bridge - though that'll take a lifetime. Maybe  with enough practive you'll also be able to manipulate it in more esoteric ways; you'll never be able to  pull off the frankly ridiculous stuff like making a wormhole, but things like city-wide EMPs and  channeling magnetism through your brain to augment your reaction times is possible. Your own body  also counts as magnetic for the purposes of your power, allowing you to cling to other metals and  potentially fly.

Gravity Manipulation (800): You have extensive control over gravity. You can reverse or intensify it over  an area or things, create small gravity bubbles to simulate clumsy telekinesis, fly, and focus it into a  small ball to create a local gravitational pull that causes everything in the area to orbit around it.

Vibration Manipulation (800): All matter and energy is constantly in motion, creating tiny vibrations. You  can now tap into, control, and amplify these vibrations. You'll start out able to release showaves or  shatter things on touch, but at the peak of your ability, you'll be able to do things like cause earth  quakes and tidal waves or gain extremely fine control over vibrations.

Energy Absorption (800): You can absorb most forms of energy, including kinetic energy, making most  attacks innefective against you. This energy can be used to augment your own body, granting  superhuman physical abilities, or release it into shockwaves and explosions. As long as you have  sufficient stores of energy, you do not need to eat or sleep, and your aging is dramatically slowed.  However, this does have a theoretical upper limit, is weak to energy outside of normal physical context,  such as magic or psychic abilities, and doesn't help you against attacks with low kinetic energy - something that would cut you or simply harm you by applying extreme amounts of pressure would  affect you as normal. The amount of energy you can absorb and store will increase over time, with  potentially amazing heights, but don't expect to be tanking nukes any time soon.

Power Amplification (800 CP): This power, rather than amplifying your own abilities, instead allows you  to empower others. You start out only able to amplify one person at a time, but that number will slowly  increase with training. Once you empower someone, a link is created between you and them, and both the link and the empowerment remain until you remove the amplification effect. Removing the effect  requires a few seconds' concentration.

Effectively, anyone you use this on will have their power doubled, with some variance. Oh, and attempting to steal or absorb the buffed powers will result in the amplification being removed.


Combat Suit (50 Cp): A light-weight, highly durable, full-body suit capable of keeping your warm in cold  weather and stopping low, caliber gunfire. In addition, it also adapts to work with your powers;  shapeshifting with you, not melting when you burst into flame, etc. Can either be brightly-colored  spandex or black leather.

Motorcycle (100 CP): A nice bike. Not extraordinary or anything, but it's made really well, and will hardly  ever break down without extraneous use. Easily modifiable and gets excelling mileage.

Mansion (300 CP): A large, victorian style mansion, and the grounds to go with it, located in your rolled  location. Large enough to house a small school's worth of people, and comes with a large underground  basement that's nearly as large as the upper portion of the mansion.

After this jump, it can either connect to the warehouse or appear as an appropriate building of similar  size in future worlds.

Mind-Transference Device (600 CP): You appear to have somehow stumbled upon a dangerous and valuable artifact. This device appears as a large stone pedestal, but is actually extremely advanced  technology.  

When two people lie uopn the table, the mind and powers of one are transferred into the body of the  other, whose mind is erased. Of course, you need to be able to overpower the mind of the person you're  attempting to use it on, and it is theoretically possible that someone strong enough could reverse this  effect, and take over your body instread.  

The first mutant, Apocalypse, used this to extend his life and amass a great many powers. Unfortunately,  this is a flawed prototype, and if used multiple times, will only transfer the powers and abilities that the  recipient possessed in their original body. Still, it is a powerful and dangerous tool; be careful with it.

Anti-Telepathy Helmet (400 CP, Discount for Drop-In): You have a special metal helmet that - either due  to the material it's made of or some type of technology within it - completely blocks mental abilities  from affecting you. Doesn't work against magic.

X-Jet (400 CP, Discount for Espionage): You now own the single most advanced stealth jet in this world.  Capable of flying at just over Mach 5 and completely staying off of most radars. Good luck explaining  where you got the thing.

