FarCryAmmoSystem + 탄약 소지 수 제한

-> 스크립트 

PUBG Aiming

-> 우클조작감

11. (Optional) MCG + WOTC + Light Up + captive 3개

-> 버그많음

Nanakochan NPC Replacer With Vanila Male Player Addon Patches + 나나코 외과의사 바닐라 남캐 세팅 

플레이어 남캐, 나나코 여성 NPC 옵션

-> 나나코 흑인몸통

Player Voice Frequency 키기

nora 두개 해제

-> 남캐로고정됨

폴크쓸땐 몰랏는데 폴트델타팩은 오버라이드안에 나나코바디 있더라

저 안에있는 텍스쳐 바꿔줘야 적용됨

AAF.esm의 도플갱어 Form ID를 추가하셈
AAF 재생중에 도플갱어 클릭하면 Base ID라고 뜰텐데 그걸로 추가하면 됨

레퍼런스는 매번 새로 생성되서 유동적이지만 
베이스는 그대로임

 Toggle Aim (ControlMap) 해제

Post-hit Killmove SE <-- 시그마 래그돌 원킬원인


        "ragdoll": false,

        "ragdoll_animated": false 변경

[General] <-- 일반 우클강타










[General]  <-- 검방용(c강타)










[General] <-- 5번키용






ForceRightKey=260 (마우스 5번키)




[General] 양손검강타










주석 수정툴



둘 다 다운받고 폴더 하나에 합친다


자기 운영체제에 맞게 자바를 깐다. 마인크래프트 자바 에디션을 플레이 해본 경험이 있다면 이미 깔려있을거임.

hkx poser 


반드시 있어야하는건 아니지만 편하게 작업하려면 있는게 나음

이걸로 작업할 애니메이션이 어떤건지 확인해가면서 하면 돼

animations에 짜집기 하고싶은 모션을 집어넣으셈

HKCT.BAT을 켜면 (켠 상태에서 animations에 넣어도 상관없음)

명령프롬트 창이 뜬다

d를 누르면

dump complete라고 뜨면서

annotations에 주석이 뽑혀나옴

이렇게 뜨는데 중요한건 요거임 

0.333333 PIe.@SGVI|MCO_nextpowerattack|5|

이거 다음에 올 얘가 누군지를 정해주는 주석임

power 단어를 빼서 일반공격으로 이행하게 할 수도 있음

0.333333 PIe.@SGVI|MCO_nextattack|4|

0.333333 PIe.@SGVI|MCO_nextpowerattack|5|

이렇게 쓰면 이 모션 이후에 일반공격을 하면 4번 약공으로 넘어가고 강공을 하면 5번 강공으로 넘어감

앞에 숫자는 다음 공격으로 넘어가기까지 키입력을 선입력으로 받아주는 프레임 같은건데

모션이 자연스럽게 이어지려면 앵간하면 안 고치는게 나은거같음

그리고 MCO 모션은 9번까지 밖에 안들어가는거같더라 10번부턴 인식 못하는듯

주석을 원하는대로 다 고쳤으면

명령프롬트에 u를 입력하면 됨 그러면 animations 폴더에 있던 hkx 파일에 고친 주석이 다시 입력될거임

짜집기한 모션의 파일 이름을 연결하고 싶은 순서대로 바꾸고 그대로 작동할 수 있게 주석을 수정해주는 작업을 해주면 완성임

 # numOriginalFrames: 42 // 모션이 42프레임으로 만들어졌다는 정보 # duration: 1.399986 // 모션의 종료시간 (1프레임당 0.033333) 즉 42프레임*0.033333 # numAnnotationTracks: 97 // 몰라도 된다고해서 안배움 # numAnnotations: 18 // 총 주석의 갯수 #가 붙은것은 정보이며 주석이 아님 0.000000 CastOkStart                // 몰라 대충 시작이라는 뜻인것같은데 생략하는 모더들도 있음 0.250000 preHitFrame               // 이것도 이하동문 0.290000 SoundPlay.WPNSwingUnarmed       // 주먹질모션이라 주먹질소리 불러냄 0.293333 HitFrame                                   // 실제 타격 시간 0.620000 SoundPlay.WPNSwingUnarmed       // 이 모션의 주먹질이 두번임 그래서 소리도 두번불러냄 0.623333 HitFrame                                   // 두번째 타격 0.953333 MCO_WinOpen                           // 일반공격 누를 타이밍 시작 0.953333 PIE.@SGVI|MCO_nextattack|2         // 일반공격 2번으로 이어짐 MCO_attack2.hkx 1.203333 MCO_WinClose                           // 일반공격 누를 타이밍 끝 0.953333 MCO_powerWinOpen                   // 강공격 누를 타이밍 시작 0.953333 PIE.@SGVI|MCO_nextpowerattack|2  // 강공격 2번으로 이어짐 MCO_powerattack2.hkx 1.203333 MCO_powerWinClose                   // 강공격 누를 타이밍 끝 1.399986 MCO_Recovery                           // 몰라 대충 끝났다는 뜻인듯 0.060000 PIE.@SGVF|MCO_AttackSpeed|1.05  // 이건 잘 모르겠지만 대충 공격스피드 같음 0.231000 animmotion 0 -5 0                      // 이건 나도 몰겠당... 0.429000 animmotion 0 5 0 0.561000 animmotion 0 7 0 0.726000 animmotion 0 30 0

