Leopard 2 AV

  • added its ammo racks, first-stage is 12 shells

  • ammo – 42 → 40

  • fixed the gun being able to clip into the hull around the engine

  • coaxial MG ammo – 5000 → 4600

  • commander view fixed

  • smoke grenade amount in a salvo – 4 → 2

  • smoke grenade salvos – 4 → 8

  • re-added composites and other armour changes:

    • new 90 mm (0.25 KE / 0.65 CE) NERA in the upper front hull side

    • new 30 mm RHA inner upper hull side armour for spaced armour

    • 40 mm RHA below the main hull composite, behind the fuel tank is now shown in X-Ray

    • new 35 mm RHA turret ring

    • new 8 mm RHA vertical spall shields above the tracks

    • new 8 mm RHA spall shield between the crew and the engine

    • new 8 mm RHA spall shield between the engine and rear fuel tanks

    • new 8 mm RHA spall shield between the radiators and rear fuel tanks

    • new 80 mm CHA armour around the commander's cupola

    • new 18 mm RHA cupolas (armour hole plugged)

    • new 30 mm RHA hull side armour (armour hole plugged)

    • new 8 mm RHA first layer of upper right turret front (gunner's side) armour

    • new 25 mm RHA 6th layer of upper right turret front (gunner's side) armour

    • new 25 mm RHA 7th layer of upper right turret front (gunner's side) armour

    • new 25 mm RHA last layer of upper right turret front (gunner's side) armour

    • new 40 mm RHA last layer of left turret front and inner layer of turret sides armours

    • new 8 mm RHA opened cover of the gunner optic in front of it

    • new 12.7 mm RHA horizontal armour below the gunner's optic

    • new 12.7 mm RHA last layer of rear right turret side armour

    • new 5 mm RHA last layer of rear left turret side armour

    • new 30 mm RHA spall shield between the crew and the first-stage ammo

    • new 25 mm RHA spall shield behind the turret side armour

    • new 20 mm RHA spall shield in the middle of the rear turret

    • new 30 mm RHA inner layer of rear turret side armour

    • new 12 mm RHA spall shield facing front/rear inside the turret side armour

    • new 25 mm RHA spall shield facing front/rear behind the turret side armour

    • new 630 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA in the left turret front (loader's side)

    • new 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA in the upper right turret front (gunner's side)

    • new 230 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA last layer of rear turret side armour

    • new 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA second layer of lower right turret front (gunner's side)

    • new 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA in the upper and lower right turret front (gunner's side)

  • old armour:

    • upper hull side – 10 mm RHA

    • lower hull side – 0 mm (missing armour)

    • left turret front (loader's side) – 30 mm RHA

    • upper right turret front (gunner's side) – 3 mm optic

    • lower right turret front (gunner's side) – 25 mm RHA + 30 mm RHA

    • front turret side – 30 mm RHA

    • mid turret side – 12 mm RHA

    • rear turret side – 12 mm RHA

  • new armour:

    • upper hull side – 10 mm RHA + 30 mm RHA

    • lower hull side – 30 mm RHA

    • left turret front (loader's side) – 30 mm RHA + 630 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 40 mm RHA

    • upper right turret front (gunner's side) – 8 mm RHA + 3 mm optic + 25 mm RHA + 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 35 mm RHA + 25 mm RHA + 25 mm RHA + 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 25 mm RHA

    • lower right turret front (gunner's side) – 25 mm RHA + 30 mm RHA + 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 25 mm RHA + 25 mm RHA + 190 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 35 mm RHA

    • front turret side – 30 mm RHA + 230 mm (0.5 KE / 1.25 CE) NERA + 40 mm RHA

    • mid turret side – 12 mm RHA + 25 mm RHA

    • rear turret side – 12 mm RHA + 30 mm RHA + 12 mm RHA

즉응탄 12발로 바뀌고

연막차장은 8회,

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