2070 실사프롬 잔뜩 넣고 a디테일러 3분20초 -> 2분10초 

1.5 쓰다가 1.8 쓰는거라 프롬 과하게 나와서 정리하니 1분 46초까지 줄었음

다른 분들 글 보고 10초 줄었다고 해서 필요성을 못 느꼈는데 하길 잘했단 생각 들음

In the heart of the Luminara Lake, the Monolith of Moondust rises, a beacon for those who seek enlightenment under the glow of the celestial orb. It is said that the monolith is a fragment of the moon itself, a piece that fell from the sky to grant wisdom to those on Earth. The lake's surface, still as glass and clear as the void, reflects the grandeur of the universe, creating a perfect circle of moon and monolith. The luminescent lotuses around it are believed to be gifts from the stars, blossoming with the light of galaxies far away. At the stroke of midnight, the monolith's core pulses with a light so pure it connects the hearts of all who witness it with the ancient rhythms of the cosmos

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