랜덤채팅 채널
대화 상대랑 연결되었습니다.
나: hello?
상대방: ㅎㅇ
나: is this krusty crab?
상대방: 아뇨
상대방: 뚱인데여?
나: oh ok
나: (*click*)
상대방: 뭐야 이게
나: hello?
나: is this krusty crab?
상대방: 아뇨 뚱이라니까요
나: oh alright
나: (*click)
나: Hello?
상대방: 여보세요
나: Is this krusty crab?
상대방: 별가사리 뚱이라니까요
나: god damn it mother fucking
나: who the fuck is patrick
나: you sonova
상대방: beach
나: come here boy
상대방: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나: I'm so gonna kill ya
나: you're dead meat
상대방: i like biden's head
나: don't care
상대방: you like biden?
나: no
나: I support trump
상대방: but he is so old...
나: bullshit
나: biden is older
상대방: how about trump junior
나: pbffft
나: that 중국산?
나: made in china?
상대방: i think he will make america great again
나: he suck
나: he sucks your dick
상대방: but he is son of trump
나: more like son of a bitch
상대방: he glad to suck your dick
나: trump is the only and the greatest
나: president of all time
상대방: i like bush
나: bruh
나: bush is an idiot
나: he fucked up with his daughter
나: and he did daughter daughter two
나: like shimiken
상대방: atleast he suck all oil from audi oils
나: alright
나: you got a point
나: but I'm not buying it
상대방: i also like clinton
상대방: how much he bang
상대방: with a lady
나: Now you're getting the view
나: attaboy
상대방: broh
상대방: sex is matter
나: speaking of banging
나: didja know
상대방: oK?
나: the rocket man
나: did 3P
상대방: that little dick guy?
상대방: i know that
나: Elon musk
나: yeah
나: this dude hired prostitutes
나: with his money
상대방: kim jung un's dick is so small that musk can't blow job
나: right
나: I thought I had the smallest
나: but after seeing his dick
나: I feel confident now
상대방: it's ok bro
상대방: any way
상대방: you know where is ukraine?
나: ukraine?
나: what a coincidence
나: I'm in ukraine right now
상대방: omg
나: I will send you the tickets
상대방: are you russian?
나: half
나: russia + ukraine
상대방: confused
상대방: whis side are you
나: I'm on winner's side
나: whoever wins
나: gets me
상대방: hmm... then you must be
상대방: usa?
나: maybe
나: idk
상대방: idk too
상대방: at least you always happy in there
나: yup
상대방: well it's your life
상대방: not mine
나: yeah
나: welp
나: ima leave now
상대방: ok
상대방: byby
나: Adios
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