PDF : https://drive.google.com/file/d/126QFpQwOx2H9Y2qfJXKexne4AjcHzfYV/view



By SJ-Chan

V1.cat plus three

Concatulations! You haz been chosen to be a house cat for the next decade. You get 1000 Cat Points and all the cat food you can eat.


You are 14d8 months old and your normal sex.

Grumpy  Cat: You are a normal cat. No matter what you do, people will find it adorable.


Ceiling Cat: You are the (local) god of Cats and possess divine powers. All Ceilings now contain a crawl space for you to fit in.


Basement Cat: You are the (local) Cat Devil and possess dark powers. All Floors now have a crawlspace you can fit in.

You Is Dunecat: You are God-Emperor of Cats. Your consciousness expands with an understanding of all things Cat.


Perks matching your genesis are 50% off, besides the cheapest, which is free.



You Has a Flavor [Free]: You can safely lick anything to determine what flavor it is. You have a flavor too. Your choice. Pick 1.

Bounce Factor [100]: No matter how fast you are going, you can bounce harmlessly off any solid object.

Almighty Trickster [200]: You can change any of your Names at any time. This does not provide knowledge of your new name to others.

Seussian  Perfection  [400]: You can rhyme anything and undo any damage you have caused. Capstone Booster. Comes with Hat.


Food Person [100]: Import or create 1 Companion who gets a bunch of human stuff & a house for you to rule. Also 1400 CP. Secretly a Cat?


Kitty  Litter  [200]: All companions get a Genesis plus 400 + ½ the CP from your Dogbacks for perks & are stuck as kittens for the duration.



Grammar.  I  knows it [100]: You are the best at grammar! You know all the words! Anything you say is adorable! That is Grammar, right?


Cast  Magic  Missile  [200]: You can cast magic Missile as a free action once per round. It does 1dCat non-lethal damage. Caster level 1.


Obfuscation [400]: Simply by remaining immobile, you can make any nearby text unreadable and any machine inoperable.


Red Dot Awareness [600]: You can predict where the red dot will appear. You can catch the uncatchable. You are that cat.

Red  Dot  Perfection: Mere words can no longer adequately define or encapsulate you. Any non-conceptual attempt to define you fails dramatically.



Sunradar  [100]: You can recharge by absorbing heat or sunlight and have a 3rd sense for detecting sources of heat or sunlight.

Watching Them Fap [200]: You can open peepholes in the floor beneath you to spy on those below. They will not notice.


Hovercat [400]: You can levitate up to 4 inches off any flat surface and reach speeds of up to 400 mph without apparent effort.


Long Cat [600]: You can stretch to at least six-hundred times your normal height at will.

Long  Perfection: There is no limit to how far you can extend yourself, nor the dimensions you can extend yourself through.



Hurr Durr I’m a Dog, bark woof [100]: Convince anyone that you’re a member of a species simply by acting like a stereotype of that species.


Blame the Dog [200]: You find it easy to shift blame to innocent bystanders. 

Can Fix [400]: You are a cat. You can fix anything. Really! Even if it isn’t broken.

Mayhem  ex  Machina  [600]:  How did 1 cat make this mess?  Replicate yourself 100-fold for up to 10 minutes at a time, but only to cause chaos.

Mayhem in Perfecta: You can compress all the chaos you could cause in 10 minutes into a single instant of time once every 10 minutes.



Glowing Eyes [100]: Your eyes can glow any color you want them to. If it is dark, you can be invisible with glowing eyes.

I Controls the  Spice [200]: You can break any mundane object just by looking at it for three long seconds.

Cat Emperor of Mankind [400]: All humanity will recognize you as their anointed ruler and give you treats.

I  Controls  the  Universe  [600]: Space-time is meaningless to you. You can be anywhere simply by imagining yourself there.

Universe  Perfect: You can be in multiple places at the same time as long as you never directly interact with yourself.










Stuff matching your genesis are 50% off, besides the cheapest, which is free.

Cat-Toast Generator [600]: This is an infinite energy generator created by strapping buttered toast to a cat’s back and dropping them.


Melon Helmet [100]: Also comes in Citrus. Defends against all fruit-based attacks.  

Pancake  Bunny  [200]: What is this? I can’t even. A bunny brings you infinite pancakes on its head. One at a time.


All the Hate [400]: You have an unlimited supply of disdain, annoyance, and hate. Is in your bag.


Invisible Bike [100]: This is best bike in universe. Has all the speeds. Goes very fast. Can be upgrade. Upgrades also invisible.


You  Can  Haz  Cheezburger  [200]: Whenever you ask for one, you will be given a cheeseburger by a hand from above.


Nyaancat  [400]: A hybrid poptart-feline has become your pet. It can fly through space on a jet of rainbows & smash through brick walls.


All  the Boxes [100]: You have an infinitely varied unlimited amount of cardboard boxes. Every brand, shape, and size.

Sense of Balance [200]: This is a perfect sense of balance. It can be loaned out. 

Cat Charging Unit [400]: Fully charges any cat in 12 minutes or less.


Sock of Shai-hulud [100]: This is a sock that transforms the wearer into a same-size sandworm. You has it. Can now swim through sand.

Cat-Spice [200]: This is a hybrid of Melange, Cat grass, and Catnip. You get 1 kilo of it a week. Is good shit.

Speedy Cat [400]: A yellow cat that can fly at FTL speed and survive in deep space becomes your pet.


Dogback Limit of 600 Cat Points plus Limit Busters.


Are you a Aware You’re a Cat? [+100]: Simple questions tend to baffle you.  

Liquid Cat is A Liquid [+100]: Pick a word to memetically describe yourself. You will be defined by that for the entire decade.


If You Fits  You  Sits [+100]: Whenever you see a box you might fit in, you must try and sit in it and remain for at least 10 minutes.


Stupid  Humans  [+100]: You have a really bad name and a permanently annoyed expression on your face.


Murderball [+200]: You feel a strong instinct to pounce anything moving, especially things smaller than you.


Catloaf [+200]: You sometimes forget important things… like the fact that you have feet.


Gravity Check [+200]: Every 15 waking minutes you must verify that gravity is still working by knocking something off of something else.


Pet me and/or die [+200]: You have a strong need to be petted. Anyone who pets you must be destroyed… or at least clawed at.


Cat.exe has Crashed [+300]: You are stuck as a cat, but you have forgotten how to cat completely. You try to act like a person.


Dogeball! [+300]: A stupid hideous unkillable not-cat has invaded your jump and is ruining all your plans and claiming all your bases.


Drill  Cat  Will  Kill  Your  Family!  [+300]: A deranged feline with a rapidly spinning head is stalking you and your family. Respawns nightly.


Dude,  wait…  what?  [+300]: You are very easily confused. Words people say don’t always make sense to you unless in babytalk.

Spayed or Neutered [+200]: Your bits and pieces are missing. Limit Buster. 

Just a Cat [+400]: You are a totally normal cat for this entire jump. Limit Buster.


Home for Cats: Return to your original universe.

Eternal Naptime: Stay in this world as an immortal cat. Things will never change for the worse. Every year will be pretty much the same.

Shoo!: Fine. Leave. We don’t care.

Notes: No Limits Fallacy is firmly engaged here. Each Altform can have a different flavor. If you have Glowing Eyes and Magic Missile, you can fire eyebeams. 1dCat is any random housecat level of damage.

Universe Perfect requires each copy to be far enough apart to cause confusion to any outside observer.

Capstone Abilities can be combined. If you combine Controls the Universe with Long Perfection, you can be anywhere in any dimension that already exists. Post Chain “I Controls the Universe” allows you to be anywhere in Time.