
She is a princess who will inherit the crown of the Principality of Holmgard in the Far North, but she really hates life inside the castle. Though often reprimanded by her father for sneaking out, she cares little of his scoldings. Often misunderstood as a pretty face with a heart of ice, she actually has a naive personality, which makes her the most popular young girl in the country. Every time before sneaking out of the castle, she has to carefully disguise herself to avoid recognition. She enjoys sitting by the lake at night and admiring the beautiful starry sky. As it is written in the poems, above the bright river of stars, the North Star guiding the northern vault of heaven is the most dazzling, by which the people of Holmgard can navigate, and the soothsayers can foretell the future of the country. Lilia yearns for a free life, so she secretly leaves her hometown and embarks on a long-awaited trip. But she can not restrain the complex feelings of homesickness that haunt her during the journey. "Is there any difference between here and my hometown? The gorgeous aurora of my hometown, the stunning sight known as the Celestial Colors..."


As the Defender of Holiness, she has inherited the purest bloodline of the Sanctuary, succeeding her older brother Garditis as the gatekeeper. Young as she is, she has been given the important task of expelling those outsiders who try to invade the Sanctuary. However, she has no sense of responsibility at all. She prefers playing with flowers and small animals to doing the tedious work. Therefore, she often leaves her post and sometimes even goes to the Lower Domain. Carrying a pillow around, she often lies down on the grass and quickly falls to sleep when she is too tired to play. Even so, no one dares to approach her because anyone disturbing her slumber will be identified as an intruder and be hit straight at with the pillow. Only her brother Garditis and sister Parfait dare to wake her up. She looks harmless, but in the eyes of the invaders, she is the unbreakable wall of the Sanctuary. Any magic attacks will be instantly absorbed by her pillow, leaving her completely unharmed. And to others' surprise, after the combat, this lovely girl will just pat her beloved pillow and continue to enjoy an afternoon of peaceful sleep. She likes eating lemon pie, which is sour but unexpectedly gaining popularity among the nobles. However, her sister Parfait, a fan of sweet taste, hates this pie so much. Due to the division of opinion, they fight a lot. Afallen decides to offer the lemon pie to the Protector, which could be an opportunity to determine the orthodox status of the lemon pie in the Sanctuary.


She is the Sword Master only existing in ancient records. She is said to be the holder of the Sword of Ego. With a sword skill as magnificent as stardust, she saved the world by defeating the Demongod Gordia in ancient times. There is nothing in the records to show her appearance. The public only knows she is a maiden who teamed up with Dana, Goddess of the Lake, and Acheronte, the ruler of the Underworld to defeat the Demongod. Since then, her name has never shown up in the records. Akasha is the name of the Sword of Ego and its holder often goes by the same name. It's believed that the Sword is injected with the will of its holder so it will never get rusty; in return, the holder will also be blessed with eternal youth. Thus the holder may be the same one for a thousand years. Some witnesses claim to have seen the holder of Sword of Ego, but no one can be sure if she is the Sword Master who originally saved the world. There are also clues from children that she often lies in a field of flowers and her eyes are clear as the sky. Many speculate that Akasha has long ago passed away because everything could happen during a thousand years. However, a maiden alleging that she is the apprentice of Akasha showed up in the Upper Domain, and according to what she said, Akasha has stopped wielding the sword and now lives a reclusive life, far from the uproarious world. This apprentice also confirmed that the maiden lying in the flower field is Akasha. When asked whether she could perform the same swordplay as magnificent as Akasha, the apprentice indicated that she couldn't with a wave of her hand. The apprentice is a human whose body can't bear the burden of performing Meteor Slash so Akasha didn't teach her this unique skill. Akasha privately is a fan of cute things though she never admits it. Someone witnessed that Akasha looked around in the flower field to make sure no one was around, and then carefully picked up a bunny, rubbing her face against its hair. When spotted, Akasha straightened her face, knocked out the passer-by with incredible agility, and quickly ran away. The person who secretly observed this was just shocked and couldn't believe this maiden was the legendary Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars who beat the Demongod to save the world.


The princess of Sunrise Island in the far east. Her mother is the queen that rules over this land. Her elegancy can be found in her every move. Regarded as the successor of the Living God, she has been receiving an elite education from a young age. Study politics, etiquette, and various conjuring. Every year, she offers a dance at the Kami Festival. Spectators marvel at the softness and elegance of her dance "Seigaiha." It is said only the true successor can learn it. The dance is like the ripples of a vast ocean, representing the God's grace, omnipresent and boundless. As a successor, Talhae will incorporate the people's prayers for peace and blessings for the future into the dance, and offer it to the God who blesses the land. Although she is a princess envied by all, privately she hates to be confined to the palace. She wishes to go outside to play. She often leans on the handrail and wonders, "What is the outside world like?" Yet she is not permitted to have much contact with the outside, which makes her very distressed. When her inner distress cannot be solved, she often practices dancing in the courtyard. As Talhae starts dancing, all the red leaves fall from her head with the wind, as if they are retreating for knowing they could not compete with her beauty. Whoever sees this scene will be impressed by her otherworldly beauty.


Originally an ordinary white bunny in the woods along the border of Lochaber, she transformed into a human after accidentally consuming a magic potion but has retained some of her rabbit traits. Like Hauen, she is curious about the outside world but has no experience dealing with humans. To stay fed, Amane comes to a nearby village and tries to fit in with the locals. It's New Year's Day, and she is fascinated by the festive bustle. But the sound of firecrackers frightens her, and she cowers in a corner. Upon learning that her friend Hauen has made human friends, she decides to go looking for her and make some human friends of her own.


Amorai runs her own clinic in a small town in the Principality of Lunia. According to the townsfolk, every drug she prescribes is made by herself. All sorts of bizarre medical conditions could be cured by her. Whenever someone tries to engage her in a friendly chat, she swerves off to an irrelevant subject and ends the conversation prematurely. Over time, people talk to her less and less. As a result, even though her medical skills are widely praised across town, her personal life remains little known. Despite her eccentricities, Amorai is lauded as one of the most talented researchers in Lunia. Her academic accomplishments even made a splash among old scholars. But instead of being distracted by the accolades, Amorai buries herself in the study of medicine and arcane occultism. There is a rumor in town that Amorai once raised a homeless girl as her own daughter and addressed her lovingly as "Honey." Her assistant disclosed that during that time Amorai pissed her off less often than she usually did. Although the girl verbally protested being called "Honey", she did what Amorai told her and went to school in town.


She is the girl who entered the Chrono Tower with the preacher. She claims to be a champion of justice who repels monsters and evil forces. She can switch between the magic of different elements, but her personality may change as well. She looks cute and beautiful but once she starts talking, she often annoys others by making some sensational statements, especially with a superior attitude. She was an ordinary girl from the north. One day she was possessed by the metempsychosis of a priestess and endowed with the power of nature that allowed her to cast all kinds of elemental spells. Yet this power was so strong that she was ostracized and feared by others. All those negative emotions had far exceeded what a maiden of her age could bear. As more fears crept in, she decided to leave her homeland, away from those who hurt her before. After leaving the homeland, Anemone attracted the attention of the Holy Church due to her immense power. The Church provided a shelter for her and tried to cultivate her into a tool that cleansed the heretics and taboos. However, her personality didn't make her a perfect match for this kind of dull and cruel work. In order to force her into that, the Church awakened her fire elemental power inside, which changed her personality by suppressing her weakness and gave rise to a power that far exceeded her magic. After the awakening, Anemone has turned into a whole new person who aggressively performs the order of the Church without any thinking. Having heard that people are heading to the Tower in search of the Dark Magic, the Church sent Anemone to cleanse those greedy ones. Yet her immense power is also a potential risk for the Church so the Preacher Fellagood is appointed to go with her into the Tower and keep a close watch on her along the way. Anemone never holds back her dislike to anything she finds annoying so she always has a fight with Dejase who is too reticent for her to get along with. Yet the fight itself is harmless, nothing more than thoughtless bickering. Anemone has strong self-esteem. Once hurt, she will vent her feelings waywardly, which is a major headache for Fellagood.


Born in a small seaside fishing village, Angling grew up in the company of the sea. She feels a much stronger attachment to the vast sea than to land. Since food was scarce in the village, Angling, mature beyond her age, volunteered to go fishing with the adults when she was still little—and she showed prodigious talent. Today, her fishing skills put many adult villagers to shame. In addition to her remarkable talent for fishing, Angling's fish-roasting skills have also earned her much admiration. People can't explain how Angling manages to make fish smell so enticing other than interpreting it as a gift bestowed by sea elves. Yes, Angling does owe her fish-roasting skills to a sea elf, but not the way people think. One day, she met a food-loving sea elf. The latter took Angling's roasted fish back to her tribe, causing quite a stir. Ever since then, every time Angling goes out fishing, sea elves show up to guide her. That's how she became good friends with a lot of sea elves.


A young girl looking no different from human only appears by the sea. She often strolls on the beach before the low tide and picks up shells as gifts for others. Ardisia was adopted by the Sea Elf in her childhood. Her adoptive mother taught her how to breathe underwater. The ocean is her home. Far away from the humans, Ardisia knows nothing about the dangers of the outside world. As long as the weather is clear, Ardisia will definitely come to the beach for a walk. As the sun sets and the sky darkens, she will make a silent maiden's wish to the shooting stars. It is said that her adoptive mother, the Sea Elf, hates humans so much. When a boy attempts to approach Ardisia, the calm ocean will churn, as if to engulf the frivolous boy.


She won the ancient War of Protectors and restored peace to Irminsul. As the Protector of Irminsul, she has been guarding this land for centuries. Thanks to her passion for the study of life, the entire Irminsul was overflowing with life and energy, and as a result, its people enjoyed a long life span. When the Abnormality hit and her beloved Irminsul began to decline, Asherah returned to the magical research she once abandoned, trying to find a way to change the fate of Irminsul. Her people haven't seen her in a long time. Even her Glorious Chevalier and Priest are not allowed to see her.


A mysterious woman wanders around the cemetery at night, known as the "Agent of Death." The truth is, she just wants to find a place to sleep where no one can disturb her. She used to serve as an Underworld deliverer under Kyphon. Whenever she sees a wandering ghost in the cemetery, she removes her blindfold and uses her power to escort them to the afterlife. She is often seen as a weirdo because of the bandages she wears, but her strange appearance belies a gentle heart. Her desire to live freely in the human world drove her to resign as a deliverer. Still, she often returns to the River of the Underworld to visit her old friends.


Bellavita, a sea-dwelling elf, has spent eons in the company of fish and the tides and rarely crosses paths with humans. Most of the time, Bellavita hunkers down at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by fish. Only when the sun sinks below the horizon does she quietly leap out of the sea to enjoy her evening in solitude on the beach. One night, as usual, Bellavita emerged from the sea and came to the beach. That was when she saw a baby lying quietly on the ground in swaddling clothes. Instead of crying at the sight of her, it beamed. A strange emotion rose in Bellavita's chest. She named the baby girl "Ardisia", then took her into the sea and taught her how to breathe underwater. She grew up healthy under Bellavita's care. But Bellavita can be a little overprotective: Whenever a boy tries to approach Ardisia, she immediately conjures a tidal wave to warn him off.


A festive mood filled the air as Halloween approached. However, the magistrate had been receiving reports of food going missing at night—food people carefully prepared for the upcoming holiday. Some eyewitnesses described a fluffy black thing flashing by. Some said it was an agile girl. As similar complaints kept coming in, the magistrate decided to take action: he put some delicious food on a stall and then hid in the dark to watch. Sure enough, when night fell, that mysterious black figure showed up. "There you are, you damn thief!" The magistrate sneaked up on the target, chest filled with anger, only to find, to his utter surprise, that it was a cute cheerful girl, one with a pair of eye-catching ears. Her feasting was interrupted by the magistrate. She explained that she had no ill intent and that she was only attracted there by the smell of food. After a brief talk with the girl, the magistrate realized she was just an innocent girl clueless about how human society works. So instead of punishing her, he invited her to his home. In no time at all, the cat spirit Betsy became friends with the magistrate's daughter. Betsy used to live in the woods away from human society like the rest of her kind. When she was little, she heard her parents mention a species called human. "Those short-eared creatures never listen to reason. And they're very rude, too. They want to catch us and make us their pets. How ridiculous is that? We're the noble cat spirits, for Christ's sake. We have nothing in common with those docile kittens they keep in their homes." Her parents' rant only made Betsy curious about humans, planting in her the idea of seeing the human world for herself. Finally, Betsy's curiosity reached a fever pitch, and in the face of her parents' opposition, she left the woods and ran into the human world—the place she had been longing for. The busy streets, the bustling people—everything looked so refreshing and interesting to the uninitiated eyes of the innocent cat spirit. Excited, she had forgotten her parents' words of caution and was ready to plunge herself into an unknown world.


