Hello. Am I going crazy?

Recently I started learning to mod Fallout 4. Today I share a small mod which I created for practice and fun. 

Cat Blaster 0.1a (english only, sorry)


This mod adds a new weapon that shoots cats, and also adds cat grenades/mines.

I used the alien blaster as the model because I have no idea which weapon looks best.

It's a fun gun for playing around when you're bored. It can stick heads and limbs to walls.

I tested it for a few days, it shouldn't have much bugs.

The gun, ammo and grenades can be crafted at Chembench.

Gun can be modded at W eaponbench with mods and ammo types:

Standard Ammo: Normal Cat

Cryo Ammo: Freezes enemies

Incendiary Ammo: Ignites enemies

Explosive Ammo: causes small explosion

Seeker Ammo: Tracks enemy target

Explosve Seeker Ammo: Tracks enemy target and causes small explosion

Grenade Thrower: Shoots cat grenades

2 grenade types and 2 mines added:

Cat Grenade / Mine:  Standard

MIRV Cat Grenade/Mine:  Explodes into more grenades. Best to use indoors.

I think I am going crazy from modding. Time to take a break for a while.

If you like cats decapitating people, you will enjoy this mod.