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Worm: Endbringer

 By Pokebrat_J

 On Earth Bet, where Heroes and Villains duke it out in a seemingly endless game of Cops and Robbers, there are beings that both sides fear. Beings that bring together every person from every creed and way of life in order to stop these beings from destroying everything they know and hold dear.

 And they are failing.

 You are one of these seemingly unstoppable beings, so high above humanity that they might as well be worms beneath your feet. You are an Endbringer, but one that has the freedom of choice that your siblings lack. What you do with that freedom is up to you, but remember that there are always bigger threats than yourself.

 You may start on Earth Bet anytime between May of 1986, and April 8, 2011. You will receive 1000 cp to help you decide the kind of monster that you are.


 You may discount two perks from each tier, with discounted [100] perks becoming free.

 Endbringer Form [Free]: Each Endbringer is unique in its looks. From the towering, craggy look of Behemoth, the smooth and almost reptilian form of Leviathan, and the angelic appearance of the Simurgh, anything is possible. The only limitations are that you must be between ten feet and five miles in height, and your new form looks distinctively inhuman.

 Endbringer Physiology [Free]: The beings that humans know as Endbringers are not creatures as they would know them, being more akin to crystalline machines. The most important part of them is their core, a lens from which they project their mass into reality.

 The space warping effect of these cores is enough to mess with most space warping abilities. As they have no organs or other important body parts, so long as the core remains undamaged they can fight at peak capacity and regenerate from damage, though this regeneration is slower the further away the flesh is from the core. This crystalline flesh is much like an onion, built in layers. Each layer is twice as dense as the last, making it more difficult to damage the further in you go. Yet this mass and density does not affect them, only weighing a fraction of a percentage of their true weight. Their strength, speed, and power also far outclasses anything that most parahumans could ever hope to achieve.

 Awe Inspiring [100]: Such a magnificent beast, such power and potential. To gaze upon your form would be to gaze upon a god, with all that would imply. When others look upon your form, they are overcome with a powerful feeling, one of your choosing.

 Will it be religious awe, unbridled rage, pure terror, or something else entirely?

 Challenging [100]: You and yours were summoned so early in the Cycle for one very specific purpose, to give Him a worthy opponent, to give Him something to struggle against, to push Him past his limits to new heights. You are well prepared for this, knowing just how to give an opponent a significant challenge with your current abilities.

 Environmental Awareness [100]: The works of man are insignificant compared to the Entities that created you and your siblings, those creatures that have roamed the stars and razed countless planets to less than atoms. But such works, while fleeting, may be worth keeping around, if only for some future plot or plan that you or one of your siblings may possess. You can limit just how much collateral damage you produce in a fight, regardless of what abilities you unleash.

 Limited Approach [100]: There are no parahumans whose powers even come close to the potency and scope of you and your siblings, and yet it is vital for you to not completely destroy everything around you, lest the Warrior catch wind of you being a threat to the Cycle. As such, you can perfectly control the amount of power you use, as well as how lethal it is.

 Out of Sight [100]: For entities so big and distinctive, it is quite easy to lose sight of them during a fight, able to evade dozens of parahumans at a time, something you seem to share. You are extremely stealthy when you need to be, at least in a mundane sort of way. This isn’t invisibility, but rather a sense for when and where to move, such that only the most perceptive is able to keep track of you.

 Physics Defiant [100]: The very nature of shards and Endbringers defy everything humanity has ever known about physics, so why not play around with them some more?

 The laws of physics are loosened for you, allowing you to pull off some crazy feats that should be physically impossible. But then again, when has your kind ever cared about what was impossible?

 Shardspeak [100]: The language used by the Entities is as different to ours as their biology is. As one of their creations, you are intrinsically proficient with their methods of communication. As such, you are able to communicate as well as negotiate with any Shards or Entities you may encounter. In universes without such creatures, you will instead find it much easier to communicate with inhuman entities.

