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F4 Movies Jumpchain CYOA Version 1.0

By blackshadow111


Welcome to a world where the impossible is possible! This is a world that might well be familiar to you, Jumper. Most of it seems to be the same ol, same old plain earth you know of, but what is surprising about this place is the first family of Marvel, in more ways than one.

Welcome to the world of Fantastic Four, Jumper. This might be a world where the four are the only special beings on earth, or it might be one where all sorts of marvel properties lurk just under the surface, there’s no real way to tell.

You arrive just as the Four and Doom finalize their plans to go into space. You’ll probably need these 1000 CP.

Age and Gender

Roll a 2d8+20 for your age, and your gender remains as it is. Or you may pick them for 50 CP each.

Time and Place

You’re going to New York! You arrive a month before a certain fateful trip to a certain space station.



You’re a clean slate. No past, no records, zilch.

The Reed

You’re a scholar and a scientist, probably one of the better ones with a couple patents to your name. You don’t have time for the petty things. Who does?

The Johnny

You do! And they’re far from petty! You’re the playboy and the charmer, breezing through life in a continuous party. It takes a lot to phase you, and there are few situations you can’t see the positives and fun potential of.

The Doom

As close to a fusion of the above two as possible. You’re as clever as they come, while also understanding and appreciating the finer things in life. You’re probably a businessman, having used that genius in the smart ways.


The 100 CP perks are free for their respective origins, and the others cost 50%. General

Blind Love- 0 CP

It can be… difficult forming and maintaining relationships if you look out of the ordinary, especially if the appearance isn’t a very pleasing one. People think all sorts of things based on appearances, and then they start thinking of what others will think.

For others, at least. You find that no matter how weird or strange your appearance, people never treat you any different from they would anyone else. No one gawks, no one shies away, and everyone acts like you’re perfectly normal. This effect is entirely under your control, and you can choose to exclude specific people or drop it entirely at any time you want.

The Truth is…- 100 CP

You’re an interdimensional traveler who just appeared one day. In this world where people can go into space on short notice and come back with superpowers, and where taste-testers for cosmic beings go around making holes for their masters’ cutlery, this can be surprisingly believable.

And so it remains in future worlds. No matter how impossible, outlandish your claims, so long as you’re telling the truth people always know you’re telling the truth, and they believe you. It doesn’t even matter how many layers of denial they might be living under.

Acumen- 200 CP

Science and skill are great to have, and being a good person is better… but a man’s got to eat, y’know? And that means money, knowing how to get it and how to keep it. Which you do. Exquisitely.

You’re a master of all things financial, able to manipulate the financial markets with trivial ease and an ungodly level of skill in all things related to finance and commerce, be it the running of a corporation or managing a national economy. You could do either, with all the attached sub-jobs, with a degree of effectiveness and finesse few on the planet could match.


Out of This World- 100 CP

You are! You’re beautiful, an image of masculine or feminine perfection made manifest. Everything about you is as clean, healthy and just plain magnificent as can be. You could give most stars and supermodels complexes if you were to stroll by bedraggled and filthy.

Guest Lecturer- 200 CP

Not everyone gets what you might mean when you say that you might be a nascent pan-dimensional entity on a delayed initiation course across multiple phase vibration substrates of reality to get the ability to achieve voluntary and independent reality-shifts. Good thing you know how to talk to them, eh?

You know how to put even the most complicated and complex ideas into the simplest, layman words without losing the thrust of your meaning, and do so naturally and effortlessly. Be it explaining the concepts of spaceflight and gamma mutation, financial jargon to the uninterested, or even the minutiae of Law, you excel at doing it quickly and effectively, and being able to do it for anyone and everyone, regardless of their capabilities or lack thereof.

Naturally, this makes you an amazing teacher. For anything that can be taught by verbal instruction, you can talk them through learning it in a fraction of the time it would take anyone else. This works whether you’re doing it via one-on-one instruction, classroom sessions, Youtube videos, or the aforementioned lecture halls.

