
;Fixes ToggleScripts command not persisting when saving/stack dumping

;Scripts will now stay turned off when toggled off, and on when toggled on.

bFixToggleScriptsCommand = true

;Fix unintentionally allocating script pages when getting largest available page, but out of memory.

bFixScriptPageAllocation = true


;Maximum papyrus operations per frame. Higher number means better script performance on average

;Has a very minor impact on framerate, and varies from script to script. (Default: 500, Vanilla value: 100). Recommended Range: 100-2000. Set to 0 to disable

iMaxOpsPerFrame = 500

;Disables `File " % s " does not exist or is not currently loaded.` logs from being printed when calling Game.GetFormFromFile().

;This only disables the logging of the error, the error itself will still occur

bDisableGetFormFromFileErrorLogs = false

;Improves Base Type Mismatch error to show inheritance hierarchy of scripts; Also clarifies if the script was a genuine mismatch, or if the script doesn't exist

bImproveBaseTypeMismatchLogs = true

;Improves several error logs relating to incompatible arguments to better clarify what is incompatible

bImproveValidateArgsLogs = true

;Disable "Property %s on script %s attached to %s cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property" log messages.

;This only disables the logging of the warning, the warning itself will still occur

bDisableNoPropertyOnScriptErrorLogs = false

;Disable "Cannot open store for class "%s", missing file?" errors being logged.

;This only disables the logging of the error, the error itself will still occur

bDisableMissingScriptError = false

;Modify how long Papyrus can be "overstressed" before dumping stacks, in milliseconds (Default value: 15000, Vanilla value: 5000).

;Set to 0 to disable the stack dump check, or -1 to disable this setting.

;See https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/4625 for information on what a stack dump is

iStackDumpTimeoutMS = 15000

;Adds a summary of events when dumping stacks to log

bSummarizeStackDumps = true


;(Formerly bRunScriptsOnMainThreadOnly)

;Speeds up native calls by desyncing them from framerate and instead syncing script calls to a spinlock, greatly improving script performance while still preventing concurrent execution of native calls

bSpeedUpNativeCalls = true

;(Formerly sMainThreadClassesToExclude, requires bSpeedUpNativeCalls=true)

;List of script classes to exclude from being sped up by bSpeedUpNativeCalls.

;It is strongly recommended to leave at defaults unless you absolutely know what you're doing

sScriptClassesToExclude = UI, ConsoleUtil, PO3_SKSEFunctions, MfgConsole, MFGConsoleFunc, Input, Debug, Utility, PapyrusTweaks

;(Formerly sMainThreadMethodsToExclude, requires bSpeedUpNativeCalls=true)

;List of script method prefixes to exclude from being sped up (ex: "Equip" excludes "EquipItem" and "EquipItemByID", but does NOT exclude "UnequipItem".

;It is strongly recommended to leave at defaults unless you absolutely know what you're doing

;as a lot of modifying functions like `EquipItem` do not work properly if executed more than once in a single frame.

; Defaults exclude everything except for read-only functions (ex: GetFormFromFile, HasKeyword, IsLoaded, etc.)

sScriptMethodPrefixesToExclude = Activate, Add, Advance, Allow, Attach, Apply, Block, Cast, Change, Clear, Close, Complete, Create, Damage, Delete, Disable, Disallow, Dismount, Dispel, DoCombatSpellApply, Draw, Drop, Enable, End, Equip, Evaluate, Fade, Fail, Fire, Force, GetAnimation, GetQuest, Hide, Hold, Ignore, Increment, Keep, Kill, Knock, Learn, Load, Lock, Mod, Move, Mute, Open, Place, Play, Pop, Precache, Process, Push, Queue, Quit, Regenerate, Register, Release, RemoteCast, Remove, Request, Reset, Restore, Resurrect, Revert, Save, Say, Send, Serve, Set, Shake, Sheath, Show, Start, Stop, Teach, TempClone, Tether, Toggle, Translate, Trap, Trigger, Try, Unequip, Unlock, UnMute, UnPause, Update, Unregister

;(VR-ONLY) Pauses all non-playroom scripts while in the VR playroom, so mod scripts only initialize once you actually enter a save/new game.

;This is only experimental as it intentionally alters script behavior

bDisableScriptsInPlayroomVR = false

;Stops the game from resetting when loading a corrupted save

;This will NOT fix a broken save, just allows you to load the save no matter what information is lost. ONLY USE AS A LAST RESORT TO RECOVER A SAVE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

bBypassCorruptSaveMessage = false

;Allows the Script Engine to use as much memory as needed, with no cap. This makes `iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes` in Skyrim.ini useless/infinite

;Note: Skyrim already ignores memory limit when stressed, this setting just keeps it ignored.

bIgnoreMemoryLimit = true   (skyrim ini의 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=500000 이값을 대체하는건데, 대충 설명보니 이거 true로 하면 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=  이값을 비활성화하면서 메모리 제한을 아예없애버린다고함. 즉, 무한대 설정인 skyrim ini에서 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=500000 으로하는거나 이값을 true 로 하나 같다는 얘기임. 근데 난 그냥 두개다사용중임 어차피 같이쓴다고해서 오류같은거없으니 그냥 둘다 쓰셈)  (그리고 이 항목 true로 했으면 아래의 Recursion Monito 이거 필수로 설치해야함)

이렇게 해주고  skyrim ini 에서 아래처럼 바꿔준다.







그리고 마지막으로   Recursion Monito  이거 설치해주면됨. (Recursion Monito 이건그냥 건들지말고 기본값쓰면됨)

이렇게해서 이상없이 잘사용중이고 이전보다 확실히 프레임드랍 덜하면서 쾌적함. 화이트런 광장기준 프레임 3~4정도 올랏음