안녕하십니까한국여성인권진흥원 디지털성범죄피해자지원센터입니다.
귀하의 사이트에 게재된 게시물 중 피해 촬영물을 포함한 게시글에 대한 삭제 조치를 요청합니다또한 영상사진제목내용키워드 및 섬네일 등 불법정보와 관련한 모든 정보를 삭제하여 추가적인 유통이 이뤄지지 않도록 조치하여 주시기 바랍니다.
본 기관은 아래 게시물의 디지털 성범죄 유포 피해자로부터 신고를 받아 삭제요청을 위임받았습니다조속한 조치 부탁드립니다.
제목 : 좋은 짤 가지고 옴
Dear Madam/Sir,
Hello, this is the Advocacy Center for Online Sexual Abuse Victims of the Women’s Human Rights Institute of Korea.
We kindly request you to remove the regarding post on your website that contains illegal information including video content of the victim. Also, we request you to remove all data related to the post such as videos, images, titles, contents, keywords and thumbnails so that they can no longer be distributed.
Our institution has been delegated the rights of victims of online sexual abuse, and in order to seize further distribution, we request you to remove the post below immediately. We ask for your prompt action.

Advocacy Center for Online Sexual Abuse Victims(ds404@stop.or.kr / +82-02-735-8994)
3rd Floor, 50, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (04505)
Domestic Violence Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wmhotline2
The prevention of female violence & Human Rights Protection Hub through Support for Victims
Women's Human Rights Institute of Korea