Generally Specialised- 400 CP

It’s a pity how poorly people skilled at one thing do in others. The greatest scientist in the world is piss-poor at relationships, or money matters. Multiple people skilled and talented enough to fly jets and the like are shitty at science.

This should help amoreliate that a bit, eh? First, you are entirely immune from the problem of over-specialisation. No matter how advanced you get in a field, it leaves your ability to work in other fields entirely unaffected. Become a scientist and your interpersonal skills remain intact regardless of how long you conduct experiments in isolation, and so on.

Relatedly, you find that your skills tend to remain more or less uniform across all your fields of development. The higher you go in one field, the easier it is to bring your other areas of expertise up to match, with your towering achievement in one field serving as a massive booster for training all others. There’s no real mechanics for how it works (unless you want there to be), you’re just that good.

The Reed

Voice of Authority- 100 CP

You have it. While it’s rare that you allow others to feel it, you are the cleverest and most authoritative in most rooms, and when you want you can make it felt. You have a gift for calming others down and getting your voice heard without much effort, be it in family arguments or scientific conventions.

This also lends you a sort of charisma that makes people subconsciously more willing to hand you the center stage when you ask for it, and finally, gives you a modicum of actual speaking skills to use it.

Family Time- 200 CP

A person like you… you’re busy. So busy, so much to do, worlds to save, paperwork to fill, anomalies to track, and all that jazz. In between of all that, taking time out for family can be one tough SOB. Unless you have this, of course.

As it turns out, any of your work that doesn’t require direct, personal interaction with other people gets done by itself. Be it training your powers or filling out paperwork or even things like interacting with other people over the phone or similar, is all done every bit as if you’d done it with your whole focus and attention… except the part where you actually have to do it.

Genius- 400 CP

What can I say? You are one. You have a brain that leaves supercomputers, all the supercomputers looking like an early 1900s adding machine. The speed at which your brain processes information is legendary as is your sheer intelligence and inventiveness.

You could pioneer entire branches of science in your basement, or build equipment capable of affecting and manipulating the building blocks of the universe with nothing but what you could find in an ordinary 21st century lab.

Any and all designs and items, be they technological or otherwise, leap for the chance to unveil their secrets to you, allowing you to understand every detail with just a glance. And more than understand them, you have an instinctive gift for breaking such things down, improving them and copying stuff from one to the other.

Just... don’t become useless, Jumper.

The Johnny

All in Good Fun- 100 CP

It’s a real hassle when people make a mountain out of a molehill, isn’t it? Fortunately, that just doesn’t happen with you. You intent always comes across to people perfectly in all your actions. Unless you don’t want them to be able to, people can simply tell when you didn’t actually mean anything by that prank or insult… and when you did.

Crowd Pleaser- 200 CP

Doing good work is all well and good, but Fame can be one hell of a useful tool, and not everyone gets it. You do, thankfully. No matter what it is you’re doing exactly, from saving a burning orphanage to systematically ripping the limbs off little kittens, you’re a devil when it comes to putting the PR spin on things.

Media, reporters and ‘publics’ of all colours and creeds are like puppets to your fingers, little marionettes to be danced however you please. You have a grasp on the biz, a level of ability that simply outmatches anyone and everyone around you… mostly, at least. With an instinctive grasp how something would look to the public and how to make it look wonderful… you could go far.

Devious- 400 CP

You are, too. You have a gift for mischief and pranks, being able to design and execute them to annoy the target as much as possible, to drive them nuts and drive them up the walls with just a few words or tricks. But that’s hardly all you can do.

You know exactly what makes people tick, how they function and how they’re likely to react to any given thing. What will make someone angry, what they’ll enjoy, the whole spectrum. And you can use this information, to devastating effect.

