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점프 링크: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1IAC7LscFcX2rMqGRZglybnHcOuqUwagG0E6PRUFJtWQ/mobilebasic

위키 링크: https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Hades_Wiki

Hades Jumpchain Rebuild

Welcome to the Greek Underworld! Ruled over by Lord Hades, it has been home to countless souls, and none have ever managed to slip free and return to the living world.

Zagreus, the son of Hades, is trying to change that. Aided by his relatives, the Olympians, he seeks to break free of the underworld and see the surface world.


Initially, Zagreus’ goal is to join his relatives on Mount Olympus, aided by Nyx, who he believes to be his mother. However, he will soon learn the truth, that his true mother is Persephone, and that she left the Underworld shortly after his birth, vanishing into the mortal world.

In time, he may manage to battle his way to the surface, travelling through Tartarus, a maze of corridors and locked cells; Asphodel, a once verdant field now covered in lava; Elysium, a brilliant paradise full of Greek warriors and heroes, and the Temple of Hades, a satyr infested building guarded by Cerberus that marks the underworld’s entrance. After all of that, he must defeat his father in combat to be able to truly emerge onto the surface and find his mother.

He will find that she left due to growing dissatisfaction, with the final straw being his death as an infant. Nyx managed to revive him, at great cost, but by that point, Persephone had already left to the surface. Unfortunately, any such reunion will be cut short, as Zagreus is pulled back into the underworld, and he will have to fight his way free again to see his mother once more, and perhaps mend the rift between her and his father.

Will you aid Zagreus in escaping from the underworld, or will you join the forces seeking to stop him? Take +1000 CP, 10 years, and let’s find out. For more information about Hades, see this link.

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S




S P E C I A L   P E R K S

1 0 0   C P   P E R K S

2 0 0   C P   P E R K S

4 0 0   C P   P E R K S

6 0 0   C P   P E R K S

P A T R O N   P O W E R S
















1 0 0   C P   I T E M S

2 0 0   C P   I T E M S

4 0 0   C P   I T E M S

6 0 0   C P   I T E M S




+ 1 0 0   C P

+ 2 0 0   C P

+ 3 0 0   C P

+ 4 0 0   C P

+ 6 0 0   C P

E N D I N G   A N D   N O T E S

 O R I G I N 

How did you come to be in the underworld? You must choose an origin from the following list:

Shade - You are a simple mortal soul, bound in the underworld and either awaiting judgment or living out whatever sentence you have been given. There are enough souls wandering around that you could have simply popped up or “dropped in”, with no actual history, and no-one would have known any differently.

Monster - You are a beast out of myth and legend. Possessing a monstrous form, you have been bound to the underworld in one way or another, and are likely expected to serve as an obstacle during Zagreus’ escape attempts.

Demigod - You have a touch of divinity within you. Something along the lines of Zagreus himself, or perhaps the Furies that oppose him. It is a seed that could potentially bloom into something more, but for now, it is merely untapped potential.

 L O C A T I O N 

Choose the area of the underworld where you are ‘bound’. It is possible for you to venture outside of it, but doing so without Hades’ permission might draw his ire. You can select from these randomly for an extra +100 CP.

House of Hades - You are bound to the seat of Hades’ power, his house in the very depths of the Underworld. You might be assisting him in the administration of souls, or simply kept there so he can keep an eye on you. This is the location that Zagreus will return to every time he falls during an escape attempt.

Tartarus - A maze of dungeons and corridors, filled with those who committed sins and misdeeds in their lives and which they are forced to pay for during their death. An ever-shifting labyrinth full of traps and countless rooms, it is a place of constant agony and torment.

Asphodel - Once a verdant series of meadows, home to the unremarkable majority of humanity, which had earned neither punishment nor reward. Now, however, the fields have been overrun with the fiery river Phlegethon, which has overrun its borders and turned the meadows into a fiery hellscape of desolate islands amid a veritable sea of magma. There may be a few areas where beauty still remains here, but it is largely desolate.

Elysium - A place of paradise, home to those who were glorious and honorable during their lives. The river Lethe runs through the ageless crystal structures and verdant greenery of Elysium, washing away the memories of old pains, and allowing one to simply exist in tireless bliss.

Temple of Styx - A decrepit and run-down temple, through which the waters of the Styx flow down to eventually reach the House of Hades. Living here will give you easy access to the surface world, but will require you to either put up with the presence of nasty vermin and satyrs, or find a way to cleanse the temple and make it more livable.

 P E R K S 

Perks are discounted 50% to their indicated origins, save for the 100 CP perks, which are free.

 S P E C I A L   P E R K S 

Revival (Free / 200) - While you are here, you are bound to the underworld location you have selected. This means that, should you ‘die’, you will find yourself reviving within it, rising from a pool of blood positioned somewhere within the area. It will generally take only a day or so for you to revive after dying, but be aware that dying is no less unpleasant for all that it is not permanent here. Fortunately, you are granted mental protection against trauma, ensuring that you will be able to recover mentally after you fall, treating it as an inconvenient setback more than anything. This protection against trauma will follow you into future worlds, but the revival effect will not. Unless you pay an additional 200 CP, in which case a somewhat weakened version of this effect can follow you on your journey. A pool of blood will appear somewhere in each world you are in, and once per month, upon your death, you will rise again from that pool instead of dying permanently.

Smoldering Looks (Free) - Everyone here is almost unfairly attractive, and you are no exception. Your face, your voice, your body, every inch of you oozes tantalizing sensuality. You could be beaten up and coated in blood, and you’d somehow still manage to look like you just walked off of the runway as a model.

Homeric Narrator (Free) - There is a voice that will occasionally chime in to narrate your actions. They can help to provide insights into what you are seeing and the history of the area around you, and can even let slip secrets that you may not have been aware of. No-one other than you seems to be able to hear them.

Death Defiance (100 / 200 / 300) - You might revive from death, but it is better to never die at all if you can help it. With this perk, you will be able to defy death, literally pulling yourself back from the brink when you suffer a lethal wound in combat. For 100 CP, you will be able to pull yourself back once per day, and the healing will only heal the immediate wound, leaving any other injuries you might have taken untouched. For 200 CP, you will be able to pull yourself back two times per day, and the healing can extend to patching you up to roughly a ‘quarter’ of your full health. For 300 CP, you will be able to pull yourself back three times per day, and you will be healed to half of your full health each time.

Divinity (500) - You have a spark of divinity within you, tying you to a specific domain and setting you as something beyond the ordinary. This functions as a Capstone Booster for the 600 CP perks and the 4 Point Patron Powers, and grants the following effects.