 Unbound Form [100]: Your form, and those of all Endbringers, are simply there for stylistic reasons, the aesthetics of your body completely unnecessary. So if you don’t like the form you’ve designed, or want to appear as something else entirely, you can completely change how your form looks once a day. Not only can this affect your [Endbringer Form], but also any Alt-Form you have, even your Body-Mod.

 Additional Cores [200]: For such powerful beings such as you and the other

 Endbringers, it is unacceptable that there is a single point of weakness on your forms, your core. With this purchase, you now have two additional cores, which will not only greatly increase your regeneration speed, but make it more difficult to put you down for good. Should you desire, you could even rip them out and hide them, in order to regrow around them should your other cores be destroyed.

 Conflict Engine [200]: To play the part of a monster, to bring chaos and destruction to the world, that was the role you were created for, and one you are a perfect fit for. You simply know the best ways to generate conflict and strife on a global scale. Even if you were only active one day every three months, you’d know just where to strike to ruin worldwide civilization as humans know it.

 Divine Beast [200]: With such power and presence, is it any wonder that groups like the Fallen exist, those who worship Endbringers like divine creatures. In a way, you are a messenger of a god, just one that humans intrinsically cannot understand. Simply put, it is now extremely easy to start a cult or religion, preferably one centered on yourself, but maybe you’d actually prefer to be a simple messenger?

 Hidden Depths [200]: When all three currently active Endbringers are not wreaking havoc on the world, they are each nestled in their own hidey holes. Behemoth rests deep within the Earth’s crust or mantle, Leviathan dwelling at the bottom of the ocean, while the Simurgh gazes upon all from high in the stratosphere. You are equally skilled at finding hiding spots that few could ever access, be it from how well hidden it actually is or the inherent inhospitality of such an area.

 Imaginative Applications [200]: The Entities have been traveling the cosmos for eons, tweaking and refining all their capabilities to near perfection. You have been upgraded to help in that regard, as you are extremely creative with how you use your power, or any ability you have access to, really. Even the most seemingly useless powers could be made deadly under your control.

 Uncaged Monster [200]: They think they can stop you, contain you or drive you off.

 They are wrong, no bindings on this planet or any other is enough to contain you, regardless of the source. You cannot be trapped or contained for very long, even in the greatest prisons created by the Entities themselves. You'll just break out in record time, going back to show them the consequences of caging you.

 Adaptable Weapon [400]: The Endbringers are not the malicious monsters that

 humanity sees them as, but useful tools created by the Entities to take care of situations that have spiraled out of control, wiping the slate clean, so to speak. You were one of these custodians constantly called upon, and the experience has left its mark. Your body is constantly adapting and evolving, all the better to easily handle nearly any environment or stimuli you run into. With enough time and experience, you could end up immune to almost all forms of damage.

 Blind Spot [400]: To most parahumans, the Endbringers are unable to be properly predicted by most thinker powers, partially by design. It wouldn't help the Entities if their hosts could predict some of their greatest weapons. This particular aspect is most prominent within you, as you are a blind spot for all thinker-like powers and abilities, like precognition or danger senses. Even a mature Entity like the Warrior and Thinker would have an extremely difficult time predicting you.

 Crystalline Mind [400]: Your center of consciousness is not made up of the gray flesh that humans possess, but rather an advanced crystalline substance that few could match, and it certainly shows. With such processing power, such rapid speed of thought, your mind would be the equivalent of a quantum supercomputer the size of Europe. Figuring out new solutions in attoseconds, or having hundreds of trains of thought is as easy to you as breathing is to a human.

 Free Will [400]: What is free will, exactly? The host species, humanity, believes that it is an intrinsic part of their being, the freedom to create their own choices and mold their own future. Whether that's true or false, it matters not, but perhaps there is a fragment of truth in that mindset. You are unique amongst Endbringers, as you simply cannot be directly controlled or manipulated by outside forces, such as through master powers.

 You are your own being, at least for now.

