(masterpiece, best quality, photo-realistic, ultra-high definition resolution, level out:2.0), (laughing, smiling:1.3), (brown eyes, k-pop idol, korean beauty:1.4), (20-year-old girl:2.0), (gigantic breast, wide hips, beautiful big butts, narrow waist:1.8), (thick thighs:1.7), BREAK, (cleavage, Luxury Boutique Staff in Luxury Jewelry Store:1.5), (name tag, black formal suit:1.6), (upper body:1.35), (Department Store Interior Design - The department store interior exudes an atmosphere of modern elegance, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetic appeal. Upon entering, patrons are greeted by spacious, well-lit atriums adorned with contemporary art pieces, setting the tone for an elevated shopping experience. The layout is thoughtfully organized, with distinct sections for various departments, each designed to showcase products in their best light. Sleek display cases and shelving units line the aisles, offering a visually pleasing presentation of merchandise. Strategically placed seating areas provide moments of respite for shoppers, while also serving as design elements that contribute to the overall ambiance. The color palette is carefully curated, incorporating neutral tones with pops of vibrant hues to create a harmonious environment that stimulates the senses without overwhelming. Innovative lighting fixtures play a pivotal role in highlighting key areas and enhancing the store's overall aesthetic. Soft ambient lighting creates a welcoming atmosphere, while focused spotlights draw attention to featured displays and promotional items. Attention to detail is evident throughout the interior design, from the luxurious finishes to the thoughtfully curated decor elements. The department store interior is a testament to sophistication and style, inviting patrons to explore and indulge in a world of retail indulgence.)

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, bokeh, blur:2.0), (polydactyly, polydactylism, belly fat, bag:2.0)

Steps: 50, 
Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, 
CFG scale: 6, 
Seed: 366341841, 
Size: 576x768, 
Model hash: 0aa009f3df, 
Model: Gotcha4, 
VAE hash: c6a580b13a, 
VAE: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt, 
Denoising strength: 0.4, 
ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_full, 
ADetailer confidence: 0.3, 
ADetailer dilate erode: 4, 
ADetailer mask blur: 4, 
ADetailer denoising strength: 0.3, 
ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, 
ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, 
ADetailer use inpaint width height: True, 
ADetailer inpaint width: 512, 
ADetailer inpaint height: 512, 
ADetailer use separate steps: True, 
ADetailer steps: 45, 
ADetailer use separate CFG scale: True, 
ADetailer CFG scale: 6.0, 
ADetailer use separate sampler: True, 
ADetailer sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, 
ADetailer use separate CLIP skip: True, 
ADetailer CLIP skip: 2, 
ADetailer version: 24.1.2, 
Hires upscale: 2, 
Hires steps: 15, 
Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, 
Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, 
Mimic scale: 3, 
Separate Feature Channels: True, 
Scaling Startpoint: MEAN, 
Variability Measure: AD, 
Interpolate Phi: 1, 
Threshold percentile: 100, 
Version: v1.7.0

구하셔야 될것

Model hash: 0aa009f3df,    " 이 해시값의 
Model: Gotcha4,               " 이 모델 을 찾으셔야 됩니다.


Steps: 50, 

CFG scale: 6,

Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras,

Size: 576x768,

요렇게 셋팅 하시구요 

Hires upscale: 2,
Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+,

이렇게 하이레스 하시면 됩니다. 

해린님이 쓰신건 AD라는 디테일러이고 

Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, 

DT 라는 확장도 쓰셨습니다.

완전 똑같은 모델을 뽑으시려면 버전과 모델 헤시똑같은것 고대로 가져와서 위 설정값대로 하시면 되요 .

어려운건 없어요 . 구하기가 빢세서 그런거지 

그래서 챈러분들이 최대한 비슷한 모델 구해서 하라고 하는거고 

AD랑 DT 설치하시고 똑같이 설정하신후에 뽑아보라는겁니다.

꼭 시드값 똑같이 넣으시고요