Hi this is cdsdwer, this post will be presenting an old deck of mine: Albatross(Neo) Deck

Long ago (before 2019, 5.23) I had different opinions in building Albatross, the Meta in KR community (even up to now) focuses on building evasion Albatross while other communities such as ENG, CN focused on defense. Due to the differences in defense/evasion, both communities developed different decks, this is actually a deck that can use for Endless war.

Note: The equipment shown in this post is not totally optimized, as the Iron Prince is light type not heavy nor flying type, it is because I am too lazy to switch the equipment

Note2: Just use Active2 of all characters 

Note3: Albatross HP is low due to this after recording the run Sorry about that


I hope you enjoy!XDDD