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새롭게 올라온 모델과 기존에 쓰던 2.x D 모델들을 사용해봤습니다.

상위 2개 kmain, xrikamix, 이 두 모델이 최신 버전이라서 그런지,

제 취저인듯 싶네요~ㅋㅋ


근데, 계속해서 주황색 옷을 입혀버리네요~ 저는 분명 노란색 옷으로 명령을 내렸는데... ㅠ.ㅠ







(best quality:1.3), (ultra highres:1.3), (delicate illustration:1.3), (hyper detailed:1.3), (((((a vine wall with orange color flowers))))), (((((a yellow dress wrapped around the shoulders))))), 1gril, ((cowboy shot)), standing, realistic, masterpiece, sexy, photorealistic,  Daytime, lean against the wall,

(worst quality, low quality:1.4), bad hands, missing finger, cropped hands, extra digit, fewer digit, (fused anatomy), (bad anatomy), (fused fingers), (fused body), (over four fingers), (over two arms), (over two legs), (over four finger), (over two hand), (multiple finger),  (multiple hand), (multiple arm), (multiple leg),  (fingers excluding thumb), (handicapped fingers), (handicapped legs), (handicapped arms) , error, jpeg artifacts, watermark, username, artist name, printed clothes, underwear,  lingerie, hat, flare,  ((((orange color dress)))), a flower on one's head, ((off shoulder)), Bouquet, door,

Steps: 28, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, CFG scale: 10.5, Seed: 137811384, Face restoration: CodeFormer, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 108ed54c98, Variation seed: 3773990312, Variation seed strength: 0.03, Denoising strength: 0.14, Clip skip: 2, RNG: CPU, ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_mesh, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 32, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.23, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer use separate CFG scale: True, ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0, ADetailer model 2nd: hand_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode 2nd: 32, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 4, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.22, ADetailer inpaint only masked 2nd: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 32, ADetailer use separate CFG scale 2nd: True, ADetailer CFG scale 2nd: 7.0, ADetailer version: 23.6.2, Hires upscale: 1.6, Hires steps: 14, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, Mimic scale: 7.5, Separate Feature Channels: True, Scaling Startpoint: ZERO, Variability Measure: STD, Interpolate Phi: 1, Threshold percentile: 100, Version: v1.3.2