Not only are you great at pranking and things like that, you’re a phenomenal seducer, being able to get people who hate your guts one moment to trust you in the next, and in your bed the one after. You’re also an actor and infiltrator on the same level, of course, but that’s a given.

You have the words, Jumper. You have all the words.

The Doom

Doombringer- 100 CP

There’s something terrifying about a silent man in a metal mask and robes. Or wait, was that silly? It hardly matters. Not to you. You find that you have an aura about you that radiates your power and ability at the world.

You can terrify grown adults with a look, and trying to actually act menacing could send all but the absolute strongest minds running for the hills in a matter of minutes, if not seconds.

Schemes of Doom- 200 CP

What kind of supervillain can’t make plans? The dumb kind, that’s right. And you, Jumper, are not dumb. You find yourself not just good but a master of plans and schemes of all types, be they short or long term ones.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a national/corporate policy or a plan for a heist or a terrorist attack, making them, and making on a level anyone else would consider unimaginable, comes to you easy as breathing. Your tactics and strategies are simultaneously simple enough to be robust and complex enough to cover all but the most wildly inconceivable contingencies, and you are able to anticipate other people’s reactions and set up your plans to take advantage of them to a degree that borders on precognition.

Mastery of Doom- 400 CP

So many beings and people out there that don’t appreciate what they have. Don’t comprehend what their powers can make them, how far they could go with them. Not for you such blindness, oh no.

You find that you have an absolute, perfect comprehension of the full possible scope of any powers you encounter, not just your own but all others’ too. When it comes to your own powers you can control them perfectly, down to the exact temperature of your flames, or the precise nanometer you stretch too, or tune your lifting strength to the pinpoint milligram, and so on.

Moreover, you have a perfect grasp for how they all work together, how they can be used to cover each other’s weaknesses and boost their strengths. With some practice, you can even do it for any allies or friends you have, flawlessly covering each other’s weaknesses and working as a well-oiled machine.

But where you really shine is to do so, and worse, with your enemies’ powers. All you have to do is to look at someone using their powers and you have an instinctive understanding of it’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and how to use them to disable or even kill your targets. You specialize on turning your enemies’ strengths against them, and in disabling their abilities or even turning them on your enemies themselves… and how to steal them for yourself.


There is no restriction on how many of these you can take, barring the cost. The descriptions given are the state of the power as you receive it. Each of them continues to grow with time and use, potentially growing to very impressive heights, one would imagine.

Inviolable- 400 CP

It’s never fun when something important to you, such as your innate abilities or superpowers are fucked with. And there’s a distressingly large number of people capable of doing that out there! They could be a real threat… to others.

You find that any abilities to steal, suppress, copy or otherwise try and affect any of your powers or abilities without your consent fail disastrously for the would-be perpetrator, no matter how many different ways they might have of doing it and what the difference in power between you and them may be.

This does not protect you from drawbacks, of course, but nothing short of them can hit you in the powers.

Strange Thing- 400 CP

Whoa, you’re stone! And kinda ugly. Your flesh, simply put, has been converted into stone. While some things remain normal, such as your tongue and other similar organs, your skin has the texture and strength of solid stone.

This grants you massive, immense strength capable of wondrous feats, and endurance and durability on the same level. Moreover, you are wholly immune to any forms of radiation, diseases, or poisons. If it wouldn’t hurt a stone, it wouldn’t hurt you. Even your aging is in question!

Unlike the other guy, though, you have an advantage. Turns out, this isn’t permanent for you. Indeed, you find that while it’s rather hard to grasp in the beginning, you can train yourself to control this power, turning back human at will. More advancement makes you capable of making the switch at a moment’s notice, or even just turning parts of your body into stone.

Fantastic- 400 CP

You have the powers of the man who would be Mr Fantastic! That means you’re massively, ridiculously stretchy and malleable, being more like chewing gum than human. You can stretch to ridiculous extents, being able to support things on the size of buildings if you want, or getting something from blocks away.