Divine Domain: You are linked to a specific domain. This can be anything from Agriculture to Fire to Sports. You can both draw power from and exert influence over your domain. Your power over your domain is not quite to the level of the Olympians yet, but it will reach that level with a few decades of development, and potentially the level of high gods like Zeus or Demeter within a century or two. It is even possible that you could reach the level of being an Incarnation like Nyx after a couple thousand years, where you would truly embody your domain and be able to effortlessly manipulate it. If you pick up additional domains further on in the document, and choose the same domain you picked here, you could jump start this process, boosting you ahead to full Olympian with one duplicate pick, high god with two duplicates, and Incarnation with three.

Awareness: You possess a divine sense that can inform you of the local state of your dominion and the state of other areas that you control or own.

Status Curse: Your divine energy is capable of inflicting a specific penalty against your foes. This penalty is related to your Domain in some way, and can range from causing them to take damage when attacking you to slowing them down to attracting projectiles to them or more.

Boon Granting: You are able to gift a portion of your divine power to others in the form of Boons, minor powers related to your Domain in some way. These Boons can grant the ability to use your Status Curse, improve attack or defense or luck or any number of other attributes, or have other effects. Initially, you are limited to only granting around a dozen minor boons at a time and you must be in a person’s presence to do so, but in time, you can grant more and stronger boons, and you can even grant them at a distance. When you are prayed to, for example.

 1 0 0   C P   P E R K S 

Mortal Valor (100, Free for Shade) - A mortal life is fraught with unknowns, and it takes great courage to continue to face the risk of death without flinching. You have a large boost to your willpower and determination, sufficient to face the unknown even if you didn’t have the certain promise of an afterlife.

Anonymity (100, Free for Shade) - Most mortal shades look pretty much alike, covered in formless cloaks with faintly glowing eyes. To many in the underworld, they are little more than props in the background, entirely beneath notice. Now, even if you aren’t wearing such a cloak, you find it easy to blend into the background, granting a considerable boost to stealth, and leading people to forget that you are there if you are careful not to draw their attention.

Trap Avoidance (100, Free for Monster) - As a monster, you have a deeper connection to the earth and the shape of structures built within it. Specifically, you have a sense for where traps are placed, as well as where they might ideally be placed, and an instinct for how to move to avoid setting them off. Traps in general seem to be less sensitive with regards to your presence.

Superior Senses (100, Free for Monster) - Your senses are sharper than any mortal, particularly in the area of hearing and smell, and your senses have expanded to include more esoteric senses, such as a sense for souls or for the presence of sin. You can choose three such esoteric senses, which have the same general range as your other senses.

Defiance (100, Free for Demigod) - The will of the gods is not something that is easily defied or withstood, but you possess an inner core of determination that actually grants you strength when you are defying authority or working against opposition. The tougher the trial you face, the greater the boost in strength you can gain, though it will still be a struggle when you do so.

Faith (100, Free for Demigod) - Gods and demigods are not dependent on worship to survive, but they can gain power from it, and now, so do you. Specifically, you gain power when someone is in awe of you, showing faith in you, following your teachings or instructions, or is giving offerings in your name. The more widespread such worship is, the greater a boost to your power.

 2 0 0   C P   P E R K S 

Dark Caster (200, Discounted for Shade) - The underworld is home to a great deal of shadowy magic, and you have been initiated into some of the most simplistic principles. Specifically, you have a knowledge of how to shape and manipulate darkness into magical projectiles. These can take the form of spheres or beams of shadowy energy, and as they draw on ambient darkness, they require little to no personal power to use. You could potentially train to perform greater workings, such as concealing your presence or teleporting through shadows, though such complex workings would begin to draw on your internal energy stores rather than ambient darkness.

Skill At Arms (200, Discounted for Shade) - You have been granted skill equivalent to a heroic lifetime of training with a specific weapon, and you have also been granted an enhanced capacity to pick up and use other weapons as well. The category of weapon you choose can be fairly broad (something like “swords” or “daggers” or “heavy blunt flails” would work), and your skill can naturally translate to closely related weapons with some effort.

Multi-Headed (200, Discounted for Monster) - Multi-headed monsters are a staple of mythology, and now, you are one of them. You have anywhere from three to seven heads, each of which can think separately of the others, while sharing information in parallel and working in unison. When you are in a form that lacks multiple heads, you can form up to seven ‘trains of thought’, effectively having seven versions of your mind running in parallel inside your brain.

Fell Curse (200, Discounted for Monster) - Monsters often are born of some form of corruption, which they can spread or inflict on others. You are capable of generating some kind of curse, which can range from petrification to virulent poison to persistent burning. You can spread this curse very cheaply, and also gain the ability to break it (and similar effects) if it afflicts someone you don’t want it to.

Burning Tread (200, Discounted for Demigod) - Your feet may or may not be burning with flame, but you are capable of imitating Zagreus’s dash. With a thought, you can move in a sudden blur, allowing you to change direction almost instantly, though you do have to start and end on a piece of solid ground. When you are in motion, you can pass through thin obstacles as well as avoid attacks, though the thicker walls of the underworld are capable of stymying your movement.

Olympic Message (200, Discounted for Demigod) - Distance is no obstacle to communication with the gods, and you have inherited the capacity for divine communication. You are able to direct messages to others, regardless of distance, and you can pick up when someone is trying to talk to you as well. Initially, you are only going to be able to speak with them verbally, but a stronger connection or relationship between you and the one you are messaging can allow you to send or receive energy, magical or divine effects, and eventually even physical items with a very strong relationship.

 4 0 0   C P   P E R K S 

Elite (400, Discounted for Shade) - There are those mortal souls that are a cut above the ordinary, and you are among their number. Your ‘excellence’ now forms a literal shield around you that must be broken before you can be harmed, represented by a general yellow glow. This effect grows stronger the more exceptional or special you demonstrate yourself to be. Once broken, it will regenerate after a few minutes.

Phantom Shade (400, Discounted for Shade) - Even shades have some substance, limited though it may be. You, however, can push things further, allowing yourself to become less tangible and visible. While in this state, you won’t take damage from most sources, but you are also prevented from inflicting any on others.

Lesser Spawn (400, Discounted for Monster) - You are able to summon a handful of lesser versions of your monstrous self, with weaker versions of the abilities your monstrous form grants. If you lack a monstrous form, you can pick the shape that these lesser spawn will take, though that choice is fixed once made. Once they are all defeated, you have to wait a few minutes before you are able to summon more.

