원문 :

Hi @Announcement

I finally got around to looking at some files related to the Parametric Transformer, and there is indeed some weighting to the drops that you get from it, which also lines up with the data we've collected from #parametric-transformer.

While it's not exactly "put X material and you get X drops guaranteed", you can at least know what materials to use to give yourself a better chance at getting what you want, so here's a handy-dandy table for it.

Also, do note, that although Tier 3 Materials (like Energy Nectar or Ley Line Sprouts) give you 4 points of "Quality", it takes 9 T1 Materials (Whopperflower Nectar or Dead Ley Line Branches), in order to make those. But 9 T1 materials are worth 9 points, not 4.

So lower-rarity materials will be better to use.


1) A 몇개를 넣으면 B ,C 몇개가 나옵니다! 같은 간단한 관계로 드롭이 계산되지 않는듯.

2) 이 표는 투입 물질 - 변환 결과물 간의 연관성을 어느정도 정리한것.

3) 높은 티어(희귀도) = 높은 질량(quality/mass)이지만, 낮은 티어 재료가 효율이 더 좋다.

출처 : 원신 데이터 게더링 서버