개념글 모음


===== -fixed, some NPC SKILL PICKUP structure. will ruin your save if anyone is fighting in your game. ======

===== if ur save got no one fighting. PLEASE LEAVE AND ENTER THE MAP AGAIN and then shits should be fine.======

-fixed, Skill LanternHeavy : no sap, no parry.

-fixed, follower in group should not use mark skill, this also make follower stucked like idiot sometime.(cause by 0406)

-fixed, if follower not in group, they will use mark skills.(no more free killing)

-fixed, now u can enter jail without captured.(test)

-fixed, most OPT error(sometime option will show up with no reason, this fix may cause new bug)

-fixed, noerBank : -25 basic morality if Lona targeted by ANY default NPC in map.

-fixed, crash when encounter triggered in Wasteland terrian.

-fixed, capture or rapeloop now remove all hair in inventory.(the one equiped stay)

-fixed, you can move when overweight. but Lona suffer -1 STA each 60frames. in overmap each move cost double STA.

-fixed, set traps now do a sight check if its around a NPC, and it cause NPC aggro.(test)

-added, a CG event on FishCave Convoy quest.

-added, a daily job in PirateBane at night.(low reward, no risk.)

-added, encounter : fishPPL.

-added, new terrian : marsh.

-added, new follower : CompFishGuard(test) and CompFishShaman(test) in FishTownInn.

-added, NoerDock add a relay point. can travel to Fishtopia Isle.

-added, map : FishindTownL.

-added, map : FishindTownR.

-added, map : FishTownInn.

-added, map : FishTownLeather.

-added, map : FishEscPT.


4.1.0 버젼

4.1.1 버젼

-*fixed, text broken error when trying to enter Fishtopia from NoerDock.

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