Mutant Stabilisation Serum (200 CP, Discount for Student/Professor): A perfected form of Beast's serum.  It will permanantly stabilise superhuman powers, returning those with inhuman forms to a human form  without affecting their abilities. Some may still cause temporary mutations when actively drawing on  their powers. Also allows for control over normally involuntary powers, such as constant laser eyes or  death-touches.

You have a dozen and recieve another dozen each year. Can potentially be replicated, but the replicated  version may require tweaking on a case-by-case basis for different powers.

Cure (400 CP, Discount for Student/Professor): You have a dozen syringes of mutant "cure". Unlike the  ones seen in the movie, however, these are permanent, meaning the powers are never returned. They  will work on any powers with a genetic basis and you receive another dozen each year.

Adamantium (400CP, Discount for Experiment): You have a store of liquid adamantium, the hardest  substance in the world. Once solidified, it can't be melted again and is virtually impossible to damage.  You have a little more than enough to recreate Wolverine's surgery and will recieve more, equal to the  original amount, each year.


Put Together a Team (50-400 CP): You can import up to 8 companions at 50 CP each. Each one gets a  free background, 400 CP, and another 400 CP to spend on powers.

Canon Companion (100-200 CP): Soon after you arrive, you'll meet a canon character and hit it off with  them. After your time is up, if they're still alive and you can convince them to join you, they'll come

along for the ride.

Trying to recruit someone especially powerful, such as Magneto, Jean Grey, or Xavier will require 200 CP  instead.


You can only gain a max of 600 points from Drawbacks, unless you take Xtremely Bad Idea.

A Blast From The Past (0 CP): Normally, you'd start just before the first movie, but now you can choose  to start before then. Choose either First Class, the past timeline from Days of Future Past, or Wolverine  Origins (no idea why you'd want to do that, though).

Dudepeel No More (0 CP): Originally, Wade Wilson was a mutant merc in the same group as Wolverine  and was experimented on to become something only vaguely resembling the real Deadpool. Now, you'll  instead be getting the one from the modern times that's a much more loyal and much less edgy  portrayal. Hope you didn't need the fourth wall.

What do they call you? Wheels? (100 CP): Somehow, you managed to pick up a frankly ridiculous code  name, and nothing you do will rid you of it for your time here.

Terrible Fashion Sense (100 CP): Well, you seem to have lost all taste in clothing. You'll almost always  either be wearing brightly colored and garish spandex, or enough leather to clothe most of a BDSM  convention.

Morlock (Variable CP): Your mutation has physical side-effects. For 0 CP, it's something minor and  possibly even aesthetically pleasing, like an unnatural skin, eye, or hair color. For 100 CP, it's something  more obvious, but not overly detrimental, such as having beastial features. For 200 CP, it's a real problem, like being a 1,000 pound Blob.

Mysterious Past (200 CP): At some point, a shapeshifter used your appearance to commit a major crime  in the country you rolled. The government isn't actively looking for you, but they'll be more than happy  if you show your face. For another 100 CP, you're actively being hunted for it and for another 200 CP,  you're wanted in many countries around the world.

Mutant Registration (200 CP): It seems hostility against mutants is much higher than it was in canon.  Laws have just been passed requiring all mutants be registered, and resistance is often met with lethal  force.

Did you just call me...Blob? (200 CP): You have terrible communication skills and circumstances will  continously conspire to get you into fights over miscommunications. Expect lots of unnecessary conflict.

Rogue Powers (200 CP, Cannot be taken with "Have You Tried...Not Being a Mutant?"): Your have  difficulty controlling your mutant abilities. Whether it's being trapped in another form or shooting lasers  when you get excited, this is a problem. You can improve your control, but you'll never fully manage it during your time here. For another 200 CP, this also applies to powers from outside of this jump.

Making Waves (200 CP): It seems your existence has not gone unnoticed. At least one powerful group  has found you on their radar and is very interested in capturing you. Destroy them or evade them for  long enough, and others are likely to take notice as well.