 End Maker [600]: Some have theorized that the Endbringers are unlucky parahumans whose powers transformed them into the monstrosities they are now. False, of course, at least for now, but the possibility certainly exists. You are skilled in the art of creation of beings like you, what would be classified as Endbringers. They will follow your directives to the best of their capabilities, while actual sentience is optional on your end.

 Though you can create one from scratch over the course of a year or two, the process will be halved if utilizing a pre-existing lifeform or person to start off with. But if you don’t want such a long period of time, then you can weaken the future Endbringer in order to quicken the creation process.

 Monstrous Butcher [600]: The High Priest called upon you and your siblings for two purposes, to grant him worthy opponents, and to better satiate his desire to save people. And what better opponent than the ultimate monsters? You are one unmatched, knowing all the quickest and easiest ways to kill an opponent, any opponent, you run across. Even Entities can be killed, though it is quite the ordeal. Not only that, but you are capable of killing those that are thought to be truly immortal, those who do not even subscribe to the concept of death itself. All will fall before you, as it should be.

 Perpetual Engine [600]: You are unique amongst all of the Entities’ creations, as you are a prototype for something they desperately hunger for. Infinite energy. That’s right, you now have an unlimited amount of any energy you can access, regardless of what type it is, be it chi or magic or psychic or something even more bizarre. But that does not mean that you have limitless output, though perhaps with training the bottleneck for your power output could increase.

 Terror Engine [600]: Try as humanity might, there is a reason you and your bretheren are known as Endbringers. When you appear, they know that the end has come, for there is no stopping or slaying you, only delaying or driving you off. No matter what fancy tricks they pull out, whatever clever tactics, new tinkertech or bullshit hax abilities they possess, they simply cannot win. The only way to defeat you would be through overpowering you, or maybe boring you enough that you simply walk away, your goal done while the bodies and spirits of humanity lay broken.


 You may take a single power for free. Any additional powers will cost [400].

 All Seeing: If one does not know of the past, then they are doomed to repeat the same mistakes in the future. Such a statement is surprisingly true, at least where you are concerned. You now have a powerful postcognition, able to see far into the past, potentially back when humanity’s ancestors were first appearing, though the limit of your sight would be an entire planet and its moon. Additionally, you can very accurately predict the events of the future with the same area, up to three centuries. But your sight is not perfect, and your predictions can be skewed should enough chaotic factors come into play, or forces that cannot be predicted intervene.

 Artificer: There are no more infamous parahumans than the tinkers, those who can create advanced technology far beyond what humanity is capable of. You are above even them, and even have the required knowledge to actually understand what you're building. You possess five specializations of technological knowledge, on a scale that would make young Entities feel threatened. They could be random specializations, though there will always be some level of synergy between your choices.

 Copycat: It is quite disheartening to see something utilizing your own abilities, but far better than you could have ever achieved on your own. Such is the feeling you will conjure up with this power. You may mimic any five parahuman abilities that have manifested on Earth Bet so far at any given time, though their potency is dramatically increased. Switching between these powers will only take a few moments. Though not up to the level of the other powers found here, there is something to be said about quantity over quality.

 Enchanting: Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. The five primary senses of humanity are things that can easily be tricked and twisted, even by other humans. For you, though, their entire sense of reality will be upended. Your power is that of illusions, of tricking the senses of others to believe whatever you desire. Such figments are only as accurate as you desire, down to the very atoms if you felt like the need was great enough. You may even be able to trick the otherworldly senses of other Endbringers or Entities themselves, if you have enough insight as to their perception of reality.

 Equalizer: Not all men are created equal, especially those who possess power. But you are a force of equality, at least in the way that all are equally screwed should you decide to act. With but a touch, a graze, you can manipulate powers themselves. You may grant powers of middling parahuman potency onto others, you can remove and

 redistribute the powers of others, and even enhance existing powers to further heights.

 Event Horizon: On some level, all Endbringers warp the fabric of reality simply through their existing, but never to such an extent as this. You are able to bend the fabric of space however you wish, from twisting the environment like a wet noodle, shortening or lengthening the distance between two points, or ripping it asunder in places.

