전제조건:무과금/노돌,비경9~12층기준 작성자는 현재 11층

각주로 10,12층에 불딜러 두개써야하며 물리저항때문에 물딜러는 병신이라고함

벤티(S): Gold-standard for supports. Has very high ratios on top of being anemo; once you get the anemo set he's irreplaceable.

서폿으로 존나좋고 딜 약한게 종특인 바람서폿인데도 계수 존나높아서 성유물맞출수록 대체불가능

피슬(S): Can basically fit into any team and deal a lot of damage. Best 4* unit in the game and best support DPS.

아무팀에나 쳐박아도 어울리고 딜셈

다이루크(S): Best main DPS for a pyro and pyro units are the best for final abyss floors. Synergizes well with all the other good units and deals a ton of damage.

불속딜러중 최고고 비경막층에서 불속이존나쎔 걍 암튼 딜셈

치치(A+):     A good cryo unit for an cryo or electro abyss team. Having her on your team makes you close to unkillable, but will probably cut your dps by a bit. Excellent with Razor.

얼음/전기비경팀에 좋음. 힐량빵빵해서 안뒤지게만들어주는 대신 힐딱이이므로 총딜량이 약간까임, 레이저랑 조합잘맞음

베넷(A+) : Considering how useful he is in the abyss both as a support and as a carry, I think it makes sense for Bennett to be A+. If you can stay in his Q, his DPS is actually as high as a main DPS Diluc (c0 v7s c0).

비경에서 서폿이랑 딜러 어떤식으로 사용해도 몹시좋음. Q활용에 따라 노돌다이루크랑 비슷할정도로 dps가 높음

각청(A+) : Has very long animation times which reduces her potential. Is also bugged atm (Q doesn't fully benefit from stats). Worse than fischl as a support DPS. Outclasses Razor as main DPS on electro teams. Mobility is very good.

궁애니메이션이 길어 dps깎아먹으며 궁 딜버그있음. 보조딜로는 피슬보다 구리지만 메인딜로는 레이저보다 훨씬나음

향릉(A+): Very high ratios and works well as a support for most elements. Can also be used as a main DPS.

계수가 높고 서포터로 잘쓰임/메인딜가능

모나(A): Draws aggro and helps to create reactions with her E. Works best as a supporter imo. But her Q buff is ADDITIVE NOT MULTIPLICATIVE which significantly reduces its effectiveness.

어그로끌기+원소반응셔틀 가능. 궁 받뎀증이 합연산이라 캐릭 포텐셜이깎임

향추(A): His Q takes a long time to charge and only deals damage when you auto so it's value is reduced when swapping a lot. His E however is VERY good for electro-charged and the passive heals/dmg res are pretty good for abyss.

Q 차는거도 느리고 평타쳐야 추가타라 별로지만 e가 힐이달려 비경에서 좋음

진(A):    She doesn't have extra res down effects and her Q doesn't really deal too much damage. Has both healing and anemo support in the same unit however, making her very efficient for abyss.

노돌기준 원소깎이 없고 궁딜도 낮지만 힐+확산이 사기조합이라 비경에서좋음

레이저(A): Razor's DPS is very high, but he limits your ability to swap into your other units. This ends up lowering overall DPS and is why he's rated lower than Keqing despite being able to deal more damage than her.

교대겜이라 지속딜은높아도 티어는 각청보다 낮게줌

증운(A): Best main DPS for cryo since he has cryo autos with E. Unfortunately that's all he can really do - outclassed by Kaeya for cryo support. Using him to convert autos for your main DPS is usually not a good idea since you'll split your stats

얼음메인딜러/서폿으론 게이야보다 구림 장판으로 딜러 속성바꾸는거도 템 파밍문제로 별로

바바라(A): Basically a worse verison of Qiqi. Still, healers are important for abyss, especially floor 10, so if you don't have one, prioritize Barbara

치치 다운그레이드. 비경10층에서 힐딱이 특히 중요한데 힐러니까 A줌

클레(A): On one hand, she has insane burst being able to use E twice at the start of a fight. On the other hand, her Q forces her to stay in and this usually reduces your DPS. Unfortunately the end-game right now is not short fights so she isn't too effective.

e깡딜은 좋은데 q가 레이저마냥 필드에붙어있어야 하므로 구림

바람행자(A):    Pretty much perfect on any F2P team as anemo support. Works better than sucrose since MC has way lower CDs and gets free c6. Q can be very annoying and reduces DPS though since it moves enemies away

무좆금에게 딱이고 q쿨이짧아 몹 밀어내는거 고려해도 설탕보다나음

바위행자(B): Gives the party 10% crit and deals decent damage. The buff is tied to being in the area created though, and his E can be annoying. Anemo MC seems more useful in a lot of situations.

e병신스킬이고 버프도 국지적이라 그닥임(담버전 버그픽스되면 바뀔수있음)

게이야(B): Honestly, Kaeya isn't as bad as people make him out to be. He can fit in many comps to create reactions since his Q has multiple procs. At higher constellations his Q gets a lot better (Does over twice as much dmg)

Q가 원소반응이 잘터지므로 인식보단 많이좋고 별자리뚫으면 셈

북두(B): In the same boat as razor having split damage. Except her normal attack DPS is much lower. Her Q is actually pretty good, but realistically you'll be swapping and using bursts/skills too much to make it worth.

레이저랑 비슷한케이스이나 평타dps가애자임 Q는좋지만 리턴대비 노력이 과해서 별로

응광(B): Needs a second geo to work well for energy generation. Geo MC is best for this. Has very high base damage, but suffers late on without any sources of GEO RES.

원소효율용으로 두번째 바위가 필요하며 바행자쓰는게 좋음. 깡딜은 세지만 후반에 구림

노엘(C): As a main DPS she's mostly outclassed by Ning7guang until you reach higher talent levels or unlock her last constellation for more DEF>ATK. Also her E does not generate particles making it hard to use her burst.

메인딜로는 6돌전까지 응광보다 딸림. e가 궁안채워줘서 궁쓰기도 힘듦

리사(C): Imo she's worse than Kaeya. Her long CDs and cast times aren't justified by how much damage her E does or how much setup it needs. Her Q could be good if it didn't knock things out of it. Easily outclassed by any other electro.


설탕(C): Your second anemo support till you get Venti or Jean. Really long CDs and basically impossible to use her burst if she's your only anemo.

쿨이 길어 1바람으론 궁쓰기힘듦

소(S?): Not sure if he's been reworked. Either way he'll most likely be a top tier anemo main dps. Not sure how he'll work with RES down effects since Viridescent Venerer can't reduce anemo RES.

바뀐지 모르므로 평가보류 그대로나오면 존나쎌것