Invulnerable Aegis (400, Discounted for Monster) - Every good monster needs an ultimate attack. Dragons have fire breath, minotaurs have an unstoppable charge, but the issue comes when a plucky hero disrupts you right as you are charging up your move. Now, not only do you have some form of ‘super move’, but more importantly, you are invulnerable while charging this and other similar moves. You can’t move while you do it either, but you won’t take damage and can’t be interrupted once you’ve started charging. This protection vanishes the moment when you release the charged move.

Between Worlds (400, Discounted for Demigod) - A demigod exists as a bridge between the realms of the mortal and the realms of the divine. They are able to embody aspects of both worlds, and now, you do as well. You are an embodiment of liminal spaces which can allow you to find your way between realms, ranging from the underworld to the mortal world to the realms of chaos. In addition, so long as you have some claim within a world or realm, you will never suffer rejection from the realm itself, or be marked as an outsider or out-of-place.

By My Authority (400, Discounted for Demigod) - You have been granted a certain measure of authority of the functions of the underworld, which cannot be taken away from you, even by Hades himself. You can force rooms to shift around, open sealed doorways, and even command some of the lesser shades. And, if you should manage to earn more authority within the underworld, it will become similarly irrevocable. In the future, you can choose one organization to gain similarly irrevocable authority within.

 6 0 0   C P   P E R K S 

Transcendent Hero (600, Discounted for Shade) - A hero is a mortal that has climbed to the very pinnacle of humanity, and you are now among that number. Some aspect of your abilities has transcended mortal limitations. This could be in the area of combat or music or craftsmanship or something else entirely. You can pick any mortal skill, and your ability in it reaches the point of divinity through pure skill alone.

        Divinity - Your chosen skill has literally reached the level of divinity, forming a minor secondary Domain for you. Beyond that, you have transcendent skill in gaining skills, developing and learning skills at a drastically accelerated pace, and gaining the capacity to develop similar secondary Domains in the future by surpassing mortal limits in your skills via concerted effort.

Child of the Earth (600, Discounted for Monster) - Monsters are born of Gaea, the Earth Mother, and thus they are subject to her love and protection. You are protected against any environmental dangers, including things like lava, falling rocks, poisonous gases, etc. The world and earth will shift to protect you, cracks opening to trip opponents or a sudden wind obscuring visibility to spoil a shot someone was about to take. Should you encounter any avatars of the world, they will recognize you as something to be protected.

        Divinity - You can communicate with the world itself, and can draw immense amounts of power from it, enormously increasing the amount of divine energy that you have available.

Full Inheritance (600, Discounted for Demigod) - It is the nature of genetics, even among gods, that some gifts simply don’t pass on to the next generation. Sometimes, they may lay dormant for several generations, or are simply replaced with some other power. In you, however, the full potential of your bloodline is manifested. You are able to draw out the full potential of your ancestry, inheriting any and all gifts or traits at as high a level as possible. Anything that could be passed along as a genetic inheritance will be, save for negative traits you would rather reject.

Divinity - You are able to exercise control over what gets passed down to your own progeny, allowing you to make many things, including skills, powers, and divinity, into inheritable traits that you can choose whether your children will inherit or not, and how powerfully they will inherit them.

 P A T R O N   P O W E R S 

Just as Zagreus will grow and develop potent powers gifted to him by the various members of the Olympic Pantheon, you too will be given powers from the gods as a gift upon your arrival. Unlike Zagreus’ Boons, these powers will remain with you, growing over time as you use and develop them.

This section uses Pantheon Points (PP), and you start with 10 PP that you can spend in this section.

You may pick 2 Patrons from the divinities listed below. You gain the 1PP Patron Power from each selected Patron for free, and the 2PP and 4PP Patron Powers for those Patrons are discounted. All other powers remain at full price.

Patron Powers function just as normal Perks in future Jumps with a divine power source. If used against their source in this Jump, they may be weakened or cause the god they came from to be enraged at the disrespect, but after this Jump, they are your power and your power alone.

The 4PP Patron Powers are Divine Calls, which calls more directly on the power of a given god. Each of them grants a passive bonus and one or more active effects. The passive is constantly available, while the active effect can be triggered for several seconds, requiring a few minutes of build-up outside of combat. During combat, the energy for a Call accumulates automatically as you attack and defend. Only the power of a single god can be Called at once, though it is possible that you may overcome this limitation given time.

Pom of Power (100) - You can spend 100 CP to gain an additional 3 PP for use in this section. This can be taken multiple times.

 Z E U S 

Electric Jolts (1PP) - Your attacks and movements can generate bolts of electricity, either originating from yourself or as bolts striking from the sky nearby. These bolts can be generated every few seconds, and on striking a foe, they can stun them, hampering their movement as well as shocking them over time as they try and act. In time, the speed at which the bolts are generated, the power they possess, and the distance they are generated from you can all increase.

Chain Attack (2PP) - Like a metaphysical bolt of lightning, your attacks and actions are able to ‘chain’ from a given target to a few nearby targets. This can take the form of an attack chaining to several enemies or a burst of healing chaining to several allies. The chained effect does diminish with each link in the chain, and is loosely targeted, but mostly random (attacks won’t hit allies, but you can only vaguely control which enemies will be chained to, for example). In time, the number of targets that can be chained to, the distance that can be covered, and how slowly the effect diminishes can all increase.

Zeus’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Lord of the Skies grants you a sense for the patterns of the weather, allowing you to predict the weather for a few days in advance, as well as minor control over weather patterns, such as calling rain or pushing away snowstorms. In the underworld, this is mainly useful in calling up winds to ride over gaps or blow against enemies.

When you activate your Call, you are granted the power of freeform flight, as well as the ability to summon massively powerful lightning bolts down on targets from the heavens above. Finally, you will find that your internal reserves of various energies will refill faster while your Call lasts.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Zeus embodies, such as Storms, The Sky, Eagles, or Kingship.

 P O S E I D O N 

Knocking Wave (1PP) - Your attacks, movement, and other actions can generate a disproportionate amount of ‘knockback’, causing those you strike to fly back as if struck by some invisible wave. You also gain a limited form of hydrokinesis, allowing you to push or pull on liquids, with pure water being the easiest to move. In time, the amount of knockback you can generate, the amount of liquid you can move, and how precisely you can move it will all increase.

Rupturing Blow (2PP) - Your attacks and actions have the metaphysical quality of ‘seeping into’ a target, bypassing defenses and allowing you to inflict Rupture, a condition that generates internal damage in a target when it is moved. You can choose whether to inflict Rupture or whether you will simply have the effects of your actions bypass some defenses. In time, the amount of defense that can be bypassed, as well as the damage caused by Rupture, will both increase.

Poseidon’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Lord of the Seas grants you a sense for the movement of all nearby liquid, as well as the ability to breath underwater and swim with incredible speed. You also gain an incredible amount of luck and skill at fishing.

