This is instructions how to use the wallpapers from WT on your desktop
The wallpapers are made for 1920x1080, i did stretched them to 3440x1440 but it took way too long and the result is quite ugly, but you're free to test.
It should work well for any 16:9 resolutions, but i can't test myself (it should work if you scale the sizes in the config file)

1. Download and Install LWP from github, don't build it, just use the installer in release : <>;
2. Follow the README for the configuration
3. Copy one of the Wallpaper zip from <>; (1920x1080 is recommanded)
4. Download and extract the `Utilities.rar` folder in `C:\Program Files\Layered WallPaper`, there is a few additional bat to stop lwp, a shortcut to the `%appdata%` folder, and my config file for easier setup. (If it say server overloaded try to refresh a few time, or message me on discord and i'll give it to you)
5. Extract the wallpaper zip in your `%appdata%/lwp` folder (This is for easier management, but you should be able to put it anywhere on your computer)
6. Copy the lwp.cfg from the utilities rar and paste it in `%appdata%/lwp` then open it.
7. If you have more or less monitors than me, you'll need to add or remove some lines, but read the config file, everything should be explained
8. Copy the ABSOLUTE path of the wallpaper you want to use, and paste it after the `monitorN_wallpaper=` line, do not let any space after the `=`, do not use " for the path, it should be something like `monitorN_wallpaper=C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\lwp\Mirage IIIC`
9. Launch lwp.exe which should be in `C:\Program Files\Layered WallPaper`. The wallpaper of your monitor should have changed, if there is any problem or you monitors aren't set like me, ping me on discord : oshida
10. If you do not want the wallpaper to start with windows, disable the autostart of lwp.exe in the task manager.

i'm quite proud of that one so please use it.