Hello, it's me again with an updated Guide for 12-1C.

After the last guide, I fully expected someone to do a 3* clear with 2 robots soon, but I honestly didn't expect a 4* clear being possible.

So I was very surprised when someone actually did it in just a few hours. However, I try to not 120 units as much as possible, so I can not copy it. I tried for a while and finally come up with something that can beat the challenge, although it is not reliable (depending on Interceptor action).

Reference guide: https://arca.live/b/lastorigin/93892889?category=%EA%B3%B5%EB%9E%B5&p=1

Anyhow, these are the units I used.

The main difference compared to the original is that only Peregrinus need to be Limit Break, however, there is a chamce the strategy will fail.

Unlike my previous guide, this time the stats and formation is very tight, and you must follow as closely as possible. And even then it depends on the action of Interceptor. If Beta is not dead my turn 4, there is a 50/50 you can kill her with Peregrinus Active 2. If not try again.

This is the record video of my run


Sorry for the trouble. I am in the middle of a company dinner and is definitely drunk.