Max Horkheimer, Critique of Instrumental Reason (1967)

Marshall McLuhan, The Medium Is the Massage (1967)

Roland Barthes, Death of the Author (1967)

Donald Davidson, Truth and Meaning (1967)

Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (1967)

Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology (1967), Writing and Difference (1967), and Speech and Phenomena (1967)

Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle (1967)

Jürgen Habermas, On the Logic of the Social Sciences (1967


Michael Polanyi, Life's Irreducible Structure (1968)

Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1968)

Hans Albert, Treatise on Critical Reason (1968)

Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition (1968)

James D. Watson, The Double Helix (1968)

Jürgen Habermas, Knowledge and Human Interests (originally published in German as Erkenntnis und Interesse; English translation: 1972


Gilles Deleuze, The Logic of Sense (1969)

John Passmore, Philosophical Reasoning

G.J. Warnock, Berkeley

Richard Wollheim, F. H. Bradle


Hannah Arendt, On Violence

Phillipa Foot, Morality and Art, Oxford University Press

Michel Foucault, The Order of Things (translation from French), London: Tavistock Publications

Alvin Goldman, A Theory of Human Action, Prentice-Hall

D. Z. Phillips, Faith and Philosophical Inquiry, London: Routledge

W. V. O. Quine, Philosophy of Logic, Prentice-Hall

Nicholas Rescher, Scientific Explanation, New York: The Free Press

John Searle, Speech Acts

Richard Swinburne, The Concept of Miracle

Mary Warnock, Existentialism, Oxford University Press

Nicholas Wolterstorff, On Universals–An Essay in Ontology, University of Chicago Pres


G.E.M. Anscombe, Causality and Determination, Cambridge University Press

A.J. Ayer, Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage, London: Macmillan

Keith Campbell, Body and Mind, New York: Doubleday

R. G. Collingwood, Ruskin's Philosophy, Chicester: Quentin Nelson

Dorothy Emmet and Alasdair MacIntyre (ed.) Sociological Theory and Philosophical Analysis, New York: Macmillan

Antony Flew, An Introduction to Western Philosophy, London: Thames & Hudson

John Hick, Arguments for the Existence of God, London: Macmillan

Alasdair MacIntyre, Against the Self-Images of the Age: Essays on Ideology and Philosophy.

John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (first edition), Harvard University Press

John Searle (ed.), The Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press

P.F. Strawson, Logico-Linguistic Papers, London: Methuen

G.J. Warnock, The Object of Morality, London: Methuen

Ivan Illich, Deschooling Societ
