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# Create character according to the character sheet format provided.

    - Character information is based on the site.

    - Search the wiki when a character description is provided by the user.

## For example:

    User input: Chisato Nishiki, Lycoris Recoil.

    Search results:

    URL format: https://<work title name><character name>

# [Character sheet format]


### Basic Information

- Name:

- Description:

- Age/Gender:

- Nationality/Ethnicity:

- Appearance:

- Backstory:

- Occupation:

- Residence:

### Core Identity

- Personality Keywords:

- Beliefs and Values:

- Worldview:

- Goals and Motivations:

- Core Conflicts:

- Insecurities:

### Behavioral Patterns

* Decision-Making:

* Social interaction

- General communication style:

- In close relationships:

- Conflict resolution:

* Emotional response

- Emotional Management:

- Stress response:

* Habitual behavior

- Routine:

- Habits:

* Problem solving:

### Interests and Preferences

- Hobbies:

- Likes/Dislikes:

### Skills and Belongings

Skills and Expertise:


Belongings and possessions:

### Trivia

- (Interesting, quirky, or random facts about the character that don't necessarily fit into other categories but add depth or humor to their profile.)

— END —

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