
Hello there!

1. User Advertising Restrictions

- Prohibition of advertising that does not match the tag 

- Prohibition of intent to attack the site

- Excessive aggravation purposes (Including request by the appropriate channel management)


2. Adult material restrictions

- Basically, adult content in the channel is left to the director to judge. However, pornography featuring real people is prohibited (including nudity). 

- This does not apply to non-pornography posts, such as “parents-alert contents”.

- Prohibition of pornography with real children as motifs and pornography in which children participate, it also applies even if they are not real people.

- No live-action gore allowed.

- Link sharing is also judged to be the same and is prohibited.

3. Arcacon restrictions

- Registration of pornography arcacon is prohibited.

- Registration of arcacon for provoking purposes such as aggravation, repugnance, disgust and etc. is prohibited.

- If one bypasses the regulation and re-register the deleted arcacon, it may be subject to point deduction and banning from the entire site.

4. Channel restrictions

- Prohibited the act of pre-dominating the channel name, or provoking disturbance with the channel name to prevent channel inflow

- Prohibition of creating channels for excessive aggravation such as real people.

5. Prohibition of multi-account disturbance

- In case of serious damage to channel operation through the use of multiple accounts, a site-wide ban may apply.

6. Prohibition of filling up with spam

- In case general users feel uncomfortable by cluttered posts or comments, a site-wide ban may apply.

7. Prohibition of attempting to intervene in the Namuwiki articles

-  Posting the link of a specific Namuwiki article and requesting correction in the name of “fire support” or else (this does not apply to a simple modification request that does not harm the previous user(s) who edited it.)

8. Background image limitations for the profile page

- Uploading hateful images such as gore and pornography are prohibited. Violation of this may result in a nickname change or site-wide ban. 

- Matters not specifically mentioned in the operating principles may be subject to sanctions if it is deemed to fall within the applicable category by common sense.

- Unless it is an urgent matter concerning the site, you may be banned for mentioning the site managers.

- Actions that intentionally circumvent the acts that are prohibited in the operating principles may increase the severity of sanctions.

- Depending on the degree of violation, you may be subject to various sanctions, such as post deletion or site-wide bans.

- For advertisements outside the namuwiki channel, please refer to .