When you activate your Call, you are granted the capacity to summon and control a large amount of water, which you can control and even ride on, allowing you to move around swiftly. Your control also extends to already existing sources of liquid.

Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Poseidon embodies, such as Fish, the Ocean, Treasure, or Horses.

 A T H E N A 

Deflection (1PP) - Your attacks and movements can create temporary shields which can deflect attacks, causing them to rebound on their source. This is particularly effective on projectiles, adding speed to the projectile when it is returned. These shields manifest rapidly, but only a handful can actually be summoned at a time, limiting overall coverage. In time, the number of shields as well as the force added to projectiles by them can increase.

Exposing Insights (2PP) - Your perception and insight has sharpened, aiding you in uncovering details about the world. Most specifically, you excel at determining the weaknesses of objects, beings, and structures, the points where attacks can cause the most damage. You are able to both identify these weaknesses, and you can coordinate your actions to force enemies to expose those weaknesses, effectively maneuvering around their defenses or forcing them to shift their defenses out of position. In time, the level of detail you can gather via your insight, the speed at which you can analyze weaknesses, and the effectiveness at exposing those weaknesses can all increase.

Athena’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of Pallas Athena grants you a large boost to your general intelligence, especially with regards to data processing and tactical and strategic thinking. You also gain a rise in general durability and defense against attacks.

When you activate your Call, you become temporarily physically invulnerable, and can manifest several reflecting shields in the area around you. You also gain a large boost in coordination, both of your physical movements and of the angling and deflection of the various shields.

Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Athena embodies, such as Wisdom, Tactics, Defense, or Owls.

 A R E S 

Baleful Might (1PP) - You receive a pure boost to might, rendering all of your attacks stronger, whether physical, ranged, or magical. Armor and defenses are somewhat less effective against your blows, and wounds that you leave behind are more damaging and take longer to heal. In time, the magnitude of the boost to strength, armor-piercing, and wound severity will all increase.

Doom Rift (2PP) - You have access to a burning crimson energy, which can be shaped into temporary blades or spinning, ripping discs. Only a limited amount can be generated at a time, enough for a few discs spinning around at once. By injecting this energy into an attack, you can inflict Doom on a target, causing them to take a spontaneous burst of damage several seconds after your initial blow. In time, the amount of energy you can draw on at once, as well as the power of the Doom you inflict will increase.

Ares’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the God of War grants you a boost to your physical might, whether in or out of combat, as well as a greatly enhanced aura of intimidation, weakening the wills of those that you fight against.

When you activate your Call, your physical might is multiplied again, and an array of crimson weapons will orbit around you, slashing and tearing and bashing foes that get too close.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Ares embodies, such as War, Blood, Weapons, or Anger.

 A R T E M I S 

Tracking Shot (1PP) - Your attacks gain the ability to ‘hunt’ their targets, specifically your ranged attacks. Any ranged attack you make or ranged ability that you use has its effective range increased and is capable of curving through the air to strike its target. In time, the increase in range, agility of the projectile while adjusting course in midair, and the accuracy with which the projectile can hit a specific point on a hunted target will all increase.

Critical Mark (2PP) - Striking a weak point on an enemy can result in more damage, but such weak points can be difficult to uncover. Now, there is a chance for any attack you make to spontaneously generate a ‘weak point’ at the area where they struck, causing a ‘critical hit’. In addition, you are able to leave a Mark on foes who have suffered such a hit, which will cause other attacks made against them, whether by you or others, to also gain a chance to cause this effect. Only a few Marks can be maintained at once, and they linger for several minutes before vanishing. In time, the chance for causing a ‘critical hit’, the magnitude of extra damage, the number of potential marks, and their potential duration can all increase.

Artemis’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Goddess of the Hunt grants you a significant bonus in hunting or tracking targets, allowing you to follow faint trails and work out ambushes. It also grants you a large boost to general agility and running speed.

When you activate your Call, you gain the ability to summon barrages of energy arrows that will seek out foes and their weak points. Your agility is further increased from its passive level, and finally, you will find that your weapons or skills that require ammunition will have their ammunition regenerate at a steady pace.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Artemis embodies, such as Hunting, the Moon, Beasts, or Virginity.

 A P H R O D I T E 

Weakening Aura (1PP) - Your attacks, movements, and mere presence can cause those nearby to be weakened, rendering attacks they make or actions they take less effective. This can even affect inanimate objects, making them less dangerous or more prone to damage. In time, the magnitude of this effect, as well as the distance away from you where it can begin to take effect, can increase.

Charming Mein (2PP) - You have had your grace, charisma, and beauty enhanced, aiding you in convincing others to do as you wish or simply in leaving you alone. You can, with a period of direct focus, Charm a target, causing them to view you as an ally for a short period, even if they were in the midst of attacking you. It will be a few minutes before you can Charm a new target, and prior targets will gain some resistance to being Charmed again. In time, your boost to charism and beauty, the length of your Charm, the speed of your Charm’s cooldown, and its effectiveness on repeat targets can all increase.

Aphrodite’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Goddess of Love grants you a sense for the emotions and relationships of those around you. You can detect emotions that someone is feeling, even if you can’t see them, and you can identify how individuals are connected together and what their feelings towards each other are. You also have a resistance towards Charm or similar mind or emotion-bending effects.

When you activate your Call, you are able to generate arrows that can Charm foes, causing them to fight alongside you for a time, or mess with their emotions in other ways. You also gain a healing aura, passively regenerating your health and that of nearby allies, as well as improving the potency of other healing effects.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Aphrodite embodies, such as Love, Sex, Beauty, or Swans.

 D I O N Y S U S 

Hangover Headaches (1PP) - Your attacks and actions can carry the metaphysical aftereffects of wine. Those that you target can be inflicted with Hangover, which inflicts mental pain on them, preventing them from focusing, and physical damage similar to poison on them. These effects will wear off after a short time, and you can also clear the effects of hangovers, both metaphysical and actual from targets. In time, the magnitude of the mental pain and physical damage, as well as the hangover duration, can increase.

Drunken Fog (2PP) - You can summon a fog of festivity around you, filling the air with an intoxicating mist that causes drunkenness on those within, distorting their perception and occasionally stunning them. You can exclude yourself and a few selected others from the effect, and you are harder to target by those affected by drunkenness while you are in the fog. In time, the amount of fog, the magnitude of drunkenness, and the number of people you can exclude at a time can all increase.

Dionysus’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Lord of the Party grants you a talent for setting people at ease. People enjoy your company, even when they should be opposed to you. You also have the ability to produce wine spontaneously, as well as knowledge on how to make particularly potent spirits and drinks.

