영어 번역

Sadness, sadness
Deep melancholy is mine
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
There is such despair in my mind
That my mouth cannot confess it
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o

But wily Margaret
Boldly you told lies about me
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
You cast up to me in slander
Tha I needed a snood
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o
That there was a child hidden
Behind my ribcage
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
Why couldn't you tell the truth
As I would about you?
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o

In the presence of my lord
Where you and I would be on equal terms
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
You cast up to me, for spite
That my father was in poverty
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o

Your father and my father
Are not the same
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
Their houses were not equal
At the setting of the sun
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o

In your father's house would be found
The heads and bones of fish
Hi ri hoireann o, hi ri hoireann o
In my father's house would be found
The heads and legs of deer
Hi ri ri ri o ho, roho hi hoireann o 

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