In addition to this, you’re also obviously very, very hard to hurt. In almost the opposite way to the above option, your body just bends with any would-be attack, absorbing and distributing it perfectly and leaving you wholly unharmed.

Elemental- 400 CP

Flame On! Might be a silly thing to keep saying, but it really could be a fairly good representation of your abilities. You have the ability to manipulate an element of nature, simply creating it from your body somehow and indeed, turning your body partially or wholly into it.

Doing this comes with a number of advantages. You are obviously immune to any and all damage from your own element. Someone with the fire version of this power can never burn, someone with the water version would have total immunity to harm from water, or even vapor or ice, so on and so forth.

Fire would even let you fly, probably, and the same for wind. Or the others if you figure it out, one supposes. You’re basically Johnny Storm, Jumper, though potentially of another element.

Invisible- 400 CP

And force fields. There isn’t much else to say, really. You have the power to create invisible psychic constructs with your mind anywhere within a considerable radius around you, which could potentially be of any shape and size, and could stand up to a whole lot of damage. In this same radius, you can turn anything invisible too, starting with yourself.

Mind you, while your invisibility powers cost nothing to use unless you go ridiculous with them like trying to hide buildings or so, your force field powers draw upon your willpower and mental strength, to the extent that you feel any strain on them directly on your mind. Too much could have all sorts of side-effects, so tread carefully.

Metallic Man- 500 CP

Well, isn’t this interesting! While it shares some similarities with the Thing power, those are mostly only superficial. You find that your skin now has the texture and consistency of a super-strong, super-durable metal.

This grants you a massive, ridiculous level of durability, though the benefits to your strength or other physical attributes are fairly small. In addition, you have the power of electrokinesis, though on a pitiful level compared to what the Elemental power would give you.

The real power you get is entirely different, however. As it turns out, you no longer need fear any kind of energies, at all. No matter what the kind of force or energy you face, if it is an attack based solely in energy, it won’t do jack to you beyond some inconvenience. You could get locked in a pose if an entire suit of armor was melted over you and rehardened, and that would take a literal cyclone of impossibly hot flames.

To clarify, this won’t prevent you in the least from someone socking you in the jaw, at least beyond your metallic skin already does. But if someone projects pure kinetic energy at you without some matter to deliver it, they might as well try a water gun. This stands for any and all energy based attacks, mind you. Regardless of how utterly exotic or normally it may be, the only effect an energy attack can have on you is positive,

Surfer- 900 CP

Ah. Yes, this. So… you can manipulate the Power Cosmic now. Not on a scale like anything you might have heard of, but on the level of the Silver Surfer of this world. Which, to be honest, is nothing to sneeze at.

First, you are entirely beyond the need of any kind of sustenance, or sleep. You also have mind-numbing durability… mostly in that you can let attacks simply pass through you. You can survive entirely unaffected in the void of space, and move at relativistic speeds.

You also have immense, ludicrous levels of telekinesis, easily capable of causing maps to be redrawn, and can detect any kind of monitoring being tried on you, and trace it back to its source. You can also do things like bring the dead back to life, though it would take a significant part of your power. Beyond these specified uses there is little limit to what all you can accomplish, restrained only by the quantity of the Power you can access and your imagination.


The 100 CP items are free for their respective origins, and the others cost 50%. Wherever relevant, you may import an existing item at no additional cost.


More Money than God- 100 CP

Whoa, you’re rich! While an exact accounting would take longer than we have (it’s all spread across a thousand trusts and investments and companies and all, y’know), you have a net worth very nearly close to ‘yes’.

That is, somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars, maybe a few billion. Let’s not get crazy, here.

Costumes- 200 CP

Superhero ones! How can you be a hero, or better, a team, if you don’t have these? These are finely designed, form-fitting wear made of cosmically irradiated ‘unstable molecules’, and they come with some crazy advantages.

