
  • Mi-24a, MiG-23BN — Automatic engine Fire System (EFS) has been added to the modification menu.
  • Tiger HAP, Tiger HAD — Missile in the launch containers has been changed from SNEB 26 to SNEB 23.
  • A-4E Early — A bug that caused the “6х 500 pounds bombs + ZUNI Mk 32 x24” blocks to go through the bombs in the suspended weaponry sets has been fixed.


  • IJN Settsu — A bug that caused the ship to move with an offset has been fixed.


  • The model of stone on the ULQ graphics setting has been fixed for the location “Tunisia”.

Enduring Confrontation and helicopter PvE

  • AAA settings for Convoy templates for aircraft “EC” and helicopter PvE have been separated by game mode (other templates already have this settings been separated).
  • The anti-aircraft accuracy for aircraft and helicopter game modes has been adjusted based on the feedback received from players.


  • For the attack UAV, the required number of respawn points has been changed from 550 to 750.