Days of Future Past (300 CP): Ah. Well, there seems to be a mistake. You've arrived decades into the  future, after the Sentinels have risen, ensalving man and mutant alike. There was a small group that had  managed to stay ahead of them and had concocted a plan to change the past, but they slipped up, and  the mutant with the ability to send someone back in time was killed. Now it seems the world is without  a hope...unless you do something about it.

I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch! (300 CP): You've made a mistake. Cain Marko, the Juggernaut, is pissed at you  for some reason, and is actively hunting you. He'll be at comic power levels, and won't pull any punches  if he finds you.

The Dynamic Duo (300 CP): Magneto has somehow convinced Xavier and the X-Men to join him in his  quest for mutant supremacy. Unnoposed, it won't be long before they have the world under their heel - but first, they see you as a threat to their plans that needs to be dealt with promptly.

Apocalyptic Problem (600 CP): During your time here, you'll be forced to face a major X-Men villain such  as Apocalypse, Onslaught, or even the true Dark Phoenix. Whatever the case, they'll be the comics  version, meanwhile everyone else will remain at the levels from the movies. Good luck

Xtremely Bad Idea (1000 CP): Now you've done it. You'll have to deal with the entirety of the X-Men's  rogues gallery, from the lowest street thugs to the cosmic entities, now existing in this universe, and  many of them will either already have or will soon develop a massive grudge against you. You've  brought this on yourself, you greedy bastard.

Have You Tried...Not Being a Mutant? (400 CP, Doesn't count against drawback limit): It seems you're  plain-old Homo Sapiens Sapiens, meaning you canot purchase any mutant powers. Why you'd want to  miss out on super powers is beyond me. Maybe can't stand the thought of being one of those dirtie  muties. Who knows?  

Experiments who take this are instead simply highly trained soldiers, and have access to the resources of  whatever group trained them, represented as an extra 200 CP to spend on  


May only choose one.

One In the Same: Ah, the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants. A noble goal, to be sure. Given  time, society would likely either grow to accept mutants, or tear itself apart trying to accomplish the opposite, but why leave things to chance and time? You 20 years to bring about a society-wide change,  removing the stigma associated with mutants and absolving the fear of the masses. Obviously you won't  convince everyone, but the vast majority must be accepting by the end.

Reward: 200 CP to spend as you please at the end of the jump, and you find it easy to bring about  positive societal change, casing the masses and those in charge alike to overcome prejudices and beliefs.

Natural Selection (Cannot take with "Have You Tried...Not Being a Mutant?") : Mutants are a product of  Evolution taking a step forward. It's only natural that they take their rightful place as the inheritors and  rulers of the earth as the pitiful Homo Sapiens give way to extinction to clear a path for your kind. And  you will see this happen in your time on this world. You have thirty years to see Mutants become the  ruling class of the world and failure to do so is a failure condition.

Reward: 200 CP when your task is complete. Starting uprisings to overthrow societies and leave a  different group in charge is as simple for you as giving a few rousing speeches. Momentum seems to do  the rest.

Pure and Clean (Must have "Have You Tried...Not Being a Mutant?", Can't take place in Days of Future  Past future timeline): Mutants are the greatest threat that mankind has ever known. Whether or not  others see this, you do. And you have taken it upon yourself to do whatever is necessary to prevent the  extinction or enslavement of humanity. You have 30 years to make sure 90% of the mutants on earth  are either registered and closely monitored...or otherwise neutralized. Failure to do so is a loss  condition. The sentinels that would have been built will always be stopped, and the attempts to use a  telepath and an amplification device to wipe them will inevitably fail; you'll have to take a much more  proactive approach.

Reward: 200 CP to spend when your task is completed. When there is fear to compel them, you can  convince anyone to do pretty much anything. Giving up freedom for security, betraying loved ones, and  breaking their most closely-held values. Fear is a powerful thing.

