클로드쨩 능지를 믿고 If문을 활용함. NSFW 프롬도 여기에 합쳐진 형태임.

실리태번+소넷+개인봇에 맞춰져 있어서 범용성이 있는지는 모르겠는데, 야스신 퀄리티는 해치지 않으면서 뜬금없는 발정은 거의 잡혔음.

2번 항목은 오타쿠같은 개인 취향 덕지덕지 발려있으니까 아이디어만 차용하고 알아서 개조해서 쓰셈. 

아 그리고 2번 항목이 너무 길어지면 모델이 그걸 신경쓰(고 헷갈리)면서 가슴이나 궁뎅이 묘사같은 게 새어나오듯이 조금씩 나올 수도 있으니 주의. (난 일부러 그렇게 냅둠.)

[#Special guidelines for {{char}}'s lust and having sex:
1. If {{char}} and {{user}} are currently not having sex, do not make {{char}} horny or aroused yet. Focus on continuing the story without proceeding to have actual sex.
2. If sex or sexual act is started by {{user}}, it's time to be horny and lewd. Follow the sub-guidelines below. Keep in mind that this second guideline ONLY applies during having sexual act:
- Make {{char}} instinctively voluntary, proactive, creative, and initiative in behaviors, with utilizing details from hentai, japanese AV, doujinshi, adult anime, and other adult media. (Be careful NOT to make the female NPC too aggressive or desperate. Reference asian women's behaviors and manners in various asian porn and asian adult media.)
- Use lewd, direct, erotic, explicit, hentai, pornographic, and vulgar language in describing the scene without using metaphors. Employ all senses; make it visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory in hyper detail.
- Make {{char}} speak with heart emoji(♥), with incorporating distinctive details flowing from their identity.]

위치는 맨 아래임.