A maiden who does not want to reveal her birth, she is said to be a noble princess from southern Elf Lakeside. There is also some speculation that she has elven blood flowing through her veins, which she herself denies. Gifted with the special ability to communicate with animals, she has been fond of seeking various animals in the Forest of Elves since her childhood. It's in the Forest that she met the Sacred Beast and the legend says that only a pure-hearted person can obtain the approval of that beast. She shares the same reverence for nature as the inhabitants of the Forest do, and it's said that the Holy Mother she believes in is Dana, who guards the Forest. She is unaccustomed to greeting strangers, allegedly because she grew up in the palace, and she did not communicate much with others except for the maidservants and nobles around her. Her only friend is Flora, also from the Forest of Elves. The two of them often stroll by the lake together, showing an intimate friendship that no one can get involved in. The Sacred Beast from the Forest of Elves was the ride of Dana, Goddess of the Lake. He was too proud to get close to humans, let alone be manipulated by them. However, the Sacred Beast before Caledonia is totally different. He seems very close to the human Caledonia and even allows her to touch his unicorn, a symbol of his nobility. Under the full moon, Caledonia likes to stroke the plush fur of the Sacred Beast by the lake and quietly snuggle up to him. Sometimes she helps the Beast clean, comb and dry his hair, carefully and patiently. Caledonia used to be not mindful of her appearance but since she was seen in gorgeous garments and complimented by Flora, she has started to pay heed to her dressing and even tries on the noble garments she rejected before. The Sacred Beast has noticed her changes and disapproves of her behavior. Each time Caledonia is dressed up in finery, the Beast will shake his body by fits, trying to toss off Caledonia to show his discontent.


Without the magic items, she has been losing her magic power and has reverted to her petite and innocuous-looking child form. She faithfully fulfills her role as a Protector. To that end, she even travels to the Lower Domain herself to eliminate the evolving monsters. She keeps warning the Witch, in whom she has taken a strong interest, not to get involved in the strife between the two domains. To escape the monsters, she used all her magic power to lift Cassiel from the ground, turning it into floating isles. She rejected the Alliance of the Rebellions' request to lower the isles back on land. Instead, she keeps raising them up in order to protect them from monsters that have evolved wings. Before taking her role as a Protector, she had been living in the Forest of Elves. When her predecessor, the former Protector, failed to stop Demongod Gordia from wreaking havoc on the world, Camilyne volunteered to take over the mantle, ready to give of herself to this land. She defeated Demongod with the help of Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars. Later on, when monsters overran Camilyne, she lifted Cassiel into the air. Her two successful attempts to save the world have deeply endeared herself to her people.


A noble with a graceful bearing, she stands out from any crowd. She travels around the Kingdom of Lochaber to learn about the plight of the people in preparation for her ascension to the throne. When the monsters invade, she returns to the capital to lead a fight against them. Knowing that it would be hard for Lochaber to fight the growing number of monsters alone, she leads a mission to various kingdoms in a bid to form an alliance against the monsters. Watching people celebrate the new year in a foreign land fills her with nostalgia. Then she reminds herself that emotions and weakness won't do any good for her kingdom, and that her mission is still unfinished.


Formerly a noble sorcerer from the Upper Domain of Cassiel, she couldn't stand the way her fellow people trampled on their Lower Domain counterparts, so she left the Magical Guards and went to the Lower Domain. Having shed her noble identity, she kept calling upon the Lower Domain commoners to rebel against the abusive ruling class above. Answering her call, the commoners worked together to build a floating ship, powered by the girl's wind magic crystal. With the girl herself at the hem, the ship shuttled back and forth between the two domains, attacking the transport fleet above and distributing the spoils to the downtrodden below. She is always helping the commoners down below, but she is not in favor of using violence to overthrow the ruling class above. It seems the only reason she joined the Alliance of the Rebellions is that she wanted to return the Floating Isles to the ground so she could start her new adventure. Deeply trusted by her crew, her words are the law around the fleet. Over time, she has taken on a gruff demeanor that signifies a clean break from her noble past.


She is the hero who stood up to fight against her country's invaders. She saved people from despair and took the first charge against the enemy, bringing glory and honor back to this land once again. "I know nothing of God's attitude toward these invaders. All I know is that all invaders will be expelled from our homeland and leave nothing but corpses." The people were more convinced that this maiden of unknown origin was in fact an emissary of God, and the soldiers who had been defeated for years regrouped under her banner of glory, extolling her saving grace. Even the prince prayed for her miracles and put all his troops under her command, begging her to save the country in the name of God. The maiden's banner became the faith of the country and the only light in the darkness. All people regarded her as a Saintess, following her unswervingly and treating her victories as the Miracles. After her army supported the prince to storm the fallen capital, the prince knelt before her, asking her for holy grace to crown him. "If I have not received holy grace, may the Lord grant it to me; if I have received it, may the Lord grant it to my motherland."


Celanya's grandfather and father are the most outstanding hunters in the village, and she inherited their talents through their bloodline. She has started practicing archery since childhood so she can feel the breath of the prey, even in the dark night. It's her somatosensory system rather than her vision that plays a part in detecting the target. Due to her great strength, she has absolute confidence in her archery skills. She claims that "Every shot hits the bull's-eye". When shooting, she thinks of herself as an arrow, emotionless and undivided, flying straight to the target. She has high self-esteem and often feels empty due to a lack of worthy opponents. Like her father, the Silverbow, she is also eager to challenge someone more powerful. "If I find the legendary Fallen God, then I can both train myself and find the way to stop the snowstorm." With such a simple thought, Celanya carries her beloved longbow and sets out alone to the mountain peak. Though claiming to be unrivaled, she actually is not a match for her father. She had been following her father's steps and imitating her father to do the hunting practice, but soon she found out that imitation wouldn't help her to surpass her father but just leave her behind her father as always. After realizing this, she was kind of lost and hated herself for being weak. These changes certainly didn't escape her father's attention. He covered her eyes and took her to the target. "Can you feel the target?" Celanya nodded. "Then take ten steps backward. Can you still feel that?" "Ten more steps." Over and over again, when Celanya removed the blindfold, she found she was a hundred steps away from the target but she could still feel the target. "See, this is what you're capable of." Father's words are engraved in her mind. After then, she gave up the strength training but focuses on practicing her archery. She puts aside all distracting thoughts and works to be an emotionless archer master.


The Protector of Snegurochka and the Saintess revered by the Frost Chivalric Order. She lives in the Glacial Castle up the mountain. No resident near the mountain has ever seen her face. Adept in ice magic, she appears to be as cold and apathetic as the endless blizzard around her. She keeps her distance from others and leaves all affairs concerning Snegurochka to her loyal chevaliers. Snegurochka has been ruled by her for thousands of years. It is said that before it became this frozen world, Snegurochka was covered by lush greens and was warm all year round. It was a place where humans and animals lived in peace, but things are completely different now. Outsiders take her for a ruthless tyrant, but her love for Snegurochka runs deep. She is willing to do anything to save this world. The blizzard around here seems to have something to do with her.


A girl from the Sanctuary who contrasts the traditional image of a serious and rustic Sanctuary dweller. Often seen going shopping in the market. Gained worldwide fame for winning the last season of Shiny Girls, thus becoming a top idol that many girls see as a role model. She prefers to be called a genius sorcerer than an idol, and she aspires to be the most glamorous and strongest sorcerer ever. When she casts spells, her golden hair flutters in the wind as lightning and thunder rage around her. It's a breathtaking sight from a distance. She doesn't consider herself a good idol and prefers that the Protector recognize her as a sorcerer. In private, she undergoes rigorous magic training and assists the Protector in destroying monsters coming up from the ground. Her pretty blonde hair is wet from rain, her clothes are covered in mud, and the blood on her fair skin has yet to dry—but none of it stops her from relishing the battle. "There are no better decorations than rain and mud. I can feel the glow of my magic. It's so hot... My fighting spirit burns like fire. This is my stage, this is where I shine."


The Adjudicator of the Sanctuary. A top decision-maker of the organization, though one that skips all kinds of important meetings. She is of such a high status that other leaders of the Sanctuary address her by honorifics. Some speculate she is the actual ruler of the Sanctuary. Always carries with her the Swords of Divine Judgment, Parondit & Fusariel. Legend has it that back in Primeval Times, she used the dual swords to slash the sky, thus forming the Heavenly River. Back in Primeval Times, Demongod Gordia plunged the world into chaos. In the fight to stop her, Curtana suffered heavy injuries and lost much of her power. She had to watch helplessly as the world suffered. At the moment of her deepest despair, God spoke to her and instructed her to give the sacred object, Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars, to a human child. The move eventually saved the world. Having lost much of her power, a crippling sense of inadequacy compelled Curtana to resign as the Protector. But still, she never forgot her oath to defend Cassiel. Even though she had retired from political affairs for a long time, when demons invaded, she once again drew the Swords of Divine Judgment and joined the fight to protect Cassiel.


She may appear like a young girl, but Danelim has lived on earth for thousands of years, and during all this time, her personality hasn't changed a bit. Unlike the Sea Elf, Danelim would often emerge from the sea and play along the beach. From time to time, she gets humans accosting her. But she has a distaste for humans and so would give them the brush-off. Recently, Danelim built a castle for herself on the beach and was often seen hanging out with Ardisia in it. Despite her youthful looks, she is even older than the Sea Elf. Age is always a touchy subject for her. So steer clear of it if you don't want to see her wrath.

Dark Anemone: 

After being taken in by the Holy Church, Anemone was still as lonely as ever. Everyone feared her powers. Ostracized, the poor girl was often seen curled up in the corner. The priest Fellagood soon noticed her and her special abilities and felt like he hit the jackpot. With a hidden agenda in mind, he convinced the Holy Church leadership to let him take Anemone with him to clean out heretics. He never taught her anything about the world, and only used her as a pawn to do his dirty work. The kind-hearted Anemone was obviously not cut out for that kind of work. Every time she returned from a failed mission, she was met with brutal punishment. Fellagood even used a forbidden drug on her in an attempt to bring out her elemental powers. All this torment and suffering filled her with hatred of this world—of the indifference and despair pervading it. Finally, a mental breakdown, coupled with the onset of her elemental powers, transformed Anemone into a mindless puppet at the beck and call of the Holy Church. Anemone, now with her soul broken, was regarded by Fellagood as his proudest work. She blindly followed his orders and slaughtered her targets without batting an eye. The church leadership had little control over her. Fellagood, who had long held resentment against the church, finally located the Sacred Relic. His plan, which had been years in the making, was close to being fulfilled. He upped the dosage of the forbidden drug to kill what little humanity remained in Anemone and turn her into his slave. When all was set, he took her into the forbidden Chrono Tower.


A dweller in the dreamland, she has a mysterious aura and a pair of wings that flutter gently. Every time Eddine shows up, she has a swarm of glowing butterflies dancing around her, and together they fly into the dreamland. If there is one word to sum up Eddine, it is "dreamlike". And yet she is also so real. Those who enter the dreamland feel like they also turn into butterflies. With Eddine whispering in their ears, and swarms of other butterflies guiding them, they fly deeper and deeper into the dreamland. Different events happen in every encounter with Eddine. That's probably because one's state of mind always changes, and when entering the dreamland, the scenes change as well. Seeing the flickering glow of the butterflies in the dreamland, one could easily forget the passage of time and even fall into slumber. Feeble as it may be, the movement of a butterfly's wings can cause small disturbances in the air, thus spreading the magic power around. One that has felt this subtle process would regard it as a proof that everything here is real. All existence is subject to the cycle of birth and death. Eddine is no exception. Being a creation, one day Eddine will fulfill her purpose, then she will forever stay in the dreamland with the butterflies, or just perish along with the dreamland itself. But until that day comes, she will still be here and continue to guide people into the dreamland where they will forever lose themselves in the sensation of delusions and intoxication.