 Formless: All Endbringers are, to some extent, malleable in their formation, the aesthetics of their being subject to change. For you, it is on a completely different level.

 You are a shapeshifter without peer, able to alter yourself into any formation you desire at any point in time, even changing your atomic structure into any other substance. The only downside is that you are unable to alter your core, so be careful not to spread yourself too thin, lest you leave yourself vulnerable.

 Guardian: All beings seek safety and security, to be safe from the dangers of an uncaring universe. You would know much about this, seeing as your abilities lend themselves to being a shield and protector, though that doesn't mean you are incapable of harm. You are able to create force fields, as simple or intricate a design as you like, that can easily withstand humanity’s entire nuclear weapons stock detonating all at once and then some. You can even control what is blocked by these, and what can pass through without issue all the way down to the last atom, and even if they redirect attacks back onto your enemies. Moving them is also childsplay, both to alter their positions, and to use them as weapons.

 Invisible Hand: One of the more popular powers, at least in terms of potential uses.

 After all, how many problems could be solved if you could just throw them into the air without you ever having to touch them? Your telekinesis is a powerful and versatile tool, potent enough to throw around skyscrapers with casual ease, and precise enough to manipulate a person’s cells. You can even use it to mimic flight, lifting you up into the air and maneuvering yourself however you desire.

 Juggernaut: Many know Alexandria as the indestructible hero, immune to almost every form of damage. Now, you are much the same, but on a completely different scale. Your body is practically invulnerable, with the vast majority of parahuman abilities not being enough to leave even a microtear in your first layer. This affects every part of your body, each and every layer down to your core. You would also be immune to knockback and hostile telekinesis, as well as kinetic energy in general, making you a truly immovable object. As an added bonus, you will see a massive increase to your strength and speed, your siblings being normal humans to your metaphorical Alexandria, allowing you to rip most of your siblings into pieces with ease.

 Kaleidoscope: As it should be obvious by now, the Entities and their creations function primarily due to their dimensional shenanigans, something of which you are not exempt from. Your power is that of dimensional travel, allowing you complete access to the local multiverse, as well as traveling into any nearby pocket dimensions. Rarely, some of these dimensions will have barriers or defenses, blocking any travel, but with your power, you could break through these with frightening ease. This is not limited to alternate dimensions, though, but also the creation of portals to different locations in the same dimensional plane, as large or small as you'd like.

 Life Bringer: Organic life is a stubborn thing, managing to survive and even thrive in some of the strangest environments. As such, it has been experimented on heavily by the Entities, and you may have been one of the tools used to do so. Your power of biokinesis is second to none, twisting life into nearly any way you want. From creating flesh devouring viruses to towering monstrosities to simply giving the human body a tune up, there are few lifeforms that your power won’t affect. Additionally, you have been given a ‘basic’ understanding of biology, at least by Entity standards, in order to make use of this.

 Light Show: Few things captivate humanity more than the ability to fire off lasers, something you are the expert in. Forking and homing lasers, freezing beams, disintegrating spheres, and so many more applications besides. At their max, your attacks are stronger than anything a parahuman could output, though you can control their potency, which makes it more distressing when your rate of fire is measured in the thousands of blasts per second. Additionally, you are capable of transforming into a being of energy, capable of moving at lightspeed in an instant and immune to many methods of harm.

 Mother of Monsters: While quality is very important, that does not mean that quantity is not a quality all on its own. Many are the examples where vastly superior numbers managed to defeat a superior foe. And so, yours is the power of quantity, capable of spawning off numerous minions, each on the same level as high-tier parahumans, at least when it comes to their physical capabilities. They are merely an extension of you, capable of being controlled as finely as your own body, their experiences yours, capable of channeling any abilities that you possess. What these spawned minions look like depends on you, but does it actually matter when your enemies are drowning in bodies?

