채널 관리 공지 게시판

Deletion request



First Name: xxxx

Last Name: xxxx

Email: xxxx@gmail.com

Street Address: x-x-x Kitakaname, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, xxx-xxxx, Japan

Mail: xxxx@gmail.com

Phone Number: xxx-xxxx-xxxx

Description from user:



The URL of the copyrighted work being infringed:




The URL of the infringing harmful content:



3 Street Address:

x-x-x, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, xxx-xxxx, Japan

Mail: xxxxx@gmail.com

Phone Number: xxx-xxxx-xxxx


4 The above copyrighted items are sincerely believed to be in violation of the law.

The information I provided is accurate and truthful.

I affirm that I am the copyright owner whose rights have been infringed upon.

I understand that making false statements can lead to penalties.



URL: http://chairi.blog.2nt.com/?

The above URL is my blog. I have included my email address in the top article.

This blog documents the production history of Guilty Hell over several years.


The mail form on the left side of the blog is linked to xxxx@gmail.com.


Based on the evidence provided above, it is clear that I am the creator of the PC game

xxxx@gmail.com is the email address of the author of Guilty Hell.