5. programmable signal processors

The gate array technology unceasing progress greatly enhanced the computer processing speed and the storage capacity. APG-70 has used 1.37×1.37 a centimeter chip, it may carry 8,000 gates. Although the volume, the weight and consume the electricity and the APG-63 signal processor is same, but the handling ability actually is APG-63 processor 5 times. The APG-63 processing speed is 7.1MCOPS; APG-70 is 33MCOPS, when the need also may increase 44MCOPS. In order to satisfy the distance to elect to pass high PRF the distant reconnaissance condition FFT operation the need, the processor must establish 20,000 Doppler filter in 5 microseconds. This group comes in handy the apple IIE personal computer, the volume 0.028 cubic meter, the weight 60 pounds, 25%PSP software uses Jovial the J73 language.

5. IDR, 1985, No.6.

한국어 3줄 요약

1. APG-70(C글)과 APG-63(A글)의 프로세서를 비교했을 때, 70이 5배~6배가량 연산능력이 좋음

2. 연산능력은 노칭저항성과 비례함

3. 비교대상으로 놓고보면 APG-65(레거시호넷)과 진배없는 연산능력, 노칭저항성 가짐

결론 : 돔황챠!!!!!!!!!!!!