At the start of negotiations in 1951, the South Korean government initially demanded $364 million ($3.6 billion in 2019 dollars) in compensation for Koreans forced into labour and military service during the Japanese colonial rule: $200 ($1,973 in 2019 dollars) per survivor, $1,650 ($16,282 in 2019 dollars) per death and $2,000 ($19,735 in 2019 dollars) per injured person.

한국이 먼저 현재가치로 약 36억 불에 달하는 배상을 요구함

In the final agreement reached in the 1965 treaty, Japan provided an $800 million ($6.5 billion in 2019 dollars) aid as "economic cooperation", which include $300 million grant in economic aid and $200 million in loans together with $300 million in loans for private trust (equivalent to $2.4 billion, $1.6 billion, and $2,4 billion respectively in 2019 dollars), and low-interest loan package over 10 years. Japan intended to directly compensate individuals, but the South Korean government insisted on receiving the sum itself and "spent most of the money on economic development, focusing on infrastructure and the promotion of heavy industry".

일본은 현재가치로 65억 불에 달하는 배상을 함

근데 일본은 원래 개개인한테 배상할 생각이었음

박정희가 거부하고 정부에 달라고 요구함, 결과적으로 기반시설하고 중공업에 투자함

On 28 December 2015, after U.S. President Barack Obama pressured South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, the two countries signed an agreement regarding settling the issue of "comfort women" during World War II, which was deemed final and irreversible if Japan fulfils its responsibilities.

한일 위안부 합의도 박근혜가 자의적으로 한 게 아니고 오바마가 시켰었음

결론: 문재앙 외교찐따새끼는 그렇게 위안부를 챙겨주고 싶으면 경부고속도로 뜯어서 챙겨줘라