1. Adjusted the weekly maximum number of times for the Rules of Casting: After the update, in the "Rules of Casting" game mode, commanders can obtain two additional "counts of the weekly upper limit" by logging in every day. This number can be accumulated and exceeding the original limit of 99 times, but they can only be used during the current week. When consuming daily rewards, the weekly limit will also be consumed.

For example, if a commander logs in every day that week but does not participate in the Rules of Casting, the number of daily rewards for the Rules of Casting on Sunday will be 2/2, and the weekly upper limit will be 113/99. The weekly limit will be refreshed at 0:00 on Monday.

예시로는 전주 일요일에 못쓴 일일 보너스 2회를 못돌면 담주 월요일에 +14회해서 쳐준다는데

만약에 목요일에 일일보너스 못쓰고 넘어가면 금요일에는 이 보너스 대체로 +14회를 주는거임. 아님 걍 안주는거임?