While watching TV, you captured a sex video taken yesterday, mosaic her face, posted it on the community, and watched the reaction. The title of the post was 'I had sex with a married woman yesterday.' 

이게 유부녀 따먹고 커뮤니티에 '어제 유부녀 따먹었다'라는 제목으로 게시물 올렸다고 적어서 제대로 될지 애매했는데

Your post gets many replies. 'Who is it?' 'Are you serious?' 'Which community?' 'Please tell us the whole story.' The replies were all about that. 

게시물 반응이 되게 리얼하게 답글달림 '실화냐?' '누군데?' '제발 이야기 다 말해주셈'등등

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