The End Times: The first mutant, En Sabah Nur, has risen from a millenia long slumber and seeks to  regain his rule over the world and the apes that tread upon it. To do so, he has chosen and empowered  four mutants as his Horsemen. Appearing before you, he gave you a chance to become one of them and  rule at his side. Whether or not you accepted this offer is yet to be decided, but either way, you are now  an integral part of the coming conflict. Regardless of which path you took, the opposition will surely  triumph without your efforts, for they have grown stronger as a balance against you.

If you spurned Apocalypse will have decided throw out his traditions, and will now empower 8  Horsemen, as well as recruiting dozens of lesser mutants to serve him. If you accepted Apocalypse's  offer, Xavier will have managed to send a Telepathic dristress signal that will result in a similar force  mounting an offensive against you and your ilk.

Loss means failing the chain.

Reward: 200 CP to spend after you are victorious. You may empower four willing people in each jump.

These people will have all of their abilities and traits enhanced half again. Be careful who you use this  on, however, as they can potentially betray you, and nothing short of their death can revoke their  boons. Cannot be used on companions, and if anyone you use this on is made into a companion, the  boost vanishes at the end of that jump. If you steal or copy the abilities of someone boosted through  this method, the boost vanishes.

The End

Your 10 years are up, and now you face a choice. You can either stay here, go home, or continue the  chain. Whatever the case, you keep everything you've gained from your adventures and your drawbacks  dissapear.


Choosing Dudepeel no more means the storyline from Deadpool's movie (or a rough approximation)  now takes place in whatever time period you're in, unless you're in the DoFP period, which case his story  took place as normal and he survived untill then.

Choosing Days of Future Past anf The Dynamic Duo means that Xavier and Magneto control the  Sentinels and have conquered the world for mutants while enslaving humans. They'll use every resource  at their disposal to find you and end you.

Powerscaling for purchasing powers at a higher level:

Healing Factor:

-Alpha is regenerating limbs in a few seconds.

-Omega is regrowing your whole body in an hour from a drop of blood. A blood transfusion will also  permanently grant someone a healing factor equal to beta level.

Animal Morphing:

-Alpha is partial transformations and mixing and matching animals.

-Omega is turning into fantastic things like dragons and monsters.

Inorganic Form:

-Alpha is 75 ton strength and enough durability to survive an air strike.

-Omega is 200 ton strength and enough durability to survive a tactical nuke.


-Alpha grants double range and greater power to overcome obstacles. VIs are much easier to overcome.  

-Omega grants a 10 mile range and greater capacity to overcome security. Most AI will fall apart before  you with some effort. You could potentially tranfer your mind into a computer.

Energy Blasts:

-Alpha is increased output, both heat and force, and being able to bend the beams of energy. -Omega is more precise control to point of Green Lanter-style constructs.


-Alpha is 50 mile teleportation and the ability to take a car's worth of mass with you without strain. -Omega is 150 mile teleportation and the ability to telefrag and teleport things without physical contact.

Weather Manipulation:

-Omega is controlling weather over an entire city, summoning hurricanes, and creating impossibly hot or  cold weather.


-Omega is starting at Mach 10 and soft capping at Mach 30.

Self-Molecular Manipulation:

-Omega is you no longer need your brain and you do more absurd shifts like a cloud of mist or turning  your legs into jets.

Spatial Manipulation:

-Omega tripled speed and range.

Adaptive Evolution:

-Omega is increased defense and increased variety. Any adaptations can now be reatained, released,  and later recalled at will.

Elemental Manipulation:

-Omega is increased parameters all around. Create enormous firestorms or pin-point lasers easily.  Freeze a lake. Power a city.

V 1.1 Changelog

Added Wolverine Mode

Added new capstones for three origins

Added Power Amplification

Added two new drawbacks

Purchasing two or more Omega powers now comes with a mandatory drawback Added scenarios

Experiment is now free

Reduced price on items

Added new items

V 1.2 Changelog

Grammatical fixes

Scenarios changed slightly

Clarifications made

Technopathy can now be bought at a higher level

Experiments who take "Have You Tried...Not Being a Mutant?" now have 200 to spend on gear.

More powerful canon companions now cost more CP.