First, they adapt to your powers. No matter how crazy the things you can do may be, the costumes part of this set remain with you through thick and thin, perfectly adapting to whatever powers you exhibit or whatever forms you take. Second, they really are very well designed, and reflect the idea of heroism and greatness all around you, so anyone who sees you in them is naturally inclined to treat you as a great hero of some kind.

Jumper Building- 400 CP

A building with your name on it! This is a prime piece of real estate located in the most fancy parts of the city, and can serve as… well, whatever you would like it to. A magnificently designed building, it’s equally suited to be a home, office building, worldwide headquarters of a corporation, a combination of all of these… or something else entirely.

Whatever use you may want to put a building like this to, this place adapts to fulfil perfectly and flawlessly. And with it come certain advantages. First, of course, the utilities in this place are free and limitless. Both the energy, the water and everything else are created ex-nihilo, and do not rely on any infrastructure.

Furthermore, there is the matter of space. As it appears, there’s a lot more in the building than it has any business having. While not quite infinite at first glance, you always seem to be able to just about fit whatever you need into it somewhere.

The Reed

PhDs- 100 CP

Now this is the most obvious thing for you to have, isn’t it? You have no less than three separate PhD, covering any three areas of science you want. You’re a leading expert and genius in each of these, a true giant in the field.

But more than these, you find you now also have documents, proofs and complete records for any other degrees or qualifications you’re, well, qualified to hold. So long as you have the ability, you find that whatever is needed to indicate this just appears, complete with a full story behind it. These records are entirely genuine, and are treated by everyone just as they would any other similar documents.

Sensor Setup- 200 CP

There are all sorts of threats that can pop up out of nowhere, and you don’t always have the luxury to track or monitor them from afar. Except now you do. This is a hyper-advanced, extraordinarily well-designed suite of sensors and monitors, capable of tracking anything and everything on the planet.

The exact details are left up to you. Maybe it’s just that strong an antenna, maybe it’s a whole network of satellites, but whichever it is, it has everything you need to track anything exotic and most things native to the planet, even pointing out items of interest by itself.

Candyland- 400 CP

What is a scientist without a worthy lab? Yours is, thankfully. Indeed, few laboratories in the world could be found that would be able to beat this place. You have a huge lab setup, probably spanning multiple floors of a huge building or a truly ridiculously sized compound on the ground, and when it comes to Science of any and all kinds, this place is as close to nirvana as it gets.

It doesn’t even matter what kind of science you pursue, as the facilities here cover every single one of them. From biology to advanced astrophysics to psychology, this place has the very, absolute finest facilities possible to get, millions, potentially billions of dollars worth of equipment. The quantities you have here of things depends on their rarity in the outside world, but you have an unlimited supply of everything ‘common’, including live bodies of generic non-people and animals, all up to specifications.

From there the rarer something is the fewer samples you have of it, but no matter if it’s rare samples of bacteria, radioactive metals… or anything in between, this place is bound to have some of it, enough to make something good.

Everything restocks, again depending on rarity, but even the rarest samples are back in a couple months. In future worlds too, everything here, including the databanks in the computers, updates to equal levels in the local world.

The Johnny

Wardrobe- 100 CP

A wardrobe full of the sharpest, snappiest, very highest quality clothes in the latest fashions! Enough for you and any companions.

Your Own Place - 200 CP

Something seriously nice. Maybe a humongous penthouse suite, or something like a beach house or even a small mansion, it’s absurdly luxurious, and very, very comfortable.

Also, it’s equally discrete. While here you find you can’t be tracked by any of your enemies, unless you start operating directly out of it.

JumperCar- 400 CP

Ooh, nice! This is a sweet ride, jumper A flying machine of your very own! This is a fully equipped, highly advanced aircraft, capable of some very special tricks! First of all, there’s the speed. Capable of travelling across half the planet in a matter of minutes, this is one fast ride, let me tell you.