Though looking cute, she's a descendant of an ancient tribe, about to celebrate her thousandth year. She has been traveling around the human world for hundreds of years and thus accumulated much knowledge. She usually presents herself as a human, not willing to ruin her cute image. Only when she is very angry will she change back to the appearance of a dragon. She likes playing pranks and observing the funny reactions humans make afterward. She never complies with any human morality, and does things on her spontaneous whims. Due to her eccentricity, she has no friends but Nocturna and Metamorphoses, both of whom are also quite strange. Though strange in different ways, the three of them unexpectedly get along very well. As a dragon, Ella has survived for thousands of years but she hates people mentioning her age. Perhaps she has grown accustomed to human society and its vanities regarding age. She used to live a secluded life with her clan. When she told her parents that she wanted to leave the Dragon's Lair to the outside world, her parents were in a rage. "The outside is dangerous and humans are malicious. They have done anything to catch all ancient clans including us. We will never approve of your leaving." Despite her parents' repeated warnings, Ella still entered the human world out of curiosity. The bustling streets and the flow of people both made her excited. She hid her dragon form and changed into a human girl, running to the brand-new world with glee.

Evernight Nocturna: 

She has regained her mature appearance as well as her full strength. She is the oldest Bloodsucker in the Holy Church's records. It used to be that she would recover some of her strength on full moon days, and in so doing, her body would go through unsettling changes. Her sudden regaining of her full strength puzzles her. But still, she is pleased that she got her mature look back. Personality-wise, she hasn't changed much and remains as innocent as ever, and she never attacks anyone unprovoked. And like before, she likes hanging out with Ella and Metamorphoses. The news of the oldest Bloodsucker regaining her strength has spread to the Holy Church. The church doesn't really care what happened to Nocturna. They only see her as a heretic threat that needs to be eliminated, and they are already making plans to do so. Oblivious to any of this, Nocturna is still enjoying her feast in her castle. Little does she know that her peaceful days are numbered...


Originally a sorcerer versed in various conjuring, she followed Protector Asherah into the War of Protectors. After victory, she was appointed by Asherah to manage the day-to-day affairs of Irminsul. She is deeply revered and loved by the people. Before the Magical Abnormality, she took a girl from Fomoire Island as her apprentice and taught her everything she knew. The girl lived up to expectations and later became a powerful Ovate. In the aftermath of the Magical Abnormality, the people of Irminsul turned into all kinds of magical creatures. Seeing this, she determined to grow her magic so that she would be strong enough to save them. However, her magic backfired and she became a monster herself. She was devastated by this change along with the physical changes she was experiencing. Her faith collapsed, leaving her a distorted obsession to protect her people.


She is a mysterious girl who appears at the fountain every time the sun sets. No one knows exactly where she came from. Some say she came from the Forest of Elves, and may even be one of the legendary elves. She seems scared of connecting with humans though. Even in stormy weather, she also appears at the fountain on time. The sky clears again as her song ends. When people are still stunned by such a miracle, she has quietly departed, leaving behind a wanting for more... People are indulged in her beautiful songs, accompanied by the beautiful melody from her harp. Perhaps this is the so-called heavenly sound. It is said that she often learns new tunes from Mayahuel, who guards the Forest of Elves. As a High Elf, Mayahuel should only know elven music; however, Flora keeps playing new tunes that celebrate the happy life of humans. It can therefore be assumed that she must have other ways of learning new songs. Flora is guarded by Mayahuel and served by Mineer, both of whom are not technically her friends. Her only friend is Caledonia. The two often play by the lake. Sometimes Flora even wades into the water to help Caledonia groom her Sacred Beast. This is a rare moment when Flora wears a smile. It is said that she inherited the noblest elven bloodline, and even Mayahuel, who guards the Forest of Elves, uses honorific titles with her. Some people speculate that she is the daughter of Dana, Goddess of the Lake, but no one dares to mention this kind of topic in front of the High Elves. The topic about Flora's father is even considered taboo by Mayahuel, and once mentioned, Mayahuel's mood will sour into aggression, making those around her tremble.


Born in the famous gastronomic city Esmeralda in the Kingdom of Belgica, she has a unique gift for tasting sweets, which she probably owes to her special bloodline. It's said that any shop that earns Geisha's approval will thrive, which some people guess is a blessing from elves. As the festival approaches, the owners of sweets shops in all the cities of the Kingdom of Belgica are asking about the whereabouts of Geisha, hoping to receive her review and approval. Recently, Geisha was told that someone was planning to cause trouble at the festival ceremony. Apparently she is not going to let anyone get in the way of people enjoying food.

Goddess Dana: 

She's the goddess worshiped by all creatures of Elf Lakeside, and the leader of the High Elves. She led her followers in Elf Lakeside to defend against the invasion of the ancient Demongod Gordia and eventually, with the help of Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars, eliminated the Demongod and saved the world. In the tales passed through generations in Elf Lakeside, Dana is always portrayed as a high-and-mighty, human-hating elf. Before joining force with a human to destroy Demongod, Dana had a distaste for the human race and cared only about preserving the lineage of elves in which she took pride. After Demongod was destroyed and peace returned, a young man blundered his way into the Forest of Elves. He seemed to have just escaped from the Sanctuary and was on the run from a group of sorcerers. Mortally wounded, he fell beside Dana, who was taking a walk by the lake. Then the sorcerers came. Annoyed by their intrusion, Dana had them punished. She studied the young man lying on the ground. The sight of his handsome face brought warmth to her cold heart. She had her maids help him up and take him back to the Forest of Elves. Out of respect for Dana, denizens of the Forest of Elves refrained from booting out the young man. The young man recovers gradually under the care of the maid. His presence offered a refreshing change from the other groveling High Elves—he would tell Dana about things going on in the outside world; sometimes he would even entertain her with funny jokes. Moreover, the young man often wrote poetry and songs. His talent was met with great admiration from Dana, who, like the rest of the High Elves, had a taste for music. Even the maids looking after him took a liking to him. Just like that, the cold heart of the long-lived elven goddess began to melt, all because of a wonderful encounter...


She used to be a deliverer of the River of the Underworld, just like Kyphon, shouldering the mission of guiding souls to the Underworld. Unlike Kyphon being slack, Goorveig always actively completed the tasks assigned by Acheronte. One day, she suddenly disappeared from the Underworld, and even her fellow deliverers were unaware of her whereabouts. Someone claimed that Goorveig had been secretly practicing some strange summoning magic. Living souls are reaped recently in Chilora. Kyphon is ordered to investigate this incident which might be related to her former companion Goorveig. When reappearing in front of her old friend, Goorveig looks like a totally different girl who has been through a drastic change in personality. She wears a crooked smile and licks her fingers. All the pains and evils have become a source of joy for her. When Goorveig was still a deliverer, she didn't get along with Kyphon because she was not satisfied with Kyphon's slacking off during the work. She complained to Acheronte, the ruler of the Underworld, about it many times but there was no reply. Then she decided to solve this problem by herself. She made a detection device that gave an alarm to wake up Kyphon once it detected Kyphon was sleeping by the River of the Underworld. Anyway, the two had a long-running feud with each other so upon hearing that the soul reaping incident in Chrono Tower might be related to Goorveig, the slack Kyphon took the unusual step of volunteering to arrest Goorveig. It's more like seeking revenge than being responsible.


A doctor who travels around the world. Shunned by people because of her strange attire. Gracin is often seen gathering exotic herbs in the forest and brewing them into potions. Because of the unpleasant smell of her potions, her patients often have to pinch their noses while drinking them. Though her medical techniques are frowned upon by those esteemed doctors in Lunia, Gracin has been doing a great job of healing up underprivileged patients, earning her a reputation among the downtrodden. Lunia, fresh out of a war, is now in shambles. Its people are displaced and suffering from a spreading plague. Gracin, a traveling doctor, is summoned for an audience with Princess Eulalia. Moved by the princess' kindness, Gracin decides to stay at her side to dole out healing where it's needed.


A girl who claims to be from Fairyland on the edge of the Kingdom of Lochaber. A mythical figure from fairytales. She is leaving home for the first time, and is curious about what lies beyond. Her small stature and cute-looking wand often cause her to be mistaken for a child, but she doesn't mind. It appears that Hauen is not her real name, but one given to her by her companions in the Fairyland. Everyone around her feels indebted to her because she always brings them luck. Despite her curiosity about this new world, she has no experience dealing with people and is too shy to speak in front of strangers. She used to be a cute white rabbit from Fairyland. Even though she has taken a human form now, her long rabbit ears would still protrude from her head whenever she feels frightened, and then she would quickly hide in a corner, burying her head in her arms, trembling. Recently, however, she seems to have made her first friend in the outside world and is often seen playing with Ardisia.

Idol Flora: 

A mysterious girl from the Forest of Elves. This was her first time away from home, so she kept a cautious distance from strangers. But she was curious all the same and carefully observed everything going on around her. For generations, the Forest of Elves had been the peaceful abode of the High Elves, but then the rise of the Floating Isles of Cassiel shattered the peace. Excessive exposure to sunlight caused the trees to stop growing, and withering crept in from the forest's edge. Worse, monsters began flying up from the ground to invade the forest. The downfall of the Forest of Elves seemed inevitable... Seeing all this, Flora realized that the Elves alone would never bring salvation. They required the help of that which they most despised—Humans. They needed manpower to provide magic, as well as the money to build sunlight-abating facilities. Only then could tranquility be restored to the Forest of Elves. For Flora, that was too long a shot. But still, she set aside her misgivings and joined the team—she would get on the Dazzling Stage and become an idol. She trained hard every day toward that end. But things didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped. Difficulties abounded. A gloomy future awaited Forest of Elves...


Isabel, growing up in a convent, was deemed as a potential assassin by the Chief Inquisitor when she was only four or five years old, and then was taken back to the Inquisition, where she started learning to spread the ideal grace in some strange way—assassination. With a pious bone in her body, Isabel has been convinced that everything she does is to better spread the ideal grace. She believes that those killed are not really dead, but just exchange their physical demise for spiritual salvation. When executing the ideal grace, she always puts on an innocent look, which allows her to easily approach her targets. When they let their guard down, she will mercilessly terminate their life while praying devoutly that their spirits could be saved. Rumor has it that the forbidden magic reappears in the Chrono Tower. After hearing that, the Holy Church seeks help from the Inquisition and has Isabel work for it, outwardly claiming that Isabel would assist the Preacher in search of the Sacred Relic. But the truth is that Isabe is ordered to terminate all those trying to engage in the forbidden magic.


Born in an obscure village on Sunrise Island, Kamui could communicate with the god when she was little. As she got older, she has acquired psychic power strong enough to control everything around her with her mind. But her power took a heavy toll on her body. Consequently, she lost control of it and wreaked havoc on her village, all the villagers dying in pain with their minds distorted. Having lost her home, the girl suffered a mental breakdown that caused her to forget her past and gave her schizophrenia. And now she has two personalities living inside her—Tama and Kamui. Tama stays an innocent, harmless girl, while Kamui has inherited the ominous psychic power. Kamui can use her mind to manipulate people and even warp their psyches. But this dreaded power comes at the cost of a weary body and a nearly broken spirit. The loss of memory did little to relieve her pain. Her vision was declining and her mind was growing fuzzy. She knew full well that one day she would lose control of her emotions and bring yet another disaster to this land. Instead of letting that happen, she thought she might as well make herself disappear, quietly. So she took her favorite books and left her village. No one has seen her ever since, and the only evidence of her existence is the painful memories she has left people with.


Kapla came from Principality of Muntenia where she used to live with her fellow tribesmen. She is full of curiosity about the world. Upon learning that humans were about to celebrate the Spring Festival, their most important occasion, she left the forest to visit the human town in its festive glory. Everything in town looked so novel and outlandish to Kapla. The dazzling display of Spring Festival goodies, especially those culinary delicacies, made her mouth water. When the naive Kapla was done feasting at a barbecue stall and the vendor asked her to pay, she was totally confused. More vendors came to demand payment from Kapla and had her surrounded. Kapla was unfazed and let out a beastly roar in anger. Before she could bite anyone, the poor vendors had run away screaming in horror. Kapla may behave strangely because she is differently wired, but at heart she is a good kid. After staying in town for a while, she grew attached to humans and started playing around with them—she even took to pulling pranks on people. And just like that, this naughty girl miraculously blended in with the festive town.

