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Dante Balance Changes

In the time that Dante has been available to play, he has quickly become a fan favorite! We recognize how much of a blast it's been to play this quill-wielding Leverian wizard, which is something we have kept at the forefront while determining the following balance changes. These changes are not meant to suspend the fun factor but to maintain our philosophy on why we nerf things in Warframe (automated play, disruptive to squad, or overly dominant). 

After much review and feedback consideration, we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needed to be addressed, but rather his accumulation of Overguard. We still believe Dante is in a strong place even with these adjustments, as our goal from the start was never to nerf him into the ground. However, finding balance isn’t found simply in the nerfs, but also in the buffs! So we have also given a little bit of love to Wordwarden and Triumph. 

  • Increased Wordwarden’s weapon damage on warded allies from 30% to 50%. 
    • The Wordwarden felt a bit lackluster in comparison to the rest of Dante’s abilities, so we gave it a boost to encourage players to experiment and engage with it more. 
  • Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight.
    • This felt like the most reasonable change to Tragedy since it could be cast back to back without much forethought on positioning. So to make it a more active ability, enemies must now be within range in your Line of Sight to be impacted by it. 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Final Verse’s “Triumph” from 5000 to 2000 at Max Rank. 
    • For a bit of compensation, we increased Triumph’s base Overguard Regeneration per second from 50 to 100 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Reduced the amount of Overguard gained from Light Verse from 500 to 250 at Max Rank (can still be modified with Ability Strength). 
  • Added Overguard Cap stat to Final Verse’s “Triumph” description to make it clear that there are cases where the cap for Light Verse and Triumph can be different (ex: when using the Precision Intensify Mod). 
  • Final Verse’s “Pageflight” no longer applies increased Status Effect Damage to enemies hit by its Paragrimms. 
    • This was an undocumented element of Pageflight, but for the sake of transparency we wanted to inform you of its removal. We believe its removal strikes a better balance and synergy with Status Damage inflicted by Tragedy.
    • NOTE: This is not a removal of the Status Vulnerability added to enemies by Pageflight. We are only removing the unintended additional damage taken from Status Effects. 

워드 워든 (234) 데미지 30%->50%로 상향

트레지디 (334) 벽뚫 불가능하게 변경

트라이엄프 (224) 오버가드 회복량 5000 -> 2000으로 하향, 킬당 오버가드 회복량 50->100으로 상향

라이트 벌스 (2) 오버가드 회복량 500 -> 250으로 하향

페이지 플라이트 (324) 가 상태이상 데미지를 증가시키고 있던 효과 삭제, 원래 따로 적혀져있지 않던 히든 효과였는데 334 밸런스 조절을 위해 삭제함