If anyone knew me three seasons ago, they’d know I was the senya lilias cleaving guy. I couldn’t get enough of the team; it was so fun and fresh. Unfortunately the meta caught up to both of them and the cleave’s playstyle and both heroes were pretty much left obsolete

i was ecstatic to see senya buffs in the last patch and they really really really worked. senya is so much more consistent, and is a menace with a cycling s3 aoe provoke. she can lock down entire teams! the speed buff on s3 helps her cycle even more, with constant pokes, provokes, and heals (from her ee which i argue is best)

Here’s a handful of the matches i’ve drafted her in today in top 30 rta. I won 15/17 matches often early picking her which is an insane winrate for a hero.

her biggest enemies are hwayoung and lionheart, which essentially obliterate any senya comp; i preban these two. other good counters include light angelica, fire charlotte, mlkawerik and to a lesser degree, politis, alencia, and other strippers/unbuffable debuffers. I like bringing mlkawerik myself or other cleansers to help mitigate these counters, as seen in my matches

I think her strongest build is 6000 atk, 1500 defense, 20000 health, and around 210 speed. At this stat line, she has enough attack to actually pack a decent punch, enough ehp to survive a few big crits, and enough speed to cycle through s3s. (I tried out a very high health build with lower attack but didn’t like nearly as much)

edit for those asking: my senya build is just short of the stat benchmarks mentioned above; 5832 atk, 1572 defense, 19100 health, and 208 spd

Everyone should build senya! <3 she’s super fun!!

**and to entice anyone still on the fence, i really like her against aravi and cilias ;)

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