More than just that, though, the Car protects you from the harmful effects such travel could cause, be they wind or gravity. Riding in it is always just like riding in a warmed, comfortable car, instead of… well, what it is. This is not a solo vehicle, either. It can seat nine people at peak capacity, you and eight companions. And comprising of a collection of fliers locked in together, it’s capable of splitting apart in its component parts at any moment.

Other than that it’s got all the usual conveniences; needs no fuel, is all but indestructible to any and all attacks, no matter how exotic, and one last thing. While in this, you find your powers boosted so as to be able to use them with this in some way. The exact mechanics are left up to you to figure out, but it’s really rather impressive.

The Doom

Hacked In- 100 CP

Oh, wow. This is really rather impressive, Jumper! This is a computer terminal with several monitors and an extensive processor setup, providing you processing power and monitoring capabilities far beyond what one would imagine.

But that’s just what’s there on the surface. Beyond being a very, very impressive computer setup, this system is connected, jacked into most every database, secure and unsecured, in the world. Military Satellites, coded communications, you name it, you can get at it.

All these connections are, of course, utterly undetectable and inviolable, even if you show up at the doorstep of the people you steal data from already knowing all kinds of secrets. If you want, you can instead have it all in a laptop or even a smartphone with no loss in capabilities… somehow.

Space Station- 200 CP

Pretty much what it says on the tin. You have your very own Space Station now! It’s a pretty big thing too, sitting there in orbit, with top-of-the-line capabilities for monitoring all sorts of things, and also for sample-collection, experimentation, and all the other sciency stuff.

Curiously, it does not come with a Death Ray already pointed at Earth, though I’m sure you can work that in. Also, there are a number of vessels capable of reaching earth in the hangar, along with a limited Teleportation system somewhere. Limited, in that it only links to one place on the earth, of your choosing.

Wait, no, make that two places. One spot on Earth, and your Warehouse or any attachment. After this jump this station appears in the orbit of whichever planets you go to as soon as you will it. In settings featuring more than one planet you can pick which one you want it near, though you can’t move it outside of any other abilities you may have.

Von Jumper- 400 CP

Not just anyone, are you? No, as it turns out, your family names means something. You are the heir to a old and proud family, with an ancient history. Either royalty or nobility or both, you have a rich and cultured past… and the same kind of present, come to think of it.

First of all, your noble blood and name have great weight in numerous social and cultural circles around the world, with you being regarded as the bluest of blue blood possible, or at the absolute worst, painfully close to such. This comes with all the usual advantages, like invitations to royal balls, titles and honors being tossed at you just because, an education in how to survive both, and all the rest.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, it comes with quite a bit of tangible stuff too. You either have an old and wealthy corporation that you own, a worldwide power with branches and subsidiaries all over and a net worth with many, many zeroes on it, or you are the real, never-actually-deposed royalty of an entire country, with all the implications. It can’t be much larger than, say, Slovenia of our world, but it’s yours truly and absolutely.

If you want you can have it be some kind of mix, with both your nation and company being proportionately smaller and weaker, or you can just buy this twice to have both. Up to you.


Import/Create - 50 CP

You have a companion in this world, jumper. Someone who likes you and is willing to follow you on your travels. They receive 800 CP to spend on whatever they wish. If you want, you can give these CP to an existing companion and import them into this world instead.

Alternatively, you can import a group of eight companions for 300 CP instead. Canon Companion - 100/200 CP

It’s Sue Storm, isn’t it? Well, whoever it is, you can take them along for just 100 CP… except if it’s the Surfer. Him you can take for 200. You can take Galactus too, if you want… for 5000 CP.


There is no limit on how many points you can get from drawbacks.

Crossover +0 CP

Technically this world is supposed to be a standalone universe, but with this you may freely make this world’s events part of any Marvel related world you can justify. Maybe Johnny is related to Captain America? Maybe Wolverine is Man of the Year?

