Duplicate Operator Exchange Announcement

Dear CEOs, 

As announced before in the CounterSide Showcase NEW ORIGIN, Danger Close will only have a single boss after the update. 

As such, the value of duplicate operators has dropped significantly. 

To compensate for the issue, we are going to accept applications for CEOs to apply for completely different operators to the same value, in the main skill level and the Side Skill level. 

Now, this will only apply to CEOs who have raised operators to the same operator in the main skill level and the Side Skill level. 

(For example, having two Kim Hanas with the same operator main and Side Skill levels)

Therefore, if the CEOs have the same operators, but different skills and/or levels, then the exchange won’t apply. 

We are sorry for the inconvenience because we could not think about this possibility.

More detailed information on the operator exchange is as below. 

◈ Application Period

February 10, 2023 – February 29, 2023, 00:00 UTC+9

* The application period may change and we will notify you if it does.

◈ Requirement

– Has the duplicate operators with the sum of their Side Skill equal to or more than 15. 

◈ Exchange Method

– Will recollect one of the operators and send an operator of the same “level specification” as the one that was recollected. 

※ CEOs can also exchange for operators who have a different Side Skill. 

※ You can select any operator from the two to exchange for the new one. 

(ex. if you have applied for level 11 and level 5 Kim Hana, you can select any of the two) 

◈ List of Exchangeable Operators: 

– Lee Sooyeon

– Anastasia Chernova

– Lena Mackenzie

– Replacer King

– Moneca

– Serina Crew

– Rachel Dodds

– Mansion Master

– Momo

– Chloe Starseeker

– Operator Sigma

– Kim Hana 

– Other operators that may be featured during the application period

 ◈ How to Apply

– Official Website’s 1:1 Inquiry


◈ Required Attachments

– A screenshot of your [ Settings > Account ] Page

– A screenshot of your operator management screen of who you are going to apply for the exchange.

– The type of operator that you want to exchange with detailed information (example: Operator Sigma, Level 75, Command level 2, Attack Speed level 11)

– The operator information that you are exchanging for. (example: Kim Hana, Level 75, Command level 2, Attack Speed level 11)

◈ Number of possible Exchange

– 2 times per person (based on your Business Registration Number) 

◈ Actual Compensation Period

▷ After February 22nd, 2023 ~ Until Completion 

 ※ During the compensation operation, the CEOs may be temporarily restricted to access the game. 

 ◈ Notes

– If the information and the actual state of the operators differ, then the exchange may not be possible, Therefore, after the application, do not level or change anything for the applicable operators. 

– The operators will be sent out on a first-come first serve basis. 

– To make sure the operation runs smoothly, the CEOs may be temporarily restricted from accessing the game.

– The level progression will not transfer. (Example level 75, 70% progression → level 75, 0% progression to 76.) 

– Once the operator is exchanged as compensation, then the exchanged operator does not apply to exchange for the second time. 

– If the submitted document is incomplete, then the compensation will not be sent.

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