Dynamic Sweep Attack은 precision이 완벽하게 상위호환이라 빼도 되는거 맞고, Retimed Hit frames도 precision이 hitFrame 시스템을 건드리기 때문에 빼야되는거 맞음

Ultimate Combat and Creatures Behaviour compatibility for Nemesis , FlinchingSSE  빼기

enhanced blood esp 2개 빼기

스밀로돈 얼컴 얼닷 tk닷지 뺴기

닷지 dmco 사용

scar skse 버전 사용 넥서스 scar-adxp-patch 사용시 먹통현상

모탈에너미 뺴기 mco에서 필요없음

1. PapyrusTweaks.ini 수정 (Papyrus Tweaks NG 설치후 최초실행시 overwrite\skse폴더에 생성)

(bRunScriptsOnMainThread = true << 이 항목은 세이브 망가뜨릴 수도 있다고 함, 나중에 봤음 ㅈㅅ)


;Fixes ToggleScripts command not persisting when saving/stack dumping

;Scripts will now stay turned off when toggled off, and on when toggled on.

bFixToggleScriptsCommand = true

;Fix unintentionally allocating script pages when getting largest available page, but out of memory.

bFixScriptPageAllocation = true


;Maximum papyrus operations per frame. Higher number means better script performance on average

;Has a very minor impact on framerate, and varies from script to script. (Default: 500, Vanilla value: 100). Recommended Range: 100-2000. Set to 0 to disable

iMaxOpsPerFrame = 2000

;Disables `File " % s " does not exist or is not currently loaded.` logs from being printed when calling Game.GetFormFromFile().

;This only disables the logging of the error, the error itself will still occur

bDisableGetFormFromFileErrorLogs = false

;Improves Base Type Mismatch error to show inheritance hierarchy of scripts; Also clarifies if the script was a genuine mismatch, or if the script doesn't exist

bImproveBaseTypeMismatchLogs = true

;Improves several error logs relating to incompatible arguments to better clarify what is incompatible

bImproveValidateArgsLogs = true

;Disable "Property %s on script %s attached to %s cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property" log messages.

;This only disables the logging of the warning, the warning itself will still occur

bDisableNoPropertyOnScriptErrorLogs = false

;Disable "Cannot open store for class "%s", missing file?" errors being logged.

;This only disables the logging of the error, the error itself will still occur

bDisableMissingScriptError = false

;Modify how long Papyrus can be "overstressed" before dumping stacks, in milliseconds (Default value: 15000, Vanilla value: 5000).

;Set to 0 to disable the stack dump check, or -1 to disable this setting.

;See https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/4625 for information on what a stack dump is

iStackDumpTimeoutMS = 15000


;Speed up "Game.GetPlayer" calls by desyncing it from framerate. In theory, this shouldn't cause issues, but is experimental as this is not fully tested

bSpeedUpGetPlayer = true

;Run scripts on main thread in addition to normal tasklets. This can significantly improve script performance, at a minor cost of framerate during heavy load.

;The amount of performance and framerate cost is based on fUpdateBudgetMS in Skyrim's INI settings, as well as the current script load

bRunScriptsOnMainThread = false

;(VR-ONLY) Pauses all non-playroom scripts while in the VR playroom, so mod scripts only initialize once you actually enter a save/new game.

;This is only experimental as it intentionally alters script behavior

bDisableScriptsInPlayroomVR = false

2. po3_Tweaks.ini 수정 (powerofthree's Tweaks 설치후 최초실행시 overwrite\skse폴더에 생성, 대부분 이미 있을것)


;Fixes loading crash caused by missing 3D on distant references.

