활동량 보상 이라는데 영알못이라 내가 잘못이해할수 있으니

New formula for calculating activity

The current formula for calculating activity is based on two indicators - the number of points earned and the lifetime of the vehicle. In this case, points are used as a direct measure of the player's activity, and the reduction to the lifetime of a vehicle allows levelling of the difference between different players in different game modes. However, the used dependence of points on time is non-linear and is set in such a way that even with a constant rate of gaining points, the resulting activity will decrease as the lifetime increases. In other words, short sessions with a lower scoring rate are in some cases even more profitable than long sessions with a higher one.


We decided to change this algorithm so that it rewards players who play longer within the same battle and maintain their skill level throughout the session. Now, to achieve 80% activity, you need to be in battle for the median time (by mode) and have the median rate of earning points during this time (by mode). And to get activity above 80%, both conditions must be met, i.e. play longer than the median time and earn points during this time at a rate higher than the median.


Because of this, a large number of short game sessions becomes less profitable, and the use of a large number of vehicles in battle is additionally rewarded with a higher final activity - and, as a result, high earnings in research points.


At the same time, there will be a change in the conditions of the "Activist" combat tasks: the required activity in all modes will be 80% for an easy mission, and 85% for average and special missions.