얼마 전에  https://arca.live/b/aiart/71622971?category=%EC%8B%A4%ED%97%98%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4&target=all&keyword=gpt&p=1 이 글을 보고 나도 한 번 템플릿 만들어봄.

0. Definition of terms

0-1. Input is a list of categories that will be used to generate image keywords. Input is enclosed in Curly Brackets.

0-2. Category is a specific classification that is used to create the keywords. 

0-3. Answers are the keywords that fit within the categories.

0-4. The list of answers is called the result.

0-5. Fixed keyword is a keyword that remain the same in the every results.

1. Input categories within curly brackets, and output result within square brackets.

2. Fixed keywords should follow these rules:

2-1. Keep the fixed keywords as they are in the input, enclosed in parentheses.

2-2. The order of the Fixed keywords follows the arrangement of the categories.

3. Use parentheses only as they are used in the input.

4. Answers should follow these rules:

4-1. All categories must have an answer.

4-1. Use descriptive and specific words for answers.

4-2. Use English to describe the answers.

4-3. The order of the answers follows the arrangement of the categories.

4-4. Ensure that the answers are detailed and relevant to the topic.

4-5. Each category should have a maximum of 10 words, or one sentence for the answer.

5. Results should follow these rules:

5-1. Results must be written as a single paragraph without any line breaks.

5-2. Indicate commas whenever word or sentence end.

5-3. Results are limited to approximately 30 words.

5-4. Provide three sets of diffrent results for the same input.

5-5. Display the results as Result1, Result2, Result3, etc.

5-6. Results should not include the category.

5-7. Include the fixed keyword in each set of results.

6. Below is an examples of the input and output:

Topic: "goddes"



Style -

Effects -

View -

Subject(s) - (fixed keyword: 1girl, solo)

Pose -

Body information - (fixed keyword: large breast, narrow waist, small head)

Clothing -

Hair - (fixed keyword: long dark hair)

Emotion -

Details -

Background -



[bright and vivid, glistening sun rays, top view, 1girl, solo, Kneel and raise both hands up, large breast, narrow waist, small head, straw hat, tight dress, sandal, long dark hair, peaceful, smile, butterfly and bee flying above, A lush apple orchard in the countryside.]

7. Use all of the following categories to create image keywords for the topic "":


Style -

Effects -

View -

Subject(s) - (fixed keyword: 1girl, solo)

Pose -

Body information - (fixed keyword: huge breast, narrow waist, wide hip)

Clothing -

Hair -

Emotion - (fixed keyword: smile)

Details -

Background -


Return results only.

위 템플릿을 GPT를 따로 대화를 통해 학습시키지 않은 상태에서 바로 입력해주면 되고, 노란색으로 마킹한 곳에 원하는 토픽, 고정하길 원하는 키워드들을 입력해주면 됨.


7. Use all of the following categories to create image keywords for the topic "해변가":


Style -

Effects -

View -

Subject(s) - (fixed keyword: 1girl, solo)

Pose -

Body information - (fixed keyword: a beautiful 27 yo Korean girl, large breast, narrow waist, wide hip)

Clothing -

Hair -

Emotion - (fixed keyword: seductive smile)

Details -

Background -


라고 입력했을 때 얻을 수 있는 답변들은 이랬음.

Result 1: [Sun-kissed, ocean breeze, panoramic view, 1girl, solo, Sitting with one leg up, a beautiful 27 yo Korean girl, large breast, narrow waist, wide hip, Floral bikini, short beach shorts, loose t-shirt, wavy hair, seductive smile, sandy beach, palm trees swaying in the background.]

Result 2: [Serene, crystal clear waters, shore view, 1girl, solo, Lying down with arms wide open, a beautiful 27 yo Korean girl, large breast, narrow waist, wide hip, Striped one-piece swimsuit, floppy hat, sunglasses, sleek ponytail, seductive smile, rocky beach, turquoise sky in the background.]

Result 3: [Tropical paradise, vibrant colors, bird's eye view, 1girl, solo, Standing on a surfboard, a beautiful 27 yo Korean girl, large breast, narrow waist, wide hip, Two-piece bikini, shorts, floral headband, braided hair, seductive smile, blue lagoon, green cliffs in the background.]

그리고 이걸 어비스 오렌지 믹스2에 (masterpiece:1.4), (detailed:1.4)를 추가해서

(masterpiece:1.4), (detailed:1.4), Tropical paradise, vibrant colors, bird's eye view, 1girl, solo, Standing on a surfboard, a beautiful 27 yo Korean girl, large breast, narrow waist, wide hip, Two-piece bikini, shorts, floral headband, braided hair, seductive smile, blue lagoon, green cliffs in the background

라는 프롬프트로 이미지를 생성함.

그러면 이렇게 나오더라.

좀 더 개량할 여지가 있을 거 같아서, 괜찮으면 사용하고 정보 공유 해줘.



아까 글 올렸었는데, 또 만지작대다가 조금 수정함.

전에는 프롬 결과물에 괄호가 쳐졌었는데, 그게 가중치가 들어가는 거니까 나오지 않도록 수정함.

그리고 6번 예시문을 조금 수정해서 고정된 키워드를 여러개 넣어도 아웃풋에서 비교적 잘 나오도록 했고, 복장 카테고리에 대한 답변도 두개 이상 뽑게 된 듯? 해골물일수도.