When you activate your Call, you can summon bursts of intoxicating fog around you, which not only inflicts drunkenness and headaches, but can inflict straight up madness in those affected by it, leading them to attack and act randomly.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Dionysus embodies, such as Wine, Madness, Partying, or Dolphins.

 D E M E T E R 

Chilling Strikes (1PP) - Your attack and movements can generate chilling fog, which slows down those who are caught in it, and can even freeze them in place when stacked up enough. You are immune to its effects, and resistant to other chilling or freezing effects as well. In time, the potency of the chilling effect, and the level of resistance you have to cold can increase.

Growth and Decay (2PP) - You are tapped into the cycle of growth and decay that marks the changing of the seasons and the progression from birth to death. You are able to encourage growth in those nearby, leading to healing and to powers rising towards their full potential, and you can invoke decay, causing them to sicken and wither and powers to diminish. Either effect requires time and focus to work. In time, the strength of the growth or decay, and the speed at which it takes effect, can increase.

Demeter’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Lady of the Harvest grants you a sense for life, as well as its potential, allowing you to detect living things and envision how they can grow and develop. You also gain a stronger link to your life force, making attempts to drain you of life or sicken or poison you much less effective.

When you activate your Call, you can summon a raging blizzard around you, that chills those caught in it, as well as creating icy crystals that can fire freezing beams at enemies. Those caught in the blizzard or beams long enough can freeze in place, damaging themselves when the entrapping ice shatters.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Demeter embodies, such as Winter, Agriculture, Plants, and Sorrow.

 H E R M E S 

Speed Rush (1PP) - It’s almost like your feet have wings. Your speed has been greatly enhanced, covering both your movement speed, and the speed at which you can act and attack. Your reaction times are increased as well, allowing you to keep up with the speed of your body. In time, the magnitude of your boost to speed and reaction can all increase.

Greater Evade (2PP) - You are slippery and unpredictable. You have a modest bonus to your ability to be stealthy, but the biggest bonus this grants is that you now have a chance to dodge any attack made against you, even those that you do not see coming. The chance is boosted when you do see it coming and are trying to evade, making your attempt that much more effective. In time, the bonus to stealth and the chance of a successful dodge will increase.

Hermes’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Messenger of the Gods grants you a multiplicative boost to speed and reflexes, and a boost to your strength and attack power when you are moving that scales with the speed of your movement.

When you activate your Call, your boost in speed increases even further, and any abilities that you have that require time between uses have their cooldowns sped up dramatically.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Hermes embodies, such as Messages, Speed, Thieves, or Cleverness.

 H A D E S 

Entrapping Grasp (1PP) - You can draw on eldritch energies to summon spectral hands and skulls. The hands will sprout from the ground or other surfaces nearby, and can latch hold to hold someone in place, and the skulls will possess a target, partially blinding them and causing them to take more damage from attacks. The number of hands and skulls you can summon at once is limited. In time, the strength of the hands, the potency of the skull’s effects, and the number of hands or skulls you can summon at once can increase.

Invisible Cloak (2PP) - You are able to enshroud yourself, turning invisible for several seconds. While you are invisible, you are muffled with regards to other senses as well. Your invisibility will break if you attack or interact with someone, and you have to wait several seconds after your invisibility ends before you can turn invisible again. In time, the duration of your invisibility, the speed at which it cools down, and the degree by which other senses are blocked can all increase.

Hades’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Lord of the Dead grants you the capacity to see and converse with the spirits of the dead, as well as sense the presence of death and its causes in the nearby environment. You are also able to interact directly with spiritual entities as if they were physical.

When you activate your Call, you can summon Wretches, spirits of the dead embodied in temporary physical forms that can fight or aid you, and you can draw on shadowy magics to cause shockwaves of soul-shaking energy.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Hades embodies, such as Death, the Underworld, Wealth, or Shadows.

 P E R S E P H O N E 

Growing Blooms (1PP) - You can draw on the energy of the earth to cause plants to grow extremely quickly and healthily, particularly edible plants such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. Even in the underworld, there are briars, trees, grasses, and other hardy plants that you can call on to grow under your power.

Boon Harvest (2PP) - When gods grant power to mortals, they will often give them just enough to help, but not enough to be a threat. For you, that may not always be the case. When someone gives you a boon or gift of power and influence, you are able to cause the gift to grow more powerful than they were originally intended, potentially even surpassing the original given enough time. The degree by which your boons improve and how far you can improve them can increase over time.

Persephone’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Queen of the Underworld grants you a calming presence. Those that are near you will be far less inclined to attack you unprovoked, and even when provoked, it will take time for them to get worked up enough to use their full strength.

When you activate your Call, you can coat the nearby area in arrays of beautiful flowers, which greatly increases the calming effect, and provides potent healing to yourself and those you would call your allies.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Persephone embodies, such as Flowers, Growth, Youth, and the Seasons.

 N Y X 

Shadowy Echoes (1PP) - Your attack and movements can generate swirling shadows that can make your attacks harder to see and dodge, and which can even temporarily blind those struck by them, preventing them from accurately targeting you with attacks. You are also able to resist similar blinding effects yourself and see clearly in low light. In time, the potency of the shadows, and the level of resistance you have to blinding and low light can increase.

Vanishing Dusk (2PP) - You are able to teleport in swirls of shadowy mist. In combat, this teleportation can be used every minute or so, and can reposition you within a given chamber. If you aren’t in combat and have several uninterrupted seconds of focus, you can teleport farther, crossing large chunks of an underworld region at once. In time, the speed at which you can teleport in combat, and the distance you can teleport outside of combat can increase.

Nyx’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Night Incarnate grants you the ability to cloak yourself within her shadows, which can protect you from being observed by supernatural means. Various forms of divination and scrying will prove ineffective on you, and this can extend even to those who would try and seek you being unable to recognize that they can’t find you.

When you activate your Call, you can cloak the entire battlefield in shadowy pressure. This effect will cause your enemies to move far slower and can cause more distant enemies to lose focus on you, causing them to wander aimlessly until you draw their attention once again.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Nyx embodies, such as Night, Darkness, Stillness, and Leadership.

 C H A O S 

Shifting Power (1PP) - Your attacks and actions can cause the function and actions of your targets to shift unpredictably. A skull that floats through the air could suddenly shift to bouncing like a ball, and a lizard breathing flame could find itself suddenly breathing snow. These shifts will be uncontrollably random, though often somehow thematic with the original function, and the shifts will last for a few minutes before reverting. In time, the magnitude of the shifts and their duration can increase.

