내가 7월8일에 계정복구 해달라고 보냈고

고객센터에서 17문항 작성해달라고 답변왔음

그래서 난 작성해서 보내줬는데 

이틀전에 한달이 지났는데도 답변이 안 오는거임

그래서 내가

When can the account be restored?

I sent you an email requesting the account to be restored on July 8th, but you haven't heard from me even after a month. When can I get it restored?

파파고로 이렇게 보냈더니

오늘 답변이 옴, 이거해석좀

After evaluating the information you provided, we regret to inform you that our team found that they were incomplete and inconsistent. To ensure account security, we are unable to provide the service to retrieve this account.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to disclose which information you have provided is inconsistent, as this would put the account security at risk. In addition, you are advised not to leak or share your account information or passwords in any circumstances.

뭐라는 거?

파파고로 돌려도 모르겠다

형식적인 답변인지

아니면 7월8일에 보낸 계정복구에대한 답변인지
