Would like to suggest:
Everything for RB!




Me 262 A-1 (all variants) 7.0 --> 6.7

Sturmvogel is 6.7 and the Me 262 is a rather slow accelerating, mediocre turning and bad climbing plane with bad armament for high speed fights

Outclassed by most 7.0's and often faces higher BR which it has no chance against


Ju 188 A-2 5.3 --> 4.7

Its rather slow, has ok bombload and rather underwhelming defenses with bad firing angles


Me 410 series --> no plane higher than 4.7

These planes lack historical armaments but their BR is based on that. In some cases 2 identical planes have huge gaps between their BRs for no reason!


Flakpanzer IV Ostwind --> 4.3

Pretty slow turret, only single gun, not very good


Panzer 38 F  2.0 --> 1.3

It lost its APCBC shell and only has 50mm of armor.

The swedish one has better engine AND APDS


Pz III J   2.3 --> 1-7

Gun and armor are not worth 2.3, terrible gun handling


Pz III N 3.0 --> 2.7

Its tech tree counterparts at 3.0 have the 50mm gun which is in every way better than the 75mm


Panzer IV/70 A 5.0 --> 4.7

Big weakspot, less mobile than the V variant


RakJpz 2 HOT 9.0 --> 8.3

Its gun handling is bugged, it has only 5 degrees depression, a single launcher and only decent ATGM which is negated by composite armor 

M901 is at 8.3 with -30° depression, pretty equal ATGM performance, hulldown capability, thermals and double launcher


M48A2C 7.0 --> 7.3

Fix turret armor and acceleration, they are worse than the US M48 for no reason.

Then they should be same BR!


Maus/E-100 7.7 --> 7.3

Gaijin said they will be removed to have less on them on the battlefield and to be able to balance it then.

It has been long enough now, give it a bit of love!


Jpz 4-5 6.7 --> 6.3

While it has HEAT FS and ok mobility, it should not be the same BR as Ru 251.

Its gun depression and gun handling is pretty bad and its use rather limited.



StuG III F 3.7 --> 3.3

Why is it higher than the medium tank with turret, same mobility and same armor?




M901 8.0 --> 8.3

Still very good hulldown and good ATGMs, fine at 8.3 if RaJaPz 2 HOT goes down too





T-64A 9.3 --> 9.0

Its original counterpart MBT/Kpz 70 is at 9.0, its shells are not very good, mobility poor and it only has protected turret


T-54 1947 7.7 --> 7.3

It took a massive nerf in the turret armor, now most guns can penetrate it more or less reliably!


Shturm-S 9.3 --> 9.0

Together with the T-64A and BMP-3 would form nice 9.0 lineup, its not much good really





AMX-13 HOT  8.7 --> 8.3

Only has a few ATGMs, other than that its an unstabilized, mediocre mobility light tank

Would be nice lineup with AMX-10RC and AMX-30B2





Rooikat 105 8.7 --> 9.0

The other premiums with thermals are 9.0 and it has mobility and exceptional gun handling as a bonus 






CV 90105 TML 9.0 --> 9.3

It has 2nd gen commander and gunner thermals, extreme mobility, good gun handling, laser rangefinder

Belongs to 9.3 if the commander thermals and stab are not removed (unhistorical)





Re.2005 Serie 1 6.0 --> 5.7

Its a slower Spitfire with better armament.

Equal turn and climb.

It can't compete with 6.0-7.0.

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