Adverse Blessings (2PP) - Even in chaos, the principle of equal exchange is a constant. You are able to temporarily sacrifice certain aspects of yourself, such as a portion of your health or a portion of your movement speed or the use of certain gifts. After going without those aspects for a time, you can gain a blessing in exchange, such as added luck in finding treasure or more potent magical power. Gained blessings will persist for a time, several times longer than the time the aspect was sacrificed. Blessings will be more potent if left up to random chance. In time, the potency and duration of gained blessings will increase.

Chaos’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Source of All Things grants you a generally expanded awareness, particularly with regards to cause and effect. This allows for calculations that can appear as precognition, allowing you to account for random chance and chaotic effects when predicting the future.

When you activate your Call, reality and probability will distort nearby you, granting you a considerable bonus to general luck, as well as causing improbable and near impossible events to spontaneously occur. Your control over these spontaneous effects is limited, but you can predict and suppress effects that would be harmful to you.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, which shifts randomly over time, going from Fire to Sandwiches to Ferrets to Peace, etc. A domain will persist for a few hours, at least, once it has shifted.

 C H A R O N 

Prize Seeker (1PP) - You gain a sense for treasure, especially gold, and can assess the worth of virtually anything, from items to abilities. Your attacks and actions also cause your targets to spontaneously drop coins when hit, which will automatically pull into your pockets. In time, the range of your treasure sense, and the value of the coins dropped per hit can increase.

Fortune Blow (2PP) - You can quite literally pay to win. You are able to sacrifice coins or other monetary items to empower your strikes. It will initially take a small stack of gold coins to double the force of a blow, but paying more can boost the increase linearly. These sacrifices can draw from accounts or stored money, so long as it is definitively yours. In time, the amplification of an attack per coin can increase.

Charon’s Call (4PP) - Gaining the favor of the Ferryman of Souls grants you a sense for navigation and a talent for finding shortcuts that can help to shorten your journeys. It also allows you to mentally map your surroundings, and detect when the landscape is being shifted or altered around you.

When you activate your Call, you can call on the power of the waters of the Styx, Phelegethon, and Lethe, summoning waves of water that can drown, burn, or cause those engulfed in them to forget what they were doing.

        Divinity - You gain a secondary domain, related to those that Charon embodies, such as Rivers, Souls, Money, or Guides.

 I T E M S 

Items are 50% off to their respective origins, except 100 CP items, which are free. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all items will reappear within a week if truly broken, lost, or stolen.

 1 0 0   C P   I T E M S 

Sack of Obols (100) - A sack full of a few hundred golden obols, the currency of choice in the underworld. Refills daily if spent.

Divine Wardrobe (100) - A wardrobe full of stylish ancient Grecian outfits. Comes with an entire section of capes that can burn up for a dramatic entrance, which get replaced after use.

Trappings and Finery (100) - A set of decorations, such as tapestries, carpets, upholstered chairs, portraits, etc., all centered around a given theme. There are enough provided to decorate a large mansion. New furnishings only show up if the old furnishings are lost or destroyed.

Codex (100, Free for Shade) - A hand-written book detailing the major and minor players in the underworld, as well as locations or items found within. The book updates to cover similar information each new Jump, with a focus on beings related to the supernatural or afterlives.

Loyalty Card (100, Free for Shade) - A shiny golden card that represents a dedicated shopper. When you are holding the card, prices charged in shops such as Charon’s shop or the Well of Charon will be lowered. This card has a similar effect with merchants in later jumps.

Gemstones (100, Free for Monster) - A small pile of dozens of precious gemstones. A new pile will appear each month, and very rarely, a large diamond will be included in the new pile.

Trap Blueprints (100, Free for Monster) - A set of blueprints for creating a modest variety of traps. The traps focus specifically on ways to incorporate the environment and/or your own abilities in the traps.

Fishing Rod (100, Free for Demigod) - A fishing rod that can be used in any body of liquid and will catch fish associated with that body of liquid.

Bloodstones (100, Free for Demigod) - A set of three crimson gemstones that you can summon to your hand at will, and fire off as a jet of bloody light. When this attack strikes a foe, it will not only cause damage, but will also embed the bloodstone in the target, causing them to take more damage from attacks until it dislodges. Once dislodged, it will return to you after several seconds, or can be picked up if you are close by. The jets can be mixed with other magic you know or powers you have to have different shapes and effects.

 2 0 0   C P   I T E M S 

Daedalus Hammer (200, Discounted for Shade) - A hammer with the power of a master smith in it. A weapon or item can be hit with this to ‘improve’ it in some way. It takes a couple of days before it is ready to improve another weapon. The area of improvement can be somewhat directed, and a single hit can also be used to return the weapon to ‘normal’, removing any built-up improvements.

Spirit Weapon (200, Discounted for Shade) - A powerful, nigh-indestructible weapon like a hero would use. This can take any shape from a sword to an axe to a bow or more, but the shape is decided at the time of purchase. The weapon comes with a possessing spirit that is able to somewhat guide you when you are using it, and which can also form a body to wield the weapon independently of you. The spirit of the weapon is loyal to you, and can reform the body if destroyed within a few hours.

Centaur Heart (200, Discounted for Monster) - A large heart-shaped crystal filled with vital power. When it is used, it grants a significant bonus to health and vitality, making the user much harder to injure. It can be used repeatedly, though with some diminishing returns, and it replenishes every three days after use.

Well of Charon (200, Discounted for Monster) - A large basin filled with murky water which is linked to the Styx. A number of random items can be seen bobbing within. These items are power-up, which can provide temporary boosts to various traits, such as physical power or luck in finding treasure. You must drop gold into the basin in order to fish the items out, with the ‘price’ and function of the item being obvious when you see them. Items can be saved for later once retrieved.

Fated List of Minor Prophecies (200, Discounted for Demigod) - A list of prophecies describing you and various tasks or achievements you could perform in the world. Each prophecy comes with a reward, which can be material treasure, healing, or empowerment. The list updates for each new Jump, and there is no true penalty for failing to fulfill one of these prophecies.

Titan Blood (200, Discounted for Demigod) - A measure of divine ichor from the fallen Titans. Applying this to an ordinary weapon will transform it into a legendary equivalent, or improve a legendary artifact with even greater power and mystery. You gain a new measure of ichor each month.

 4 0 0   C P   I T E M S 

Anvil of Fates (400, Discounted for Shade) - A mighty anvil that can allow you to improve items by sacrificing parts of their functionality to greatly enhance other areas. It can only work on any given item once per week, but it can be used to slowly bootstrap all areas and improve them.

Charon’s Craft (400, Discounted for Shade) - A large boat that can sail on any river, mortal or supernatural, and which can pass between the mortal world and the afterlife. Be warned, trying to use this to help Zagreus escape directly will see you in direct conflict with Charon.