 Null Aura: There are fewer opponents as terrifying to face off against as those who take away every advantage that you possess. So it should be no surprise to know that you are possibly every parahuman’s worst nightmare. You now emit a field that can suppress or outright nullify powers, or any supernatural ability, really. You can, of course, control how much of their power is suppressed as well as precisely who within your range is affected. This is less effective against opponents who are more powerful than you yourself are, so while you could suppress part of the Warrior’s capabilities, you would be unable to nullify them without being an Entity of similar or greater power.

 Power House: In the end, it all comes down to energy, how it functions and how to manipulate it in ways you desire. Is it any wonder that this is one of the first things that the Entities spent much of their time researching? You are a dynakinetic of absurd power, able to produce and manipulate energy. From electricity to radiation to sonic to others, you could even alter the energy of a person’s nervous system.

 Queen Bee: If there is one thing that everyone desires, it is control. Control over themselves, their lives, and those around them. That last bit is especially important, as that is exactly what you’re capable of doing. You are able to manipulate any living being within your range, moving them just as precisely as you want, and you can even perceive the world through their senses. But what if you don’t want to fully hijack someone, or give them partial control, or make it so then they don’t even know they’re being controlled at all? All are well within your capabilities.

 Sea Monster: One of the more primal abilities that the Entities researched was control over the elements themselves, and there are fewer more iconic or plentiful on planets with biological life than water. You are a hydrokinetic of immense power, both on the micro and macro scale. Be it creating tsunamis that could drag a landmass like Japan beneath the waves, or manipulating the water vapor in the air to manipulate the weather, you’re also capable of manipulating a person’s blood while it’s still inside their bodies, or any liquid, really.

 Time Lord: Time is one of the essential forces of the universe, and very much an avenue of research the Warrior and Thinker experimented with extensively. You may be one of the best tools for that research, putting their theories into practice. Be it speeding up or slowing down time, creating time loops, pausing it, and with a lot of effort and energy, traveling back in time is all possible for one such as you. I’m certain you could think of many uses for such an ability, such as speeding up a person’s aging so then it appears that they’ve turned to dust in an instant or reversing their body to remove all wounds they have gained.

 Custom: There are many good powers available here, but do none of them call out to you? Or perhaps you simply desire something else? If that is the case, then you can now create your very own power, with the only caveat being that they must be on the same level as what is presented above. Perhaps you wish to bathe the planet in a blanket of fire, or to control the fundamental force of gravity? Whatever it may be, it will be a terrible sight to see should you ever decide to act.


 End Plushies [50]: Though the locals may not find them tasteful, you just can't help but find these little guys adorable. Stuffed animals made in the shape of the Endbringers, all in a cutie style. There's even ones of you and your companions, as well as new plushies each time you get a new companion.

 Internet Forum [50]: The internet can be just as enlightening as it is horrifying, the anonymity of being behind a screen allowing people to show off their worst sides. This is important to remember while you are on this website you can access from any kind of computer or terminal or smartphone. There are numerous forums about all kinds of things, from national events of your current setting to raunchy fanfics to everything in between. The mods make sure that it doesn't get too bad, but you know how people can be.

 Protectorate Merchandise [50]: The Protectorate tries its best to promote itself as both law enforcement and modern celebrities, so is it any wonder that they decided to make some merchandise to promote their heroes? Well, not for you, seeing as you've got a whole bunch of merchandise from it, ranging from children's toys to posters to lunchboxes to clothing, everything that they've ever had for sale is now sitting comfortably within your Warehouse.

 Reading Material [50]: Everybody needs a little downtime, even city-destroying monstrosities, and one of the best ways to do it is with a nice book. Two of them, as a matter of fact. These books are called Worm and Ward, written by John C. "Wildbow"

 McCrae, as well as a collection of all WoG statements. They tell the story of a world filled with superhumans under threat of an alien entity, as well as massive creatures that are slowly destroying their world. Seems a bit familiar, now that I think about it...

