very fat man with VR goggles connected to cables and tubes, eat ramen, cyberpunk tokyo, --ar 2:3

masterpiece, best quality, illustration,photographic, realism,4k,8k, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, hd,warhammer fantasy world, fantasy world, Sigmar, massive monsters attacking the castle, Huge monster attacking the castle, the besieged castle, Destroyed city, screaming people, fighting soldiers, 4k digital illustration by Alphonse Mucha and Peter Mohrbacher, art nouveau iconography background, tarot card, stunning portrait, amazing magnificent mystical illustration, award winning art, vivid and vibrant, rim light, intricate details, realistic, full view, burning city, people running away,Wizards who use magic, warriors who fight monsters, huge titan monsters , lightning background, motion blur, massive army, assault cavalry, Knights Templar,attacking catapult,warhammer, attacking Spearmen army, attacking Swordsmen army , attacking Halberdiers army , attacking Greatswords army , attacking Archers army , 1 man <upperbody, The commander who commands the war>,attacking Crossbowmen army , attacking Handgunners army , 1 woman <full body,fullbody,a wizard who uses fire magic>, citizens running away, woman holding a baby crying, Griffin Knights Flying in the Sky, desperate people, A dragon attacking a castle,dragon breathing fire from its mouth, a golem attacking a castle, lord of the rings war scene, burning corpses, Empire Knights, Reiksguard, Demigryph Knights, Great Cannons, lord of change<full size> 

masterpiece, best quality, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best shadow), (detailed background), (beautiful detailed face, beautiful detailed eyes), High contrast, (best illumination, an extremely delicate and beautiful),(girl:1.5),((Game Concept Illustrations, (Frameless), (thick airbrush),sidelighting, Intricate details, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate detail, highres, official art, high resolution illustration, 8k,High Quality, highres, high resolution》, illustration,colorful background, full body, Pacific Rim(series), giant,(realistic mecha), mecha,robot,gundam,mechanical prosthesis,mecha coverage,cool movement,illustration,unreal,perspective,), beautiful detailed glow, expressionless, cold expression,insanity, dynamic composition, dynamic angle, motion, ultra - detailed, incredibly detailed, a lot of details, amazing fine details and brush strokes,fantasy world,giant robot standing<five star stories,motorhead five star stories> ,(small girl,girl pilot standing <anime style,standing in the cockpit,knightage,medieval armor,blond hair blowing in the windscabbard at the waist,cute face,upper body,finely detailed beautiful eyes, dark intense shadows, overexposure,black dress, ree eyes, aquatic eyes, red eyes, wavy hair, standing, >),medieval atmosphere, castle view,emit a dark red energy, light smile, holding black rose, looking at viewer, black thorny vine, red rose, dark background, spotlight, overexposure, black dress, hair fluttering in the wind, lace, arms under breasts, crown of thorns, red light particles, black mist, rose swirling around the character,medium breasts, spinning, from above, black thorny trees )), ((caustic)), dynamic angle,beautiful detailed glow,full body, cowboy shot, 

(masterpiece), best quality,ultra-detailed, illustration,extremely detailed CG unity 8k,(((majestic white (((weapons))) Burst out of a (cloud vortex)))),eyeball, Jewellery,(((holding))) majestic FIRE (((BLADE)))),dune,starcraft,LAMP,HOLD,gold_trim,gradient,blast,explosion

{{{{masterpiece}}}},{{ultra detailed,best quality, highres, cinematic lighting, twinkle,glitter,lens flare,light particles,shining}},cyborg 1girl with animal ears and short hair, slim, toned, wide hips, mechanical arms and mechanical legs, cute face, cowboy_shot, looking_at_viewer,{{{attack battle form}}},Fighting stance,20 years old, two legs,{{{{{{{{{cyborg}}}}}}}}},girls_frontline,asymmetrical bangs,hair between eyes, twin drills, wavy silver hair, hair fluttering in the wind, light smile, deep red eyes, medium_breasts, overskirt,{Iridescence and rainbow dress},hold the handle,{{{holding The legendary sword of lightning}}} ,(dynamic angle:1.3),(from above:1.3),(jumping:1.3),(running:1.3),night,neon light, {{{beautiful detailed skyscraper,skyscraper}}}, beautiful detailed shadow,blue shadow,aqua light, purple light,light particles,orange light,black sky,black background, Balcony, [Galaxy], depth of field 

(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.1), ((1girl)), ((solo)), (finely detailed eyes and detailed face:1.3), (beautiful and clear background:1.2), ((depth of field)), (mechanical legs:1.4), (mechanical arms:1.2), (black hair:1.1, brown eyes:1.2), medium breasts, (illustration:1.1), (extremely fine and beautiful:1.1), (perfect details:1.1), full body, cowboy shot,(kpop idol style:1.2),(korean mixed:1.2), laboratory,(beautiful humanoid lady:1.4), 1girl, (school uniform:1.3),(cybernetic, mechanical parts:1.5), small head, medium breast, (cable:1.4), seduce pose, seduce expression, detailed fingers,cleavage, 

a high school girl who watches the Earth from spacecraft

a high school girl who watches the Earth from space

(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.1), ((1girl)), ((solo)), (finely detailed eyes and detailed face:1.3), (beautiful and clear background:1.2), ((depth of field)), (mechanical legs:1.4), (mechanical arms:1.2), (black hair:1.1, brown eyes:1.2), medium breasts, (illustration:1.1), (extremely fine and beautiful:1.1), (perfect details:1.1), full body, cowboy shot,(kpop idol style:1.2),(korean mixed:1.2), laboratory,(beautiful humanoid lady:1.4), 1girl, (school uniform:1.3),(cybernetic, mechanical parts:1.5), small head, medium breast, (cable:1.4), seduce pose, seduce expression, detailed fingers,cleavage,

(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.1), ((1girl)), ((solo)), (finely detailed eyes and detailed face:1.3), (beautiful and clear background:1.2), (illustration:1.3), (extremely fine and beautiful:1.1), (perfect details:1.1), (Masterpiece:1.6), (best quality:1.5), red eyes, white hair, cyborg, future soldier, metallic horns, mecha armour, urban ruins,<lora:pastelmix-lora:1.2>,(grow eyes:1.5),(small eyes:1.3),(crazy smile:1.2)

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