Divine Pact (400, Discounted for Monster) - A large contract that can be set up to cause someone greater difficulties in payment for granting them boons or larger rewards. Effectively allows for the imposing of ‘drawbacks’ on someone to grant them rewards on success. You can choose to use this yourself, or set up someone else to use it.

Voidstone (400, Discounted for Monster) - A cluster of floating blue stones that generates a field around you when it is nearby, rendering you invulnerable for as long as the stone is both close to you and intact. It cannot defend itself, so you have to find other ways to guard it.

Infernal Arm (400, Discounted for Demigod) - A powerful divine weapon, capable of injuring and even slaying gods. This can be one of the canonical weapons [Stygius the Stygian Blade, Varatha the Eternal Spear, Aegis the Shield of Chaos, Coronacht the Heart-Seeking Bow, The Twin Fists of Malphon, or Exagryph the Adamant Rail], or a new one of similar strength to when Zagreus first unlocked them.

Mirror of Night (400, Discounted for Demigod) - A large pitch-black mirror that reflects the souls of those who look within. When this has been bonded to you by holding your reflection, you will be able to find drops of raw darkness out in the world, and can use those drops to improve yourself in various ways. How you are able to improve depends on your individual abilities.

 6 0 0   C P   I T E M S 

Personal Sanctuary (600, Discounted for Shade) - Hades may rule the Underworld, but there is a place within it that is purely under your control. You have a private sanctuary, rather like the rooms of Eurydice or Patroclus. This room contains a fountain that heals the wounds of those who drink from it, as well as general amenities such a bed or kitchen space that matches your preferences. Violence that you don’t directly allow is prevented from occurring within this space, and once per week, you can choose to ‘force’ the room to move and appear nearby you in your surroundings.

Boss Arena (600, Discounted for Monster) - Whether you fight for fame, for duty, for glory, or for some other purpose, it is best that you have some space to fight in. You gain access to a large arena, which has a large central floor for fights to occur in, and an audience full of shades to cheer. Those who fall within the arena can rise almost instantly, allowing for back-to-back bouts, and you can gain boons or empowerments to give a better fight to those who challenge you in the arena. Finally, the arena comes with several pieces of equipment, including chariots and the materials for various traps, which can only be used within.

Hidden Garden (600, Discounted for Demigod) - There are times when you will wish to hide away from the pressures of being caught between two worlds. You are given access to a hidden garden like the garden of Persephone. This garden maintains a constant pleasant temperature, and is full to bursting with a massive variety of plants and produce. There are a few nature spirits that help to tend to it and keep everything in order. Most importantly, this garden is truly hidden, with no-one being able to find their way here without directions, and methods of remotely spying on it are blocked, even from the gods.

 C O M P A N I O N S 

Import (100 / 500) - You can import or create companions. Spending 100 CP gets you one companion, granting them their choice of Origin and Location and 500 CP which can be used on Perks or Items. They also start with 4 PP, and can choose 1 Patron in the Patron Powers section. Spending 500 CP allows you to import a full group of eight companions, each with 500 CP and 4 PP to spend.

Companion Dolls (100) - A pair of small dolls that represents the bond between you and a friend or Companion. Each doll can be attuned when held by an individual, and will take a shape reminiscent of the person it is bonded with. Once it has been attuned, anyone with a strong connection to the individual the doll represents can activate it to summon an doppleganger of the bonded individual to aid them in combat, with the ability of the summon growing stronger the stronger the bond between the summoner and person the doll represents is. Each doll can be attuned to a different person and used by people who aren’t bonded to the dolls, and you can purchase this multiple times to gain more dolls.

Bottle of Nectar (100) - Purchasing this gives you a bottle of nectar, which you can offer to any character that isn’t a full god to make them a Companion. This can include Zagreus himself. They will have the equivalent Perks that match their character from this document.

Bottle of Ambrosia (300) - Purchasing this gives you a bottle of ambrosia, which you can use to offer a spot to any divine character, such as Hades, Nyx, Persephone, Chaos, or one of the Olympians. They will maintain most of their divine power and nature, though gods in the same domain in new worlds may trump them due to the ‘home field advantage’. They will all have the effect of the Divinity Perk. If they are listed as a Patron, they will also have the effects of all three of their Patron Powers.

 D R A W B A C K S 

You may select from the following drawbacks to gain extra CP. Companions can take up to +600 CP worth of drawbacks from those marked with “Companions can take this drawback”.

 T O G G L E S 

How Ya Doin’, Zag? (+0) - You can take this drawback to take the place of Zagreus. Regardless of origin taken, you will be able to replicate the abilities and growth of Zagreus. It will be up to you (or to a drawback selected here) if you will continue to try and break free of the underworld.

Expanded Universe (+0) - There are many gods that are mentioned, but do not actually appear within the tale, such as Hera, Hepheastus, Apollo, and Hestia. If you wish, you can select this toggle to include said gods within the story, and could potentially even link in other pantheons.

 + 1 0 0   C P 

Bloodstains (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. There are bloodstains everywhere, and the scent of blood is both overpowering and slightly nauseating.

More Traps (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. Wherever you go, there seem to be many more traps than normal, and they are far better hidden than just large pressure pads or very obvious statues.

Penniless (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. You will find far fewer obols or other forms of wealth while you are here, and prices in different merchant shops or places of purchase will be far higher.

Heebie Jeebies (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. The presence of the dead fills you with fear, which is not a great thing when living in the afterlife. Your skin crawls anytime you are near a shade or ghost, and you will be struck by fear and dread when multiple dead are nearby.

Murderzer (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. For some reason, you are only able to say a single word. Like “Murderer”, for example. You can say individual parts of the word, but you won’t be able to say anything else. Hope you are good at charades.

Trauma (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. This removes the mental protection against trauma from the revival perk, and dampens the benefit of any similar protections you have. Dying repeatedly is now just as traumatic as you would expect it to be.

Dusa’s Aide (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. You are compelled to clean up after yourself. Rubble, dust, bloodstains, pottery shards, anything of the sort will cause you to have an overwhelming compulsion to clean it up before you can move on to a new room or area.

Administrative Shift (+100) - Companions can take this drawback. You have been selected to help work through the enormous backlog of paperwork that has piled up within the House. For eight hours each day, you will be transported to a desk within the Administration Chambers. You will not be able to leave that desk until you complete eight hours worth of parchment work properly. Attempting to delay or slack off will simply cause time to not really pass properly for you. Once your shift is complete for the day, you will be returned to wherever you were before.