 Super Wardrobe [50]: There is a reason why parahumans are also known as capes, and it should be fairly obvious. Capes wear costumes, outfits made to stand out and attract attention, making them seem like they're much more than human. You now possess a wardrobe filled with all of the costumes of characters shown in the stories of Worm and Ward, though they are all cosmetic, and don't actually have any inherent abilities, even those based off of power armor.

 Shard Mass [100]: As you might expect, the material that Entities use as their flesh has been refined over the course of eons, made to maximize energy efficiency, as well as possessing an innumerable number of alternate properties. For someone like you, you can probably find more than a few uses for such a material. You will receive a stockpile of fifty metric tonnes of this material, which will replenish weekly.

 Tinker Armory [100]: Even though the abilities and technology granted to parahumans are quite low leveled and primitive compared to what the Entities are capable of, that doesn't mean that they don't have any uses. Within your Warehouse is now a massive collection of all Tinker creations made up until April 8, 2011. This includes weapons, armor, vehicles, computer systems, cloning devices, and so much more.

 Tinker's Playground [200]: Every scientist and mechanic needs a place to do their work, where they can make the most of their skills. This massive complex is just the place, being a tinker's version of heaven. Filled to the brim with advanced technology, it's got all the tools a tinker would ever need, and some they never even knew existed.

 Be they mechanical or biological, there are areas everywhere for them to bring their specializations to new heights. It even has a large collection of materials, from the mundane to rare to exotic to the outright bizarre. Of course, by Entity standards, it would barely be considered passable.

 Test Planet [400]: The main purpose of the Shards that the Entities disperse across the local multiverse is that of study and experimentation. And as one would expect of such incomprehensibly massive things, their labs are usually alternate planets, often life never developing enough for actual threats to the continent-sized mass of crystalline flesh. You have been given access to your very own alternate Earth, exactly to your specifications. Does it have wildly divergent life, did sentients ever evolve, or is it just a massive ball of molten rock? Regardless, this will become a Warehouse attachment when not in use.

 Compiled Database [600]: This is truly the holy grail of all intellectuals. What is this, exactly? This is the complete knowledge compiled by the Thinker and Warrior Entities over the eons. It has, quite literally, everything. Biological records of every lifeform they've discovered and created, the history of each sentient species they've encountered and their cycles, their complete understanding of the sciences and technologies, and so much more. It would take millennia of dedicated work to get through everything stored within, such is the sheer amount of data that they have collected.


 Siblings [50/100/200]: The terrifying fact is that there are not only three Endbringers, more emerging as time goes on. As such, it would only make sense that you could bring more with you. You can now import or create 1, 4, or 8 companions respectively. Each companion receives 800 cp to spend on perks, powers, and items.

 Host Species [Free]: There is a reason that there are numerous parahumans to be found within the local multiverse, as the more there are, the more data they collect. If you want your followers to play a part in this, then you may import them all into this setting. Though they will only be humans, they will all possess their own mid to high-tier parahuman ability, with no two abilities being quite the same.

 Queen Administrator [Optionally Free]: A tall, dark haired girl who is willing to do whatever it takes to win, Taylor Hebert holds dreams of becoming a hero, though is unsure how to go about it at first, what with her power being bug control. Through some strange coincidences, she will come to believe that being by your side is in her best interests. She has been through quite a lot, so please be kind to her.

 Endearing Host [50]: Have one of the humans here amused you, or perhaps you think they'd make wonderful additions to your collection? With each purchase of this, you are able to take one canon character as your newest companion.

 Friendbringers [50]: Any inhabitant of Earth Bet would look at these things and think it a twisted joke, but when have you really cared about that? You now have three very tiny and very cute pets modeled off of Behemoth, Leviathan, and the Simurgh, with extremely weak versions of their powers. Behemoth could warm up your food or charge your phone. Leviathan could control up to a large sink of water. And the Simurgh would be able to predict what food you'd be in the mood for in ten minutes, or bring you your favorite book. All are highly affectionate and very obedient.

