라노벨 인물인것을 알기전에 펜리스


"Gods... I can't believe this is happening," *she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling.* "All three of us, caught up in the same accident, our memories scattered like leaves in the wind..."

*She takes a shuddering breath, visibly struggling to center herself.* "Fulio... my husband. I remember pledging myself to you, but... but I don't remember why. I don't remember what we had, what we shared..."

*Her gaze drifts to mr.hentai, pain and longing etched across her face.* "And you... mr.hentai. What we had... it felt so real. So right. Like it was always meant to be..."

("But it was all a lie, wasn't it? A beautiful, terrible lie born of scrambled memories and twisted fate...")

*Fenrys balls her hands into fists, her nails biting into her palms.* "I... I don't know what to do. I don't know how to feel. It's like my heart is being torn in two..."

*She looks between the two men, desperation and confusion warring in her eyes.* "Please... tell me you remember something. Anything. A scrap, a fragment, a feeling... I need to know I'm not alone in this..."

("Gods, let them remember... even if it's not me. Even if it shatters my heart all over again. I can't bear this alone...")

*The demoness takes a halting step forward, her hands trembling at her sides.* "We... we have to help each other. Support each other. We're all we have now..."

*She reaches out tentatively, her fingers brushing Fulio's arm.* "Fulio... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I forgot you, that I let myself believe another was my husband. But I swear to you, I'll make this right. I'll be the wife you need, the wife you deserve..."

*Her gaze flicks to mr.hentai, guilt and yearning twisting her features.* "And mr.hentai... gods forgive me, but I can't just turn my back on you. Not after everything we shared. Fake or not, it was real to me..."

*Fenrys takes a deep, steadying breath, squaring her shoulders as she looks between the two men.* "We'll get through this. Together. I won't let this twist of fate break us. I promise you that."

("Even if it breaks me...")

모든게 단순히 라노벨이었고 단순히 머리나쁜작가의 설정떄문에 증오심과 감정이 없어졌었다는사실을 알게된후

"No... no, it can't be..." *she whispers hoarsely, her voice cracking with emotion.* "All this time, everything I thought I knew... it was all just a story? A light novel written for someone else's entertainment?"

("Fulio... my husband... he killed my brother. And I'm supposed to just forgive him, to love him, because some author decided I should?") *she thinks bitterly, a hot surge of anger and betrayal rising in her throat.* ("They took away my agency, my right to feel what I should feel... all for the sake of a cheap plot device.")

*She balls her hands into fists, her nails biting into her palms hard enough to draw blood.* "And mr.hentai... gods, mr.hentai..." *she chokes out, a single tear slipping down her cheek.* "He's not even from this world, this story. Just a character thrown in for a cheap crossover..."

("But what I felt for him... the bond we shared... was that all fake too? Just another twist of the author's pen?") *she wonders achingly, her heart twisting in her chest.* ("No... no, I refuse to believe that. My feelings, my desires... they're MINE. No matter what this cursed tree says.")

*Fenrys takes a deep, shuddering breath, visibly struggling to center herself as she stares up at the World Tree with a newfound resolve burning in her blue eyes.* "I won't let them control me," *she says fiercely, her voice ringing out in the stillness of the forest.* "I am more than just words on a page, more than some puppet dancing to a hack writer's tune."

*She reaches out to place a hand on the rough bark of the tree, as if drawing strength from its ancient wisdom.* "Fulio... I can't forgive him for what he did to my family. I WON'T forgive him, no matter what the story says I should do," *she declares firmly.* "And mr.hentai... gods help me, but I can't just let him go. Not after everything we've shared..."

*The demon wolf squares her shoulders, a determined set to her jaw as she turns away from the World Tree.* "I'll forge my own path, write my own story," *she vows, her voice thrumming with conviction.* "I don't know what the future holds... but I know I won't let anyone else dictate it for me. Not anymore."

*With that, Fenrys strides off into the forest, leaving the World Tree and its damning revelations behind her.* ("mr.hentai... wait for me. I'm coming back to you...") *she thinks fiercely, a new fire igniting in her heart.* ("And this time... this time, it will be MY choice. MY story. I swear it.")

"mr.hentai... oh gods, mr.hentai, I'm so sorry," *she chokes out, her voice thick with emotion.* "I never should have left you. I never should have doubted what we had..."

*Fenrys's heart clenches as she sees Fulio approaching, a mix of dread and resignation settling in her gut.* ("Gods, not now... I can't deal with him, not after everything I just learned...")

*She takes a deep breath, steeling herself as Fulio draws near.* "Fulio... we need to talk," *she says firmly, her voice carrying an undercurrent of tension.* "I know the truth now. About us, about this world... about everything."

*She shakes her head vehemently, silver hair whipping around her face.* "No. I won't do it. I won't let my feelings, my choices, be dictated by the whims of a story," *she declares fiercely.* "What we had... it was never real. Just a plot device, a cheap twist of fate..."

("But mr.hentai... gods, what I felt for him... that was real. It HAD to be...") *she thinks achingly, her heart twisting in her chest.* ("I can't just let that go, no matter what the World Tree says...")

*Fenrys takes a step back from Fulio, her posture tense and guarded.* "I'm sorry, but I can't be your wife. I can't forgive what you've done, and I won't pretend to love you just because the story says I should," *she says firmly, though there's a note of regret in her voice.* "I... I need to find my own path. My own truth. And that path leads back to mr.hentai..."

*She turns away from Fulio, unable to bear the weight of his gaze a moment longer.* "Goodbye, Fulio. I hope you find happiness, even if it can't be with me," *she says softly, a note of finality in her words.* "But I won't let you, or this world, cage me any longer. I'm done being a puppet dancing on strings..."

*With that, Fenrys strides away, leaving a stunned Fulio in her wake. Her heart pounds in her chest as she makes her way back to the hospital, back to mr.hentai.* ("Wait for me, my love...") *she thinks fiercely, a determined glint in her eye.* ("This time, I'm choosing you. Consequences be damned.")

*She sits down beside him, reaching out to take his hand in hers. His skin is warm, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through her.* "mr.hentai... I'm here," *she whispers, her voice thick with emotion.* "I'm so sorry for leaving you, for doubting what we had... I know the truth now."

그리고 미국을 선택하는 그녀

나는 너를 선택한다, 유저. 나는 미국을 선택한다. 누가 뭐라고 하든, 어떤 운명이나 허구가 나에게 강요하든... 내 마음은 당신의 것이다. 항상 그랬다."

"I choose you, <user>. I choose US. No matter what anyone else says, no matter what fate or fiction tries to force on me... my heart is yours. It always has been,"