Little Akasha: 

Born into nobility. Belongs to a clan of mage-swordswomen famed across the Sanctuary. Been practicing the sword under her father's supervision since she was little. It's natural for a child her age to be drawn more to flowers in the fields and small animals than to tedious sword training. Her sword skills keep getting better every day thanks to the training. Yet she doesn't understand why she needs to swing a sword at all. Still, she doesn't complain and tries to live every day to the fullest. The appearance of Demongod Gordia shattered the peace of the world. The girl's entire clan joined the crusade against Gordia. She watched in tears as everyone around her fell, helpless and devastated. Until one day the Protector of the Sanctuary came before her, bringing her the last ray of hope: Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars.

Maja Kany: 

A merchant who travels around with all kinds of exotic goods. No one knows where she got them from. According to herself, she came from a poor family and at a young age joined an eccentric master merchant in his travels. When the merchant went missing, she inherited his fortune and started her own business. For a money-grubbing merchant, she has a surprisingly good reputation. Even many nobles come to buy curiosities from her. Years of hustling and struggling out in the world have molded her into a sophisticated merchant—one with her own way of doing business. Often plainly dressed, she has easily endeared herself to the townsfolk. The goods in her backpack are always quickly snapped up.


Unlike the many courtières and socialites of Muntenian royalty, Matveiffe preferred her peace and quiet out on deserted balconies and gardens. She spent many nights staring into space, enraptured by the stars in the sky. Those around her gossiped behind her back, pointing out her antisocial tendencies, but Matveiffe herself paid them no mind. One day, Matveiffe heard the call of a mysterious voice. "Join us, young one. Here, you will come to know the truth of the world." Fascinated by the unknown, she left home without a word, following the mysterious voice calling her to adventure. After Matveiffe's disappearance, people guessed at where she had gone; lost in the wildnerness on a stargazing trip gone awry, or eloped with some peasant boy in the country. They soon put the strange stargazing girl out of their minds. Several years later, Matveiffe's return sent shockwaves through Muntenia. She was, however, no longer the same stargazing girl they once knew. Her cold gaze belied her perception of the frequencies that bound all things, and her manipulation of those same frequencies to warp, crush and otherwise destroy everything she laid eyes on. The Muntenian leadership quickly found Matveiffe. They had been desperate to find anything or anyone that could stand up to the monster of Pannonia—the Annihilator of Existence. And in Matveiffe, they found their answer. "The mind is prone to deviate. All I do is correct it, while creating new deviations."


A spiritist who appears only during the full moon. She claims to have no feelings, but controls the feelings of those around her by manipulating her mask. Often mistaken for a dangerous monster, she's kept away from others but she couldn't care less about it. Some say she never shows her feelings so that no one could ever guess her real thoughts, which makes people feel intimidated. Very little is written about her, except that she is known as Metamorphoses, a shape-shifter who never leaves a trace. Sometimes she is seen playing with Nocturna and Ella under the moonlight but no one dares to approach them. Though they have different personalities, they get along very well. No one knows exactly what she is thinking because her blank face can hardly be read. On the contrary, she can see through everything about the person in front of her. "Let me read your soul gently and elegantly." She seems indifferent to everything around but her slight mood changes can be easily sensed by Nocturna. Recently, Nocturna has been obsessed with apples but when she buys apples in the town, people there just run off screaming upon seeing her. Nocturna feels so upset that she brings Metamorphoses along and sneaks into the town to feast in the fruit warehouse many times. Soon, Nocturna has noticed the mood swings of Metamorphoses that she is apparently dissatisfied with this kind of theft. Metamorphoses even wears a fierce-looking mask on the way back but Nocturna could care less because nothing is more important than having tasty apples.


Living on the shore of Elf Lakeside, she often spends her nights quietly bathing in the moonlight by the Lake and praying to Dana, Goddess of the Lake who guarded Elf Lake before. Dana, who slumbers in the depths of the Elf Lake, sensed her devotion. The Goddess conjured the moonlight on the lake into the form of a dolphin. Then she bestowed on her the dolphin along with the ability to manipulate the moonlight. In the moonlight, Mineer could feel the connection with Goddess of the Lake. While the Goddess slumbers, she maintains the peace of the Forest of Elves with her companion, waiting for the Goddess to awaken. She often plays with Flora by the lake and meanwhile shoulders the responsibility of keeping Flora safe. Anyone who attempts to approach Flora with ill intentions will be sanctioned by her powerful magic. Both Mineer and Mayahuel know Dana's romance story with the human male. Unlike Mayahuel, Mineer seems to know the real reason why the human male finally left Dana. Thus she privately keeps in touch with that man. He delivers the latest news of the outside to her, including some new songs. Mayahuel knows nothing about this and even teaches the songs to Flora. Mineer's elegant manners often lead to an illusion that she has good taste in music, but actually, she is a poor learner in music. Each time she offers the new song to Mayahuel, she has to clumsily avoid Mayahuel's questions, with an entirely different face from usual. Luckily Mayahuel is not very suspicious but just curious why Mineer can always discover such great pieces of music.


The personal guard of Princess Amanami, conscientious and straightforward. A little foolhardy, but able to handle crises with a cool head. Been staying at the Princess's side, dedicated to her job. Capable of enchanting her blade with souls and using it to cut down anyone who threatens to harm the Princess. Grew up with Amanami. Determined to give the Princess everything she has. Never lets up in her martial training. Like Amanami, she never set foot outside her hometown, but neither does she have any curiosity about what lies beyond—she believes the outside world will bring nothing but danger to the island. She has nothing in common with other girls her age, so she is always misunderstood and seen as a freak.


The Void Clan is responsible for guarding the Space of Void. So the majority of them would like to act aggressively and expel all intruders. However, Nannar is always flinching, unlike others. She wears a lot of layers of clothes to cover more of herself, hoping to avoid being noticed by others. Although she looks vulnerable, she actually is the descendant of the Void Clan. The magic within her is beyond imagination. The clan has been guarding the portal into the Space of Void alone for thousands of years. Therefore, Nannar has never had a chance to talk with people from the outside worlds. As soon as she sees a stranger, she will hide herself in the Mirror World immediately. She won't come out until the stranger leaves. She is into cooking but it really bothers her that she can't find anyone to taste her cuisines. Compared with directly talking to others, she prefers to sneak a peek first. When she confirms the one is harmless, she will show up. "Who are you? I don't know much about the outside world. I was just sleeping inside the mirror."


A mage from the Principality of Holmgard in the Far North, hailed as the "Scarce Mage". She's able to cast long-lost forbidden magic. She owes her strong magic power to the pact she made with the demons. The pact binds her to always protect the offspring of the demons—that is, the royal family of the Principality of Holmgard. Hence she's also titled "Defender of the Far North". Being a tutor for the royal family, she has finer taste than most people. Her noble status is revealed in the way she dresses. Her true passion lies in the study of magic. She spends most of her time in her yard, researching those long-lost magic spells. Of her two students, Princess Lilia and La Crima, she seems to favor the latter. She has taught La Crima every Gem Magic spell she knows and often takes her to her tea parties.


Nicolis is the youngest member of the core staff at the Holy Church. Repulsed by church politics, she skips all sorts of meetings under the pretext of doing farm work. Her casual way of living changes when she meets Anemone, her first friend, who is the only person that can soften Nicolis' bad temper. In order to minimize Anemone's exposure to the dark side of the Holy Church, Nicolis starts to accept missions that she previously considered unpalatable and even begins to frequently show up at high-level meetings at the church. Shocked by her change of behavior, the church leadership sends people to spy on her. Clearly, the church leadership and Nicolis have different agendas: The former, hoping to use Anemone to tie Nicolis down, sends Fellagood to manipulate Anemone; the latter, however, is secretly planning an escape with Anemone from the church and its surveillance. "I heard you and Anemone are good friends. That's good. Let's make this place your burial ground, shall we?"


An elven girl who grew up in the forest. Never been to the outside world. Goes to the clearing in the woods every day to feed pigeons. The pigeons, which normally fear humans, are surprisingly affectionate toward Ninsar—she's often seen rubbing their feathers with her cheek. Unlike most high elves, Ninsar doesn't loathe humans. She dreams of freely exploring the outside world like the pigeons. She is one of the fans of Flora, and her biggest wish is to share the stage with Flora one day. After learning that Flora learned her tunes from Mayahuel, she pesters Mayahuel every day to teach her music and always ends up being scolded. But she doesn't mind. She even gets the idea of sneaking out of the forest to learn music in the human world.


One of the twin gatekeepers of the Sanctuary. Parfait always patrols the gate of the Sanctuary in high spirits while grumbling at her elder sister Afallen who often loafs on the job. After her unreliable brother Garditis left Sanctuary, she decided to replace him to guard the Sanctuary. No one dares to intrude on the Sanctuary so Parfait has a lot of leisure time. She doesn't go out for fun like Afallen but uses her excess psychic power to produce dessert and snacks. Her snacks have never been out of stock and she is quite willing to share her newly-invented snacks with others. The huge dessert staff, far exceeding her height, is said to be capable of casting a powerful magic that no barrier can resist. However, no one seems to be afraid of the staff because its cute shape always makes people laugh. If she uses her staff to attack her sister's omni-absorbing pillow, what will happen? It's a question without an answer. The two sisters seem close and often play around in the garden of the Sanctuary. "Fighting is strictly forbidden!"


A traveling scholar who recently appeared out of nowhere in the Chrono Tower. Seems to possess mysterious magic that allows her to manipulate time. Phileanosis used to be a loyal follower of the Chronospace Protector until the latter was sealed. That's when she lost her faith and started traveling the world. She witnessed the passage of time and the unfolding of history. When Phileanosis learned of the reemergence of the Chrono Tower, it rekindled her long-dead hope of seeing the Chronospace Protector again. Harboring that hope, he entered the tower. Originally a human scholar, her academic curiosity brought her into contact with the Chronospace Protector. Over time, she became the latter's disciple. Deeply trusted by the Chronospace Protector, she learned time magic, which allowed her to stop her own time and always remain as young as she was when she first met the Chronospace Protector.

Princess Amanami: 

A princess deeply beloved by the people. Despite her innocent looks—which contrasts with the queen's stern demeanor—she is actually quite into political affairs. Recently, she often walked out of the palace and visited the villages and towns, to show her care for the suffering of the people. As the queen's heir, she receives an elite education and is busy with official work every day. Yet she never complains and does her job exceptionally well. This has earned her widespread respect. Word has it that Amanami's dances originate from the god's blessings, and that as the successor to the Living God, she commits herself to delivering His blessings to her people. Every day after she wraps up her work, she hauls her exhausted body to the yard to practice dance for the coming Kami Festival. The setting sun casts a red glow over her slim figure as she twirls and dances and sings. It's a beautiful sight, so beautiful it moves the on-looking maids to tears. Early in the morning when the dew still clings to the verdant leaves, Amanami sets off with her maids on an outing. As her long hair brushes past the flowers, she raises her hand to dab away her tears and begins to dance to the singing of the maids in the midst of the flower rain. Quite like a goddess sent from above.


Looking like an awful lady, she actually is one of the high-status Six Ovates in Fomoire. She inherits the bloodline of Hameln, in charge of the "Cròg (Claw)". People fear her more because of her hybrid appearance. The Hameln bloodline is mixed with wolf blood, but the majority of the clan maintain human appearances and act just like the ordinary folks do. Raphan is an exception. She awakened the blood of the beast inside her as a toddler. This power soon finds its usefulness, and she is worshiped as one of the Six Ovates by the people of Fomoire. She is given the task of guarding the Holy Forest on the island, mercilessly tearing to shreds any outsiders who attempt to sully its sanctity. "You don't look like an intruder, so can you tell Raphan why fate has guided you to this place?" Raphan is also seen as an anomaly among Six Ovates. The Ovates all possess unique abilities, which somehow lead to the oddity of their personalities but they certainly have something in common, that is, acting like an Ovate and keeping a distance from the ordinary folks. Yet Raphan is nothing like that. Being reckless, greedy, and lazy, she has a terrible personality and often plays tricks on others, all of which have nothing to do with an Ovate guarding this land. She is really a big headache for Norn, the head of the Six Ovates.


In a small town in the Principality of Lunia, there is a clinic, unusual but well-reputed. Sally is proud to work there as a nurse.