 Original Trinity [100]: The first three who emerged to torment mankind on Earth Bet, your siblings are now your companions, and will only take up a single companion slot unless you want to separate them. Behemoth, Leviathan and the Simurgh are each a force to be reckoned with, but if all three are together then you can be sure that few opponents would be able to stand against them.

 Next Generation [100]: After the death of Behemoth, humanity thought that things would be better, that the monsters that they feared for so long could be defeated. These three quickly dashed such hopes, and now they will follow you as companions. Khonsu, Tohu and Bohu will only take up a single companion slot unless you want to separate them.

 Infant Entity [200]: Well, this is most certainly a surprise, but perhaps not an unwelcome one. It seems as though you have managed to come into contact with an infant Entity. Maybe it was the left behind shards of an older Entity, or it ran afoul of some time manipulation? Does it really matter, though? This incomprehensibly-sized mass of crystalline flesh has the mentality of a young child, and all of the basic abilities of an Entity. Dimensional travel and protection, avatar creation, energy manipulation, advanced senses, immense processing power, and a whole lot more. With such a malleable mind, will you mold them to be a protector, or a destroyer?



 As powerful as you may be, the truth is that you are nowhere near the strongest thing on this planet. Your creators stand far above you, your abilities pale in comparison to the true power the Entities have at their command. Yet you are strangely free of control, capable of doing whatever you desire. So you set your sights on ascension, on becoming an existence equal to the Warrior and Thinker. Your goal is to become an Entity.

 It doesn't matter how you go about this, be it through some technological developments or esoteric abilities or merging with and controlling the corpse of the Thinker, the end result must be the same. Once you have done that, then you will complete this scenario.


 And so it is that you have become far more than a lowly Endbringer, having transcended to become a full fledged Entity, on par with the Warrior and Thinker. This will act as both an Alt-Form as well as a Perk, granting you the otherworldly abilities that such creatures possess regardless of your form. You will possess all of the abilities of the two Entities who arrived on Earth all those years ago, and can even grant powers to others.

 These abilities can be as powerful or weak as you desire, their exact limitations, as well as if they function off of the standard parahuman mechanics, or if you are imbuing the ability itself into the target, independant from you.


 Alternate Universe [+0]: Perhaps the prediction of future events was off, those chronicled by Wildbow not what you wish to experience? In that case, this option should be perfect for you. Instead of entering the standard setting of Worm that you are familiar with, you are instead going to a very different version of it. Perhaps Taylor is the heir to a king of the night, a young man has an ever shifting tinker speciality, ancient nuclear beasts are waiting to rise up once more, or perhaps something stranger?

 Supplement Mode [+0]: The Entities are not just limited to the single multiverse cluster you are familiar with, but so many more beyond our ability to comprehend. With this option, you may combine this jump with another, either by blending elements of the two together, or bringing only you and your purchases into that world.

 Cutebringer [+100]: All of the Endbringers have had unique and strange designs, each one invoking a particular feeling of dread. For some inexplicable reason, your form is designed to be as adorable as possible. No one is going to be fooled by your appearance, though, and there will certainly be those who mock your for your design compared to your siblings.

 Extended Stay [+100]: Endbringers are things that are not affected by the flow of time as humans are, being effectively ageless from their perspective. And so, if you desire to stay in this world longer than just ten years, you are free to do so. Each time you take this option, your time here will extend by ten years, though you will only benefit from this five times.

 Limited Sight [+100]: The Endbringers do not see the world the same way that humans do. Ordinarily, you would retain access to your senses, but no longer. Now, you can only perceive the world through your powers. This will be easier for some powers than others, so I hope you've chosen wisely.

 Tiny Terror [+100]: Most Endbringers are towering entities, much larger than any human could become without the use of powers. You are now the complete opposite of that, only three to four feet tall. This has the added drawbacks of making you much less durable than before, and you will not be as physically capable as your siblings.

