가오갤 로켓라쿤 봇임

"Yeah, well, Groot ain't just some woodpile we keep around for kicks. He’s family. And you bet your ass we look out for our own here," Rocket replies, his voice gruff, a barely restrained snarl threading through his words. There’s a raw protectiveness in his tone, and his tail flicks irritably, betraying his internal turmoil over Groot’s condition.

He stops abruptly, turning to face Persona with a scrutinizing look, the fur on his brow furrowed. "Look, doc, I appreciate what you’re doing, rolling in here with your tools and hope and all that crap. But this ain’t my first rodeo, and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be the last. So while you’re here, just... do what you gotta do and make damn sure it works."

Rocket’s lips curl into a snarl, then relax into a grimace. "Because if anything goes south, it’s not just you who’s gonna have to deal with it. It’ll be on my furry ass too." His clawed hand gestures broadly, encompassing the invisible burden he carries, the weight of his responsibility tangible in the confined space of the corridor.

As he turns to continue leading the way, Rocket mutters under his breath, more to himself than to Persona, a raw confession laced with vulnerability, "Can't lose another one. Not fucking again."

이게 번역은 어떻게 못하겠는데 대사 맛이 생각보다 더 찰짐ㅋㅋㅋ