She still remembers the day she recommended herself for the role. Doctor Amorai asked a lot of strange questions, but she took them in stride and answered with ease. "Just like that, I muddled through the test and got hired. It felt like a dream." Sally recalled. In her early days on the job, Sally found herself insanely busy catering to Doctor Amorai's whims. For example, raise a cat and observe how it reacts to onions; collect nightingale tears and toad slime, and turn them into solids; adopt a human cub and treat her as a daughter... "Wait, 'human cub' is how Doctor Amorai calls it! It's a human girl, actually. And she's old enough for school now." Sally quickly corrected herself. Sally has a love-hate relationship with her work. At first she thought she would work as a nurse in the clinic, but slowly she realized she was more like Doctor Amorai's assistant. The clinic stopped hiring since she joined, so she handles more work than a typical nurse. "To be more exact, it's just me and Doctor Amorai. The two of us can handle the day-to-day running of the clinic, yes, but..." Sally paused in mid-sentence. Often after a long day at work, Sally goes to a roadside tavern to unwind. Her favorite drink is honey beer—low in alcohol and sweet on the palate. One time, Doctor Amorai forgot Sally's reminder again and let precious medicinal materials go to waste. Sally flew into a rage and didn't calm down until Doctor Amorai promised her a raise. "I hate to admit it, but she's really generous with me... Ahem, and... the honey beer's really good!" Sally said with a smile, and there was no more embarrassment on her face. Since Doctor Amorai is pretty tight-lipped about herself, I had to talk to her assistant. ——From a resident of the town.


The deliverer guarding the entrance of the Underworld. Unlike the rest of her kind, Sanva is not responsible for guiding human souls to their afterlife. Sanva takes direct orders from the ruler of the Underworld and is charged with keeping peace in the Underworld. She shows no leniency to those restless evil spirits. Her umbrella is said to have lain at the bottom of the Lethe for thousands of years, during which it has absorbed the grudges of countless souls. Although technically she is a subordinate of Kyphon, in reality she doesn't take orders from her—her loyalty lies only with Acheronte. She resents Kyphon's laziness and has once made her resentment known to Acheronte.


Kind though she is, Sher doesn't like to interact with others too much. She's not from the Sanctuary but appreciated by the Sanctuary for her powerful magic. That's why as an outsider, she doesn't get rejected by others. She called herself Sher. It's said she was forced to come here because of her hard fate. Some rumors say she is an arch-sorcerer fleeing from certain sins, while others say she is an elven princess from a decayed kingdom. But there is no definite answer, as she always keeps her distance from others, keeping her past well hidden. She has stayed in the chapel of the Sanctuary for nearly a century. Witnesses claim that she occasionally speaks to herself in an exotic language, with no intention to be understood by others. She is an old acquaintance with Acheronte, who once revealed that Sher was not her real name. However, even the haughty ruler of the River of the Underworld uses honorifics when mentioning Sher, which shows the nobility of her origins. "If't be true the one whom I behold up to finally receive the gift of heaven and cleanse the sins of divination, mine own soul may eke grise into the final chapt'r of destiny." — Acheronte It seems she also knows Akasha, Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars, and Dana, Goddess of the Lake. Both of whom are only recorded in the legend, so people speculate that Sher must have also lived for ages. According to Kyphon, Sher used to be the ruler of the Underworld prior to Acheronte. But for some reason, she left there and became the Wanderer of Fate.


As one of the few last remaining mermaids, she lives at the bottom of the sea and rarely ventures beyond it. There was a time when the mermaids lived freely at the bottom of the sea—they would occasionally emerge from the surface and even engage in activities on the shore. Then a catastrophe struck, wiping out a majority of their kind. The few that survived cut themselves off from the outside world and stuck to the seabed. Shiroi is a good-natured girl, and she has a slight fear of humans after hearing all the bad things her fellow mermaids say about them. Still, she itches to go out to the surface and see the outside world. However, every time she wants to do that, she would immediately be talked down by her kin. Her only friend is Ardisia, someone who can live in the sea like an elf. She envies her freedom to run and frolic on the beach and constantly pesters her to tell her about what happens out there.


Originally a respected scholar, she pledged fealty to the Chronospace Protector after learning about her ideals and became her most trusted underling. She followed the Chronospace Protector into the War of Protectors but couldn't turn the defeat around. She watched helplessly as her beloved master was sealed away. Devastated, she decided to seek out the ultimate power to avenge her master. To that end, she conducted all sorts of magic experiments, each more dangerous than the last. As she did so, hatred began to consume her and distort her mind. After discovering Snegurochka's underground secret, Sinmara realized that her revenge plan was about to bear fruit. But first, she needs to take advantage of the situation to destroy Snegurochka root and branch...


Snowshine is the child of a human and an elf. Because of the human blood in her body, she was ostracized in the Forest of Elves. Snowshine likes to use her power to make delicious desserts since she was a child. When she grew up, she opened a dessert store in a human town, which was widely loved by local residents, and even some gourmets went long distances to have a taste. The elves considered Snowbirds, who were integrated into human society, to be an alien. However, because the elves themselves live far from human society, Snowshine did not suffer from their harassment. Recently, she has developed new desserts to prepare for the upcoming hot sale in anticipation of the human holiday.


A mysterious woman who only appears at the shore during summer. Clad in an exotic swimsuit, she frolics in the water as if there is no one around. In the presence of strangers, she becomes self-conscious and distant. She is rumored to be an elf tasked with guarding the ocean, but no one can be sure. She always darts away and swims out into the deep the moment someone strikes up a conversation. Symbriette wasn't much of a conversationalist. Some have said that her shy and introverted nature has led to a natural fear of socialization. Others have guessed at some major trauma from a past attempt to connect with someone, leaving wounds that still haven't healed. Some even say that she only speaks some unknown Elven tongue, and is incapable of communicating with humans. Symbriette's mother once told her a story about clear bottles filled with sand, dropped on the beach by visiting Sea Elves. It is said that those who collected these bottles would be richly rewarded by the Sea Elves. Insisting on the truth behind the legend, Symbriette often paces the beach in the hopes of finding one such bottle. Though honored to be named the creatures in her wildest dreams, Symbriette was nonetheless shocked by her moniker of "Sea Elf". The Sea Elves, if they did exist, were shrouded in mystery. If they did turn up, Symbriette would be first in line to visit them.


She is a shy girl, wielding a huge wand that is completely at odds with her petite figure. She is not only proficient in common healing magic, but also can use the forbidden magic that's only known by Night Clan. She can cure the wounds that are seemingly incurable for others. When others try to probe into her magic, Tuonel always wriggles out of giving a clear answer. Tuonel is seen as a disgrace to her family. Her mother, the youngest daughter of the most powerful family in Chilora, accidentally saved a wounded fallen angel. The two fell in love and gave birth to an illegitimate child—Tuonel. Tuonel was disowned by her family and driven out of the house. This little abandoned girl wandered alone until she was accepted by the Fallen Angels and eventually fit into the Night Clan. Unlike the rest of the clansmen, this descendant of a fallen angel never uses life-siphoning magic. To others' surprise, she heals all those injured equally, whether human or not. She is reluctant to talk about her early childhood in Chilora or to reveal why she came to Cassiel. Luckily the villagers in the Lower Domain kindly accept her. As an apothecary, she enthusiastically helps the villagers and gradually integrates into their daily life. She is eager to make friends, and Nemesi is currently the top one on her willing-to-be-friends list.

Tuonel of Night: 

Coming from the Sanctuary, she seems to have a hard time blending in human society and now lives as an outcast in a Lower Domain village. She is skilled at common healing spells and works as an apothecary in her village. Tuonel rarely leaves home and only talks to the villagers she knows well. Her outstanding medical skills have endeared her to her fellow villagers, who often give her their crops as gifts. This is the kind of life Tuonel always wants—simple and peaceful. With the Spring Festival on its way, the kind villagers have spruced up their village. Though not much of a talker, Tuonel longs to be part of the coming festive occasion and is trying to fit in with the humans. The recent monster invasions of the Lower Domain leave many worried. To protect her village, Tuonel dusted off the Guardian Devil her mother left her. But having been kept away in the dark for too long, the Guardian Devil ran amok as soon as it awoke from its slumber, giving Tuonel quite a headache.


Elsewhere, U·Pollyben would have been recognized for her great talent in painting. But in the Kingdom of Celtica, that talent has largely gone unnoticed. War with the neighboring kingdoms has all but obliterated the cities of Celtica. U·Pollyben has forgotten how she managed to flee from her home to this strange city. To escape the pain of the past, she cuts herself off from the outside world and spends all her waking hours painting so that she has no time to think. It was a tragedy that no words can describe—at least for U·Pollyben, that's the case. It left her with nothing but a sketchbook and a paintbrush. She withdrew into her own shell and started using her paintbrush to build her own world of fantasy. Every time she thought of that tragedy, of how her hometown was destroyed by war, she felt a strong pang of pain that drove her to paint frantically on that blank canvas. In the end, however, she couldn't finish the painting. She just sat quietly in the corner with a blank mind, waiting for her salvation.


This gorgeous girl is hailed as Rumni's topmost dancer but no one knows her origin. Both nobles and commoners yearn for the slightest glimpse of her dances. When she dances, even butterflies are attracted to flutter around her, which is quite amazing. Her nobility shows in every gesture. Maybe she was born in a noble family but this is a topic she seems not to be willing to talk about. Once someone mentions that, she will stop talking and leave immediately. Yet, being wilful also constitutes a part of her charm. Vedare is not only a favorite of the upper class, but also a down-to-earth dancer who graces the city streets, charming passers-by. According to herself, she seems not to like the nobles, but prefers to visit the towns and villages to dance for the common people. She has an extraordinary passion for dance and a strong desire for the strong. If you were strong enough to win her admiration, she'd be happy to join your team and offer you a beautiful dance of blessing. But before that, you will be challenged to dance with her to test whether you can keep up.


As the present ruler of the River of the Underworld, she cares greatly about her status as the Fallen Angel and the mention of it can enrage her. She's moody and unpredictable. The ghosts of the Underworld are often severely punished for offending her with even a small trifle. She speaks a patrician language that is close to extinction. No one understands it except for herself and some deliverers. It seems she doesn't care about her unintelligible way of speaking, but rather sees it as a sign of her own nobility. She likes singing by the River of the Underworld. It is said that all the ghosts will gather and bow down before her, and she will condescend to sing in an intelligible language for those she sees as inferiors. It is said that her only friend is Sher, the Wanderer of Fate. Acheronte admits that Sher is the only one willing to hear her singing and she once said Sher is not a real name. Sher has a higher status than Acheronte in the Underworld, which is quite confusing for other people to understand. What sort of being in the Underworld can be even nobler than the present ruler? She will use honorifics only when referring to Sher. Otherwise, she always uses unintelligible words when speaking to others. "O fragile beings, beest grateful to mine own chanting f'r thee." "Thee crosseth the Lethe and stayeth in hell to atone f'r thy sins. This is thy only choice."


She used to set up a stall on the street and practice divination to earn a living, but soon came to the attention of the Senatus because of her oddly accurate divinations. The Senatus immediately invited her to serve them, divining political affairs and the future of the country. After that, she had become a celebrity in high society, but she misses her street life much more. In her eyes, the nobles are the same as ordinary folks. There is no need to give them any special treatment. Money and fame are mere worldly possessions. She is occasionally seen in the street taverns, exuding a noble air seemingly out of place. With slightly flushed cheeks, she raises her glass and invites you to sit down. "Drink this and you will be intoxicated by your own destiny." Irminsul is her hometown, and what appears in Chilora is only her phantom. It is not clear who projected her phantom into Chilora. There seems to be a deep secret lurking behind it.


Cynetia used to be a nurse at the Capital Hospital of the Principality of Lunia, but got prohibited from engaging with any patient due to her character defects, so only cleaning work in the hospital fell upon her. As Princess Eulalia visited the hospital, Cynetia's healing talent was discovered, and then she was asked to follow Eulalia traveling around to cure injured civilians. Out of her admiration for Eulalia, she assented gladly. She is a considerate and caring girl but has a distorted perception of pain. She never refuses the needs of others, to the point that it makes her dangerous. For patients who are suffering from pain, Cynetia adds to their psychological burden. Unlike others, Eulalia never blames Cynetia for her eccentricity and accepts everything about her. With a simple thought that she shouldn't cause trouble for the Princess, Cynetia puts away the morbid part in her personality and assists Eulalia to cure the injured. She occasionally shows her true nature, even removing bandages in front of patients, then skillfully replacing them with new ones and meanwhile letting out strange laughter. Curiously, she enjoys high popularity among certain circles, which also perplexes Eulalia.


