In the first phase, all F-4Fs would receive the Honeywell H-423 laser gyro inertial navigation system, the GEC Avionics CPU-143/A digital central air data computer, and a new Mil Std 1553R digital data bus. In the second stage, the 110 interceptor aircraft would get the full package of ICE upgrades.

The first phase of the upgrade began in October 1988. The Litton ALR-68(V)-2 radar warning receiver was added to the upgrade package in 1989. The first fleet aircraft retrofits began in March of 1990. This program is now complete.

Phase 2 of the ICE program took a lot longer than expected, owing primarily to problems and delays in the AMRAAM program. 

출처:  McDonnell F-4F/ICE Phantom II 

대충 요약하면 ICE는 1, 2차로 나눠서 진행했고 1차에 받은건 항법/전자장비 업그레이드랑 신형 RWR정도라는 얘기.

암람은 2차선 가야 나옴.

독텀 ICE-1 사와M이랑 같이 주면 독일 공군트리가 지금보다는 좀 더 낫지 않을까.

미그가 R-60MK 들고 나온다니 드는 생각이었음.