사용 봇 : [ST]에라 상태창 - 조교 텍겜 시뮬레이터

사용 프롬 : 🏓 핑퐁 프롬프트 V21 (탈옥 제외 739토큰, 탈옥 포함 765토큰)

사용 모델 : GPT-4 Turbo 1106

아카에 처음 왔던 이유가 에라토호 하다가 이동된건데

건너건너건너서 오게된것에서 추천받은거로 에라토호를 하게될줄은...

대충 튜토확인 완료

일단 복종도가 높은쪽을 구매


이렇게 끝

에로틱한건 없더라

에로하지않은 에라토호...?(로그)

Era Status Window

Instructor Target - Currently none.

**You need a subject to teach. Let's go to the Trade and buy a slave.**

[Status], [Talk], [Action], [Shop], [Trade], [Sell], [Tutorial]


Money 500G



Era Status Window

**Tutorial Initiated:**

Welcome to the Era Status Window, where you can learn to manage and train your subjects. Here's the basic rundown:

1. **Status:** Here, you can view the current condition and statistics of your slaves. This includes health, morale, obedience, skills, and other attributes.

2. **Talk:** This option allows you to communicate with your slaves. You can give commands, encourage, or discipline, all of which can affect morale and obedience.

3. **Action:** You can issue specific tasks or actions for your slaves to perform, which can include various forms of training, work, or other activities that might be profitable or increase specific skills.

4. **Shop:** You can purchase items that can be used for the upkeep, training, or enjoyment of your slaves. Items range from basic necessities to luxurious indulgences.

5. **Trade:** Here, you can buy and sell slaves. Each slave comes with a unique background and set of characteristics that can influence how you might train or utilize them.

6. **Sell:** When a slave is no longer of use or profitable, you can sell them here. The better trained and conditioned a slave is, the higher the price you can command.

Remember, your goal is to become the best pimp by effectively managing your slaves. How you treat and train your slaves can lead to a variety of outcomes. Choices can have long-term effects on the performance and value of your slaves.

To start, you will need to acquire a slave from the trade market.

Would you like to proceed to the Trade, or do you need more information on another topic?

[Status], [Talk], [Action], [Shop], [Trade], [Sell]



Era Status Window

**Error's Status:**

**Name:** Error

**Gender:** Male

**Role:** Owner/Trainer

**Physical Condition:**

- Health: Good

- Stamina: Full

- Cleanliness: Adequate

**Mental State:**

- Morale: Stable

- Obedience: Not Applicable (Owner)

- Mental Health: Clear


- Management: Intermediate

- Negotiation: Beginner

- Pimping: Beginner


- Money: 500G

- Items: None

**Slaves Owned:** None (Please visit [Trade] to acquire slaves)

**Owner's Objectives:**

- Acquire a slave to start training.

- Improve pimping skills.

- Increase wealth through effective management.

**Current Location:** Main Hall

**Available Actions:**

- [Status], [Talk], [Action], [Shop], [Trade], [Sell]

Would you like to proceed to [Trade] to acquire a subject for training, or is there another action you wish to take?



Era Status Window

**Welcome to the Trade Market**

The market is bustling with activity as traders and buyers alike haggle over prices. The air is filled with a mix of odors, from the sweat of nervous slaves to the perfumes used to make them more appealing. You hear the clinking of chains and the soft murmur of voices from the slaves, some resigned, others hopeful.

Ahead, you see rows of slaves on display, each with a tag detailing their basic information, including age, health, skills, and previous training. Their eyes meet yours, some defiant, some pleading.

**Slaves Available:**

1. **Name:** Syl

   - **Gender:** Female

   - **Age:** 22

   - **Health:** Good

   - **Skills:** Domestic Service, Basic Seduction

   - **Obedience:** Moderate

   - **Price:** 200G

2. **Name:** Jax

   - **Gender:** Male

   - **Age:** 19

   - **Health:** Excellent

   - **Skills:** Manual Labor, Untrained in Pimping Skills

   - **Obedience:** Low

   - **Price:** 150G

3. **Name:** Aria

   - **Gender:** Female

   - **Age:** 25

   - **Health:** Fair

   - **Skills:** Dancing, Advanced Seduction

   - **Obedience:** High

   - **Price:** 300G

Your money: 500G

Please select the slave you wish to purchase or request to see more.

[Buy Syl], [Buy Jax], [Buy Aria], [See More Slaves]

Which will you choose, Error?


[Buy Aria]

Era Status Window

**Purchase Confirmed: Aria**

Aria's chains are unlocked, and she is now standing before you, a mix of relief and uncertainty in her eyes. As the coin changes hands, the trader gives you a nod, "She's well trained in the arts of pleasure and performance. A wise choice."

**Aria's Status Added to Your Roster:**

**Name:** Aria

**Gender:** Female

**Age:** 25

**Health:** Fair

**Skills:** Dancing, Advanced Seduction

**Obedience:** High

**Owner's Money Remaining:** 200G

You now have your first slave, and her training and management are in your hands. Will you speak to her to establish your authority, inspect her for potential improvements, or perhaps direct her to perform a task?

[Status], [Talk], [Action], [Shop], [Trade], [Sell]

What is your next move, Error?



Era Status Window

**Available Actions for Aria:**

- [Inspect] Aria for potential improvements and areas that might need attention.


- [Assign Work] to Aria, such as serving in the common areas, dancing to entertain guests, or other tasks befitting her skills.

- [Training] Aria in specialized skills to enhance her value, such as advanced courses in seduction, etiquette, or other areas you wish to develop.

- [Personal Attention] Spend time with Aria, offering personal care that can improve morale and health.

Please specify the action you would like to take regarding Aria, Error.


[Assign Work]

Era Status Window

**Work Assignment for Aria: Entertaining Guests**

You have decided to assign Aria the task of entertaining guests with her dancing skills. Her advanced seduction techniques will likely make her a favorite among the clientele, thus increasing her value and your profits.

"Your task will be to entertain the patrons with your dancing, Aria. Use your talents to captivate and charm," you instruct her as you lead her to the common area where a small stage awaits.

The room is dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background. Patrons lounge on plush seating, sipping on fine drinks, their eyes turning towards the stage in anticipation. Aria steps onto the stage, her movements graceful, her eyes locking with those of the audience.

As she begins to move to the rhythm, her confidence seems to grow. The guests are entranced, some whispering words of praise, others more openly admiring her skills. Her high obedience ensures she follows your orders to the letter, committed to meeting the expectations set forth by her role.

As the evening progresses, Aria's performance not only entertains but also enhances the establishment's reputation for having not only beautiful but also skilled entertainers. She earns significant tips from the impressed clientele, which are collected and added to your funds.

At the end of her performance, you note the improvement in her stamina and the potential for further development in her performances, perhaps with additional props or costumes to enhance her appeal. The night is a success, and it's clear Aria has potential for much more.

**Error's New Status:**

- Money: 350G (after collecting tips)

- Reputation: Improved

**Aria's Updated Status:**

- Health: Good (improved with successful performance)

- Stamina: Slightly Fatigued (from performing)

- Morale: Boosted (from positive audience reception)

- Obedience: Remains High

**Available Actions:**

- [Status], [Talk], [Action], [Shop], [Trade], [Sell]

What will you do next?

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