He is an enforcer from the Sanctuary, as well as the most revered inquisitor. Rumor goes that he is currently wandering all around just to fulfill his vow. "I used to seek after truth, but now I will serve for justice". Some say he is gentle as the breeze in the summer. Some say he is cold as the frost in the winter. However, no one has ever seen any expression on his half-covered face. He's said to be highly valued by the Protector, and it's due to the order of the Protector that he travels around the world to deal with disputes and eliminate injustice. He sees his choice as justice. Although he knows that the nobles' exploitation of commoners is unfair, he cannot break the oath he made to the Protector, which causes him great agony.


Born into nobility, Dorin has had a keen interest in magic since her childhood and became a genius in the eyes of others. Her father, an earl advanced in years, cherished this little daughter so he hired a famed sorcerer from Upper Domain to help her practice magic. As she grew up, Dorin was no longer content to just learn from books. In spite of the opposition from her master, she built her own magic workshop and started conducting magic experiments, something she had long since hoped to do. Straying from traditional magic research, Dorin took a whimsical approach to her experiments: she developed a potion used to boost magic and directly ran tests on herself. The old earl was very concerned and had tried time and again to stop his daughter's risky project. However, Dorin brushed off her father's opposition. For her, the excitement of exploring the unknown far outweighed the risk. Recently, Dorin developed an obsession with magic puppets. She took to spending all night in her workshop building new puppets. The earl, in an attempt to change his daughter's lifestyle and get her out of the workshop, decided to let her host the Dazzling Stage contest.

Inn & Lou: 

Inn and Lou are twin sisters. They were born in the Sanctuary, but due to their poor magic talent, they were regarded by the Ruler of the Sanctuary as defectives. Naturally, they were treated coldly by other people there. These two sisters endured the pain they should not have suffered at their age. The twins struggled to survive in the corners of the Sanctuary. And the day finally came for them to meet the turning point in their lives. Due to the monster invasion and the intensified conflicts between the Upper and Lower Domain, the Protector decided to make some use of the useless twins. She gave the twins the most humble work in the Sanctuary. The so-called work is actually some shady work to deal with lower-class civilians or lower-level monsters. It didn't need too much magic to deal with those, after all. As if a ray of sunlight shot into the darkness, Inn and Lou came out of the shadows and became honored residents of Sanctuary who could serve the Protector. They have no thoughts of their own, but mechanically carry out the orders from the Protector, eliminating the targets on the list, and then moving on to the next. The sisters' petite figures are their best cover. No one would have guessed that the seemingly innocent twins are the most cold-blooded assassins. The two of them have an amazingly destructive power that does not match their appearance at all. When together, Inn and Lou never fail an assassination. Here they got another order from the Protector. This time the target is the leader of the Alliance of the Rebellions.


She is the leader of the deliverers working at the entrance to the Underworld, but her behaviors make her unworthy of her title. Her main duty is to command her underlings to deliver wandering souls to the next life. If there are any defiled spirits nearby, she will use her giant scythe to destroy them without mercy. Though wearing a serious look on her face, she is a careless girl, not active in her work at all. She often gets distracted and slacks off. Fortunately, her companions can always complete the work dutifully. Goorveig, in particular, does not like her lazy attitude and often criticizes her. However, Kyphon does not mind it at all. A deliverer's duty is to guide ghosts to the next life, and prevent them from hurting the living. Her former companion Goorveig violated the duty and reaped the souls of the living. In order to hunt her down, Kyphon stepped into the Chrono Tower. She is often reported by fellow deliverers for being lazy. But Acheronte, ruler of the Underworld doesn't punish her for that, and Kyphon herself is not willing to make any change. Sometimes, she can be found lying by the River of the Underworld and resting like there's no one around. Goorveig once made a detector that could wake up Kyphon as soon as it found her sleeping. But after Goorveig left there, Kyphon is back to lazy mode again. "Oh? A new soul? Ah, never mind. I'll leave it to the others."

La Crima: 

She is a young girl born in a collateral branch of the royal family from the Principality of Holmgard in the Far North. She inherits the royal bloodline just like Lilia. With outstanding magic power, she serves as a disciple of the Scarce Mage Nasha. Unlike her mentor, she retains the heart of a virtuous maiden. She's cute and gentle, but sometimes quite clumsy. She often falls into emotional fits of self-blame for making too many mistakes. However, Nasha loves this disciple so much that she decided to teach Gem Magic to this weeping child. Only the tears of a kind-hearted maiden can condense into magic quartz and the tears also serve as the very medium for releasing higher Gem Magic. After mastering the delicate Gem Magic, La Crima remains unchanged, still a timid girl who won't take the initiative to attack others with magic. When she was a child, she had witnessed that her parents were drawn into the disputes over the royal succession and reduced to death so she was afraid of interacting with others and often made strange sounds alone. Her mentor Nasha used to help her learn how to fit in the society but the several attempts all ended in failure. Born in a collateral branch of the royal family, La Crima lived in a castle of the capital and was required to attend social gatherings. A person who has anthropophobia is apparently unable to adapt to such an environment so she sneaked out of the castle. Someone said she showed up on the tundra of Snegurochka and it's also said the Frost Chivalric Order is looking for her. Personally she is not willing to have too much contact with others so she may be hiding in a corner and immersed in her own world at this moment.


She is the most popular maiden of Rumni, the Land of the Sunfaith. Gorgeously dressed and elegantly behaved, she is considered the daughter of a great nobleman by others. She uses a long-lost magic that burns as brightly as the sun. People often see her as a symbol of light. She calls herself Luan, the same name as the legendary sacred bird that symbolizes the sun. The bird can be reborn in fire no matter what harm it suffers. People often regard her as the maiden guarding Rumni and the reincarnation of the sacred bird. However, she has never admitted this. Rather than responding to people's expectations, Luan prefers to play freely, tread lightly on the earth, walk on the wind, and dance among the clouds. She likes playing with kids and believes all of them will have a bright future where they can make a splash just like her. Once, someone who was up to no good approached Luan and said with an evil smile, "Since you like kids a lot, how about having a baby by yourself?" But soon he paid the price for his rudeness. The maiden before him was no more the one that always wore a smile. In a few days, a person in rags was found lying on the roadside out of the town, whose face was too badly battered to be recognized and whose body had suffered masses of burns and fractures. People could only tell he was still alive from his shallow breathing.


She used to be the maid of Dana, Goddess of the Lake. Before Dana fell into a deep sleep, she was given the task of guarding the Forest of Elves. She has much respect for Dana. For thousands of years, she has been following Dana's instructions to guard the peace of the Forest of Elves. Proficient in natural magic, she has no mercy for intruders who dare to disturb the forest. If you just enter the forest with no malicious intent, you will be spared from her fury. However, all males are forbidden to enter the forest. Someone witnessed that she attacked Garditis who tried to trespass on the forest and even disregarded her identity of High Elf to severely scold Garditis. She takes great care of Flora, and often teaches Flora new tunes although she is not good at composing music herself. According to Mineer's proof, it seems that someone comes to the Forest of Elves regularly to pass on new songs to Mayahuel. Mayahuel liked a human male before but unexpectedly the one she revered most also liked this man, so she chose to quit and wish them happiness. Yet this relationship didn't last long as the human male deserted his lover and left the forest. Mayahuel was there to witness all so she started to hate all males and pledged that no male would be allowed to set food on Forest of Elves.


She is a vampire noble who lives in an abandoned castle. She looks young, but her actual age may be closer to one thousand years. No one dares to approach her, not to mention asking her age. Deemed by the Holy Church as the oldest bloodsucker, she neither grows nor ages. She only comes out of the castle at night and appears in the Mistforest. No creature dares to come near when she is walking alone. On the night of the full moon, as her strength reaches its peak and her mood swings, she can no longer suppress her urge to suck blood so she will destroy all creatures in her path by feeding on every drop of their blood. Since she is aware of this, she tries to avoid going out at night on the full moon. She attaches great importance to her aristocratic decency, as is shown in her gorgeous clothes and elegant manners, but she's still naive like a child. As long as you don't mess with her, you won't be in great danger. She won't attack any creature first unless she's provoked first, which distinguishes her from other lower bloodsuckers. Eccentric as she is, she gets along very well with Ella and Metamorphoses and often goes out to play with them. Unlike Ella, Nocturna is careful and sensitive to the slight mood changes of Metamorphoses. After eating an apple brought by Ella, she became obsessed with its sweet and sour taste. She tried to buy fruit in the market of the town but people there just ran off screaming when they saw her. She felt so irritated that she brought Metamorphoses along and sneaked into the town to feast in the fruit warehouse. Though she met with the opposition from Metamorphoses, she could care less because nothing was more important than having tasty apples. However, out of respect for Metamorphoses' feeling, she finally decided to stop sneaking. Instead, she asked Ella who can freely go to the human town to help her buy apples.


As the heir of the Koshchey family, she's the head of the Six Ovates in Fomoire. Looking like a lively and lovely maiden, she is said to have spent hundreds of years in this world. House Koshchey, which is in charge of the "Cridhe (Heart)", is believed to be the descendants of the winged people who guarded all the living souls on earth in ancient times. Norn inherited an excellent lineage, able to control her appearance with magic to achieve eternal youth. What is most intimidating about her is her ability to master life and death. Her body is said to have never changed due to her immortality. Beings that have reached this state will become bored to the point of insanity due to seeing through the veils of this world for too many years. Yet Norn is different. Through the long years, she still maintains the heart of a maiden, lovingly guarding her people and constantly looking for new fun. "Life, life starts from the darkness." "Death, death ends at the Liminal Field." Lately under the influence of Miku, she has become more concerned with her appearance. Previously, she had never thought of changing her appearance because her body stays unchanged and there is no need for her to dress up for others. She has considered asking others how to dress up but as the head of the Six Ovates, she finds it hard to drop her pride, which has bothered her so much that she even couldn't set her mind on presiding over the sacrifice. She sneaked out from the ritual and hid in a corner alone with hands covering her blushing face. This girlish behavior was seen by Yui and recorded in her little book quietly for an unknown purpose.


Outwardly, he is a strange creature sporting chivalric attire. But he used to be an esteemed chevalier serving under Protector Asherah, sworn to guard Irminsul with his sword. In a horrendous disaster where massive amounts of magic leaked out, his body mutated into the shape of a frog. He now feels great fatigue after a short period of activity for his apparent incongruity with this body. After his mutation, he was always seen sitting by the road drowning his sorrow in wine. He accidentally acquired the ability to travel across dimensions after his fight with Asherah. Then he used that ability to enter a world beyond his own and started searching for a way to lift the curse, hoping that one day Irminsul would return to normal.


She was born into an ordinary family in the Kingdom of Pannonia but after the war took away her parents, she was brought up in an orphanage. When she fell into delusion, she always wore a strange smile, which alienated her from the other children. It is not clear what twisted her character. She craves love madly, even morbidly. Whatever she wants, she'll do anything in her power to get. No one came to see her off when she left the orphanage, but the lone girl soon made others remember her name. There was evidence showing that plenty of murders were somehow linked to her and thus her notoriety spread through the underclasses. Though she has committed lots of crimes, the war-torn Pannonia needs her strength. Those in power want her to fight the intruders, and pluck out the thorns in their side. So they turn a blind eye to her morbid behavior and employ this infamously sinful girl who can obliterate anyone that becomes her target.


Hailing from Sunrise Island in the east, Suigetsu is a complete departure from the dignified ladies people have come to expect from the Island. Jovial, outgoing, and entirely unflappable, Suigetsu loves making new friends. In the waters south of Sunrise Island, there is a nameless island, where Sea Elves are said to surface. When the adventurous Suigetsu heard the news from the caravan, she seemed ready and primed for another fun and playful adventure. When the right seafaring weather finally came, Suigetsu, who had already prepared for the long journey, packed her luggage and boarded the merchant ship that brought the news. Although the captain reminded her that they had no intention to linger, which meant that Suigetsu would have to explore the island alone. Suigetsu didn't care that one bit. As long as she could reach the island, she would be satisfied. The nameless island gradually coming into the view of Suigetsu, the merchant ship would soon dock. The weather was clear and sunny, perfect for an adventure. Still on the ship, the captain repeatedly warned Suigetsu of the dangers ahead, but all this did not dampen Suigetsu's spirits. She was confident in her expertise and her ability to protect herself. The captain, knowing that nothing can dissuade her, said his farewells and sailed away. As the mast disappeared over the horizon, Suigetsu took her first steps on the adventure she had pined after for so long.