Alternate Continuity +0 CP

Pick an alternate portrayal of the Fantastic Four, anything from that Reboot-Not-To-Be-Named to that Children’s Cartoon from the ‘60s. From the Ultimate Comics to the Unreleased ‘90s Movie.

Powerful Problems +100

Well, in a way. You seem to have never-ending problems with your powers. Or rather, because of them. Elevators don’t work for you if you’re a Thing, and parts of you keep stretching out, or turning invisible if you’re one of the other powers. It’s never seriously threatening, to be honest, but it’s very annoying.

Quarterbacks and Nerds… something? +200

What is this? Aren’t people supposed to grow up in their lives? Especially if they’re military officers or scientists? Apparently not. For the duration of your stay, people tend to act in a seriously ‘Hollywood’-y way around you.

Every soldier seems to be a jock, every scientist a geek and nerd, and they all devote themselves to playing the the stereotypes as badly as they can. This is very close to hell, jumper.

The Number Is 75 +200

...yeah. Are you sure you don’t need an adult to total up the CP spending here for you? Because man, you’re bad with any kind of expenditure, accounting, or the managing thereof. Actually, no, that’s an insult to people who are bad at it. You are a disaster when it comes to anything that has to do with money, signing over absurd percentages of proceeds from your work to others without literally any fight whatsoever, or just failing to monetize any of your genius in general.

Like… seriously, dude. You couldn’t lose money faster if you started burning bills for warmth.

Jumper the Thing +200 CP

Your empowerment has had a side effect, it turned you into a large, ugly monster. Babies will cry upon seeing you, children will scream, adults will be either awkward or openly insulting and hostile. Moreover, your shape is unwieldy enough to cause problems in day to day life, such as inability to use elevators, difficulty with fine motor skills, and general numbness.

Obviously, this trumps any perks that would prevent this, including shapeshifting perks and powers

Cosmic Dampening +400 CP

The local reality conditions suppress your out-of-jump powers, items, and Warehouse access. You are restricted to your Body Mod, skills, and what you purchased from this jump-document.

Doomed +300/600 CP

Well, that happened. You did something that pissed off the local version of Dr Doom. Probably breathed too loud, knowing him. He’s smart, he’s rich, he’s utterly ruthless… and he’s gunning for you with everything he has.

But wait! It can get worse, for an additional 300 points! I mean, I don’t even know how you could find the points worth it, but Doom is no longer just a rich douchebag with metal skin and lightning powers, instead he has access to all the technological and arcane prowess his earth 616 counterpart possess, and he is the undisputed dictator of his home nation of Latveria.

Suffice to say this particular incarnation of the Fantastic Four probably will be unable to best such a powerful foe without help. It does not help he is really pissed about Sue dumping him at the engagement…if it were to happen at all, that is.

The Coming of Galactus +600 CP

Did you really think that the Surfer taking a stand against his master would be enough to destroy him? Or that the Devourer would just be some goofy looking cosmic cloud? Nope, this world has a Galactus every bit as powerful and terrifying as his Earth 616 counterpart, and he’s coming for earth.

Be warned that even if you have the means to flee, should earth meets its end at the hands of Galactus then your chain shall end alongside it. Know that he is not opposed to bargaining to spare the Earth if you can convince him that either he has something to gain from the deal, or that you could end his existence should he be unwilling to comply. Good luck jumper. You’ll need it, trust me.



This is a pretty okay-ish world, so okay! Time starts everywhere else, your affairs are put in order, so on and so forth.

Go Home

Seeing the family here makes you miss your own? Return home with all your stuff!

Next Jump

...Yeeah. I didn’t expect anything else either.


None just as yet… hit me up at SB/QQ/SV/FF.net for clarifications.

If you’re writing a story about this jump, you have permission to change… whatever you want to, on one condition. Find me at SB and give me a link.

I reserve the right to randomly alter sections of the document in fits of pique, to win internet arguments, or to make things easier on me if I’m building for this jump.

More later.