
The number of times the player is ejaculated inside of (anus + mouth) times two shrinks the penis by the appropriate amount of points.

The number of times they have ejaculated inside of someone (anus + mouth + vagina) times two grows the penis by the appropriate amount of points.

The Cow transformations adds +1 to the growth multiplier.

Maximum purity increases the total shrinkage by three times (no growth bonus).

Minimum purity increases the total growth three times (no shrinkage bonus).

The smallest possible penis size has a growth bonus of 50 points per day.

Slime parasites shrink the penis by 300 points, urchins grow it by the same amount.

A starting character who's male that does not engage in sexual activity can expect 10 points of penis growth per day.

There is a 1000 point difference between different sizes of penises. In practice, it only takes 700 points to increase the size of a penis that has grown recently, 700 points to decrease the size of a penis that has shrunk recently, 300 points to shrink a penis that has grown recently and 300 points to grow a penis that has shrunk recently.

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