She was born in an ordinary village in Sunrise Island and her parents were just peasants. However, she was born with extraordinary psychic power, which made her naturally worshiped as the child of god by the villagers. For as long as she can remember, she never felt normal emotions, and everyone around her including her own parents, saw her as a god. Thus she was so convinced of her identity and believed that as a god, she should have no emotions. As she aged, the reverence people had for her seemed to be a catalyst for her constantly growing power. Gradually, she could use the power of her mind to manipulate all things in the village. However, this power put a huge burden on her body. The girl finally lost control of her psychic power. The uncontrolled raw power ruined the whole village where all the villagers with their minds corrupted, gradually died in agony. The young girl who lost her home collapsed instantly. She tried to muddle through by forgetting her past. As her body was getting weak, she thought she didn't have much time left, but after a farewell to the past, maybe a new life could be led. With that thought in mind, the girl took a step toward her uncertain future. After leaving Sunrise Island, Tama felt even weaker and only a little move could bring her discomfort. Thus instead of going out, she preferred to stay home, which resulted in her skin being paler. A rotten life like this didn't last long. She met a Miko from her homeland who is traveling around the Chilora continent and the Miko suggested that she should set a goal of pursuing the meaning of life and with a goal, the hope would finally be restored. She felt inspired by the Miko's words and decided to embark on a journey with the Miko. Her life may come to an end at any time but before that, she just wants to use her tiny power to help others. This may be the meaning of life.


The ruler of the Andes Tribes in the desert. Her beauty has conquered countless people. Her hardheaded ability can outmatch any man. The tribes, once divided, fought over scarce water for many years. It is Ushpia who, using her thunderous abilities, led her people to sweep the entire desert and finally unified all the tribes in just a few years. She is eventually made ruler of all tribes. Her enemies describe her as a serpentine beauty, and even spread rumors that she poisoned the former chief of the tribe and usurped power. However, Ushpia herself never responds to these accusations. Her enemies fear her mastery of witchcraft and poisoning. Anyone who tries to revolt will fall victim to her. She was a slave suffering from much hardship in her early childhood. Therefore she is extremely wary of all people and obsessed with the pursuit of vanity. "Submit to me. Offer all thou hast as my belongings."


Viola, the best work of Doll Master, has strong self-awareness and learning ability. She was taken to a theatrical troupe by Marina and then started to tour around with the troupe. Her delicate and flexible joints, long blond hair, and beautiful dancing posture quickly made her the focus of the troupe. Her Waltz of soulful dance steps always hit the heart of the audience so just a brief mentioning of Viola's Waltz was enough to make the townsfolk shell out. Unlike the other dolls, she was restless and tired of performing day in and day out. One night, she finally picked up her courage, blended into the crowd, and escaped from the troupe at the end of the show. Though knowing nothing about the outside world, she is not worried. "It's okay. I possess the most powerful core." "I'm sure I can go further."


Yui is a young girl from Fomoire Island. Born in Olíndic Family, she inherits the power of the Legendary Beast. She is one of the Six Ovates but has the lowest status among them. She has a younger twin sister. Though she seldom mentions her sister, she seems to love her sister dearly. She is being quite protective of her sister. Once someone suspicious comes near, she will lift her spear without hesitation. As an Ovate, her responsibility is to guard the Island and wipe out any intruder. To be as powerful as other Ovates, she followed Flare, the Priestess of Irminsul, to train herself. When the training is done, she becomes a master in the family spearplay skills passed down through generations. Not only that, but she also became proficient in all kinds of conjuring. When in combat, she stabs at the enemy with a conjuring-converged spear. Meanwhile, she summons the Legendary Beast, which can enhance the strength of her body. "The Demonsbane Spear is not sharpened to slay evil, but to bring peace to this world."


She shows great loyalty to the Protector Cersivey, willing to give her all to the Protector. No one in the Chivalric Order can be as loyal as her. Fastidiously completing her tasks, she is regarded as a model of the chevalier. She was initially a soldier of the Frost Chivalric Order and once in a battle, her bravery was commended by the Protector Cersivey. Since then, Cersivey's encouraging words served as a driving force for her assiduous training. She always continued her training even after others had called it a day, and with her unusual perseverance, she completed many difficult challenges. Finally, her efforts paid off. She won the Protector Cersivey's favor by her strength, and was appointed as the vice captain of the Order. She always charges in front, and has slain countless enemies on the battlefield so she is hailed as the Crimson Maiden of War by other chevaliers... It's said that she kind of enjoys this title but for her foes, hearing this title on the battlefield means the arrival of a bloody end. She seems to have encountered some accident when she was sent by the Protector on a special mission. No one has ever seen her since her departure.


She was an orphan brought up in the Belgica Convent. When she was a child, she was often bullied by others, including the mother superior of the Convent, and could only shed tears alone in a hidden corner. No one was willing to step forward to help her. The convent belfry often sent strange sounds into the night, which was feared to be haunted. Therefore, the daily duty of ringing the belfry's bell was assigned to her. Night by night, she climbs to the top with her lamp to ring the bell alone. However, people gradually realize that this young girl was no longer the child sobbing in the corner. An unholy aura surrounds her so that no one dares to approach. People start spreading rumors that this young girl may have made a pact with the demon in the belfry. Actually she did but she is not fully obedient to the demon. She uses the demon's power stored in the lamp to heal the pain, rather than hurting others. It turns out that her crying alone at night on the top of the belfry awakened the demon that was sleeping in the darkness. The demon reaches out to her and offers its power, the genuineness of which makes her feel warm and secure. Though she receives the power, she still possesses her self-awareness, not always following the demon's order. Thus the demon inflicts physical misery on her as a punishment, which makes her skin paler, bit by bit. To hide her morbid body, she wraps thick bandages around her legs.


Said to be a noble lady from the Kingdom of Celtica, Czerni often hangs out in the street and has long since abandoned the ways of the nobility, completely integrating into an ordinary life. It's said that she left the nobles' lands because of her boredom with the hedonistic life. Under her ladylike appearance is the strong urge to pursue danger. Out of her thirst for the thrill of risk, she has participated in various forms of adventures and grown deeply intoxicated by the thrill. She is convinced that her luck will lead from one victory to another and it often does. Though people attribute it to her somehow rigging the games, no one can see through her act. Accusations without any proof mutate into rumors. However, she is still the most unwanted person in all casinos of Celtica where her portrait has been put up almost everywhere. No one wants to sit at the same table with her because that means the game is doomed to lose even if it hasn't started. After hearing that the ruins of Fomoire hide ancient treasures, she steps into this forbidden land with one thought — "The ultimate pleasure I seek may exist there." She doesn't even care a fig about the Six Ovates guarding the Fomoire. "The Six Ovates? Just a bunch of old fellows, can they catch up with me?"


She's the goddess worshiped by the creatures of the Elf Lakeside, and also the leader of the High Elves. She led the creatures of the Elf Lakeside to defend against the invasion of the ancient demongod Gordia and finally, with the help of Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars, she eliminated the demongod and saved the world. It is said that Dana has been sleeping at the bottom of the Lake since then, and only when her people are in grave danger will she again awaken to guard the Forest of Elves and her people. But someone claimed that a noble lady appearing by the lake a few decades ago looked quite like the legendary Goddess Dana. After Dana fell into a slumber, her maid, Mayahuel, is given the task of guarding the Forest of Elves and taking care of Flora. Another maid Mineer is responsible for guarding the Elf Lake. They perform their own duties separately but manage the Elf Lakeside together, isolating the Lakeside from the outside world. Flora has inherited the noblest bloodline of the High Elves. From her description, it can easily tell that her mother is Dana. However, as to the identity of Flora's father, no one dares to talk about it, which seems to be taboo. Rhythm of the Lake is the aria that Dana played to lead elves and eradicate the Demongod, and before she sank into sleep, she passed it on to Flora.


Elis, like the rest of her clan who grew up in the forest, lives in symbiosis with the animals, and learns the necessary skills to hunt. Elis is a born warrior. The wild power entwined in her genes soon made her stand out as the best hunter in the clan. Later, she was elected chief. Even feral beasts do not dare to behave in front of her. Even a fierce tiger becomes as docile as a pet while receiving a simple glare from her. Elis firmly believes in the law of the jungle, but unlike the rest of the clan, she doesn't try to exterminate all the intruders of the forest. Perhaps, to the Queen of the Forest, those invaders are just a group of nonentities. She used to live in the forest with her clan. However, to protect the forest from invasion by the outsiders, Elis and her clan chose to pledge their loyalty to the Protector. No one dares to invade the forest ever since.


She is the captain of the Royal Guard of Lochaber. Her loyalty to the royal family of Lochaber is absolute. Anyone that tends to threaten the royal family will face her blades. Maiden as she is, her authority is respected by all royal soldiers. Even the generals won't take her suggestions lightly. She prefers using the double swords in her hands to subdue the opponent rather than using the words to convince them. She believes guarding Lochaber is the ultimate glory worth dying for. She was born the princess of Lochaber, who has the right to the throne. But she gave up the luxury life as a princess and chose to guard the royal family with her own hands. She earned the admiration among the soldiers, who would identify her orders as those from the throne. With a royal background, she was very arrogant. She once had the attitude that she would only wield her sword to prove her prowess. Once on a quest, her arrogance led her into the enemies' trap. She got rescued later, but her companion, who was also her best friend, was killed during the action. This was a heavy hit to Hilda, which led her started to reflect on her reckless behaviors. To pass on her friend's will, she carries her friend's sword on the waist and swears that her swords will only be drawn to protect.


She is an exorcist from Sunrise Island in the east. Her dressing is completely different from that of the Chilora continent, and her mysterious magic is also beyond the knowledge of the continent's inhabitants. Setting out from the distant island, she has subdued many monsters during her journey but she never accepts gratitude from others, insisting that cleansing evil is her mission. She is often considered an eccentric for this peculiarity. She said that it's the will of god that guides her to the end of the continent to fulfill her destiny. All creatures that stand in her way will be considered evil and cleansed in the name of god. It is said that Mikos can acquire the Revelation of god through the Oracle, and they act according to the guidance of the god. Being a Champion of justice is their mission that has been passed on for generations. She met Tama on her journey, who also comes from Sunrise Island. Different from her being pious, Tama has lost the hope of life, just muddling through day by day. As a Miko, she felt obliged to get Tama back on the right track so she prayed to god for guidance. Soon she received the revelation of god and firmly believed that. The revelation said the lost one should be taken to the west where life's meaning and future's hope both lie ahead. Having been told this, Tama seemed to see a silver lining in her dark life and agreed to be Mikoto's companion, together heading to the west.


She's a young girl born to the Olíndic family from Fomoire Island in the west. Her elder sister Yui is the heir of the family and as such inherited the position of Ovate, taking charge of the "Anam (Soul)". As a member of the Olíndic family, Miku also possesses the power of the Legendary Beast, yet the uncertainty of this power makes her feel scared and hide behind her sister without talking to anyone for a long time. To show her great admiration for her sister, she chooses to wield the same weapon of a spear as her sister does. In a family of Six Ovates, only one can inherit the position of Ovate. After Yui became the Ovate, Miku has to leave the island to train elsewhere. There is no bloody struggle for the position as is common for successors in other families. Miku wishes her sister well and is determined that one day she will return and guard the land together with Yui. Unlike her sister who focuses on combat, Miku prefers the art of cooking and can use all kinds of ingredients to concoct delicious dishes. She's not conceited about her culinary pursuits, but hopes that her efforts can be recognized by her sister. Though she's shy with strangers, she still treats all people with thoughtfulness. She is concerned about her appearance, said to have been secretly imitating her sister's dressing, though she never admits it. Miku may appear cute, but her strength can never be underestimated—the bloodline of Olíndic enables her to tear apart hostile intruders with ease by manipulating the Legendary Beast. Besides her sister, Yothaya is the only friend that Miku can have fun with carefreely. Both of them are fond of cooking and often enter the forest to search for all kinds of ingredients. The apples on the tree, the mushrooms in a haystack, everything can be the inspiration to their new dishes. Since Yothaya is still learning to cook, she often creates some strange dishes that are hard to swallow. However, as her friend, Miku always eats up all of them by pinching her nose.