 + 2 0 0   C P 

Sealed Powers (+200) - Companions can take this drawback. You do not have access to any abilities or items from your previous jump. They are all sealed away for the duration. Your companions can still import, but they cannot give you powers or hand you items from prior jumps.

Labyrinthine (+200) - Companions can take this drawback. You always end up lost in the twists and turns of the underworld, even in areas that aren’t being shifted around to try and bar Zagreus’ path.

Home Ground (+200) - Companions can take this drawback. You are bound much more tightly to your starting location, to the point where venturing outside of it will weaken you severely, and prolonged absence of a couple of days can even end up killing you.

Divine Focus (+200) - The gods, both chthonic and olympian, are paying close attention to you, and they will often get upset if you do something against their wishes. Expect to be at the center of a divine game of tug-of-war.

Early Access (+200) - The world seems sort-of… unfinished. And not in a ‘just needs a bit of polish’ kind of way. You are stuck in an Early Access version of Hades that isn’t the professional product that Supergiant originally put out, but a more typical Early Access game. Strange glitches will cause things to crash, suddenly killing you and sending you to your blood pool. Weak enemies will suddenly be immune to every other attack you throw at them. People will talk with the wrong voice or will be strange faceless mannequins because they lack proper ‘art’. The only consolation is that the world will slowly ‘improve’ during your Jump, eventually turning into its proper form by the time your time here ends.

 + 3 0 0   C P 

Furies’ Plaything (+300) - Companions can take this drawback. You are a favored target for torment by Alecto and Tisiphone, and unfortunately, you are completely unable to fight back when they arrive to torment and/or kill you. They will show up randomly, and teleport you away to a hidden area of the underworld. At least you know you’ll revive once they’re done with you.

Oh No (+300) - Companions can take this drawback. You are being hunted by a rat. But this isn’t just any rat. Despite looking like it could be taken out by a single swing of a sword, it is insanely durable, incredibly fast and agile, and has an immensely powerful bite. Your only warning will be the deep echoing screech it lets out, right before it tunnels up out of the ground nearby, and then it will launch itself at you. Even if you defeat it, it will respawn within a week or so, ready to hunt you down again.

Zagreus’s Quest (+300, Incompatible with Gatekeeper) - You are now inextricably linked with Zagreus and his goal of escaping the underworld. You now must accompany him on each attempt, and should either of you die, both will be sent back to start over. If Zagreus doesn’t manage to make it to the surface and find out the truth about what happened to Persephone, you will fail this Jump and your Chain. If you have taken the place of Zagreus, this binds you to follow and accomplish the same goal of Zagreus as in canon.

Gatekeeper (+300, Incompatible with How Ya Doin’, Zag? or Zagreus’s Quest) - You have been bound by Hades to help stop Zagreus from reaching the surface, and that is what you will have to do. You will confront Zagreus in your starting location (if you started in the House of Hades, then you will face him up in the Temple of the Styx), and you must not allow him to pass. If he manages to make it to the surface and fight his way past Hades, you will fail this Jump, and your Chain.

 + 4 0 0   C P 

Rebellion (+400) - Whether inspired by your actions or Zagreus’, full rebellion has broken out in the underworld. All sorts of shades of mortals and various underworld gods are actively rebelling against Hades’ rule, resulting in all out civil war between various areas. The Underworld is now even more dangerous as beings that might ordinarily be content to remain in their particular slice of the afterlife will now be actively gearing up to fight against all comers. And regardless of the actual reason, Hades is convinced that you are the culprit for this chaos, and so he will be gunning for you and he won’t be limiting the power he brings to bear.

 + 6 0 0   C P 

Persephone’s Secret (+600) - Very shortly, the Olympians will learn the truth about what happened between Persephone and Hades. And it will result in nothing less than war. The Olympians will be leading an army down into the depths of the underworld, and they will view you as part of Hades’ forces no matter how you might protest. They have methods of attacking you that will render revival impossible, killing you like you were an ordinary mortal. If Zagreus manages to find Persephone, she might be able to help end the war, but he is the only one who could possibly find her sanctuary, and he will be caught up, and possibly even killed, in the Olympian invasion.

Chaos Reigns (+600) - Chaos has decided that it is no longer content to merely observe the goings on of the world built atop of it. It is breaking free, unleashing raw primal chaos into the world, starting with the underworld. The very laws of reality are breaking down, and even gods could end up getting unmade as the world falls into disorder. You must either find a way to survive this chaotic new world, or convince Chaos to settle down and allow the world to continue as it was.

E N D I N G   A N D   N O T E S

You have survived your time here, and are… mostly… intact. Maybe you have grown fond of this world and wish to Stay Here. Or maybe you are homesick for your family and wish to Go Home. Or perhaps you wish to, like Zagreus, break free and see new things, and thus will Continue On in your journey. The choice is yours.


Q: What’s with all the colors?

A: They are a reference to the Boon Rarities in the game. White = Normal, Blue = Rare, Purple = Epic, and Orange = Heroic

Q: How does [X] Patron Power stack up numerically?

A: Unclear. In general, you could assume that they start out roughly at the level of similar Boons from the game (so Critical Marks, for example, could be thought to start out with a 3% Crit Chance like Pressure Points gives), and then increase over time from there.

Q: How powerful can my Secondary Domains become?

A: They can reach the same level of power as your Primary Domain, they just start off a bit weaker and take longer to get there. So, they might start with a third or so of the potency of your Primary Domain, and then reach the highest levels in 6 or 7 centuries, rather than 2 or 3.


Version 2.9 - Hades II Early Access Celebratory Update:

Location: Added Temple of Styx Location

Perks: Updated Revival and Divinity Perks. Added Death Defiance, Homeric Narrator, and Smoldering Looks Perks. Swapped Full Inheritance and Between Worlds Perks. Replaced Boon Harvest Perk with By My Authority Perk.

Patron Powers: Added Nyx and Persephone as a Patron.

Items: Shifted Companion Doll to Companion Section. Added Bloodstone Item.

Drawbacks: Removed Drawback Limit. Updated Home Ground Drawback. Added Dusa's Aide, Administrative Shift, Early Access, and Oh No Drawbacks.

Version 2.0 - Massive re-build. Removed Divine Origin. Renamed Semidivine to Demigod and reduced the price to Free. Dominion became Divinity, a 500 CP Capstone Booster available to all Origins. Shuffled several perks and items. Added the Patron Powers section.

Version 1.0 - Added a more in-depth introduction. Jumpable Release.

Version 0.6 - Replaced High God perk with Pantheon Power. Renamed Dashing perk as Burning Tread. Added Murderzer drawback.

Version 0.5 - Descriptions fleshed out. Some formatting and color changes.

Version 0.1 - Early Access version released. Barebones descriptions added.