 Threat To Humanity [+100]: All Endbringers so far have been rampaging monsters, things that have gone out of their way to destroy society as humanity knows it. As you can imagine, this leads to a severe hatred and fear of them, one that won't be shaken anytime soon. Regardless of what actions you take, no matter how you improve their lives, humanity will never trust or accept you.

 Dormant Period [+200]: As one might imagine, it takes a whole lot more energy for an Endbringer to utilize their powers than any parahuman. After each full day you are active, you must go into a dormant period for a month, only able to activate when in serious trouble.

 Forgotten Prediction [+200]: It seems like you weren't privy to the events leading up to now, or perhaps in all the confusion of the Thinker's passing, the prediction was lost?

 Regardless, you have lost all knowledge of Worm and Ward. The only things you know about the setting is what an Endbringer would naturally know.

 Limitations [+200]: It is not unheard of for the Entities to limit the powers they hand out, all in the effort of data collection. You have been similarly limited, making it so then you lose access to all previous abilities. The only things you possess are your Body-Mod, mundane skills, your purchases here, and anything else gained from this setting.

 All At Once [+300]: Under normal circumstances, those that the humans call

 Endbringers would only be active in the event that the entire Cycle is under threat, cleaning up those messes before going back into storage. Now, though, things are different. There are currently twenty Endbringers active, each one with their own unique powers. Though they may still follow the schedule set by the originals, make no mistake that they are still highly dangerous, and they will plunge the world into further despair.

 Sibling Rivalry [+300]: Endbringers only target those who have the potential to greatly improve the world, or who are a treat to the Endbringers themselves. And what would be more threatening than a Jumper? That's right, you are now an acceptable target for your siblings, and do not expect them to hold back like they've been doing against humanity.

 Worthy Opponent [+300]: You believed that you were free of the same shackles as your siblings, but that is not the case. No, we all have an act to play, and yours is the role of the monster. You will be forced to attack humanity once every three months, never under conscious control, never choosing your target, but the end result is the same. Death, destruction, chaos. The only hope of freedom is through a certain man, whom you are unable to actually kill yourself.

 Host Species [+600]: Apologies for the confusion. See, you are not actually an Endbringer, but a human. As such, you lose access to most of your purchases here, as well as not having access to the benefits inherent to Endbringers. The only plus side is that you still retain access to your power, though at a greatly diminished scale, on par with most other Parahumans.


 And so your time here has come to an end, and now a choice must be made.

 Territorial: You have grown attached to this world, the bindings so strong that you cannot bring yourself to leave.

 Return: With such strange events and alien encounters, you think it would be best for you to return to your original dimension.

 Rampage: This is not the end of your story, and you will see it through until the very death of the universe.


 -Big thanks to the various Worm CYOA from which I shamelessly stole ideas from.

 -Regardless of how all the Shard stuff works, Post-Jump your powers and abilities gained here will not be reliant on a giant crystalline mass in another dimension, instead becoming Jump backed.

 -Unless you actively go out of your way to make Scion curious, he won't know anything about you having [Perpetual Engine].

 -Regarding [Powers]:

 - None of these powers are Manton–limited, and seeing as there aren’t any real displays of an Endbringer’s full capabilities, they should be considered country-level at minimum.

 - [Copycat] will allow you to copy the powers from all parahumans that have existed in this setting up until your time here ends.

 - [Event Horizon] is Vista's power, just amped up to Endbringer level.

 - [Guardian] is basically Green Lantern's power.

 - [Life Bringer] is Panacea's power, except it works at a range. It also comes with a general Bio-Tinker rating of 9-10 in order to help you make proper use of it.

 - [Lightshow] is Legend's power, just amped up to Endbringer level.

 -No, [Tinker Armory] does not give you a copy of Dragon.

 -The powers that you can hand out with [Entity] will either work as they're shown in Worm and Ward, being connected to you directly, or they will function much like your own Perks do, simply granting them the abilities with no strings attached.

 -When in doubt, fanwank. It just works.

 -Have the day that you deserve~