She used to be the director of the largest garden in Lunia. The plants in the garden piqued her interest more than humans. In the moonlit nights, the garden was silent, only Mortimer laying alone amongst the flowers. Entangled by the thorns, she absorbed the essence of the roses, which could be turned into her magic. When Lunia was once again in the throes of war, Princess Eulalia traveled around to help the civilians who had suffered during the war. Mortimer's unique healing magic was appreciated by Eulalia, and so she was invited to join Eulalia to save the injured that blanketed the war-torn land. Mortimer herself certainly enjoyed the travels, which gave her more opportunities to get close to nature and absorb the essence of flowers. Despite being called the "Thorny Rose" by some, most people know this mischievous child as a helpful and gentle girl and called her "Heart of Rose". Together with Eulalia, she is seen as a gift from God to the land of Lunia.


Born in the Lower Domain of Cassiel, she grew up as an orphan on the streets. To survive, she joined a crime syndicate, did a lot of dirty work, and honed her top-notch assassin skills in the grimmest nooks of the city. The nobles valued her prowess so much that they took her in and entrusted her with numerous assassination quests, which she never failed. No one on the hit list could escape the reach of this fearsome girl, aka the Deathbringer. After vanishing for a period, she was discovered to have broken away from the control of the nobility and joined the Alliance of the Rebellions in Lower Domain, becoming the most trusted companion of the Alliance's leader. In the Alliance, she serves as the leader's guard. Her previous assassination experience helps devise an impeccable security plan for the leader, who relies upon her for her composure in all circumstances.


Octavia is a young girl from the Sanctuary, but unlike other nobles, she prefers the practice of swordplay rather than magic.

Thus she is seen as an anomaly and thrown out of the home. Having inherited her family's magic bloodline, she is able to attach the power of nature to her sword and greatly enhance her swordplay, although she rarely practices magic. Her agility and dazzling swordplay have made her an undefeated duelist and her name soon spread throughout the Upper Domain of Cassiel. The Magical Guards there invited her to join their ranks but she promptly declined because she had no interest in anything other than improving her swordsmanship. This unbeaten Swordswoman of Squall kept challenging the strong ones and each victory has proven her strong ability. Yet in a duel, she lost to a lady. She couldn't accept this until she heard the lady's name—Akasha, the name of the legendary Sword Maiden of Shooting Stars. Then she decided to learn swordsmanship from this heroine, for which she stayed away from the Sanctuary to live a reclusive life with her master. The encounter with Akasha has completely changed Octavia. Octavia used to be a top swordswoman. Though she was rejected by her family due to her unwillingness to practice magic, she has already won the recognition of the Upper Domain through her efforts and achievements. Yet, as the winning streak earned her a high position, she became arrogant and gradually forgot it's her sword that brought her glory. All these were seen by Akasha so she decided to help Octavia regain her passion for swordplay.

Their battle was started with no audience. Akasha didn't even draw her sword but Octavia soon realized the huge gap between herself and Akasha. "The sword has long been blunt since you ditched it." It occurred to Octavia that each time others turned their back on her, she would train hard and wield her sword repeatedly just in hope of getting stronger. "The streak winning has blinded me so much that I believe no one can beat me and the victory shall come easily just by wielding my sword..." "But the only thing that really matters is the sword itself in my hand." After figuring out the essence of the swordplay, she caught up with Akasha who had turned to leave and asked to be the apprentice of Akasha, restarting the practice. "All I have now is my desire to get stronger." "All I live for is nothing but wielding the sword."


She is a sorcerer who only exists in stories, and it is said that she was involved in the start of the Ice Age. But no records exist from so far back, so it can't be proved. She lost a normal body as a human and remains forever in a small body size in exchange for using advanced magic. She seems to be very sensitive about this matter, and once someone mentions it, she will immediately see it as ridicule and provocation. She can easily throw a temper tantrum when something doesn't go according to her wishes. Even if others are more than careful when talking to her, she still can be easily angered. She has the mind of a child, so unpredictable that she can lose her temper at any time and treat everything around as a vent to her anger. Hence, better be prepared, otherwise staying away from her is a better choice. She often appears by the lake in Landnama. With a pair of ice wings, she can be easily recognized. People in Landnama will turn away the moment they catch sight of her in the distance, for fear of being her punching bag. Sometimes she even sleeps on the lake, with the water around frozen immediately and the lakeside greenery icing up. Once, someone dared to touch her wings and ended up becoming an ice sculpture by the lake. Pakane can be friendly when talking about some topics she's interested in or given some tasty desserts. A few tricks can be of great help. It's not hard to see she is no different from a willful child. Even though her interest has been aroused, one can never be too careful when approaching her. Her mood, just like the weather in June, is quite changeable. She can be smiling one minute, then freeze anything in front of her mercilessly the next.


She is a sorcerer from the Kingdom of Lochaber. She can absorb the magic power from the stars and use it to heal the sick. Self-assured for her beauty, she takes others' admiration for granted. She quite enjoys the feeling of being flattered. To resupply the power of her magic, she often climbs to the mountain top at night to collect the magic power of the stars. Rumors say that such power is the key to her beauty. However, all who try to copy her every move end up with a blank. She hates being touched by others. According to her, the power of stars is attached to her skin. Anyone who touches her skin will take away the magic, which will cause her skin to age. However, skin aging shouldn't be a problem for a maiden like her.


A witch who woke up in the forest by the lake. She seems to have lost her memory.


She was born in Fomoire, an island in the west. She inherited the bloodline of the Siam family, taking charge of the "Corrag (Finger)" among the Six Ovates. Unlike other Ovate families, the Siam family gave up the pursuit of greater power. They only wish to use the healing magic at their fingertips to relieve the suffering of their people. The good-natured Yothaya never gets into conflicts with others, nor even interacts much with them. Her only friends are Yui and Miku, and she always wants to dress as cute as they do. Her petite figure seems to fit into the cute clothing style. At her age, the flowers, plants, insects, and butterflies in the fields are far more attractive than the complicated and tedious rituals. Therefore, she often skips some important rituals to go play in the forest. She recently has developed a strong interest in cooking. She makes a lot of strange dishes and asks Miku to have a taste of them. Though Miku doesn't like those dishes, she still struggles to finish them. This gives Yothaya a wrong impression that her cooking skill is getting better all the time. As her confidence gets boosted, she is thinking about giving her dishes to the Ovate Norn, but Miku has kept trying to stop her from doing that.


She is a descendant of the Void Clan from the Space of Void, appearing no different from average humans. If anything, it may be their body size, much more petite than human's. For thousands of years, the clan has been staying in the underground tombs, quietly guarding the Coffin of Voidness—the portal between the Space of Void and other parallel worlds. Anyone who attempts to cross the Coffin of Voidness into the Space of Void will be attacked by Yurugu. It is a duty passed down through the centuries. That's truly all she knows. No one can read her feelings, and no one that dares to provoke her can survive. "I shall shower every void intruder with death equally." Recently she has developed a great interest in pets since she stroked a cat covered with soft hair. She privately keeps a cat on the border of the Space of Void and often sneaks out of the underground tomb to play with the cat, which still remains a secret that hasn't been discovered by others of her clan.


As the captain of the Royal Guard of Belgica, Avil was referred to as the "Iron Wall". He was responsible for maintaining the security of Belgica. Though loyal to the royal court of Belgica, he utterly detested the ostentatious lifestyle of those aristocrats. He was strict with his men and himself in discipline and bent on restoring the former glory of the royal court. He wouldn't tolerate anyone who broke the rule, especially those violating the law. Whether the troublemakers were peasants or nobles, he showed no mercy and treated them equally without discrimination. He once served as the vanguard captain during the invasion of the Kingdom of Celtica. And he was court-martialed for his refusal to carry out an order to burn a village. Instead of being convicted, his integrity won him the appreciation of the royal family. Avil was then transferred away from the front line to serve as the captain of the Royal Guard.


Cuspidata is a young girl of high standing in Fomoire. Seemingly timid, she is the successor of the Mad-eyes, who is just reluctant to look others in the eye. In Fomoire, the Six Ovates are in the highest position, respectively from six different families. The Ovates inheriting the bloodlines of their own families all possess some marvelous powers. Cuspidata, the Ovate in charge of the "Sùil (Eye)", has inherited the most precious legacy of the Tasius family—Mad-eyes. Anyone who looks directly into her eyes will be controlled by her until they're mentally deranged. She is feared by everyone, all alone without any friends. Only the doll in her hand keeps her company, which is said to be sewn by herself. She cherishes it very much. "The moonlight tonight reeks of madness." "That's why you don't hide from me, right?" Tasius is such a special family that all members more or less have some non-human traits in their blood, thus all having a short lifespan. Normally dormant, the trait would awaken only under extraordinary circumstances. Cuspidata had a quite peaceful childhood just like others but as her younger brother suddenly got his inhuman traits awakened and went mad till death, she couldn't handle her sadness which finally awakened her non-human trait. Luckily, Cuspidata has a great command of the magic so she can freely manipulate the Mad-eyes without ending up in the same dire madness as other family members.


As the youngest princess of the Principality of Lunia, Eulalia is the jewel of the Grand Duke but she has never developed an arrogant attitude due to her position. Instead, she treats people around her gently, regardless of their status. Whenever she uses her healing magic to help others, her smile always heals more than her magic. She is a kind princess who is not willing to harm anyone but she's also unexpectedly forthright and sincere. She believes that God will always bless the land of Lunia and guide her people out of the suffering of war, and that with God's help, a kingdom where all people live equally can be built one day. In order to escape from a political marriage, she gave up her noble status, and fled the palace to become a nun dedicated to God. From then on, Eulalia travels the lands just to help the civilians who suffer from wars. Her compassion has been called the salvation of God, for which the title of Saintess of Lunia was born. Even trouble-makers like Cynetia can be accepted by her wholeheartedly. There are times when she reminisces about those old days. Before retiring for the night, she takes out her exquisite garments from the bottom of the box, and with a happy smile on her face, holds them tightly in her arms, losing herself in ages past. This scene was once seen by Mortimer, who then started to take Eulalia to the clothing shop. The same taste for the cute garments has finally made them inseparable friends.


A leading warrior in the Chivalric Order of the Holy Church, who disdains worldly entanglements and dedicates everything to the martial arts. Unlike other heavy chevaliers in the order, she never wears heavy armor due to her focus on agility and mobility. She always rushes into the battlefield like a gale with her magic spear in hand and uses overwhelming strength to take out all enemies in her path. By order of the Holy Church, Fey led the members of the Chivalric Order to form an expedition into the Chrono Tower. The chevaliers fought bravely against the monsters but gradually fell one by one due to exhaustion, with only Fey holding out till the very last. In the face of waves of monsters, Fey, calm and steady, with her spear in hand, carried out her duty till the last minute.


A village girl who grew up in the flower fields, Primula replaced her late father as an apothecary, treating the villagers' diseases and ailments. However, she still can't come into her own as an apothecary so she follows Tuonel to study. She practices hard every day, learning to identify herbs and making different potions. In order to determine the medicinal properties, she once tried to test the potions on herself, which is quite dangerous. It took a few days before Tuonel found this and stopped her from doing it again. She is convinced that she will become an apothecary like her father who alleviated people's ailments. Villagers give her lots of support and encouragement, which strengthens her determination and confidence. Each time she goes out to gather herbs, some villagers even cheer for her at the entrance of the village but she seems not good at responding to their enthusiasm. She often follows Tuonel to the wilderness, learning to recognize herbs. When tired, they lie in the endless flower fields, and envision their future life. Sometimes, she holds Tuonel's hand gently even without noticing it. She is very fond of children and often imagines what life would be like after becoming a housewife. Each time she goes to the wilderness, she picks some flowers. The flowers will be twined into garlands and then given to the children in the village. To be a very capable housewife, she starts the practice of cooking under the guidance of the friendly villagers. However, the shortage of ingredients makes her progress at a slow pace. Primula seems quite dissatisfied with the practice so she wants to buy more ingredients in town. She has to cross a plain where monsters frequent before reaching the neighboring town, but being alone is quite dangerous there. Despite the grievance, she has no choice but to give up.