트럼프대통령이 정말 대단하다는 팩트:)  이미 많은 말들이 오갔지만, 중국이 절대적으로 불리한 상황:) 

중국이 미채권을 판다는 건 스스로 자살하는 행위란 팩트:) 

간단하게 설명하면, 중국의 외환보유고 2019년 4월 현재 약 3조 1천억$ 

그 3조 1천억달러의 외환보유고중에 미채권으로 보유중인 부분이 5월 첫재주 현재 

미재무부자료로 보면 1조 1300억달러로 중국 전체 외환보유고의 약 33%가 미채권으로 구성

그런 중국이 보유중인 미채권을 팔면 발생하게 되는 간단한 몇가지 팩트: 

1. 중국외환보유고의 급감으로 중국위안화의 가치폭락  

2. 위안화의 가치폭락은 급격한 인플레이션을 유발하게 되며 중국GDP성장의 감소 즉 경제성장율의 하락

3. 중국내 금리를 급격하게 인상하게 되며, 당연히 중국내 소비시장은 엄청난 수축을 하게되며

4. 궁극적으로 중국인들의 실업율상승+ 소득감소 = 소비감소는 = 중국시진핑정부의 붕괴를 가져오는 팩트:) 

근데 버티긴 뭘 더 버티나 짱개들 RRR ( Reserve Requirement Ratio = 금융기관의 지급준비율)을 무려 이번달 까지 

6번이나 줄여서 금융불안직전인 상황까지 내몰린 주제에:) 

일베에서부터 계속 한 말처럼 시진핑은 주제파악을 못하고 중국이 뭐라도 되는 듯 도광양회를 하지 않아서 현재와 같은 

중국경제의 파국상황까지 내몰린 팩트:)  

미국마켓 폭등하는 중이란 팩트:) 

어쩃든 엄청난 반사이익은 LG전자 삼성전자 롯데 SK LG화학등등 적극적으로 미국투자 및 미국 마켓에서 인지도가 높은 

한국계 다국적기업들의 몫이란 팩트:)  


Dow jumps 350 points, making back more than half of Monday’s drop

Fred Imbert@FOIMBERT Kate Rooney@KR00NEY Eustance Huang @EUSTANCEHUANG

Stocks rose on Tuesday, regaining some of the lost ground following a steep sell-off in the previous session, as investors weighed the impact of the escalating trade war between the United States and China.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 293 points, led by a gain in Coca-Cola shares. The S&P 500 advanced 1.1% as tech shares outperformed. The Nasdaq Composite climbed 1.4%.

Boeing and Apple shares gained 1.9% and 1.7%, respectively, while Caterpillar advanced 2.1%. Bank shares also rose broadly. Citigroup, Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase all traded more than 1.5% higher while Wells Fargo shares climbed 0.9%.

Microsoft shares rose 1.7% to boost the tech sector. Cisco Systems also gained 1.7% after an analyst at Bank of America touted it as the tech stock to buy for low risk to U.S.-China trade fears.

Greg Luken, CEO of Luken Investment Analytics, thinks this is a “dead-cat bounce,” however. “I think this is going to last for a while,” he said. “This is not something that’s going to be resolved tomorrow and anybody who says they know exactly how this will play out is spinning a yarn.”

“We’ve got an administration that is a disruption innovation,” Luken added. “Only history will tell us if this is good or bad.”

Major U.S. indexes tumbled Monday after news that China plans to raise tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. imports, beginning on June 1. The list of targeted goods ranges from TV cameras to tequila, and includes a range of agricultural products. Beijing’s move comes after Washington announced last week it would increase tariffs from 10% to 25% on a bulk of Chinese imports.

On Monday, the Dow and S&P 500 fell 617 points and 2.4%, respectively, their worst performances since early January. The Nasdaq dropped 3.4%, its biggest one-day loss of 2019.

In a note to clients Monday, Citi said its China economists are “cautiously optimistic that a trade deal can eventually be signed.” But added that the “window to avoid further escalations in US/China tensions is closing fast.”

“Ongoing trade flare-ups may continue to swing the stocks in the near-term, but we think the market may have priced a lot of this in,” Citi said.

President Donald Trump tweeted on Monday that China will be “hurt very badly if you don’t make a trade deal. ” He also said companies would be forced to leave the country without an agreement, adding that China had a “great deal” almost completed but they “backed out.” Stocks came off their lows in afternoon trading Monday after Trump said he had not decided if he would slap tariffs on the remainder of Chinese goods.

Trump also tweeted on Tuesday the U.S. is in a “much better position now than any deal we could have made,” noting that “billions of dollars” are returning to the U.S.

Donald J. Trump



 We can make a deal with China tomorrow, before their companies start leaving so as not to lose USA business, but the last time we were close they wanted to renegotiate the deal. No way! We are in a much better position now than any deal we could have made. Will be taking in.....


6:51 PM - May 14, 2019

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Donald J. Trump



 · 6h

 We can make a deal with China tomorrow, before their companies start leaving so as not to lose USA business, but the last time we were close they wanted to renegotiate the deal. No way! We are in a much better position now than any deal we could have made. Will be taking in.....

Donald J. Trump



Billions of Dollars, and moving jobs back to the USA where they belong. Other countries are already negotiating with us because they don’t want this to happen to them. They must be a part of USA action. This should have been done by our leaders many years ago. Enjoy!


6:51 PM - May 14, 2019

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