Distant Ref Load Crash = true

;Allows placing map markers near fast travel destinations when fast travel is disabled

Map Marker Placement Fix = true

;Enables 'Can't be taken' book flag functionality.

Restore 'Can't Be Taken Book' Flag = true

;Adjusts range of projectile fired while moving for consistent lifetime.

Projectile Range Fix = true

;Fixes bug where NPCs were using LostToNormal dialogue in place of CombatToNormal.

CombatToNormal Dialogue Fix = true

;Recasts added spell effects on actors.

Cast Added Spells on Load = true

;Recasts no-death-dispel spell effects on dead actors.

Cast No-Death-Dispel Spells on Load = true

;Patches IsFurnitureAnimType condition/console function to work on furniture references

IsFurnitureAnimType Fix = true

;Fixes crash caused by lights attaching on unloaded characters

Light Attach Crash = true

;Adds NoAbsorb flag to all conjuration spells missing this flag

No Conjuration Spell Absorb = true

;Fixes effect shader z-buffer rendering so particles can show through objects

EffectShader Z-Buffer Fix = true

;Patches ToggleCollision to toggle object collision if selected in console

ToggleCollision Fix = true

;Immediately delete skinned decals when they're marked for removal (ie. removing bloody armor)

Skinned Decal Delete = true

;Jump height is multiplied by 1% per point of JumpingBonus actor value

Jumping Bonus Fix = true

;TAI console command/Debug.ToggleAI() now toggles all loaded NPC AI

Toggle Global AI Fix = true

;Use furniture in combat and prevent getting forced out of furniture when attacked.

;0 - off, 1 - player only, 2 - player and NPCs

Use Furniture In Combat = 1

;Check spell condition validity before NPCs equip offensive spells

Offensive Spell AI = true

;Mark flora and tree items as stolen, when pulled from leveled lists

Flag Stolen Produce = true

;Loads editorIDs for skipped forms at runtime

Load EditorIDs = true


;Items will be marked stolen until player is friendly with all present members of faction.

Faction Stealing = false

;Applies voice distortion effect on NPCs wearing face covering helmets. A value of 1.0 has no effect.

;Pitch is directly proportional to value. Recommended setting (0.85-0.90).

Voice Modulation = 1.000000

;Scales sound pitch with time speed, eg. Slow Time will massively decrease pitch of all sounds

Game Time Affects Sounds = false

;Applies snow collision material to all statics with directional snow

Dynamic Snow Material = false

;Hovering NPCs will not trigger water ripples

Disable Water Ripples On Hover = false

;Displays screenshot notification as a console message

Screenshot Notification To Console = false

;Disables critical and sneak hit messages.

;0 - off, 1 - only crit, 2 - only sneak, 3 - both

No Attack Messages = 3

;Player can only wait when sitting down

Sit To Wait = false

Sit To Wait Message = You cannot wait while standing.

;Disables god/immortal mod.

;0 - off, 1 - only god mode, 2 - only immortal mode, 3 - both

Disable God Mode = 0

;Adds NoAbsorb flag to all non-hostile and non-detrimental spells

No Hostile Spell Absorb = true

;Grabbing owned items will count as stealing

Grabbing Is Stealing = false

;Replaces load door activate prompts with Enter and Exit

;0 - off, 1 - replaces prompt (Open Skyrim -> Enter Skyrim), 2 - replaces prompt and cell name when moving from interior to exterior (Open Skyrim -> Exit Sleeping Giant Inn)

Load Door Activate Prompt = 0

Enter Label = Enter

Exit Label = Exit

;Disables poison confirmation messages.

;0 - off, 1 - disable confirmation, 2 - show other messages as notifications (may clip with inventory menu), 3 - both

No Poison Prompt = 3

;Prevent player shouting during power attacks if sneaking

Silent Sneak Power Attacks = true


;Speeds up Utility.RandomInt calls.

Fast RandomInt() = true

;Speeds up Utility.RandomFloat calls.

Fast RandomFloat() = true

;Removes active effects from NPCs with missing ability perks.

Clean Orphaned ActiveEffects = true

;Updates game timers when advancing time using GameHour.SetValue.

Update GameHour Timers = true

;How many seconds Papyrus will try to dump script stacks (vanilla : 30 seconds). Setting this to 0 will disable the timeout (warning: this may result in a locked state if Skyrim can't dump stacks).

Stack Dump Timeout Modifier = 30.000000

3. SSEDisplayTweaks.ini 에서 papyrus 항목중 하나 기본값으로 복원

4. SkyrimCustom.ini 수정